Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Marik's Insane Plot or Bakura gets pissed! ❯ Bakura Finally Corners Ryou! ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: None of this is mine. If you hate Shonen-ai, are a die hard fan or have no sense of humor, this is not for you. Also, this part has a sex scene in it which I should have warned in a chapter or two ago. Since you all like it anyway, I'm not saying where! ;)


Bakura sat there at the table cursing silently to himself, glaring at that arrogant asshole of a pharaoh. Ryou sighed wondering if a fight would ensue. Yuugi looked as if he wanted to hide under the table. Yami glared right back at Bakura as if they were locked in the battle of wills. Of course, Seto thought they were locked in the battle of the witless!

"Are you two going to kill each other and get it over with?" Kaiba stated bored.

Ryou so wished he could have smacked Kaiba upside the head right there and then. Why the hell would he want someone to start a fight in the middle of a boring dinner party? Wait…maybe it wasn't such a bad idea.

"I wouldn't condescend to soil my hands with his blood." Yami crossed his arms over his chest.

"I wouldn't give you the time of day!" Bakura growled back.

"Could you both please behave yourselves?" Ryou pleaded as he tried to make himself calm down.

"That's rich! Coming from someone who was just trying to kill his own two family members!" Seto snorted.

"Oh shut it, Kaiba! At least my Ryou had a reason to disembowel them!" Bakura shot back.

"Your Ryou? I never heard you use that term before." Yami snickered.

"Shut up Pharaoh! You walked in on purpose! You just want to ruin my life! That's it! You want to see how far you can go until my dick shrivels up and falls off!" Bakura spat back.

"Is that a challenge?" Yami asked.

"Stop it!" Ryou demanded. "Let's just endure the rest of this and then leave. I don't like being here anymore than the rest of you and this is MY family!"

They all stayed silent hoping Ryou would not explode like a woman on her period again!

***************************** ************************* **************

The evening mercifully ended, but not before Yami and Bakura flooded out the men's bathroom. How they did that made Ryou shake his head. One minute they wanted to kill each other, the next they were partner's-in-crime. They were friends and they didn't want to admit it plain and simple!

Bakura opened the passenger side for his light letting Ryou sit down in the leather seat. This was not like the dark one. He closed the door and then walked to the other side. Bakura opened it up and then slid in, closing the door behind him.

"Your family sucks." Bakura finally broke the silence.

"Amongst other things." Ryou concluded as Bakura broke down laughing. "What?"

"You know how vile that sounded?" Bakura laughed.

"Your point?" Ryou demanded as Bakura stopped laughing.

"You're serious." Bakura shook his head. "You really must hate them."

"I would rather meet my mother's side of the family then spend one more hour with my father's side." Ryou snorted. "It's bad enough we have to endure that dreadful wedding tomorrow!" Bakura slid closer to his light.

Taking Ryou's chin gently in his hand, Bakura made the albino face him. Wide eyes faced the other's narrow brown eyes. A smile graced Bakura's face.

"At least I can have you tomorrow on the wedding cake." Bakura purred as he got closer. "Aren't you at least happy about that?"

"Sure." Ryou smiled.

Bakura wasted no time. There was no Yami around to ruin the moment and he was alone with his Ryou! It was now or never…well there was always later tonight or tomorrow… Oh hell! Now was a good time!

"Oh Bakura! I need to jump start my car! Can you help me?" Bakura was almost there…DAMN HIM!!!!

Bakura looked back and noticed Yami standing there with jumper cables. With a devious smile, the "oh heathen one" slammed his car door into Yami's crotch. Oh yes! That scream was beautiful music to his ears as the pharaoh fell down.

Closing the door, Bakura leaned toward his intended target and then pressed his lips softly against Ryou's. Ha! Ha! Silly Pharaoh! He couldn't stop him this time! No! Ryou was his! HAHAHAHH!!

The kiss became more passionate, deeper. Tongues clashed for dominance, but Bakura won the battle. His strong muscular arms tightened around his light, pulling the albino against his chest. One of his hands began an exploration of the soft body beneath him. Oh yes! He wanted to know how Ryou felt under his caress.

Bakura's strong hand moved up inside Ryou's leather apparel. His hand stopped at its intended target and his thumb caressed the already hard nipple there. The albino arched into his touch, moaning into the kiss. Oh yes! His little kitten was getting into it! The roaming hand moved downward to the rim of his white leather pants. Oh yes! Bakura was slowly reaching for the prize he waited so long for! This was the prize worth more than the Millennium Puzzle itself!

Ryou gasped as he felt that large hand work on unfastening his belt buckle. Oh Gods! Bakura was moving too fast, but at the same time, he wanted it so badly! His other would never leave him, would he?

Bakura's skills proved him very efficient! He managed to not only unbuckle the belt, he also got the zipper open. Now to fish for his prize! This was better than the cereal boxes! He still couldn't figure out that damn decoder ring!

"Ba-Ba-Bakura!" Ryou moaned as he felt those fingers gently move down into his pants. "Oh my God!" He never knew that could feel good alone!

