Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Marik's Insane Plot or Bakura gets pissed! ❯ Ryou and Bakura's Lemon! ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: None of this is mine. If you hate shonen-ai, have no sense of humor or are a die hard fan, this is not for you.


Yawning, Bakura walked toward the front door. Whoever the maniac was knocking at eleven in the morning was going to have their nuts handed to them. He hated being pulled from Ryou. He needed to be cuddling with his little albino bunny.

Opening the door, one eye cracked opened, he noticed a giant cake in his face. Oh! The wedding cake! Oh yes! Today would be lots and lots of fun!

"Wedding cake for one Bakura Ryoo." The man said behind the cake.

"That would be me." Bakura growled. "How much for the damage?"

"One hundred aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand…" Bakura just handed him the money plus. "THANK YOU!!" The guy quickly left.

"Heh. Works every time." He placed the cake on the dining room table.

Bakura's mouth watered. It was not so much the cake that made his mouth water, it was what would be on the cake. Ryou plus cake equaled one hell of a good time! Oh yes! Nothing would be able to spoil this moment! Not even that blasted pharaoh! Bakura hoped the idiot would be crawling home to Yuugi now. The ankle biter probably would not be giving it to him for a while! Heh!

"Bakura?" Ryou walked into the dining room with sleepy eyes. "Come back to bed." He pleaded as he yawned. "I'm really tired." Ryou noticed the wedding cake on the table. "Who's getting married?"

Bakura walked toward his light and then slid his arms around that slender waist. Burying his face in Ryou's neck, he inhaled the sweet scent of his love and then sighed. If this was what life would be like, he accepted it with wide opened arms.

"No one. Remember what I said I would do to you at your father's wedding?" Bakura's voice was muffled. "Well, I ordered the cake. You were there."

"Uh, Bakura!" Ryou's eyes widened in shock. "I didn't think you would do this!"

"Oh yes!" Bakura let go of his light. "I want you on that cake…now." He growled as he took off Ryou's robe in one stroke revealing his nude body. "Wow!" Was his reaction.

"What! Am I that bad to look at?" Ryou asked trying to cover himself with his arms.

"No! You look gooooooooooooooooooooood." Bakura smirked feeling his mouth water at the sight before him. "Come to papa!" He grabbed his little bunny and then sat him on the table next to the cake.

************************* **************************** *************

"So, as I was saying, I am from upper Domino and I just applied for internship at some really neat television station. Isn't that cool?" The girl asked boring Yami to death!

Where did this dumb bitch come from? All she did was talk about herself and how great she was. Who cares! They didn't want to ask her out so why did she insist on sticking around. She just sat herself down in the booth while the two were trying to eat.

"We're gay." Yami finally got a word in.

"That's nice." She started as Yami smacked his head on the table, not rising again. "You know, I had a gay friend once and he gave me some great interior decorating tips! Do you guys know how to decorate an apartment?"

"I'm color blind." Yami's voice was muffled by the table.

"Really? I knew someone once who was color blind!" She started as Yami picked up his head and glared as hard as he could at the wench!

If he glared anymore, maybe her head would explode! Heh! That was a nice thought. Where did she come from anyway? She had overshadowed everything they did so far and he was tired of it.

"Anyway, here is my number and I will be seeing you guys more often so get to know me!" She gave Yuugi her number. "By the way, my name is Cassy!" That made Yami cringe.

"Oh sure! Have a nice day!" Yuugi grinned waving as the pharaoh glared at the retreating form.

"I hate original characters! They think they are more interesting than us!" Yami growled.

"Aww! I thought she was nice!" Yuugi's eyes became bright.

"You think Bakura on acid is nice! You think everything is nice! Can you for once think of something that isn't nice?" Yami criticized.

"Me not giving you any tonight?" Yuugi emphasized.

"It's nice that you think everything is nice!" Yami differed his opinion as Yuugi smiled wickedly.

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Continuation of the Lemon….we'll torture the original character later!

Cake had never tasted this good, wedding or otherwise. The skin underneath it never tasted so sweet. In fact, this was his very first taste of all time. Ryou was finally his, sitting on the table with cake all over his naked glory!

