Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 18 ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Nagi walked down the street, he and Omi had agreed to go to the café separately. Omi had said that it would be more `romantic' to meet each other there instead. So, eventually he had agreed. Eventually meaning after the `I'm-so-cute-you-can't-possibly-resist-me' look.

The brown haired teen sighed and continued to walk, it was fun on their dates, but it was becoming more than what it was, and that was what scared him the most.

The boy sighed again and continued his trek towards the small café. `I've bee sighing a lot more since Schwarz had to move into Weiß's headquarters. It's getting rather annoying….'

Upon reaching `their' meeting spot, Nagi pushed open the door and greeted the waitress at the front, "Hello, Selena. How are you doing today?"

"Great, Nagi-san. I hope you and Omi-san's date go well tonight!" she chirped cheerfully.

"Okay, where is Omi?" Nagi asked with a smile.

"He's in the very last booth." Helena pointed, smacking her gum loudly. "On the right, in the corner. Do you see him?"

"Yes, I do. Thanks Helena." Nagi said with a bigger smile.

When the chocolate haired teen entered the booth, he was welcomed by a extremely happy (and or hyper) Tsukiyono Omi.

"What's gotten you so happy today, Omi-koi?" Nagi asked his lover. He playfully put his hand on the other boy's head, "Are you sick?"

"No, Nagi!" the boy countered, "I'm just really, really, really happy that we get another date! Our last one was way before your team moved in with us." The boy looked down. "I was beginning to miss this…"

"Me too, Omi. Me too." Nagi said with a sad smile. "I was going nuts in the Koneko... It was like trying to take away Farfello's blender." the boy shuddered visibly.

"Blender?" Omi asked with a cute confused look. "What blender? The one he destroyed, that was mine, mind you."

"Long story." Nagi mumbled turning scarlet. "He just was trying to make..... chihuahua soup..."

"C-chihuahua??" Omi whispered harshly. "He was making soup out of a chihuahua?!!"

"I don't know if it was a chihuahua. But, I do know that it was a small animal!" Nagi whispered back in the same tone. He raised his voice back to normal. "I can't believe we get to go on another date, and all we are doing is talking about our teammates!"

Omi blinked. "Oh, you're right!" he looked at his watch, "and we've spent a whole hour already talking about them!"

Nagi smiled, "Well they are an easy subject...." The boy's comment made the other smile broadly.

"I know what we can do!" Omi chirped happily.


"Go to the park!" Omi cheered.

"God. You're such a girl." Nagi said with a grin.


Nagi stood from his seat and dropped a tip for Helena. "Let's go then, sweetums."

Omi clapped himself onto Nagi's arm with a cheerful smile. "See ya later, Helena!" he said, waving to the girl, who eagerly waved back.

"Tell me how it goes, Omi-kun!" she said waving as she turned back to the costumers.

The two assassins walked to the park they went to on their 'official' date. When they had fully trusted each other. Well, to the point of one assassin betraying his team without actually betraying them, while still seeing the other boy.

Nevertheless, they still kept their happy smiles on their faces.


Aya growled, "I can't believe I'm actually doing this... Omi will hate me for life!" he directed his glare to the others behind him.

"Go on!" Schuldig ordered slapping him on the ass. "Keep moving. I want this over and done with by tonight!!"

The red-head flushed as red as his hair. His hand flew to his ass. "Never, in all my years, has that happened. Refrain from doing it again if you still want that hand."

"Ja, ja. Whatever. Go on!" Schuldig and Farfello cheered quietly.

"Yeah, go work your magic!" Yohji called.

The six assassins had been following the two ever since they had left the cafe. The only plan to run into them was to send Aya in there.

"This is ridiculous!" Aya muttered, walking out to a bench as the two younger teens approached. He put his face in his hands and wept. Sobbing he choked out, "I... I can't believe that... that I told them ... that! That of all things!!!"

"Aya-kun?" Omi said rushing up, with Nagi in tow. "Are you alright?! Did someone attack you?"

"O-omi?" He asked in a sobbing voice. "I'm... I'm so, so sorry!!"

"For what, Aya-kun?" Omi asked with a fake smile.

"I've ruined your date with Nagi-chan!!" the red-head shouted. "I'll go back to the Koneko..." Aya was wearing a long sleeve off the shoulder top, it was the same shade as his hair. "You two go on ahead with your date! Don't worry.. **sob** about me!!" Aya wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"Do you want us to go, Aya-kun?" Nagi asked, concerned.

"Go on, I'll be back at the Koneko." Aya said with a sad smile.

"Okay, Aya-kun. We'll give you some time alone, then." Omi said with a heart-breaking smile. "We'll give you some space..."

Aya smiled and pushed to two boys on ahead, "Go on, I'll be fine!" He said with a sad laugh. His eyes were watering up again. "Y-you two go have fun. Like I said, I'll be fine..."

