Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Meetings by : apocalipticoblivion


Everyone looked from Aya then back to Omi.

"There thats better, now turn around Omi. I want to check to see what type you are." Aya said looking directly at Omi waiting for the young blonde to turn around.

Omi did, he turned so that his back faced everyone except Nagi. "Like this?" He asked.

"Hai." Aya said walking closer to Omi, his own wings tilting back slightly.

Unlike Omi's wings, Aya's matched his hair color.

Blood Red.

A cold hand was placed on the younger assassin's back, right in between his wings. Aya closed his eyes, running through all of the possibilities that the younger one could be. Finally he came to a conclusion. Omi wasn't like any of the others he had met with the gift of wings.

He couldn't quite place it, but he could sense that there was a disturbance in the room. Aya looked around at the group of assassins. Not knowing what else to call them.

"You." he said looking at Ken. "You are the disturbance."

"M-me?" Ken said with a gulp. "I could leave if you want?"

The crimson haired man, now with crimson wings walked over towards the chocolate colored hair and placed his pale hands on his face.

After along silence, Aya spoke again.

"Farfello, what have you done.... He's a ghoul." He had said in an angry tone. "You turned Hidaka into a ghoul!"

"He needed to be saved... It makes god cry when I steal one of his lambs from leaving this plane of exsitance..." the Irishman tilted his head to the side, "We are all but the lamb of God. All lined up in a row, waiting to be slaughtered. I just merely switched the order around... I saved yer friend, not for yer benifit, but for mine."

"Ah, I see." Aya paused, "So will you keep switching the order around until we have no choice but to perish?"

"Aye. Ye are smarter than the rest of the morons..." Farfello said gesturing towards the others in the room.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Hey!" Schuldig decided to interupt the conversation. "I'm smart too!"

Laughter erupted from Farfello, "I did not say to ye personally that yer stupid. Yer actually alot smarter that most of us, but the sphynis understands."

"Understands what, Farfello?" Crawford asked from where he was standing.

"How we die... and how I switch the order of that..." a grin appeared on his face as he pulled out his favorite blade, the pendragon, a dug it into his wrist.

"Whats a ghoul?" said a timid voice from the other side of the room. "Is it bad?"

"A creature bound to a vampire without draining the vampire to the point of death." Farfello said gazing at the ground. "I am the vampire, and you are my ghoul."

"Oh gods..."

"But, ye belong to another man. I can sense that in yer heart."

Blood drained from the sliced wrist.

The scarlet colored liquid pooled around the young Irishman's body. Tainting his clothes, and seeping through the cracks in the tile of the room they were in.

"Sphynix..." Farfello said as he beckoned for Aya to come closer. "Let me taste yer blood."


"I haven't had that variety of blood in ages... Just a sip..."

Aya held out his arm towards the younger man, who was probably far older than he himself. Farfello's fangs sank into the abalaster skin, making the skin turn faintly pink around the edges.

Farfello's hair turned back it's original color. Red.

Blood red.

Blood red, the same as Aya's.

The more the young vampire drank, the more human he looked.

But also, the more he drank the weaker Aya became.

Then the time came when they had to forcefully shove Farfello off of Aya.

"Thank ye Sphynix."

Aya's body racked with coughs, he shook violently. Blood poured out of his pale body.

Blood poured out of his mouth, out of the bites now on his lower arm. He flapped his wings as violently as he coughed.

Then, all became still. No movement came from the pale youth. None at all.

"Ye were sweeter than I imagined..." Farfello said wiping the blood off of his lips. He stood as walked over to Aya's crupled form.

He now lay with his eyes closed. His breathing was shallow, but at least he was breathing. That was a relief to them all.

"Sohynix, reform yer blood. Ye have the gift to do it." The Irishman said touching the pale face of Aya.

"Quickly before you fade from this plane."

As if by magic, Aya's violet eyes snapped open... Only that his eyes weren't violet anymore.

They were black.

Black endless pools of dispair and hope for the future. Black pools that could see into your soul. So deep that you couldn't turn away. So deep that you would fear for yourself falling into his dark pools.


Forever drowning.

All of the crimson haired man had lost, gided it's way back towards the sphynix.

"Aya-kun?!" Omi's voice echoed into the air. "Are you alright Aya-kun?!"

"Hai... I am fine..." Aya said sitting up, running a hand through his now disheveled red hair.

When he tried to stand, a hand was placed on his shoulder. zcausing him to jump away from who was touching him. Fear clearly written on his face, his once strong demeanor broken down by his now scared attitude.

Blue eyes stared at him in shock.

"Ah.. I'm sorry Omi..."

"It's okay, Aya-kun."

He hadn't realized before, but everyone was staring at him. Like they had seen a ghost.

Then it all came back to him, he rounded on Farfello. "You said only a sip! But instead, you nearly try and kill me? I would rather die on the battle feild, not by some bastard who wants to drink all of my blood!" He was practically shouting.

"Aye, I did say that to ye...didn't I?"

"Hai. You did."

"Then I am sorry for breaking ye's trust."

"Well, you did but it hasn't been as if I've never been lied to before." He said the last statement towards Yohji and Ken. "anyway, you're forgiven."

Silently Farfello stood up and walked towards where teh kitchen was.

The two group of assassins followed him carefully. Watching to see what he would do.

Aya walked ahead of the group, following in step to the Irishman's.

When he stopped, Aya almost walked into him. But, he didn't.

When the crimson-haired man peered around the scared one's shoulder, he saw the blender. He thought nothing of it then. But, he had forgotten that he was a psycho.

The following morning wasn't pleasant to say in the least.

The whole house was woken up around 5 : 00 a.m. to the sound of grinding metal. So they went to search for the source of the problem and then stop it.

There. In the kitchen was the Schwartz members.

Crawford was reading Aya's paper, and drinking out of a mug that clearly stated that it belonged to the katana weilder. Schuldig was sitting in Yohji's spot, also drinking from a mug that belonged to Yohji. Nagi sat calmly reading the part of the paper that Crawford wasn't and was eating from what it looked like a pop-tart. He was also sitting in Omi's chair. But, Farfello was nowhere to be found.

"Wheres--" Yohji began.

"Living room." Crawford said before Yohji could even finish.

The source of the noise was coming from their as well. So the Weiß members walked towards the living room.

And their he was, on a Sunday morning, sitting next to the t.v. sharpening a blade with the blender. The new blender.

But, the funny thing was. He was watching old re-runs of cartoons. Laughing as he dug the blade deeper into the poor blender.

"Remind me to buy a new one once I actually go shopping again." Aya said to no one in particular.

Aya had told Omi how to make his wings dissappear on will, but not to get too emotional or they would appear again.

Omi snatched what was left of Nagi's pop-tart, startling the boy and pushed him over so he could sit next to him on the big chair.

"That was mine." Nagi said in shock.

"The blender was mine." Omi said with a pout.

"Fair trade." They both said in unison.

"This is getting too sweet." Crawford said raising the newspaper so he wouldn't have to se them kiss.

"I think I have a cavity." Schu said with a grin.

"Shut up Schu."

"I feel so unloved!"


"Why you little brat!"