Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ What is Mine ❯ Victor ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What is Mine

I do not own Weiß Kreuz or any of its characters.

Warning contains: adult language, BDSM, NCS

^Inner Thoughts^


Chapter 4: Victor

/Wake up kitten/

Aya awoke to find his shirt gone and Schuldich staring at him. He tried moving his arms but realized that they were bound by handcuffs, ^Shit^

Schuldich stared deeply in Aya's eyes; he could tell that the redhead was nervous, and maybe somewhat fearful. ^Yes. . .Gods yes^ Lust poured through Schuldich, ^I've got to have you^

Aya noticed how Schuldich was staring at him and felt a lump in his throat. ^No, he. . .wouldn't^

"But I would kitten," Schuldich whispered in the redhead's ear. "You got away last time, I assure you this time, you won't. . ."

Aya slightly trembled. ^No^ He said almost in a sob.

Schuldich unfastened Aya's pants and underwear throwing them on the floor, to reveal his flaccid member. Schuldich soon felt his own sex straining against the fabric of his own pants. ^You're mine. . .^

Aya suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline course through fiercely kicking Schuldich in his ribs.

Schuldich gasped as he held on to them. During his rush to take Aya he forgot to bind his feet. He cursed at himself for such a careless mistake. Hatred burned in his eyes as he lifted his head to where Aya was. He was surprised to find that the redhead was smiling at him.

"Gee, hope I didn't hurt you, `friend'. . ." Aya said in a sarcastic tone.

Still not taking his eyes off of the redhead, Schuldich straddled him.

Aya shuddered slightly when the telepath crept slowly to his face.

Schuldich closed his eyes for a moment, then looked at Aya, a smile formed on his face. "So, that's what you've been trying to do. . ."

Aya's eyes widened; ^Dammit he read my mind again^

"Instead of me taking you, you would rather me beat you unconscious and send you to a hospital to bide you some time."

Aya was silent.

Schuldich lifted the Weiß assassin chin making the redhead look at him, "That won't happen again I assure you," He whispered. Letting go of Aya, he removed the pants he was wearing releasing his own rock-hard member from its confines. "That's twice you've made me mad Ran, better hope for your sake there's not a third time."

Aya groaned under the weight of the telepath. Even though Schuldich appeared to be thin, it felt as though he would crush him. He shut his eyes ^I'm so sorry. . .^

Schuldich looked at Aya puzzled, "So, you are sorry huh?"

Aya's eyes became cold, "I would never apologize to someone like you!!"

"Then what do you apologize for?"

"None of your damn business!" Aya snapped.

"Well then let's take a look at your mind if you won't tell me." He felt Aya tense underneath him before he closed his eyes and focused on the link to redhead's mind. He shuddered violently as a sharp sting of pain hit him; ^Fuck, his mental wall is up. ^

Aya smiled when he saw Schuldich shudder ^Good he'll never know. . .^

Schuldich backhanded Aya on his cheek causing blood to trail from the Weiß assassin's lips. "So you think that's funny huh?. . . Guess what Ran? That was strike three."

Schuldich pulled Aya by the hair until the redhead looked him in the eyes. "But before we get started-" Schuldich balled his fist up and punched Aya in his stomach.

The redhead gasped in shock. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he crumpled backwards onto the bed.

Schuldich smiled, "Just returning the favor."

Aya crouched in a fetal position, eyes maddening with rage as he looked at the telepath.

Schuldich gripped the redhead's chin forcing the redhead to look at him, "Now then, let's get started."

"Fuck. . . you. . ." Aya said weakly.

Schuldich chuckled, "All in due time Ran." He brought Aya's bound hands over his head while straddling him. He ran his tongue over Aya's chest tasting him, leaving wet trails along his pale skin. /You taste so good. . ./ He ground out as he tickled one of Aya's nipples with his tongue, he felt the redhead tense under him, weakly trying to get out of his grip.

^NO!^ Aya screamed.

"Give in to me Aya. . ." Schuldich said before taking the pink nub in his mouth.

Aya shuddered as sharp strings of pleasure hit him. ^NO DAMMIT!!^

Schuldich looked at Aya smiling at him, "Believe me kitten, before this night is over you will call me Master."

"I don't think so you sick bastard!" Aya said through clenched teeth.

"Ran, is that another challenge?"

Aya remained silent, his eyes still burning into the telepath's.

"Hmm. . .I don't like that look that you're giving me, now apologize."

Aya continued to stare at him, his expression unchanged.

Schuldich's eyes narrowed, he took his free hand and pulled out another pair of handcuffs. He fastened one end to a loop at the head of the bed and closed the other end between the handcuffs Aya had already had on.

Schuldich repositioned himself so that his sex was at the entrance of Aya's mouth. "Suck".

Aya struggled against his bonds but all his effort was in vain. After he stilled Schuldich held a sword up to his neck. His eyes widened when he realized that that it was his own katana.

"Don't try anything foolish Ran, or you may find a precious body part chopped off. . ."

Aya didn't need to be explained which "precious body part" Schuldich was talking about. He reluctantly opened his mouth and let Schuldich's member enter.

Schuldich gasped when his member became enclosed in the redhead's hot mouth. He thrust in Aya at a quick pace not caring if the redhead was ready or not.

Aya felt the telepath's member hit the back of his throat with every savage thrust. ^NOOO!! ^ He screamed as Schuldich continued to thrust faster within him.

Schuldich watched Aya intently and found himself laughing at the redhead, he loved the disgusted expression on his face. Schuldich felt intense heat begin to form in the lower part of his body. Giving a choked cry, he gave one last thrust before coming into Aya's mouth.

