Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 17 ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


"What good is that, when everyone I have loved or love now are going to be taken away from me in the future?" Ran yelled, "My life has been doomed ever since that woman was killed..."

"What do you mean, Aya-kun?" Nagi asked the older red-head. A confused expression rested on his face.

"That bitch had cursed me with her death!" Aya snapped at everyone. "I won't have her condemn you as well!!" The crimson haired man stalked out of the room, the air had grown cold in his outburst.

"He is angry..." Farfello mumbled around a knife he had removed somewhere from his person during the screaming. He grinned as he walked towards the stairs.

"Very observant, Captain Obvious." Schuldig sneered, gazing at the stairs with half-lidded eyes. "Wonder what her curse was?"

"Immortality and a life spent without love." Omi answered. Standing from his sitting position. "It's easy to guess, Aya-kun's suffering inside and we're just making it worse."

"Why's that, genius?" Yohji asked with a grin.

"Haven't you noticed that we've all coupled up? Yohji-kun and Ken-kun, Schu and Brad, me and Omi-koi. That only leaves Aya-kun and Farfello."

"Ohhh, I feel sorry for Aya." Ken mumbled sadly. "We should do something to cheer him up."

"We could always just pair up the two blade-wielding psychos..." Schuldig said with a grin. "That could be 'fun'..."

Omi and Nagi's hands instantly went to their faces. "God, you're predictable Schu..." Nagi muttered softly.

"Precisely!" Schuldig said with a bigger grin. "Though I know something that will make him feel better..."

"No, you're not sleeping with him." Farfello warned. He had somehow maneuvered himself inbetween Schuldig and Crawford and was holding his favorite knife to Schuldig's sensitive neck.

"Hey! Hey! I have sensitive skin! It needs love, and you're not in a 'loving' mood!!" Schuldig shrieked.

Farfello grinned and dissappeared.

"W-where'd he go?" Yohji asked in a shocked voice.

"He could have gone anywere..." answered Nagi. The teen cursed under his breath and walked towards the stairs and to the small door that was in the side of them, it led down into the basement or what the opposing team referred to as the 'mission room'. "Nevermind... found 'im."

Farfello lay curled up on the smaller sofa in the large room. "Nice." Nagi muttered, "Farfello, why don't you just go up into your's and Crawford's room to sleep?"

"After the stunt I pulled? No way. I may be crazy, but I'm not suicidal." Farfello mumbled, 'playing' with his knife. "I don't want to be killed by them, God would be laughing forever."


"It would be just as bad as being killed by a kitten." Farfello hissed out.

"Oh, I see. So you don't want to be killed by Crawford, or and of the 'kittens', so you're going to sleep in the basement?" Nagi asked.

"Damn straight." grinned the Irish psycho, curling up further into the sofa.

Nagi growled and stalked up the stairs. But, Farfello wasn't going to let him go without a question. "Where ye going?"

"To get you a couple of blankets..." the boy paused, "and some band-aids..."

When Nagi reached the top of the stairs he turned and looked at the crazy position the Irish man had moved into, "Oh, and move into a larger couch."

"Ja, I will." Farfello muttered with a sadistic grin as he slit his arm.

"Great, he's been learning things from Schuldig again.." Nagi cursed, moving to the utility closet in the main hall.

Schuldig took his time moving through the halls towards Nagi, "Is he mad at me, or something?" he asked, rubbing his sore neck.

"No, but he's worried that Brad'll kill him." Nagi sighed retrieving the blankets after a struggle with the other inhabitants in the closet. "What's with all this junk??" he practically shrieked as a soccer ball came flying at him from the top of the closet when he went to close the door. "Don't the kittens know how to keep the closets clean and tidy?!"

"I would go out on a limb here saying this, but I think that they don't." Schuldig said with a disgusted face.

Nagi sighed again for the umpteenth time that day and walked back down the stairs that led into the basement, and threw the blankets and a couple pillows to Farfello.

A muffled, "Thanks, Naggles" was heard as he made his uphill climb back up the stairs.

"You're welcome, Farfie." Nagi said, a little happier because he had another 'meeting' with Omi again the next day.


A/N: I'd like to thank everyone who has reviewed the past chapters! I'd have to say that this was one of the very 'few' hard chapters for me to type up... I kept typing Schu's name wrong. But, don't worry I've corrected it all.... I think I did anyway...

Schuldig: You better have.

A.O.: and if I didn't?

Schuldig: Death to the Kittens... **Holds up a box of kittens and points his fingers in a gun-like manner**

A.O.: NOOO!! Don't hurt my babies!! They're brand new!

Schu: Really now? And how exactly did you misspell my BEAUTIFUL name?


Schu: Out with it.

Nagi: Yes, I'd like to hear this.

AO: Ahhhh, Schulding....

Schu: DING?!?! DING?!

Omi: **smiles innocently** Yes Schu, you're a ding-bat.

Farfello: Ding-Bat? Is it a bat with dings in it?

All: **Stares at Farfello**

Aya: No, no. It's an expression, Farfie.

Farf: Ah, okay, whatever.

AO: no what do we say?

All: Please review, it'll make her happy. and when she's happy, we're happy!