Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

by : apocalipticoblivion


Shock was written on the Weiß member's faces. Except for Ken, who had a scared smile on his face. The other team didn't seem to notice, they only helped Farfello up and broke into each of the rooms in search of something to use as a straightjacket.

When Omi followed Crawford around the house, telling him where everything was they came apon Aya's room.

"This is Abbysian's room?" Crawford asked Omi, who gave him a nod with a big smile, "Does he keep his jacket in here?"

"The one he uses on missions?"

"Yes, that one."

"Yes he does, but he doesn't like anyone touching his stuff." Omi said with a gentle smile.

"Neither do I, but it happens anyway." Crawford said sending a glare towards Schuldig, who in turn blew a kiss at him.

That made Omi laugh, "Now, how do we get in. Omi?"

"Uhhhhh, I don't know."

"I know one, but he won't like it..."


"What was that?" Yohji asked, woken from his nap. Sleep still in affect on him.

"I think it came from Aya's room..." Ken said with a scared face. Yohji slung his arm around Ken's shoulders.

"What?!" Aya said racing up the stairs, towards his room. A small amount of fear written on his face. "They better not have touched anything...!"

When the other two almost slammed into Aya at his entrance of his room, they saw that his entire room was trashed. The lamp was turned over, the glass inside of it was broken, the desk was split down the center. His bed was practically torn to shreds, Omi was sitting on it, he had a terrified look on his face. But Aya ignored him, walking over to the desk picking up a broken picture frame with him and Aya-chan smiling in it.

He walked over towards Crawford, seething with rage. "I'm going to kill you, once and for all!" With that, he lunged towards Crawford, grabbing the older man by the neck proceding to strangle him. "How dare you enter my room, that was enough, but then breaking everything in it!" When they finally pryed him off of the older assassin's neck, they tried to get him to calm down.

"I am sorry Abbysian, I will personally pay for the damages." He paused raising his hand to his head, a wave of pain flashed over his normally calm face, "I am also sorry for you're loss, she isn't gone." The room became very quiet, puzzled expression's on everyone's faces.

"Loss? What loss?" Aya asked another scared expression on his face. "What loss?? Tell me!"

"You will find out soon enough." Crawford bowed his head towards the phone as it rang.

Aya went to pick it up, answering it with a 'Hello. Fujimiya speaking."

~Ran Fujimiya?~ The voice turned on to the speaker.

"This is he." Aya said with a clear voice, only quavering slightly.

~This is the hospital that was keeping you're sister, Aya Fujimiya.~ the female voice said, a tint of sadness in her voice.

"What is it?" He said in a demanding voice, "What has happened?"

~She has been kidnapped,~ she paused coughing, ~I'm terribly sorry.~

"Sorry?! Dammit! She is my only family left, and you're just saying 'I'm sorry'!" Aya was going hysterical. "I lost my parents, and now you're saying that you lost my sister!"

~We didn't 'lose' her sir. She was taken from us, sir.~ the woman sighed and said again, ~I am sorry for you're loss, have a nice day.~

And with that, she hung up.

Aya felt truely alone, he had lost all of his family. Two that would never come back,and his sister, who he feared he may never see her smile again.

He collasped on the bed next to Omi, who had moved to let him. He had only cried like this when his parents died. and now, it was happening agian. He just hoped he wouldn't lose her for good as well.

"Aya-kun?" Omi asked trying to make his tears stop, "Don't cry, we'll find her. Don't worry about it. She's most likely very safe."

"How would you know? How would any of you know?!" He cried, "You never saw her smile, you never actually knew how happy she was. How she could be so sweet! You people, never went with me to the hospital, to see how dead she looked. How white her tan skin was!"

"Aya-kun, calm down!"

"She was the only family I had left, how would you feel for a second time that you're sibling was taken away from you? You did see her once, when they took her," He pointed his finger towards the Schwartz members, "But, you will never know what that feels like."

Aya ran down the long hallway towards the stairs, then towards the front door trying despretly to leave the Koneko. But, it seemed that the door wouldn't open. As hard as he tried it wouldn't open. He even turned it the other way, but still, nothing. "Dammit! Let me out, let me out of this hell hole!"

When they rushed down to see what he was shreiking about, they saw that he had fallen with his hands still clutching the doorknob.

"W-wings...." he choked out, "They said she had wings too..." He was to the point of sobbing. But you could tell he was trying to hold them back, despretly almost. He wiped furiously at his eyes, only making them even redder. "Omi... I told you...that you remind me of her... Because, you have wings just like her!"

"Wings? I don't have wings!" Omi said trying to smile at his crimson-haired friend.

Within a split second, Omi was knocked to the ground by Aya. Who hadn't moved from the position in which he had punched the younger teen. "But, I inherited the sphynix. Farrfello, or any of you Schwartz, have you heard of it?"

"Ye contain, godspeed and the control over wind and the spirits of the sands." Farfello said with a fanged smile. "Do not worry, I can sense that yer sis' is fine."

"Ofcourse she's alright. I just found that out. Plus, being taken off the respirator she has woken up." A smile graced his lips. but it quickly faded. "Get up, Omi. Show me you're wings."

When Omi stood up again, he brushed off his pant-legs. His shirt was torn apart, in wich Naig recovered from shock of seeing his beautifully tanned body. Then, with much dissapointment, put his jacket over his chest not wanting the oranged-haired pervert to see 'his' beauty.

His wings draggeed a bit onto the ground, they were an invisionment of beauty. Of Nagi's beauty.

Omi dropped the other boy's shirt and brought him into a hug, not wanting to let go.

Aya's story made him think that he may lose the only person he loved as more than just a friend forever.


A/N : review please!