Aya shuddered when the creamy liquid came in his mouth, coating the inside his of it. He felt bile begin to rise from his stomach. He swallowed trying to keep himself from vomiting and ended up taking in Schuldich's seed along with it. He turned his head to the side and closed his eyes, disgusted with himself.

When Schuldich's breathing slowed he looked down at the Weiß assassin. He came to Aya's face, "Very good kitten, but don't think I'm done with you yet. . ." He nipped the lobe of Aya's ear before walking away to clean and dress himself.

Aya stared at the blankly at the wall. He had not idea what Schuldich was planning to do with him, but he knew it couldn't be good. A little bit of Schuldich's seed still covered the inside of Aya's mouth, but he had an idea of where to dispose of it.

Schuldich came back to where Aya was, he grinned at the redhead. "You don't look like you're enjoying yourself Ran. . ."

Aya continued to stare at the wall not caring that the telepath was inching closer to toward him. When Schuldich's face came into view, he spat in it. He watched in satisfaction as telepath's grin disappeared. ^Maybe this time he'll beat me unconscious^ He thought grimly.

Beating Aya unconscious was just what Schuldich wanted to do. He wiped the creamy residue from off his cheek and raised his fist. He almost hit Aya in his face, but stopped suddenly. Aya's blank amethyst eyes were staring at him, no hint of emotion in them whatsoever. He lowered his clenched fist smirking at the redhead, "Humph. . .almost got me kitten. But I won't fall for your trick again."

The redhead's gaze lifted to the ceiling, ignoring the telepath's comment.

Schuldich frowned, he expected Aya to say something smart-alecky or at least curse him. When he dove into the Weiß assassins mind, he ran into the mental barrier again. He winced ^Dammit.^ "You know kitten, you should learn to relax once and a while."

Aya closed his eyes, "What the hell would a person like you know about relaxing?"

Schuldich smirked, "Obviously more than you. . ." When he got no response from the redhead, he ran his hands down to Aya's member. Holding it in his hands, he slowly pumped.

Aya's eye's opened he stared at Schuldich with and ever burning hate in his eyes. "Leave me alone you fucking bastard!!"

"Ran, you're in no position to tell me what to do," He sneered.

"If my hands weren't bound then maybe I wouldn't be in such a position." The redhead retorted.

Suddenly smiled when an idea formed within his head. "So Ran you think if your hands were free you would have a chance at beating me?"

"With my eyes closed."

Schuldich stopped pumping the redhead, "Hmm. . .alright Ran, I'll let you have a chance to try to over power me, if you win you can try to escape and I won't stand in your way."

Aya stared at the telepath, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Though Schuldich wasn't the main person he should be worrying about, the thought of Schuldich not stopping him would improve his chances of escaping from this hellish nightmare. He narrowed his eyes, "And how can I trust that you keep your promise?"

Schuldich smiled, "Don't worry kitten I will keep my promise if you keep yours."

"And what do I have to promise to you?"

"Nothing much but. . .if you lose this little wager you will give yourself willingly to me. . ."

Aya's eyes widened, he looked at Schuldich shocked.

Schuldich smirked, "Do we have a deal Ran?"

After thinking for a moment, Aya slowly nodded.

Schuldich walked to desk retrieve the key to the handcuffs. He came back with it and unlocked the handcuffs on Aya, then moved away.

Aya sat up rubbing his hands; he flexed them to get the blood flowing within them. Schuldich gave him a little time to put on his clothes. After he was dressed, he stood up and faced his violator.

"Are you ready kitten?" Schuldich purred.

"I've been ready," Aya said coldly.

_______________________________________________________________ ____

Schuldich licked his lips, both he and Aya had taken big chances and everything rode on this little game. He couldn't afford to make even one careless mistake around the Weiß assassin for it could have dire consequences. In this battle he know that the only way he could possibly when against Aya was speed and brute force, mentally and physically.

Aya moved slowly around Schuldich trying to size his opponent up, this time he wouldn't just charge him. Since he knew that if Schuldich was faster and stronger than he was, he would have to rely on tactics and keep up his mental defenses. The last thing the Weiß leader wanted to do is submit to the telepath.

Schuldich moved over to the direction where Aya was. He wanted to use his speed to his advantage so he circled around the redhead trying to confuse him.

Aya tried to focus on which one was the real Schuldich but it was difficult. He raised his hands and started to hit the many images of the telepath. But every "Schuldich" that he it was an after image. As he was about to hit another image, from the corner of his eye he saw a fist coming at him. He ducked avoiding it by a fraction of a second and retaliated with an uppercut.

Schuldich groaned as he was sent staggering backwards trying to gain footing. Blood dripped from a wound on his lip.

Not trying to let Schuldich recover from the last attack Aya charged him. Punches rained down on Schuldich, never giving him time to block or punch back.

Schuldich began to gasp for breath; he had underestimated the Weiß assassin's strength. He managed to sidestep to the right avoid one of Aya's many punches. Catching him off guard he grabbed Aya's arms in the back and slammed him into the wall.

Aya fiercely struggled to get the Schwarz member off of him. But the more he struggled, the more Schuldich tightened his grip on him.

Schuldich forced the redhead on his knees. He knelt down to the redhead's ear, "You lose kitten."

Aya's tense muscles suddenly relaxed. . . he'd lost the bet.

To be continued. . .

To Fata Morgana1: Thanks for emailing me about that- I'm kinda getting used the place ^_^