Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Dreams of long red hair, and big red eyes plagued Omi all night long. In the morning he woke up not because of his alarm clock, but of fear itself. Sweat glistened down his skin.

Walking over to open the window, a shadow-incased figure stood a few feet away from Omi's window on the railing of the fire-escape. One gold-eye peered at him, short silver hair on top of his head, and a worried expression on his scarred face. "What is wrong, Child?" he asked Omi.

"Farfello. I have been having this... dream. Ever since I saw Nagi die. It won't go away!" Omi said climbing out of his window to sit next to the older teen.

"About a long haired person." He paused, closing his eyes, "With red eyes?" He asked jumping down off of the railing to stand next to the blonde haired assassin. As if reading his mind, Farfello stated, "Aye, I have had that dream before. It plagued me just as it does ye. It has started up again, and we will only become ridden of this nightmare after he is dead." Patting Omi on the shoulder Farfello said looking at the sky, "To who has sent you the vision of Nagi's death is the person in the dream. Destroy him, and we will be safe. If not, he will attack other people."

"How do you know if we kill him we will be safe?" Omi asked Farfello with a pleading look written on his face. "What is you are wrong? What will happen then?"

"The concept of a lamb straying to far away from the herd, a hungry wolf will devour it." Farfello said with a grin.

"Oh...yeah, I forgot your still insane. Silly me." Omi said with a slight laugh. "Do you still well, need the straight-jacket?"

"No, not anymore." Farfello said walking over to the edge of the railway. Standing as if ready to jump, he turned to Omi saying, "I will see you later."

As he jumped Omi heard him say "Do not stray from your pack, Little Sheep."

"Thank you for the talk Farfello, see you later then." Omi said climbing back into his room.

Shutting the window after him, he came face-to-face to a shocked looking Ken. He was doing a goldfish immitation. He opened his mouth once, then closed it again. Five seconds later, he would do it again. Omi got tired after the fifth one, so he drug Ken out of his room and down the stairs to the kitchen to see Yohji and Aya already down and awake.

"What's wrong with him?" Aya asked looking up from the stove. He was making lunch.

"Morning Aya-kun, Morning Yohji-kun!" Omi said smiling as he pushed Ken into his seat. "Oh, I don't know, something must have scared him."

"It's noon, Omittichi." Yohji said smiling at Omi, he was happy because Omi was finally acting like he used to do when he talked to them. Smile and add the -kun at the end of their names.

"You slept later than me!" he added with a laugh.

"Noon?!" Omi shreiked. "What about school! Where are my books?!" Omi jumped up from the table to start searching.

"Omi, sit down and eat. It's saturday anyway." Aya said getting down plates from the cabinets.

A knock at the door ended the conversation. Setting the plates down on the table and asking Omi to hand them out to everyone. Aya went to answer the door. Coming back, he pulled up a chair and added another plate to the table.

"Omi?" A voice came from the doorway.

"Hmm?" Omi said turning around to face the visitor. "Nagi-chan! What are you doing over here?"

"Manx asked us to come over." a nasal voice came from behind Nagi, making Omi jump slightly.

Farfello stood next to Crawford in the doorway. Nagi edged up next to Omi, despretly trying to get away from Schuldig who was pestering him on when their next date was.

Schuldig moved over to sit in the chair that was just placed next to Omi's about to eat what was on the plate, a butcher knife settled itself next to the crook of the orange-haired man's neck.

"Fine, fine. I'll move."

"That is for Nagi. He looks anorexic as it is." Aya said removing the knife. When Nagi didn't move Aya walked behind him and said in a dark tone, "Sit down. Now."

"You can have mine if you want Schu." Omi asked gesturing to his plate.

"Such a sweet child." Schuldig said hugging Omi in his thanks.

Ken stood up and snatched the knife out of Aya's hands. Bringing it to Omi's throught.

His eyes were glazed over, and his voice sounded as if someone was speaking at the same time he was, except with a deeper voice. "My sweet, sweet angel. He wants you're wings. He want's them for himself."

"Kenken? Give me the knife." Yohji said with a slight quaver in his voice.

"My name is Laminen. Now stay out of my way as I steal his wings, my master needs them." Ken/Laminen said pushing Omi onto his back, holding the knife above his head as if ready to strike Omi's back.

Ken/Laminen was shoved into the wall by an invisible force. Looking up to see Nagi's glowing eyes he was pinned to the wall. "He. Is. Mine. You. Will. Not. Touch. Him." Nagi accented each word with a stronger shove into the wall. Dropping him to the floor, Nagi went to help Omi stand up.

"Master will not be pleased with me..." Ken/Laminen said dropping to the floor.

Farfello said with a grin, "If Nagi killed him, can I have him? I need a toy. The last one is to badly damaged."

Ken began to cough, putting his hands above his head, on the wall. He began to cough more violently. Until the point where Yohji went towards him with a glass off water. Taking the water in shaking hands, Ken dropped the glass. Turning around he began to cough up blood. Blood that began to take the shape of an egg. Ken took his hand and smashed it. Blood went every where.

Farfello walked forward. Dipping his fingers in the blood and inspecting it closely. "Damn it, Crawford. The clan is after us again."

"C-clan?" Ken asked wiping the blood away from his mouth. "What clan?"

"They take wings of suspected 'angels', and slice into their 'angels'. Hoping to find wings."
Falling to the ground again. Ken tried to stand up, but found that every time he did it only hurt more.

"Ye are weak, drink some of my blood." Farfello said picking up the knife that Ken dropped and slicing open his wrist with a small smile on his face. He held out his arm to Ken. "Drink. Ye have lost alot of blood."

When Ken didn't accept the offer, Farfello grabbed the back of his head and glided his wrist along the older assassin's mouth. As if something reacted inside of Ken, he latched out onto Farfello's arm. Taking in as much blood as he could before Farfello took his arm away.

"Do not drink too much. You do not want to become me."

"What is you?" Ken asked licking the sides of his lips thoughtfully.

"A vampire."