Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Marik's Insane Plot or Bakura gets pissed! ❯ Ryou's feelings, Yami shocks Ji-Chan and Seto's Fury ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: None of this is mine. If you are a serious fan, hate shonen-ai, or don't have a sense of humor, this is not for you.


A few day later…(had to give Bakura some time to recover).

Ryou's life seemed to be nothing BUT suffering lately. First, Bakura took full advantage of his recovery. Every time his light would bring him some food, the thief would find an excuse to pinch his butt! It was cute at first, but after a few times it was just plain annoying! He had to smack Bakura with a pillow to get him to stop! For crying out loud, his left cheek was red!!

Ryou's father had called and told him that the rehearsal dinner was that night. Bakura's bruises had faded and he was presentable enough to leave the house. Why was there a rehearsal dinner? Didn't the guests know how to eat, or did someone have to teach them manners?

Sighing to himself, Ryou wondered how to break the news to Bakura…scratch that! Bakura would relish in going and humiliate his father!

Maybe the dinner wouldn't be so bad after all! He could line his eyes with kohl, put some sparkles on his face, and then put some tight fitting sexy clothes on. Then he would sit on Bakura's lap at the rehearsal dinner, feed the sexy Egyptian food by hand and then shock everyone by letting Bakura fuck him right into next week on the table! HAH!! Ryou would show his father a thing or two!

Walking into the bedroom, Ryou watched his other sleep. The albino sat down on the foot of the bed, contemplating whether or not to wake Bakura up or not. They had to be at the dinner in a few hours.

"Bakura." Ryou started as he gently shook the ex-Tomb Robber. "Wake up."

"Five more minutes, Ryou. We're not finished yet." He mumbled in his sleep as he turned away from the blushing albino.

It never failed! Bakura always dreamed of Ryou in some sexual position or two or three…

"Bakura! You're dreaming! Wake UP!!" Ryou grew impatient.

"Wha-?" The Egyptian woke with a start. "You're right. I'm dreaming. You're sitting there fully clothed."

"Thank God for small favors! My father is expecting me to show up at the rehearsal dinner and I want you to come." Ryou started.

"Rehearsal dinner? What the hell is that! Do they have to learn how to eat or something?" Bakura spat. "What stupid moron came up with that idea!"

"I don't know. I've never been to one." Ryou confessed.

"Will there be food, or do we have to rehearse what we eat!" Bakura grumbled. "If there's no food, let's go to Burger World!"

"I am NOT going to that "heart attack on a bun" place!" Ryou protested.

"So what does my Ryou suggest?" Bakura smiled.

"How about some place nice for once? I doubt we'll stay long anyway since father will want to probably start something!" Ryou spat bitterly.

"I doubt your grandma will let that happen." Bakura reminded him as he sat next to his light. "Don't worry, I'll be there. He won't say shit." He placed an arm around Ryou's shoulder.

Ryou leaned against his other's shoulder feeling comforted. Smiling, he felt his other kiss him on his cheek.

"How about we take a shower together and save time." Bakura whispered in his ear.

"But I thought you wanted to save me for the wedding cake." Ryou teased.

"My dreams are torturing me. Well, maybe I COULD wait for the wedding cake." Bakura's grin became devious. "So my love, am I wooing you finally?"

"Wooing? Is that what it's called now?" Ryou sat on Bakura's lap facing him, his knees on either side of Bakura's legs. "I guess I just wish that if you really genuinely loved me, you'd treat me with a bit more respect."

"Of course I love you. I'm in love with you." Bakura wrapped his strong arms around Ryou's shapely lithe frame, pulling the other against him. "I just wish you wouldn't be so serious half the time."

Ryou just leaned into him, burying his face into Bakura's neck. Why was he so serious? After everything that had happened, had he taken a life bit too seriously and not allowed himself to live too much? Maybe he should just let go and let Bakura love him the way he knew he would.

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He was still sore…he was going to kill the pharaoh! How big was he for crying out loud?

Yuugi laid on his stomach to avoid leaning on his butt. He dreaded having to turn over to get up and go to the bathroom just to relieve himself. Everyday would be a painful reminder of what had happened three days ago. Seventeen times was a bit much…scratch that! Too much! Turning his head, Yuugi looked upon the peaceful face of his other. How they shared the same bed was beyond him. The bastard wouldn't even hold him. When he woke up, Yami was going to get an earful!

As if he had heard Yuugi's thinking, Yami's eyes fluttered opened. He luxuriously stretched, his long sleek muscular arms rising above his head, his chest muscles rippling a bit. Yuugi had to keep himself from drooling and remember…HE WAS MAD!! Oh yes! He was very angry…when did Yami get more muscles?

"Good morning, Aibou. Did you sleep well?" The Egyptian turned on his side to face his other.

"No." Yuugi squeaked.

"Is there anything I can get you?" Yami smiled.

"A bed pan." Yuugi answered.

"What's that?" Yami raised a brow.

