Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Marik's Insane Plot or Bakura gets pissed! ❯ UnRyou Like ( Chapter 15 )
Disclaimer: None of this is mine. If you are a serious fan, have no sense of humor or hate Shonen-Ai, this is not for you.
The evening came very fast and nearly so did Bakura. His light looked good enough to eat! How he wanted to rip those tight clothes off Ryou's body. He wore white, all leather white! Oh Rah! Who was the one getting married? Who was the one unconsciously outdoing the bride? Bakura was a stark contrast to Ryou. He wore totally black leathers and buckles.
The two entered the dining hall watching everyone just mingle with each other. So this was what a rehearsal dinner was. Everyone was there to know each other the day before the wedding was to take place. Ryou guessed it was to stave off the awkwardness of meeting for the first time at a wedding. It was too bad he did not want to know any of them! He had Bakura! Bakura and the employees at this club were his family now.
While Ryou was looking for a place to sit, Bakura was looking for a cake to screw his light on. He wanted Ryou and he wanted him NOW!!!! Nope, no nice white giant cake in sight. He remembered when one of his "wenches" got married. They had a nice big wedding cake. Unfortunately, the bride and groom took too much of a delight in smashing each other in the face with the first piece of ceremonial cake! He had laughed his ass off that night!
Of course, there was no wedding cake. Damn it! He'd have to wait! Damn! Damn! Damn! Bakura placed an arm around Ryou's shoulder, daring anyone to say anything. So far, no one look disgusted or surprised in the least.
/Why do I feel so out of place here? / Ryou asked through their mental link.
//Because you're the only good looking one here? Did you get a load of those ugly mother fuckers in the corner? What is with your family? Do they all need paper bags or something? Was your father the only one who married out side the family? // That made Ryou giggle.
/Oh yeah. My mom was from America I think. I'm not sure. I think I inherited all of her looks. / Ryou smiled.
//Damn straight you did! // Bakura snorted.
/I mean though, that I feel so out of place for other reasons. / Ryou picked up the conversation again.
//You mean because of the leather you're wearing. You look beautiful in it. // Bakura stated as Ryou blushed. //Or is it because you have a boyfriend and the rest of them are the status quo? None of them seem surprised, so what do you care? //
/True. / Ryou sighed. /Let's find somewhere to sit. I don't feel like talking to anyone. /
//Did Yami and Yuugi get an invite to this? // Bakura asked.
/I hope so. / Ryou answered.
They finally found a seat. Bakura sat Ryou down first and then he took a chair for himself. They just watched everyone talk around them. The albino was not interested in talking with anyone. In fact, he wanted to leave now! Ryou would rather be alone with his dark.
"Ryou." Oh, no…not his father. "Why did you come dressed like that? You look like a whore." The albino felt sadness overwhelm his being which Bakura felt.
That was it! The first thing out of his mouth pissed off Bakura to no end. No one insulted Ryou! The Egyptian stood up and then grabbed Edward by his collar. Groom to be or not, he was not going to make it to the honey moon!
"Say that again, and you lose your life!" Bakura threatened the man. "You never ever speak to him like that!" He pushed the man away.
"I'll speak to him anyway I like. He is my son and you have nothing to say!" Edward pointed out as he turned back toward his son. "Are you trying to humiliate me? You knew this was a black tie affair. If you couldn't dress for it, you shouldn't have bothered to come."
"A black tie affair? If I knew that, I would have just worn the tie and kept off the vest." A voice interrupted the growing intense conversation.
Turning around, Edward was met with the shit eating grin of Yami. Yuugi was right behind him hand-in-hand also dressed in leathers and buckles. He stood there not looking at the man. Rather, he found the floor interesting.
"What are you doing here? Were you invited?" Edward asked.
"Yeah? You sent me and Yuugi an invitation to this and your wedding." Yami showed him the card. "Take comfort in the fact that I use to be a pharaoh." He walked past the bewildered man and then sat down with Yuugi in tow.
"Ryou, we will continue this conversation later." His father walked away.
"What's his problem?" Yami demanded.
"He's angry because Ryou decided to wear leather instead of the penguin suit. I don't think a suit looks very good on him." Bakura turned toward Yami, a devious grin forming on his face.. "So, whose wig do you want to light on fire tonight?"
***************** ******************** ***************** ***********
Seto Kaiba knew he was going to get bombarded the minute he stepped into that accursed Rehearsal Dinner! He had to keep Jounouchi by his side, arm in arm, in order to give those cows the message that he just was NOT interested in their daughters! He could feel his escort trembling in fear on what others would think. Seto just didn't give a damn! Would Mokuba be surprised!
The stares were intense. He guessed that Bakura and Ryou must have made their grand entrances already. Seto ignored the cows around him stating they could change his mind with their lovely daughters. He'd rather do Jounouchi…not a bad thought….