Licking and sucking his way up to the albino's neck, Bakura kept his strong hands on Ryou's thighs. He would not let his bunny buck off the table in order to relieve his own tension. No! Bakura wanted to make this last as long as he himself could hold out. Of course, he had not gotten it in three thousand years. Tonight, he would take his time. Bakura would ruin Ryou for everyone else. No one else would be able to measure up.

"Uh AH!! Bakura!" Ryou shouted as the demon began to suckle on one of his hard nubs.

Poor little angel! There was more to come that would blow his mind! Bakura moved downwards again, eating the left over cake that he had missed. His tongue dipped into the navel that had some crème in it. Bakura heard his bunny moan in ecstasy as he neared closer to his prize. His hot breath brushed over Ryou's aching arousal as he purposely missed it in favor of tasting those luscious thighs!

Oh, Bakura would get back to the real fun later, but first, he still wanted to torture his Ryou bunny. Licking up the crème with the cake on his light's thigh, Bakura began to lap his way up to the "creamy center". Oh yeah! Sooner or later there will be cream there!!

Bakura just settled himself there, inhaling in his lover's scent. Ryou smelled so good and so fresh. Always clean, always smelling so nice… Bakura placed a chaste kiss on Ryou's stomach.

Without further delay, Bakura just went for his prize. Enough teasing! Ryou was going to get it and get it good today! After this, there would be no going back. Their relationship would be so different…and yet soooooooooooooooo exciting!

Running his tongue up Ryou's length, Bakura smiled to himself hearing that beautiful moan of his angel. He then took the beautiful length into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it. His bunny cried out. The albino would be doing more than that later.

Of course, the torture would continue. There was no way Bakura was going to let Ryou cum yet. This would be only a small taste of what was to come later…or sooner considering how long he could hold out…NOT!!!

****************** ********************** ******************

Am I doing this on purpose? HELL YEAH!!!

Cassy went to Kaiba Corp to introduce herself. Of course, she skipped by the security by throwing marshmallow peeps their way. The cute little pink chicks satisfied their sugar cravings (A moment of silence for the peeps…).

Of course the dumb girl skipped up to the elevator. Pushing the button, she hummed an annoying tune enough to make Bakura scream! The elevator came to a stop at the lobby and the annoying girl walked in. Cassy felt she had to introduce herself to everyone who knew Yuugi. After all, she wanted to be known too!

The elevator stopped at her desired destination. Cassy walked up, a grin upon her face as she just entered the double doors of Kaiba's office without knocking. Of course, she thought she was privileged…

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!!" Kaiba demanded as the stupid girl just sat down on the chair infront of his huge oak desk. "Who the hell let you in unannounced!"

"I'm Cassy and I want to get to know every one of Yuugi's friends!" She grinned stupidly.

"Who said I was his friend!" Seto exclaimed. "Just leave and never come back!" He demanded pointing toward the door.

"Aw come on! I want to know everyone! We could have a lot fun! In fact, I'll tell you all about me!" She bounced cheerfully.

"SECURITY!!" Kaiba shouted pressing a button.

"Let me at least tell you about myself! You see, my name is Cassy and I am going to be an intern at a television station! Isn't that faboo?" She grinned stupidly. "I want to be an anchor woman eventually. You know, my pretty looks will get me in."

"SECURITY!!!!" Kaiba shouted again.

"I don't think they'll come. I gave them marshmallow peeps!" She got in his face making the CEO back away from her.

"Tell me this isn't happening…" His voice trailed off. "Just tell me what you really want so I could be rid of you!"

"I just wanna talk!" She whined as Kaiba lost his temper.

"THAT'S IT!!!" He rushed toward the impetuous girl and then grabbed her by her collar. "I have had enough of you!" He dragged her toward the giant window. "I want you out NOW!!!" He opened it and then threw her down the many stories. "Good riddance!"

The stupid girl fell all those stories and then bounced off a car. Falling on her feet, the girl walked away unscathed as Kaiba banged his head against the unbroken glass.

