X-men Evolution Fan Fiction ❯ My Kind of Aphrodisiac ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

At the Brotherhood's boarding house, Pietro found Lance in the family room watching TV. Todd was outside in the backyard garden taking care of the slug problem personally, Fred was up in his room and Tabitha was at work saving up for a laptop.

Ever since Tabitha had moved in, she'd complained time and time again that the place needed to be fixed, and that she was tired of taking her showers at school. Pietro had to agree with her. The house was beyond livable and stealing water from the neighbors to wash the dishes was getting old. So he and Todd went and bought a lottery ticket because they were not desperate enough to steal from a bank or were they that stupid. They enjoyed their freedom. And luck would have it that they won big time and there would be enough money so that all of them would be set up for life.

Since Todd and Pietro had been the ones who won the money, Todd told the speed demon that he thought it was a good idea that Pietro to be in charge of the finance affairs since Pietro was the only one passing Personal Finance knowing that the prismatic blonde was the one best suited for the task (also knowing that they would have to be suicidal to allow Tabitha to run the financial affairs). The first thing Pietro did was open an account under the Brotherhood's name and it would only be accessible to the members, not including Mystic if she ever showed up again. Fred, Todd and Tabitha were all given an allowance of fifty dollars of spending money every two weeks, and if they wanted more then they would have to take up part time jobs. Pietro was very firm with them about that since he'd been dubbed the leader. Next, he had the house fixed from top to bottom, inside and out, and the landscaping redone. All of the new furniture had been ordered from the Restoration Hardware catalog Pietro had bought. Pietro also announced that he would take care of all of the bills, which suited the others just fine because they didn't want to deal with them.

Pietro advanced over to the back of the couch. "Word on the street that you and a certain valley girl are intimately involved nowadays."

Lance looked up at him over his shoulder. "Does that bother you?"

Pietro laughed. "Hell no. Not if I've been dating a particular boy with spikes for a while now."

Lance smiled. "Yeah, Kitty's really something. For a while I thought she hated me, but I'm glad to know that she doesn't."

"Anything interesting happening between the two of you?" Pietro asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Nothing short of what you and Evan do behind closed doors," Lance replied with a smirk.

"Oh, we're far beyond giving each other just head, my friend," Pietro smiled and laughed at the blush that appeared over Lance's face.

"How did you-? You weren't spying on us were you?" Lance demanded.

"No, no. But a certain blue furred fellow mutant accidentally discovered the two of you getting frisky in the library. He was pretty upset because that morning Kurt asked Kitty out and she lied to him, and said that she had something else to do rather then being honest and telling him that she already had a boyfriend," Pietro replied.

Lance grimaced. "Man, what a way to find out about your crush."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Kurt will find the one meant for him," Pietro said. He checked his watch. "Hmm. Evan's gonna be coming over for a study date tonight so I'm gonna go take a shower. Let him in if he arrives while I'm still in the shower."

"Study date, ri~ight," Lance said, shaking his head, knowing what Pietro really meant. "Just keep it down or at least turn your stereo on loud enough."

"Can do," Pietro said before zipping upstairs.

______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

A short time later, Lance opened the door to see Evan carrying his book bag.

"Hey," they greeted each other casually as Evan entered the house.

"Speedy's upstairs in the shower," Lance said, jerking his thumb towards the stairs. "You know the way."

"Sure do," Evan said, heading up the stairs.

"Hey, keep it down, alright?" Lance called up from the foot of the staircase. He smirked as Evan flipped him off as he disappeared around a corner.

"Hey there, spikes," Tabitha greeted, leaning against her doorframe as Evan walked down the hall. "What brings you to our humble above?"

"Study date," Evan replied. As much as he appreciated that the other members of the Brotherhood didn't raise hell against his and Pietro's relationship, Evan really didn't care to 'kiss and tell' the details with others.

"Oh, so that's what we're calling it these days," Tabitha said and laughed at the expression that flash over Evan's face and the deep blush. She grabbed her purse and closed her door, planning to hang out in town if Pietro and his boy toy were going to spend the evening playing (although she loved listening in the sounds that drifted down the stairs). "Play nice!" she called as she headed down the stairs.

Blushing with the knowledge that Tabitha got a kick out of making him squirm, Evan knocked on Pietro's door and entered. Standing next to his desk wearing a clean pair of denim jeans was Pietro, drying his hair with a towel. The speed demon looked up from his towel, smiled and tossed it into a hamper as he made his way over to Evan.

"Hello, gorgeous," Pietro purred, wrapping an arm around the other teen's shoulders. "Ready for our study date?"

"The others have requested that we either keep it down or turn on your stereo," Evan said.

"They're just jealous that they're not getting any action," Pietro smirked. "Well, except for Lance that is."

"It's kinda hard to picture Kitty giving Lance a blowjob," Evan remarked as he plopped down on Pietro's bed. "I wonder what her parents will say if they ever found out. Man, they'd flip and drag her out of the Institute like that." Evan said, snapping his fingers.