Omi looked up to at the elder man and said softly, "If you do need anything, I've got my cell. Don't hesitate to call. Okay, Aya-kun?"

"Okay." the red-head nodded with a happier-sounding laugh. "Now, stop treating me like a kid. Go have fun on your date."

Nagi looked at Aya skeptically, "I have mine too. Aya-kun, we might come home early tonight." the boy paused, "I think you're getting sick. Take something for your fever too."

"Fever?" Aya asked. "I don't have a fever, but I'll take something as long as you two have fun!"

The two boys nodded and walked off as Aya sat on the bench with his hands in his lap. A sob escaped his mouth, his hand instantly went to it. After a while, the others came out of their hiding places.

"Hey, princess. You alright?" Schuldig asked.

The others took in his appearance, which earned them a few sobs, "They won't stop! They just keep coming...."

Farfello ran his hand down the red-head's face, wiping all of the tears away. "Don't cry, precious one. You'll break the children's hearts."

"Hunh?" Aya asked the Irish psycho. "What do you mean?"

"Yeah, Farf!" Schuldig added. "Who do you mean 'children'?"

"You are all children compared to us." he said, "We are the oldest ones here. Even older than Brad." His last comment earned him a few chuckles from the rest, but a glare from Crawford.

"Don't call me 'Brad'." He specified. "My name to you is, and always will be, Crawford."

Aya laughed loudly, "Gods! Go get that operation already!"

Schuldig and Yohji laughed just as loud as Aya.

"Operation?" Crawford asked.

"To get that stick removed!" Aya laughed and stood up, "Well, this has been fun! Let's do it again sometime."

The red-head smiled and walked away. Unbeknownst to everyone else, his smile had faded into a frown, and his tears had come back. He picked up his pace; the red-head was walking towards the hospital that his sister was once in.

"Fujimiya-san?" asked a nurse, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to visit my sister, Aya-chan." He said solemnly.

"But, Fujimiya-san. You took her out of here a few weeks ago." she said with a sigh, "Don't you remember?"

"No, I don't..." he looked at the woman again. "Are you sure it was me?"

"Positive." she answered. "I can't believe that you would forget walking your sister out of this place! I mean she was walking with you too!" the old woman smiled, "It was a wonderful sight, seeing that young girl actually walking again!"

Aya ran from the hospital in a flee. "How could I be so stupid?! I had sensed her waking up, but I didn't do anything! And now someone has my sister!"

"Correct! Fifty points for you!" came a voice in the forest. "Yes, I am talking to you, Ran."

"Wha?! Who are you?" he called walking closer to it. "What do you know about Aya-chan?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... I'm the one who's in charge here. That's a minus ten points for being a naughty boy, Ran-chan." the voice taunted.

"Fine." Aya said under his breathe.

"Good boy." the voice called, "But, I am ashamed that you don't recognize my voice. Sweet orchid."


"Sweet Orchid." said a boy with long teal hair. Opposite of his own. "I want us three to be together forever!" the boy laughed loudly, "Promise me, that if I die or Gabriel dies, you'll die too."

"I promise, Abriel. I promise!" little Ran said happily, "Do you two promise that for me, too?"

"Yes, Ran-chan. We do." Gabriel cheered with a grin. "What ever happens, let's stay together forever!" The three smiled and laughed.


"Abriel?!" Aya yelled, "Is that you?!"

"Bingo," the voice was behind him this time.

"And he's not alone, Ran-chan." said the other.

"Gabriel... Abriel..." Aya tried despretly to hold back his tears. 'I won't cry! Not infront of them!'

"I though you two were dead..." Aya said meeting their gazes. "But, when I tried to kill myself. This curse wouldn't let me!"

The two twins nodded, "We know, sweet Orchid."

Abriel moved forward and wrapped his arms around Aya's waist, Gabriel did the same shortly except his arms were around Aya's neck. "It's what kept us alive. Our promise to die together."

The tears broke through and Aya collapsed in their arms.

"Ssshhhh, we've got you." Gabriel cooed. "We won't let anything hurt our Orchid. Not anymore. You're not alone anymore. Ran-chan. You're safe for once."

The red-head nodded his head and leaned into his friends' warmth. "I know I'm safe... baka.... I know..." The red-head sighed and smiled, "Do you know what happened to Aya-chan?"

"The witch has her..." Abriel said softly, "We went after her. But, she had a head start. So we called you with that message..."

"We're terribly sorry to have lost her trail..." Gabriel said sadly.

"It's... okay. We'll all find her then.." Aya mumbled, "Take me back to the... the koneko. It's getting late..."

"Okay, sweet Orchid. We'll go." the said in unison.

And so, off they went. But, what they didn't know was that they were being watched by a pair of bloodshot crimson eyes...