"I have to pee and I'm too sore to get out of bed." The other whined as Yami sat up.

"Still? Come on." Yami took Yuugi by his hand and then gently turned the other over.

Yuugi cried out, but Yami quickly scooped up his other in his arms and then carried him to the bathroom. They were both only in their boxers. The pharaoh set Yuugi down on his feet and then gently pushed him into the bathroom, turning on the light.

"Can you hold it yourself, or do I have to come in there and hold it for you?" Yami deviously grinned as Yuugi blushed.

"I'll be fine." He said as Yami closed the door leaning against it.

At that moment, Yuugi's grandfather came running up the stairs after hearing his grandson scream before. Seeing Yami leaning against the bathroom door, Solomon walked toward him to get some answers.

"Why did Yuugi scream? Is he okay?" Solomon asked.

"He had too much fun three days ago." Yami smirked. "He'll be okay in a few days."

"A few days? Why? What happened to him?" Solomon demanded.

"He's a little sore after some rough activity." Yami smiled more to himself.

"What? Did he play a rough sport or something?" Solomon asked.

"You could say that." Yami answered.

"Tell me what is wrong with him so I can help him!" Solomon demanded.

"I'll put it to you this way old man! If someone fucked you seventeen times, would you be able to sit?" Yami stated directly.

Information overload! Solomon passed out from the shock of the pharaoh's words. Yami just raised a brow, his smile disappearing as he poked the man's body with his foot.

"Old man? Old man? Solomon? Wake up!" Yami demanded as the door opened behind him.

"Ji-chan!" Yuugi shouted as he ran past his other and then knelt down next to his grandfather with a hiss of pain. "Wake up!" he felt around for a pulse. "I don't get it! What happened? His pulse is strong. Why did he pass out?" He turned toward Yami who stood there with a smirk on his face. "You didn't tell him, did you?"

"I had to. He wondered why you screamed before. I only told him that if he was fucked seventeen times…" Yami started.

"Yami! How could you be so blunt!" Yuugi scolded. "No wonder he couldn't take it!"

"That's his problem if he lived a sheltered existence." Yami huffed. "He would have found out sooner or later."

"I would have preferred it if he found out later!" Yuugi protested as Solomon began to stir. "Grandfather! Are you okay?"

"Yuugi…please tell me you two didn't have sex." Solomon started as Yuugi's eyes were downcast. "You did, didn't you! Why would you have sex with that…that…DEMON!!!"

"HEY!!! I'm no demon!" Yami protested. "I'm the Pharaoh!"

"Same difference!" Solomon spat back. "Yuugi! Please reconsider! Find a nice girl and settle down. Have a few children! Make this old man happy!"

"Too late gramps! I ruined him for all women!" Yami cross his arms over his dark muscular chest. "He's the other half of my soul and he belongs to me and no one else!"

"I don't believe this is happening." Yuugi groaned as his grandfather stood on his feet to face the pharaoh.


"His life isn't ruined!" Yami protested.

"Yes it is! Now he will never have a family because of you!" Solomon began. "Why did you have to come back? Couldn't you have found your own place to live and not involved Yuugi in your life?"

"Everything I did was FOR HIM!!!" Yami corrected Solomon.

"So all the duels and your fame that rightfully belonged to my grandson were for him?" Solomon shot back.

"I chose to go to college, remember?" Yuugi reminded his grandfather.

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" He shouted. "You should be the one with the fame and fortune, not this…this…I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO CALL HIM!"

"You already took your best shot!" Yami countered.

"YOU BE QUIET!!!" Solomon scolded him as he turned back toward his grandson. "What is it he has that is so attractive? Is it really worth it?" Solomon pleaded with Yuugi as Yami grinned deviously rubbing his own hardened member through his boxers behind his grandfather's back. "Well?" Yuugi's face flushed from embarrassment.

"EEEEEEEEP!!" Yuugi ran back into his room and slammed the door shut.

"Yuugi? YUUGI!! What happened?" Solomon asked as Yami shrugged his shoulders. "Don't think you're off the hook, young man! We're going to continue this later!" He walked back down the stairs.

Yami watched the old man walk down the stairs before pursing Yuugi again. He wasn't going to screw his light silly. He needed Yuugi walking again at least. He was going to just talk to him…maybe…

"We're going to continue this later young man…" He imitated. "HAH!"

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Yuugi was on the phone with Ryou. For some reason, he felt the need to call him. Why, he didn't know, but speaking to the albino about his current dilemma made him feel better.

"My father can't accept Bakura either, but my grandmother does. Don't worry about your grandfather. He'll accept both of you in time provided the Pharaoh doesn't piss him off anymore than he probably has." Ryou told him.

"I hope so." Yuugi started. "I just wish he was more…well…affectionate."

"I certainly don't have that problem with Bakura." Ryou sighed. "I mean, he's all over me every chance he gets!"

"Can I help it if you look too sexy for own good!" Yuugi heard Bakura's voice.