************************* *********************************** *********

"FUCK ME NOW!!! FUCK ME UNTIL I PASS OUT!!!" Shouted a very VERY frustrated Ryou as Bakura stilled with his eyes as a wide as saucers.

Bakura guessed he was enjoying the cake a bit TOO much. He WAS hungry…poor frustrated bunny…heh!

Bakura moved away from his frustrated albino. His lips hungrily devoured Ryou's, his strong hands grasping those milky white thighs. Slowly and gently, he pried them apart. A moan of need escaped from Ryou.

Bakura stopped. Oh no…he had forgotten something very important!

"SHIT!!" Bakura shouted as he looked around. "I forgot something!"

"What did you forget?" Ryou asked as out of nowhere, a bottle appeared.

It was a bottle of lotion. Bakura just blinked wondering where that came from. He took a hold of the small bottle and then popped the cap off. He wasn't going to ask where it came from. He was just glad it was there.

"Nevermind." Bakura growled as he began the arduous process of preparation. "Raddammit! I hate this part! It ruins the moment!"

************************ ***************************** *****************

Caribbean music filled the air. Cassy has stepped into an abandoned warehouse. As she stepped in, her eyes widened in shock. There in the middle of the room was Marik at the head of the conga line with the Borg!

"I'M FEELING HOT HOT HOT!!" Marik sang at the top of his lungs as they kept dancing around in a slow circle.

Cassy slowly approached the demented Egyptian. She could not believe what she was seeing! What kind of people did Yuugi hang out with? Wasn't this one one of his friends?

"Hello?" The conga line stopped dead as the music stopped also.

Everyone looked at her. Marik wondered what this woman wanted! How dare she interrupt his good time! Just when he was getting the Borg to loosen up!

"Okay everyone, take five! You still have a lot to learn how to loosen up!" Marik shouted at the small group of Borg. "Who the hell are you and why are you here!" He walked toward the annoying OC.

"Hi! I'm Cassy and I want to get to know all of Yuugi's friends!" She beamed stupidly.

"First, I am not Yuugi's friend, FOOL! Secondly, you are not going to leave here alive!" Marik threatened as he brandished his Millennium Rod. "You have three seconds before I lose my temper!"

"Three seconds for what?" She asked.

"TOO LATE!" With that, Cassy was no more.

All may applaud as the original character has been killed!

"Okay everyone! Let's assimilate the next verse!" Marik shouted as they started up the conga line again!

******************* ************************* **************** ********

Bakura coated his own length with the stuff. It was as if he were coating himself for a recipe! Ugh! He then proceeded to prepare his light, his fingers enjoying the torment he put Ryou through as hit those bundle of nerves. Hearing the albino cry out as he kept brushing against that spot made Bakura smile.

"Oh GOD!!! Do that again!" Ryou cried out.

"Of course I will, but finger fucking you wouldn't be much fun for me." Bakura pointed out as he stretched his lover to the max with his digits. "Be prepared my little one." He removed his fingers and then with a gentle thrust, entered his love.

Ryou cried out as Bakura waited for him to adjust to the intrusion. Oh yes! This would be it and Ryou would be all his for eternity!

Bakura began to thrust in more as Ryou cried out in pleasure. Their lips met again in a fevered passion. Bakura practically devoured his love with each thrust, his skilled fingers wrapping around Ryou's arousal, his thumb caressing the tip. He could feel the moisture pearl up at the slit.

Bakura's thrusts became more intense as Ryou cried out, matching him thrust for thrust. The demon kept pumping his lover's arousal as he could feel his climax near. Ryou shouted out Bakura's name in ecstasy, his body arching beautifully as his orgasm covered not only his own stomach, but Bakura's hand. His lover came the next second, his seed filling his light. Bakura collapsed, exhausted on top of Ryou. The albino placed his arms around Bakura's neck, his hot breath brushing against his hair.

"That…that was wonderful." Ryou breathed. "Thank you."

"You're most welcomed." Bakura smirked. "Wanna do it again?"

"Not now. I'm too tired." Ryou whined.



Sorry this is late folks! Life got in the way and I was sick for a while.