Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ What is Mine ❯ Marks of Ownership ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What is Mine

I do not own Weiß Kreuz or any of its characters.

Warning contains: adult language, violence

^Inner Thoughts^


Chapter 6: Marks of Ownership

Schuldich left the bed to clean himself off again. He smiled devilishly; ^Soon Ran, very soon. . .^


Schuldich winced at the sound of his name being called. His eyes widened, he looked at the clock. It was 9:44, ^Dammit ^

/Schuldich where the hell are you? I expected you with Fujimiya at 9:30!/

Schuldich grinned, /Sorry Crawford, we just got done playing a little game, it took longer than expected/ He looked on the bed were Aya still wasn't moving.

/Apparently you must have been a little rough on him, Nagi told me he heard Fujimiya scream from all the way in the kitchen/

Schuldich laughed /Hey, the important thing is that he's still alive. . ./

/He'd better be. . .for your sake. Now quit playing around, we have work to do/

Schuldich frowned, /Geez Crawford, you should have some fun once in awhile. . ./

/Dammit Schu, just do what your fucking told. I don't have time for your screw-ups, or did you forget what the mission is?/

Schuldich sighed /Alright, alright, I'll be there/

After the link was cut off Schuldich quickly put on some black pants and a navy blue shirt ^Honestly, that guy really ought to have some fun once and a while^ He went to the bed and found Aya still unconscious. As he was about to dress the redhead he noticed blood on the sheets. ^Fuck, maybe I was too rough on him^ He said grimly. He walked in the bathroom to retrieve a small bucket and rag. He cleaned up Aya as much as he could. Though the sight of the naked redhead did make him hard, he ignored his craving to take him again. The last thing he needed was Crawford taking Aya away from him.

He put Aya's clothes back on him and carried him on his back. Luckily for Schuldich, Aya was extremely light so he had no problems carrying him. He walked to the kitchen and found Nagi watching TV.

Nagi looked toward the telepath and then to Aya. "Dammit Schu I told I didn't want to hear him scream." The boy said angrily.

Schuldich grinned, "Geez, Nagi you act like I `wanted' him to scream. . ."

Nagi's eyes narrowed, "God you're an asshole."

"Why Nagi, you may have just broke my little heart," The telepath mocked.

Fuming, Nagi turned off the TV and went to his room slamming the door behind him.

Schuldich chuckled at Nagi's behavior; it was so fun to tease the young telekinetic.

Not stalling for anymore time, he made his way to Crawford's room. He knocked on the steel door. It slowly opened. He smirked at the Schwarz leader, "Did someone order a Weiß assassin?"

Crawford looked at Schuldich, "Don't push your luck Schu, bring him in."

Schuldich entered Crawford's quarters. He placed Aya in a chair then turned to Crawford, "Should I wake him up?"

"There's no need to," The precog said staring at the redhead.

In a few minutes Aya began to stir in his sleep. He opened his eyes to find the two Schwarz members in front of him.

Schuldich grinned, "Have a good nap kitten?"

As much as Aya wanted to curse the damn telepath he was too exhausted to.

Crawford smiled, "Why hello there Fujimiya."

Aya eyes shifted toward the Schwarz leader.

Crawford walked over to where the redhead was; he bent down to the Weiß leader's face. He roughly grabbed some of Aya's hair. "That was some stunt you pulled trying to escape the hospital, though I see it didn't quite work as you hoped it would."

"Go to hell!" Aya spat. Crawford backhanded Aya causing his head to snap to the side.

The precog turned to the telepath, "Humph, Schuldich, I'm rather disappointed on how slow it is taking you to break him."

Schuldich grinned, "Slow? I think that we're making great time, don't you Ran?"

Aya gritted his teeth.

Crawford smirked, "Maybe I should give you a lesson on how to speed up the process. . ." He tightened his grip on Aya's hair.

"Let go of me dammit!" Aya spat.

"I don't think so. . ." Crawford whispered into the Weiß leader's ear. He pulled Aya's head forward, forcing him to either get on the floor or lose a clump of hair. He put his foot on the redhead's back preventing him from moving.

