Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Love Affair ❯ X ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Midnight Love Affair
By: Akiko
Chapter X
Disclaimer: I do not, under any circumstances own any of these characters, but the story idea itself does belong to me.
Yu-Gi-Oh Characters
© Kazuki Takahashi
Story © Akiko
“Pharaoh!” came a young female's voice, a young girl running out of the palace and jumping on the pharaoh, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Mana…” the pharaoh spoke softly and wrapped an arm around her, his violet gaze falling onto Isis as the priestess appeared.
“My Pharaoh,” she spoke gently and walked over, bowing. “You've returned to us safely, but may I ask... have you seen Priest Seth?” she asked, her gaze locking itself with Atemu's. “I'm afraid no one in the palace is able to find him.”
“He's…” Atemu started, closing his eyes, turning his head downwards slightly.
“Do you know who kidnapped you, My Pharaoh?” Mana asked gently, looking up at the pharaoh.
“Yes, it was Bakura,” Atemu replied, opening his eyes a bit and looking at Isis. “And I'm afraid… Seth gave himself up to Bakura… in order to return me here safely,” Atemu explained.
“This is grave indeed,” came a different male voice, an old man walking into the room. “Seth holds this place together well when the Pharaoh is having troubles himself, and now that he is missing I'm afraid you will have to pick up a lot more duties, Pharaoh Atemu.”
“I understand that, Saimun,” Atemu responded. “But I want Seth back here as soon as possible; I don't know why Bakura wanted him but whatever it is for it can't be good,” he explained. Violet eyes snapped to the guards. “Go out and search for Seth, I want him back here now,” he ordered, keeping his tone professional, showing no other motives for wanting the priest back, other than he was a dear friend.
“Go! Search the town thoroughly!” he commanded, watching the guards bow and then head out of the palace. Atemu released Mana and looked at Isis. “I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to step up as well, Isis, you're the one person I can rely on to get Seth's duties done.”
“I will do my best to live up to your expectations, my pharaoh,” the woman spoke softly, bowing and then straightening back up. “I pray to the Gods that they bring Seth back to us unharmed,” she spoke softly, closing her eyes.
“Yes, I agree, Isis,” the pharaoh sighed and walked down the hall towards his room. He forced the door open and stepped in, looking around carefully before closing it behind himself and pulling off the robes he had on, changing into something different. He walked out to the balcony and looked up at the dull, light blue sky as the light started to chase away the darkness, his gaze watching the fading stars closely. “I pray you, my Egyptian gods, that you bring Seth back to us, unharmed,” he spoke softly, closing his eyes. “Please,” he whispered, it being in a rather pleading tone.
Isis looked at the priests and sighed. “Come on, we must get ready for the morning that will soon be upon us, I'm afraid none of us will be resting much,” she told them. “I hope you can all bare with it, I know it will not be easy.”
“I'll do my best!” Mana shouted out and then looked down the hall. “I hope the Pharaoh is all right,” she choked out, looking to be near tears.
“I'm sure he will be fine after some rest, Mana,” came Mahado's voice as he walked up behind the young girl and placed a hand to her shoulder, smiling softly when the girl looked up at him.
“Yes, we'll let the pharaoh get some rest, he's been through a lot and we'll manage without him,” Isis spoke, waving her hand out slightly. “Come along now, we have duties to carry out and quickly.”
Bakura smirked darkly as he slipped back into the house, locking the door behind himself and looked over at Seth with his auburn gaze. “Looks like the pharaoh has sent out his guards to search for you, too bad those idiots will never find their way over to this place; even if they do the other thieves won't let them get far,” he chuckled, walking over to the high priest.
He roughly snatched his chin in his hand, forcing the priest to look up at him, still smirking despite getting a cold and deadly glare from his captive. “Defiant… just what I like about you,” he chuckled and yanked Seth closer.
Seth closed an eye, not being able to do much with his hands being shackled. He then returned to glaring at Bakura. “And just what do you plan on doing now that you have me, exactly?” he questioned, his tone of voice firm and unbending.
Bakura smirked. “Plenty of things,” he smirked, shoving Seth against the bed and straddling him, a hand placed by his head, the other resting on Seth's chest. “I'm just debating on what I want to do to you first. If I want to toy with you, make you bleed… oh the things I could do to you and your body,” he licked his lips and leaned down, biting at Seth's neck, leaving a small mark.