"BAKURA!!!" Ryou scolded. "I'm talking to Yuugi! Go sit down and amuse yourself! Wait…NO…PULL YOUR ZIPPER BACK UP!! BAKURA!!!! Ooooooh! My God!"

"What's wrong?" Yuugi asked.

"I didn't know it could be so big." Stated Ryou calmly. "And so dark…and so…"

"I get the picture although I'm trying not to!" Yuugi growled.

"Now he's stripping…" Yuugi was guessing Ryou was mesmerized by the sight. "I'm going to go now. Don't worry. Things will work out." And then Ryou hung up.

"Is everyone going crazy today?" Yuugi sighed as he flopped on the bed stomach first.

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Ryou had slowly hung up the phone as Bakura began to do a strip tease. The Egyptian was dark and sexy. His white hair was a shocking contrast to his skin tone. God, he was muscular!

"Come here, Ryou!" Bakura motioned for the albino to come closer. "I have a nice surprise for you!"

Ryou had to mentally slap himself from giving in. No! No matter how good Bakura looked, he would not give in! No! Not this time…no…uh uh…that thing looked so huge…was it really really worth saving his own innocence? Didn't he have this mental conversation with himself about ten minutes or so ago? He so wanted to feel Bakura inside of him…

Walking toward his other, Ryou handed Bakura a bath robe. Not today. Not until he was sure of Bakura's feelings for him…why the hell did he feel so insecure? Didn't Bakura just confess to loving him?

Bakura snatched the robe and then threw it aside. He then gently took his light by the arm and drew his innocent albino into his muscular embrace. Bakura looked so handsome, his features reminding Ryou of some handsome hero out of one of those romance novels…

Hesitantly, Ryou slowly moved his arms around his other. This felt so nice. No forceful moves. No Bakura trying to get him into bed. Just a nice gentle embrace. Closing his eyes, Ryou just smiled enjoying the moment.

"Ryou, maybe we should get dressed for your father and step bitch's party tonight." Bakura gently pushed him away. "We can have fun afterwards." He gently smiled.

This was too much! Who was this person and what have they done with Bakura? Maybe the Egyptian finally figured out that Ryou wanted him to be a gentleman.

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Another fucking invitation to some stupid event that always demanded his presence because he was Seto fucking Kaiba! Yes! We want you to come so others will think that we are important…NOT!!! To make matters worse, it was Ryou Bakura's father who sent the invitation or was it that social climbing bitch? Seto had nothing against Ryou, he was a sweet kid, but they didn't know each other that well. He was sure that the albino had nothing to do with it.

"What's wrong." Came a pleasant voice that soothed his angered soul.

"I have to attend some stupid social function. You know, a wedding?" Seto handed the invitation to Jou. "So, since they demand my presence, how about you come with me as my date."

"Me? If you take me as your date, you will never get invited to another social again!" The blond pointed out.

"Ask if I care." He took the invitation away and then set it down on the table next to the front door. "The only reason they want me there is because of who I am. It would make them look better from a social stand point. Also, those cows would want to throw their daughters at me that couldn't turn me on if they stood there naked with triple E sized breasts!"

"So, I'm basically there to stave off the women." Jou shook his head. "What's wrong with big breasted women?"

"Nothing. I just don't like some bitch wanting me for my money." Kaiba answered. "Do you know how many marriage proposals I get a day? Do you know how many of those cows think their daughters are good enough for me? Well they all aren't! Not any of them! They have no idea what I want in a partner. Everything I have done, I have done for Mokuba! I want someone besides my little brother to see the real me! Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Of course I do. I understand. It's hard to get someone to notice the real you when they really see dollar signs." Jou started. "Don't worry. One day, some smart gal will see the real you and if she's REALLY smart, she'll run the other direction." He smirked.

"Who's the smart ass now?" Seto crossed his arms over his chest.

"Speaking of that, have you heard anything about Mokuba?" Jou asked.

"No. I hired some people like I said I would to look for him and report back to me when they do find him. There is no way in hell that I am going to let this pervert get away with kidnapping my brother without a word." Seto sighed. "I hate the waiting."

"It'll be okay. Mokuba will be fine. After all, the kidnapper might want to pay you to take him back if I know your little brother." Jou smiled as Seto kept himself from wanting to kick the pup in the ass. "He's probably driving the guy nuts. Smart defense."

"You think so. It could also get you killed." Seto reminded him. "Come on. At least keep me company for a while. I am tired of listening to silence." He walked off. `Tired of marriage proposals!' He hissed mentally to himself.

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Marik had decided to leave his sanctuary leaving Malik and Mokuba behind. He would get back to them soon enough. First, he had to find Rishid in order to carry out his plans. Oh yes! Ryou, Bakura and Yuugi would be his in time! Then he would dispose of that obnoxious brat of a pharaoh and Yuugi at the same time. He would marry Ryou and then torture Bakura. Oh yes! Bakura would get ring side seats while he fucked Ryou senseless!