"Well, yeah, 'cause Kitty can get pregnant if they don't use protection," Pietro said. "Somehow, I don't think this world is ready for a tribe of mini Kittys and Lances."

"Hey, are we going to get started?" Evan asked zipping his book bag open and pulled out a math book.

Pietro groaned as he moved over onto the bed. "If we must."

"Hey, we need to study, 'Tro 'cause our grades are starting to slip from lack of study," Evan pointed out as he opened to the chapter their math class was studying that week.

"Hmm, I wonder why," Pietro purred, drawing a hand up one of Evan's thighs.

"Sorry, but you can't side track me this time," Evan said, removing his boyfriend's hand from his thigh.

"The night is still young," Pietro said.

______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

The front door of the Brotherhood house opened and Tabitha walked in. Tossing her purse and keys onto the table, she passed the living room noting that Fred and Todd were engrossed in one of their video games, and headed up to her room. The blonde bombshell paused abruptly when she saw Lance hunched down with his ear pressed against Pietro's closed bedroom door.

Tabitha walked over to whisper into his ear, "What are you doing?"

"Eavesdropping, of course," Lance whispered back.

"How long have you been listening?" she asked.

"Long enough to know that Evan has a very talented mouth technique," Lance replied.

"Pervert," Tabitha giggled and joined him.

______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Behind the closed bedroom door, Evan was driving Pietro crazy. Ha had managed very cleverly to tie the speed demon's hands over his head with the use of a scarf and the bed railing, and was enjoying very much at driving his lover nuts. Pietro's intention for the scarf had been to tie Evan up with it, but the other teen had somehow turned the tables on him. Not that the white haired speed demon minded much, he just wished that Evan would stop tormenting him and get down to the really good stuff.

Evan, on the other hand, had no intentions of letting up any time soon. Far too many times Pietro had put him through the some ordeal and now it was payback. It gave him a thrill, though, to hear Pietro's sharp intakes of breath whenever Evan dipped the tip of his tongue into the slit of his lover's head as deep as it could go, or when Pietro would toss his head back whenever Evan deep throated him, swirling the base of his arousal with his tongue. What Evan really enjoyed was the trembling he felt placing sucking kisses along Pietro's taught torso and how the trembling increased whenever he brushed his fingertips along the creases of Pietro's hip joints.

Evan rose from the bed suddenly, causing Pietro to word a complaint before he returned. As much as Evan enjoyed making Pietro squirm, he was aroused as hell and wanted to bury himself deep into Pietro.

Pietro laid there on his back, aroused beyond reasoning and if some particular boy with spikes didn't finish him soon, Pietro was going to do something drastic as soon as he could free himself.

"Patients is a virtue," Evan teased, wrapping his lover's legs around his waist.

"Not when they're going to explode!" Pietro hissed through clenched teeth. "Now do something before I-AAAAAAH!"

"Like that?" Evan smiled, sliding a slick digit into Pietro's entrance.

Purring, Pietro shifted his hips, loving the feeling of something probing his tight cavern. "Mmmmmm! Yeah. Like that. AH!"

Pietro bucked his up when Evan's digit rubbed against his prostate and pushed his hips in a silent pleading for Evan to do it again.

______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Todd, yawning made his way up the stairs and paused when he saw Lance and Tabitha outside Pietro's bedroom door with their ears pressed against it.

"What are you two doing?"


"Quiet!" Lance said.

"What are you doing?" Todd asked again, whispering this time.

"Getting an earful," Lance replied.


"C'mere," Tabitha said.

Shrugging, Todd hunched down and pressed his ear to the door.


Todd cast his eyes up to Tabitha and Lance as the noises behind the closed door increased in volume.

"You guys are so depraved," Todd said, shaking his head and stood up.

"I think it's hot!" Tabitha commented.

"Whatever," Todd said and left the two eavesdropping pervs to their business.

______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Reaching a hand up, Evan untied Pietro's hands from the bed railing before returning to his pace. No sooner has he done so, Pietro wrapped his arms around the other boy's shoulders and tipped his head back, crying out each time the head of Evan's arousal struck his prostate.

Without warning, Pietro rolled Evan underneath him and began setting his own pace. Evan placed his hands on the speed demon's hips and closed his eyes letting the other boy ride him. Pietro seemed to enjoy their current position as he rode faster and harder. Evan groaned when his lover began losing his rhythm and took control. He sat up and thrust upwards while Pietro held Evan tight, feeling his climax rising. Evan suddenly buried himself as deep as he could into Pietro and came, crying out his completion. Pietro followed a heartbeat away, tightening his legs around Evan's waist as the last of their spasms throbbed and slowly subsided.

______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Behind the other side of the closed door, Tabitha and Lance rose to their feet, faces flushed.

"I…um, think I'll take a shower," Lance said and all but ran into the bathroom.

Tabitha, waving a hand to fan herself, went downstairs for a soda.