“It's hard to choose what to do first,” he commented as he sat up, his hands brushing down Seth's body slowly, just barely missing his groin and sliding along his inner thighs, then back up his outer thighs and over his sides, tracing his body, the mere thought of hearing the priest cry out under him making him excited and sending shivers down his back.
Seth closed his eyes, looking rather disgusted at what Bakura was doing to him. It was making him sick to the pit of his stomach, he felt like throwing up. He slowly opened his eyes and glare at Bakura when he felt the bandit get off him and tried to sit back up, only to get shoved right back down.
“Aht… I never said you could get up, my pet,” he chuckled and pulled his own shirt off, having a few scars across his chest, then leaned back over Seth, sliding his tongue over the priest's neck slowly. “Hmm… do I take full advantage now? Or do I wait and just torment you?” he smirked, starting to pull Seth's clothes off his body, revealing the priest's chest and abdomen. “Hn...” he continued to smirk, brushing his lips over Seth's chest, then slid his tongue over the nipple, teasing it and nipping it once in a while before he swirled his tongue around the hardening flesh.
Seth closed his eyes, holding back the sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. He dug his teeth into his bottom lip a bit, trying to ignore the idea of throwing up from all this. He snapped his eyes opened, taking in a sharp breath of air when he felt Bakura's hand grab him rather roughly between the legs, causing his back to arch, his hands grasping the chains of his restraints tightly in his hands and then lets his body relax again when he felt Bakura let go.
The bandit chuckled, grinding his body against Seth's as he moved up, sliding his tongue over his prey's jaw line and then nipped the lobe of his ear. “Liked that?” he questioned, whispering into Seth's ear.
Seth placed cold blue eyes on Bakura. “No, I didn't. Matter of fact, it made me feel even more like puking,” he snapped at the thief only to earn another laugh out of the man.
“There's the spirit in you I want to shatter,” he responded, staying calm despite Seth's cold tone and harsh words towards him. It wouldn't be right for him to get so upset since that's the reason he had taken interest in the priest in the first place.
Atemu sighed and lay down on his bed, closing his eyes. He hugged his pillow tightly to his chest, burying his face into it a bit. It had Seth's scent on it faintly; it was the pillow Seth had used when the priest had stayed with him the one night. Water droplets escaped the pharaoh's tightly closed violet eyes, despite his efforts to hold them back.
He hugged the pillow tighter still; wishing Seth would walk through the door to his room and tell him everything was fine now. Praying the priest would appear and hold him tightly, reassuring him that he wasn't going to leave again in such a way, that he wouldn't go back to Bakura's grasps. He coughed a bit; opening his eyes slightly and just letting the tears fall, not even bothering to be silent about it.
“We have to find Seth soon,” Isis spoke softly, looking at Mana. “The pharaoh won't be emotional stable enough to run the kingdom, even if we are here to help him.
“How come?” the young girl asked, clinging to the priestess a bit. She was worried for the pharaoh, her friend.
“Seth and Pharaoh Atemu have been friends since they were children. I'm afraid they were inseparable, and they have been. And now, suddenly, Priest Seth has vanished and no one seems to know where he is,” she sighed, hugging the younger girl.
“But he has us…”
“Yes, he knows,” Isis spoke in a soothing tone, but staying silent, not wanting the pharaoh to know they were in the hallway. “But I'm afraid Priest Seth is the closest person to him; Priest Seth means a lot more to Pharaoh Atemu then we do. All we can do for our pharaoh at this point is pray to the Gods that Seth is brought back safely to us… and he is brought back soon,” she sighed, closing her auburn eyes, her silky black hair slipping over her shoulder slightly.
Bakura snapped his attention to the door of his hideout, narrowing his gaze a bit. He slipped off the priest, having been close to getting Seth fully undressed, himself still having his shorts on. He walked over to the door and opened it up, stepping outside and looking around a bit, his silvery hair slipping into his cold russet eyes.
Seth took this chance to try and get his wrists free, his ice blue eyes being on the restraints, tugging them a bit and then trying to wriggle his wrists free from them, but not getting anywhere. He muttered under his breath softly and closed his eyes. He figured the Gods were punishing him for having such thoughts for the pharaoh.
Bakura walked back in, closing the door and locking it before looking back at Seth. “Looks as though the guards are bypassing this place, how lucky for me, hm?” he asked and walked back over, straddling the man again and leaning closer, brushing a cold hand over his chest slowly, enjoying the feeling of Seth's muscles tensing under his hand.