Finding his prize, Bakura began to stroke and tease his little minx. Oh yes! He was going to enjoy torturing Ryou. He had no idea what he was in for. The elder moved his lips hungrily to Ryou's neck, sucking on the juncture and then nipping at it. His fingers grasped the object of his desire and then he began his work. Oh yes! Ryou would never forget this.

************************** **************************** *************

"Yami! Are you okay? What happened?" Yuugi helped his other stand up.

"I just asked Bakura for a favor and…" They both heard an ear piercing cry. "Oh shit! Now I can't see his dick fall off!"

"Yami! For once, can't you behave!" Yuugi shook his head.

"No." He leered at Yuugi. "I've been very VERY bad! Would you punish me?" He waggled his eyes.

"Oh! I'll punish you alright, you hentai! You can start by cleaning the game shop and then the rest of the damn house!" Yuugi dragged him off by his ear.

"Itai! Itai! Stop!" Yami pleaded.

***************************** ************************ ****************

"Bakuraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Ryou screamed his release.

What did he expect? Ryou probably never had an orgasm before and was quick. He would have to teach the albino on how to control himself better. Right now, he wanted to just to have his fun. He kissed his Ryou on the lips softly and then reclined the albino's seat back for more. Dipping his head between the beauty's legs, his spiky hair covered his love's thighs, and his tongue was cleaning up the mess up. Oh yeah! Bakura would make sure that Ryou would never forget this! Heh.

Ryou leaned back, his eyes shut tightly and his breathing coming in quick gasps. These new sensations were overloading him making him want to scream more. Was this what he was missing? Oh God, it felt so good. What was next? Oh! No! Not that! He wouldn't be able to take it! Bakura's tongue began to work its magic on his nether regions.

"S-Stop Bakura." Ryou gasped. "Please…not that…"

//Oh yes little one! I will be doing that! You'll love it! // Bakura stated in his mind.

/Wha-what are you doing? / Ryou gasped.

//You'll see. I'm not going all the way today. I think this will overload you enough. // Bakura smiled in his mind.

Overload he did. Ryou let out a cry as Bakura continued his pleasure. His little one tasted so sweet and he was all his. His tongue touched every part, every crevice making Ryou writhe above him in pleasure. What he would give to have a video camera taping this moment. Then he could keep it for his collection and watch in his office at work. Bakura was sure Ryou was looking beautiful at this moment!

Taking his love into his mouth finally, Bakura began to give his love the release he really needed. The stress of his life, his family and everything needed to be relieved somehow from his soul. Bakura made a vibrating noise in the back of his throat, exciting his love even more. He felt Ryou's essence explode from within and Bakura greedily sucked it down. He had the little one in the palm of his hands…literally!

Sitting back up, Bakura kissed Ryou's cheek and then redressed his light. Ryou turned toward him, his eyes glazed over.

"That was…that was…incredible…" Ryou smiled out of breath. "I can't believe…you did that."

"I did it. Believe it." Bakura started the car. "There's more to it than that, but I want to save that for another time. I just wanted you to have a taste of sorts, and so did I, of how great it can be."

"Bakura, you didn't have to do it here." Ryou sighed. "You know…" He started as he uprighted the seat as Bakura rode away from the restaurant. "…you could have done that at home."

"I know, but I wanted to have somewhere you couldn't run from for once." Bakura smirked at his light. "I got you where I wanted you and you were looking very VERY tasty tonight."

Ryou blushed at his comment.

**************************** *************************** ****************

"But I don't wanna clean the shop!" Yami whined as Yuugi glared at him.

"How could you stand there and watch them go at it! I thought you were better than that." Yuugi almost screamed at him. "You were practically drooling at Ryou!"

Uh oh…Caught! He loved his Aibou, but he wanted to see what is would be like to have both of them in bed. Oh well…guess Yuugi wasn't into sharing. Guess he didn't feel the same about Ryou.

"I just wanted, well, to experience a threesome." Yami whispered.

"A threesome? Uck! No offense, Ryou's nice looking and all, but I don't think I wanna do him, okay?" Yuugi walked away.

"Yuugi! WAIT!" Yami ran after him.

*************************** ******************************* *************

Marik walked around town. He was bored, really bored. He forced his original host to follow him in spiritual form. Malik just followed behind not feeling anything around him. He hated this!

"So where are we going?" Malik demanded.

"I'm bored. I want to go to Bakura's place and pay him a little visit." Marik smirked.

"Why don't just go play with yourself if you're bored! Leave Bakura alone!" Malik demanded. "Leave Ryou alone too."

"I wanna marry him!" Marik shot back.

"He doesn't want to marry you!" Malik shouted back. "He loves Bakura! Get over it!"

"If I make Bakura go away, then he'll love me." Marik smiled to himself.

"Have you lost sight again of what you are trying to accomplish!" Malik demanded. "You want the two lights so you can get back at the pharaoh and they must be virgins."

"Oh yeah! Virgins! I love virgins! They are so pure, so innocent, so naïve!" Marik's eyes lit up with insane glee. "I GET TO PLAY WITH RYOU!!!"

