Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Missing ❯ Imaginary ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N Hi again! This was supposed to be a one-shot but since there have been some people bugging me to write a prequel or a sequel I have chosen to get my lazy butt in gear and give you a sequel. It will be one more chapter (or more, I have not decided yet) after this one so don't get all crazy over me for leaving it “unfinished”, okay? I've just written this chapter so it might take a while before the third chapter comes out but I promise that it won't take three months to get it out like this one. Ok this chapter is about his side off the story, therefore written in his POV so you don't get confused about it. Please be so kind and review even if you don't like it, I'm still new in writing fanfictions so I really need all the praise and/or criticism you may have on my story. Well enough drabble from me and on with the fic instead. Enjoy!

Disclaimer I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! by Kazuki Takahashi or the song Imaginary by Evanescence

Pairings It's a S-E-C-R-E-T ;-P But it is a male/male story

Chapters 2/?

Rating NC-17

Warning This is a deathfic and not for those with a weak hearted spirit and there will be some bloodshed...


The rain was pouring down over the city of Domino, the sky rumbling with the coming thunderstorm that was about to happen any second now. The streets was abandoned, the darkness consumed the city since the power was out. Anyone that would be out in this whether must be insane but there was one man out there in the streets, not caring if he'd die or live. His life was ruined anyway... by
him. Why? I don't understand why. Why did he say those words? Didn't he know what consequences it would bring? Or does he not care? No, of course he doesn't, why would he? He's the strong one, the one that is capable of loving and caring for others than himself. Why me? He continued to walk, the rain still pouring and the thunder now roaring in the sky. Cold and soaking wet, right to the flesh and bone but still he walked on. He didn't know where he was going or in what direction since he could barely see his own hands in front of him, even if he tried. The darkness was consuming his heart, tearing just like it did all those millennia he spent in that millennium item.

[I linger in the doorway
Of alarm clock screaming monsters calling my name
Let me stay
Where the wind will whisper to me
Where the raindrops as they're falling tell a story]

He kept on walking, beating himself up over what had happened earlier that day. He never noticed that he had reached the harbor, the sounds of water crashing against the cement wall surrounding the city shore. If the wind hadn't chosen to blow right pass his ear at that exact moment, that he thought he had heard the taunting voice of
him whispering, he would have walked over the edge and probably drown since the thunderstorm currently was at it's peek. Immediately he stopped, gasping, trying to get air into his lungs but failing miserably.

[In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me]

When he had succeeded in calming himself down and getting his breathing under control he pondered over the fact that he under a split of a second thought he'd seen
him lying on the ground, bleeding. From the left leg if he remembered correctly but he knew that was insane since he didn't see him any longer. Why does my mind play tricks on me? Why now? I did the right thing, I know I did… Then why do I feel like this is all a dream? He doesn't love me, well not the way I want him to love me. He loves me as a guardian, a brother, not as a lover… He sighed. The rain had started to decrease and the wind that had blown right into his mind was now only a light breeze.

[Don't say I'm out of touch
With this rampant chaos - your reality
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
The nightmare I built my own world to escape]

He had been spacing out for a while before realizing that the rain had come to a complete stop and that the clouds was beginning to crack up. He saw some of the stars in the sky, shining. Leaving reflections in the puddles of water on the street. At the same time he felt that his body was shaking beyond control, realizing that he needed to come indoors to dry himself off and change clothes. And get some sleep but he dreaded to go home,
he would be there, waiting for him to come and give an explanation to his actions earlier that day. He sighed again, turned his head towards the sky only to see a crescent moon glaring down on him, pointing towards his home, telling him that he had no choice. He glared at the street in front off him, trying to make it disappear somehow but his futile attempt had no effect. Damn it all!! Well... I couldn't expect that now could I?

[In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me]

Eventually he started to walk the road toward his home, not having much choice other than freezing to death. It seemed like an eternity or just a few minutes but when he reached his home street he froze. There in front of the house was police cars, the light flashing and an ambulance was parked by the pavement a bit further up the street.
What the hell is going on? Was the house burgled? Or did he… No it can't be, no please let it not be…! He was barely able to think straight let alone move. His legs did not respond, like he was stuck in the pavement. Move, damn it! Move, move, MOVE stupid legs!! Suddenly the chock from seeing the police cars caused him to fall to his knees, his vision blurred. He ignored the tears that was on the verge off coming and jumped to his feet, running so fast that his breath got caught in his throat. In a flash he was at the front door, threw the door open and ran toward the living room.

[Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights
Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light]

Once he got there he saw
his mother sobbing against one of the many policemen's shoulder. At first he wasn't noticed by anyone and during that time he had the time to register that the house looked to be in the same manner as always. The TV and VCR was in their usual spot and the stereo was also in place. So he could scratch the break in option which only left one possible path open. By now he had been noticed and the policeman next to him tried to get his attention, wondering who he was and what he was doing there. Fortunately he didn't have to explain himself because his mother intervened and told them who he was and that they had to show him. Show me? Show me what? He pondered. Before he could ask one of the policemen took him by the shoulders and lead him towards his bedroom not saying a word to explain the situation at hand. He started to get panicked, and the breath that was caught in his throat during his dash towards the house was urging to get out, to be replaced. When they got up the stairs and stood in front of the bedroom door which was draped with “Do not cross” tape. He was about to faint cause of the lack of oxygen and over the fact of what he
would see on the other side of the door.

[In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me]

Slowly the policeman unwrapped the tape from the door that prevented them from going inside, way too slow for his liking. When the policeman was finished he was about to break down the door but was stopped. He was now told that before they walked in he had to remain calm and not touch anything, otherwise the evidence would be destroyed. At that point his mind collapsed and he was now sure that he would find the unimaginable.
No, I'm dreaming… I must be, this can't be happening! He finally let out his breath to be able to respond to the policeman's request, answered that he understood and drew in a new breath sharply as the policeman opened the door…