A strangled cry escaped Aya as he felt his ribs smash on the wooden floor.

"Hmm, guess I should be a little more careful with you," the Schwarz leader sneered.

Aya gritted his teeth, "What do you want?"

Crawford chuckled, "So now you want to talk. . ."

"Dammit what the hell do you want with me?" Aya said angrily.

Crawford smile disappeared; he looked at Aya expressionless. "I'm offering you a chance to join Schwarz, Aya."

Aya's eyes widened, "Wha. . .What did you say?" He stammered.

Crawford pressed his foot on the Weiß leader's back, "I didn't stutter Aya, I said I want you to join Schwarz."

"Not in a million years!!!" He spat.

Crawford grinned, "I figured you'd might say that."

"Then why ask me?"

"Because I can," Crawford calmly said.

"I'll never join Schwarz." Aya said menacingly.

Schuldich laughed.

Aya looked at the telepath, "What the hell are you laughing at?"

"Why you of course Ran, I think you `will' join Schwarz."

"What the hell make's you so damn sure?" Aya snapped

"Schuldich, don't give the surprise away so quickly." Crawford mused.

Aya narrowed his eyes ^What the hell are they hiding?^

Crawford turned to the telepath, "Schu, you can leave now."

The telepath frowned, /Aw come on Brad, I wanna-/

/-You've already had your fun/ The precog snapped.

Schuldich sighed. He turned his head toward the redhead and smiled /Don't have `too' much fun Ran. . .remember you're still mine./

Aya watched as the telepath left the room, ^Well that's one less bastard to deal with. . .^

Crawford turned his attention toward Aya, "Would you like me to tell you your surprise?"

Aya closed his eyes saying nothing.

Crawford pulled out a piece of paper; he read it out loud. "Magicbus Police Hospital, floor number seven, room number eighty-four. . ."

Aya's eyes flashed opened ^No. . .^

Crawford continued, "The patient's name, Aya Fujimiya. . . Gee, Aya. . .Fujimiya. . .now `where' have I heard that name before?"

"YOU BASTARD!!!" He said in a malicious tone. Using all of is strength he pushed Crawford's foot off of him.

Crawford laughed as Aya freed himself, "Did I say something to make you mad?"

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!!" Aya charged Crawford, his fist targeted the precog's face.

Crawford predicted his movement and sidestepped to avoid it. Catching Aya off guard he uppercutted the redhead on his chin. The impact caused Aya to crumple to the ground on his back.

Crawford laughed, "I find you to be so amusing. . ." He walked over to Aya grabbing his hair. "So, would you consider joining Schwarz now?" He said calmly.

Aya gritted his teeth looking at the precog menacingly.

"Hmm, was that a yes or no?"

Aya continued to stare at him not saying a word.

Crawford grinned, "My, such spirit. . . I wonder what Aya-chan would-"

The precog wasn't able to finish his sentence. Aya managed to knee Crawford in his head forcing him to let go of him. He looked around the room and saw a window, then darted toward it.

Crawford fell to the ground with a sickening thud. He slowly got up, his gaze fell on the redhead who was trying to escape.

Aya managed to get his head out the window before he was brutally pulled back in the precog's room again.

Crawford shoved him on the floor straddling him. "Big mistake Aya. . ." he said ominously. He pulled out a needle from his shirt pocket, it was filled with a clear fluid, "Now, you will be punished. . ." The precog injected the needle's content into the redhead's arm. When he felt Aya's muscles relax he moved off of the redhead.

Aya attempted to move but his muscles wouldn't obey him, it was like he was paralyzed. . .

Crawford grinned, "Well then, let's get started. . ."

________________________________________________________________ __

Crawford loomed over the Weiß leader, "Tsk, tsk Aya, see where that attitude of yours has gotten you into?" He kicked Aya on his bruised ribs making him emit a choked scream. The precog grinned, "You should see just how pathetic you look from up here."