"Rah, give me strength." Malik groaned.

**************************** *************************** *************

Ryou walked through the front door tired from the whole day's ordeal. He heard Bakura close behind him closing the front door. He could hear the elder's heavy boots on the oak wood floors of his house. Closing his eyes, Ryou relished the feeling of those strong muscular arms around his petite frame. Oh yes. He was missing a lot.

"So, are you going to push me away again?" Bakura's voice purred. "Or are you going to let me show you how I feel more?"

"Mmmmmmmm…I could be content just staying like this right now." Ryou smiled, his eyes never opening.

Bakura turned the beauty in his arms to face him. Their lips met again, more passionately this time. The elder became more encouraged as he felt those arms slide around his neck.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door. Bakura growled as he parted from Ryou. Unsheathing his knife from his belt, Bakura stalked toward the front door. It couldn't be. He wouldn't have the balls! After all, he had Yuugi! Why did he have to intrude on his own fun!

Opening the door, Bakura's jaw almost dropped. What the hell was this asshole doing here?

"What the fuck do you want! Didn't I tell you to stay away from MY RYOU YOU FUCKING SADISTIC BASTARD!!!!" Bakura practically shouted at him.

"Temper, temper, Bakura. I just wanted to visit an old friend." Marik grinned deviously.

"You ain't no friend of mine you psycho so get out of here before I beat the shit out of you!" Bakura growled. "You just want Ryou."

"Oh yes! I want Ryou bound and gagged bent over for my pleasure." Marik sneered. "Think you can arrange that?"

"You can go fuck yourself a hundred times before I let that happen!" Bakura growled. "GET.OUT." He gritted his teeth.

"Uh, no?" Marik walked past the ex-tomb robber. "Oh Ryou! Ryou baby, Marik is here and wants to pound into your sweet tight ass!"

"THAT'S MY LINE AND RYOU'S SWEET TIGHT ASS IS MINE TO POUND INTO!!" Bakura shouted at him. "Now leave!"

************************** ************************** ****************

Ryou hid in Bakura's bedroom. There was no way he was going to go out there with that crazy loon in the house. Why were they talking about his ass?

"I'll be back, Bakura. I will have your light in my possession soon enough." Marik promised as he left.

"NO YOU WON'T!!" Bakura shouted as Ryou flinched hearing the door slam shut.

Ryou emerged from the bedroom, walking slowly toward Bakura. He knew the elder would never hurt him, but the albino wanted to be safe.

"Damn crazy blondes!" Bakura muttered under his breath as he heard someone behind him. "Ryou?"

"Yes?" He answered.

"Let's go to bed." The ex-Tomb Robber placed an arm around the other's shoulders. "We have that damn wedding tomorrow."

********************************** ***********************************

"I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU WERE LUSTING AFTER MY OWN SON!!" Edward shouted at the wayward youth. "What were you thinking!" He shot a look at his future bride. "Tell me, Chesha, is this what you were really worried about? After all, my son did nothing to tempt your son! Did you know your son was like this? Well?"

"Maybe a little, but still…" She was cut off.

"You made me turn my back on my own son! You came between us. Tell me, Chesha, why should I marry you tomorrow?!" He demanded.

"Because I love you despite it all." She almost cried.

"Really? Is it me or my money you want! Tell me!" He demanded.

"You of course." She was desperate to keep the wedding on. "I love you, Edward. I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"

"Then tell me, if you want to marry me, will you accept my son!" She knew there was only one answer to this question…

"Yes." She whispered. "I just don't approve of what he is."

"I have just realized it's not for us to judge! He's my son whether or not he lies with a woman or a man! While I may not like the person he is with now, that person is at least concerned for my son's well being! I have had enough of you and everyone else telling me how to handle my son! Accept him for what he is or there is no marriage." Edward threatened.

Too many plans…too many preparations and too much money was invested into this celebration. Chesha knew she had to accept his son the way he was. After all, her own son was now out of the closet and doing it with Edward's own relatives! She would have to take care of that later!

"Of course Edward. After all, they say marry the father, you marry the children." She answered. `Right answer.' She thought to herself.

"I am glad we have an understanding." He turned back toward his future step son. "I want you to move into one of the guestrooms and leave my son's room as it was. Do we understand each other?"

"Yes." He whispered. "I will do that while you both are on your honeymoon."

"While you are it, you will either attend college or get a full-time job." Edward spat at the boy. "You will not live off of my money. It rightfully belongs to my son and me." That made the boy wince. "Are we at an understanding Chesha!" He turned back to his fiancé.

"Yes Edward." She sighed.

Damn it! Chesha had met her match. She had gotten herself into something too deep to get out of. Tomorrow would be her day, but what about the rest of their lives? Her son would have to go to college. She could not support him for the rest of her life and neither could Edward.

"Tomorrow before the ceremony, you will sign a pre-nup. I also will be continuing to pay for my son's education since somehow he lost the scholarship!" Edward walked out of the room making Chesha blanch internally.

Everything had backfired on her and there was no way out…