Seto made his way to the table where the others were and then shoved Jou into a seat. He then sat down, arms crossed over his chest. Why the hell did he have to be here?
"Hey Seto! Long time no see." Bakura greeted.
"I like the no see part. What the hell is this! Is this a dinner or a farce!" Seto demanded as he turned toward Edward and his fiancé. "That woman is the biggest gold digger I have ever seen and these cows in here are no better."
"There are cows? Does that mean there is raw meat here?" Bakura grinned.
"You like your steak tar-tar?" Seto huffed.
"Of course. The bloodier, the better!" Bakura felt his mouth water.
"Don't even mention that!" Ryou groaned. "I was sick for a whole month because of your strange appetites."
"Didn't you like the raw eggs?" Bakura asked.
Ryou got up from the seat with his hand over his mouth, running toward the restrooms. Bakura's smile turned into a frown. Now Ryou wouldn't be able to enjoy the food. Poor light.
"What's wrong with Ryou?" Yuugi asked.
"I guess I reminded him of too much." Bakura sighed. "I'll go check on him."
****************** ******************** ********************* ******
Slamming the bathroom door opened, Ryou ran into one of the empty stalls, closing the latch and then began to empty the contents of his stomach into the toilet. Had Bakura's imagery really cause this or was it something else?
Gods, his father was so cruel. To call him a whore broke Ryou's heart. Why did he care anymore? Anything he did, his father would never approve and he would never be part of that family again. The bitch would get what she wanted and so would that son of hers! His father, that damned house which he was originally sent to live in, the money and his room! Why the hell did that bitch have to give her son HIS room!! Oh yeah! She didn't want her precious little darling to have second best! God forbid!
"I hate him, I hate her and her demon spawn!" Ryou hissed as he began to throw up again.
The door to the bathroom opened as two people stepped inside. One was the "demon spawn" and the other was a cousin on Ryou's father's side. The albino heard a bathroom stall open and two sets of feet step inside. What happened next made his eyes widen to saucers.
"You promised me good sex! I want to see how good it is!" His voice made Ryou stop breathing.
"Someone could be in here!" The other protested.
"I don't care. I want what's coming to me." He purred.
Get what's coming to him? Oh! Ryou would LOVE to give him what was coming to him! A good swift kick in the ass and then some! Where the hell was Bakura when he needed him?
"You know something? I would love to fuck you and my cousin's son Ryou at the same time!" That made Ryou's face red in anger.
"Oh yes. I would love to hear him scream." The other responded as Ryou got to his feet, flushed the toilet and then slammed the stall door opened.
There was no way in hell he was going to let himself be part of anyone's perverted fantasies except Bakura's! Oh no! They were going to PAY!! They were going to scream all right! It wasn't going to be in ecstasy!
Ryou stood in front of the stall where the two perverts were. With one strong swift kick to the handi-capped stall (I refuse to call it anything else!) the latch broke, the pieces falling to the floor. The two shocked occupants stared wide eyed at Ryou's seething form. This was so unlike the calm collected albino.
"Oh! So you want to fuck me, huh? Well come and get me boys!" Ryou ran into the stall and all hell broke loose!
********************* *********************** *********************
Bakura walked toward the men's room and heard screams inside. They were not of pleasure that was for sure. Wanting to see a nice painful fight, he walked in only to see his light inflicting all the pain. Bakura would be proud of this moment, but his actions right now could cause him to get arrested!
"RYOU!" Bakura grabbed his angel around the waist keeping Ryou from inflicting further pain.
The two slowly picked themselves off the floor, bruised and humiliated. There was no use even trying to continue their activities. They would be soon discovered missing from the party.
"Just forget you saw or heard anything." His future step brother huffed as he walked out of the bathroom.
Ryou's cousin left without a word. How could they do that to him! How could they just walk out? Why did Bakura stop him!!!
"I really wish you haven't done that." Ryou hissed through clenched teeth.
"Yeah? Well, they would have had you arrested if I didn't stop them!" Bakura growled, making Ryou face him. "I know you're angry, but I wouldn't waste my time with them. They aren't worth it. Anyway, you're above that."
"Right! First my father disowns me, her son takes my place in his life, then my father calls me a whore and then said son along with the rest of the male members of my family are lusting after me in some sick fantasy!" Ryou almost screamed. "I WANT TO KILL THEM!"
"Calm down Ryou! You aren't going to do anything to anyone." Bakura stated calmly trying to get Ryou to do the same. "They're not worth it. I told you that." He brought Ryou closer against his chest, burying his face in the snow white hair. "Calm yourself and then we'll sit with your friends and have a good time." He left a small kiss on Ryou's neck. "Okay?"
"Oh, okay Bakura." Ryou said in a mock innocent tone. "I'll be fine." A devious smile appeared on his face.