Aya gritted his teeth, "You sure don't know how to treat your guests when they come over. . ."

Crawford chuckled, "Your not a guest Aya. . . just a toy for Schuldich."

Aya looked into the precog's amber eyes, "No one owns me." He said bitterly.

"Is that a fact?" Crawford mocked. He bent down toward the redhead, "Well I can't have strays running in the house. They can be so- unpredictable. . ."

The redhead's eyes narrowed.

Crawford looked at Aya for some minutes before getting up, "I have an idea." He walked out of the room leaving the paralyzed redhead still on the floor. After about fifteen minutes had passed the precog entered the room again with a metal rod with a pointed tip in his hands.

He walked over to Aya making sure the redhead could see him. "I'm curious, have you ever been on a ranch before?"

Aya looked at him blankly.

"Well, they have these things that are used on cattle to identify them. That way, if they get lost, they won't become `strays'. Do you know what it's called Aya?"

The redhead continued to look at him blankly.

Crawford chuckled, "It's called a brander. . ."

Aya flinched slightly.

Crawford smirked, "I wonder if you were to be branded would that mean that you really `did' belong to Schwarz." He knelt down beside Aya, "What do you think?"

Aya looked at him coldly.

"The question is. . . Where should I put it?" He slowly lowered the tip to Aya's cheek pressing the point in enough to cause the skin to make a small scratch. "Should it be here?" Crawford moved the rod to the redhead's back, "Here. . ." He moved the rod back up to Aya's bare arm, "Or, maybe here. . . What do you think?"

The redhead remained silent.

The precog chuckled, "I guess I'll have to chose for you then." He pulled a lighter from his pocket. "I think it look kinda good on your arm. . ." He heated the tip of the rod until it had an eerie glow to it. A grin crossed his face, "I think it's done."

Aya's chest tightened as the pointed tip was lowered to his arm. He tried to move again but his muscles still wouldn't obey him ^FUCK!^ His eyes widened when he felt the heat from the tip near his skin.

"Nervous Aya?" Crawford mocked. He pushed the tip against the redhead's skin. He smiled when the redhead uttered a blood-curdling scream. "Screaming already Aya? This is only the first letter. . ."

Warm trails of blood ran down Aya's arm. He could smell his flesh burning. . .

Crawford continued to engrave letters in the redhead's arm. After he completed seven letters, he removed the rod from Aya's skin throwing it on the ground. The precog grinned, "All done. . ."

Aya shook uncontrollably, "You. . .bastard. . ." he said hoarsely.

Crawford grinned, "Tell me Aya, do you wish to join Schwarz?"

Aya closed his eyes.

The precog's eyes narrowed, "I'm going to give you five seconds to answer me. If you don't. . . I'll start on your other arm."

Aya breath hitched, "How can I be sure you will leave Aya alone?"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't do something foolish, she'll be safe. . . So, what do ya say?"

Aya looked into Crawford's eyes, "I swear if you lay a finger on her-"

"-You have nothing to worry about Fujimiya. . . Just do what you are told to do and nothing will happen."

Aya hesitated for a moment, ". . .Fine."

Crawford smiled, "I'm glad you accepted the job Fujimiya. We have a mission very soon, I expect to see you in the briefing room at 11:30 am tomorrow. Since you are new here, I expect you to follow certain procedures. If you have any questions you are to ask Schuldich, do you understand?"

Aya nearly choked, ". . .Yes."

Crawford devilishly grinned, "Good, as of now I'm leaving Schuldich in your care." He took a pill from his pocket. He bent down to the redhead's face, "Swallow this, it will get rid of the drug that's in you." After Aya swallowed the pill he got up. "When you can get up you're welcome to go anywhere in the house except outside." He walked to the steel door, "And Aya. . ."

The Weiß assassin looked at Crawford.

"Weiß is your enemy now, don't forget that." He left the room leaving Aya there.

After a few minutes Aya managed to sit up. He looked at his damaged arm that still continued to ooze out blood, he made out a single word. . . Schwarz.

To be continued. . .