"That's my Ryou." Bakura smiled as he slowly let go of the albino.
The albino broke free and then ran out the door. Bakura's eyes widened as Ryou shrieked a war cry. Had he gone berserk?
"I'M GOING TO KILL THEM!!!" Ryou shouted as the elder gathered his wits about him and then ran after his other.
"RYOU!!" Bakura ran after him.
******************************* **************************************
Seto and Yami were talking about the finer points of dueling as Yuugi and Jou just listened. They were getting really REALLY ridiculous!
"RYOU!!!" They heard Bakura's voice shout across the restaurant.
"Did someone forget to give Ryou Midol or something?" Seto snorted in disgust as Yami smirked.
******************************* ***************************************
Bakura grabbed his light before he could inflict any damage on his prey. Edward stood up outraged at his son's actions. Bakura just glared at the man, annoyed that he was about to take his step-son's side.
"What is the meaning of this! Are you deliberately trying to embarrass me?!" Edward demanded.
"Embarrass you? Nah, you've done that to yourself! Maybe you should talk to your step son and that cousin of yours." He motioned toward the man sitting next to the teen. "I mean, your son is in their fantasies!" He noticed Edward's face turning red. "Don't get too upset. After all, you did marry outside the family before. Maybe if you and this stupid bitch have a child, they'll make this family look even better!" He dragged a resisting Ryou away. "BY THE WAY! I WANT MY MEAT RAW!! YOU KNOW!! BLOODY RED?!"
Edward turned toward his future step son and his own cousin. Ryou was in their fantasies? How dare them! He was sure Bakura was not lying because his own son would not react that violently towards anything.
"So, you both desire my son?" He started, a dark look on his face.
************************************ **********************************
Ryou was dragged kicking and screaming into the bathroom. They were supposed to taste his wrath! (I cannot get this cartoon squirrel on the internet saying "taste my squirrelly wrath!" out of my mind!) Yes! A wrath so powerful they would never recover from it! Yes! A nice sharp knife and two sets of balls removed! What sweet revenge it would have been!
"Ryou!" Bakura broke him out of his insane trance. "Ryou love. Calm down. It's me." He hugged Ryou against his chest, his face buried in the albino's shoulder. "Your father knows and he'll take care of it. He wasn't happy to say the least."
"I wanted to kill them." Ryou whispered, tears forming around the corners of his eyes. "I don't want to be desired just by anyone."
"I desire you. I'm not just anyone." Bakura pointed out.
"You're the only one I want." Ryou confessed quietly. "I just want you to think of me that way, to look at me that way. I can't explain why."
"I can." Bakura smiled against his neck. "We're soul mates Ryou. Not the soul mates that people think of, but real ones. Do you understand?"
"I already knew that." Ryou confessed. "I just didn't want to face it. I thought it was wrong."
"It isn't. Whether we get together now or later doesn't make a difference. I would never love you than leave you." Bakura promised his light. "Despite my crude comments, I do respect you. I love you. I am in love with you. I've told you this before. Have you even listened to me?"
"Of course. You asked me not to be so serious half the time." Ryou smiled remembering the moment as he turned in Bakura's embrace, his big eyes shining at the other. "Thanks for always being there for me even though I have never told you so."
Bakura smiled. Of course he would always be there for his angel. No one could come between them. This moment was so perfect…and he and Ryou were alone…and the albino was so close to him…
"Could you guys do that at home? I have to use the can!" Yami walked in ruining the moment.
Bakura wanted to so kill that bastard of a pharaoh! He was so damned close and then HE had to RUIN EVERYTHING!!!! Why should the great Yami care? He probably nailed Yuugi every night since the airport! Why should he care about the Tomb Robber's needs? Oh, no! The pharaoh needed to sit on the "throne" to do his business!
"GO PISS OUTSIDE YOU STUPID ASSHOLE!!! I am having a moment here alone with Ryou!" Bakura shouted at Yami.
"I think he deserves better than the men's room, don't you think?" Yami shook his head as he stepped into a stall and closed the door. "Try either your nice big apartment or a hotel somewhere!" They could hear him undo his pants. "While you're at it…" They could hear the stream come out into the toilet (graphic ain't I?) "…you could fill the room with flowers."
"That sounds so romantic." Ryou smiled as Bakura growled.
"No thanks. I hate flowers." Bakura spat back. "Maybe ferrets?" he snarled.
"Why? Do you can bite their heads off?" Yami suggested.
"Yeah! I'll bite their little heads off and then spit them at you. How does that sound?" Bakura seethed.
"You've lost your touch." The pharaoh stated.
TBC… The party goes on. Will Bakura ever get his Ryou or will Yami purposely get in the way because he wants Ryou and Yuugi at the same time! ;D