Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Misunderstandings ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Dedicated to ALL my lovely reviwers! I love you all guys- hope this chapter meets your expectations!

Chapter 4

Bakura set Ryou down carefully on the stone floor of the cave and covered him with the blanket he had brought, then began hunting around for some of the things he had left here a week ago when he had discovered the cave.

The wood and matches were right where he had left them (this wasn't the first night he had spent in a cave since coming back to Egypt) as were his campfire stones and spare blanket. He quickly arranged the stones in a circle, but then took two out and made the circle tighter.

He took the two stones and spare blanket to the front of the cave (stepping carefully over Ryou and his horse- there was just enough space at the front for her to lie down) and stepped outside.

He carefully studied the cave entrance, then tied two corners of the blanket to the top of the entrance, and secured the bottom with stones.

'That should keep the worst of it out.' he thought, loosening the knot in the upper left corner slightly- the one farthest away from when Ryou would be. 'And that should let the smoke out.'

Satisfied, Bakura slipped behind the blanket and began working on the fire. He didn't have enough wood to last the entire night, but he knew he needed something to help Ryou warm up. The teen had been dangerously light in Bakura's arms, and didn't have a whole lot of fat to help preserve heat.

In minutes, he had a merry blaze going.

'That should keep us warm.' Finally, Bakura looked over at Ryou. He frowned when he noticed his light was still shaking.

Bakura moved closer, allowing himself to really look at the hikari.

Upon closer inspection, what he saw shocked him.

Ryou's hair- which he had always taken great pride in and great care of- was unkempt and tangled. His cheeks were slightly sunken, as though he hadn't been eating well. Black bags could be seen under his eyes, as if he didn't sleep.

'Did you really miss me?' Bakura wondered, running his fingers lightly over Ryou's cheek. Unconsciously, the smaller leaned into the warmth, involuntarily whining.

Bakura sighed, then carefully removed the Millennium Ring from around his neck. It was no longer needed, anyway. He placed it next to the wood he had taken kindling from to make the fire, knowing it would be safest there. He then turned his attention back to Ryou, and moved a corner of the blanket covering him aside. Ryou protested, but quickly settled back down when Bakura moved so that his light was lying against the tomb robber's chest, curled up in between his legs.

Bakura moved the blanket so that it covered them better, wrapping his arms around his angel so the shivering teen was more fully wrapped in heat.

After a few minutes, the shivering began to subside. Ryou cuddled closer to his dark, sighing in contentment.

'Mine.' Bakura thought, pressing a soft kiss to the top of the light's head. 'Just for this one last night. Just let me hold you for the rest of tonight.'

For the first time in a month, Bakura willingly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

*Some Time Later*

Ryou slowly came back to consciousness.

'What happened? I remember being cold...' he thought, blinking his eyes open sleepily. He wasn't cold anymore- in fact, he didn't think he'd ever been so warm and comfortable.

He wanted to close his eyes and fall back asleep, he was so comfortable... it might be because of his pillow, the comforting sound of a heartbeat and the soft sighs of someone's breath as their chest moved.

Wait a minute.

Ryou cautiously glanced up to see whose chest he was laying against.

"Bakura?" he said in shock. There was no doubt- it was Bakura who had him wrapped so securely in his arms, Bakura who was holding him safe and warm.

'Is this a dream?' he asked himself, laying his head back down against his dark's chest. 'I don't want to wake up if it is.'

Bakura suddenly shifted underneath him. He tensed, expecting the yami to release his hold, but the tomb robber just pulled the white-haired teen closer in his sleep.

Ryou smiled, relaxing into those arms.

He watched the fire and allowed the sound of his yami's breath to lull him into a trancelike state, wanting to savor this closeness as long as he could before he inevitably woke up and this dream ended.

*Some Time Later*

Bakura's eyes fluttered open. He wasn't entirely sure what had awoken him, but he didn't really care.

He tightened his hold on Ryou, sure the teen was still asleep.

"Mine." he said quietly, though it sounded loud in the small, quiet cave.

Ryou's breathing- which previously had been deep and even, as though he was asleep- caught. Too late, Bakura realized that his light was awake.

He quickly pulled away from Ryou, scrambling as far away from his hikari as he could- which wasn't more than ten feet, since the cave was so small.

"Bakura?" Ryou said questioningly, looking at the other with a look of disbelief on his face. "Did you just..." His voice trailed off, the cave filled only by the sound of the wind howling outside.

"I didn't say anything." Bakura denied, shrugging off his cloak and laying down. He pulled his cloak over him like a blanket.

"Go back to sleep- we leave at dawn, got it?"

Ryou didn't answer. Bakura looked over his shoulder to see Ryou moving towards him. The small teen paused, then slid off the blanket and offered it to the yami.

"You'll be cold with just that cloak." Ryou said hesitantly. Bakura snarled.

"I'm not the damn idiot that nearly got his Ra-damned ass frozen. I'll be fine."

"Bakura..." Ryou said, biting his lip and gathering his courage for what he was going to say next.

"What?" Bakura snapped, looking away from his hikari.

"We need to talk. About... what happened before you left." The darker of the two froze. He did not want to see Ryou at that moment; he didn't want to know what the pale teen thought of when he thought of that night...

"Bakura?" Ryou reached out a hand, laying it gently on his dark's shoulder.

At the feel of those soft hands, Bakura forced himself into action.

He sat up; one hand grabbing his lights and removing it from his shoulder while the other shoved Ryou away. The pale teen gave a small cry as he fell backwards, not expecting his dark's sudden move.

"There's nothing to talk about!" Bakura snarled. "Just drop it. This subject is closed."

"No it's not." Ryou said quietly. "It's not." he repeated, louder.

"Yes it is. Go back to sleep." Bakura said, preparing to lay back down.

"Did it... it didn't mean anything to you?" the white-haired teen said quietly- so quietly his yami thought his mind was playing tricks on him, but then he heard Ryou's breath shudder. It seemed like his hikari was holding back tears.

He wasn't sure what to do, and so stayed silent.

"I-I just wanted to know why." Ryou continued. Bakura remained silent, and it took the teen a few minutes to speak again.
"Do you really hate me so much?"

Bakura's face contorted into a grimace of pain, though it went unseen by the hikari as the tomb robber had his back to him.

'I knew it. He would never guess why I did what I did.'

"Why won't you tell me? Please, Bakura... I just want to know. I'll leave you alone- but please." Ryou said softly. "Please tell me?"

"It's none of you business anymore. It doesn't matter."

"It matters to me." the teen replied. It was completely silent in the cave; save for the howl of the wind, then Ryou sighed and spoke again.

"Thank you for saving me, Bakura. Goodbye." Ryou stood, then turned and began walking shakily to the blanket-covered entrance to the cave.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Bakura demanded, getting back up.

"I'm leaving. I'll find my way back to Yugi and the others and you won't have to see me again." Ryou made as if to slip out of the covered entrance, but Bakura stepped forward and grabbed his arm roughly.

"You are not dressed for the kind of weather out there. Sorry, but you're trapped with me until the storm blows over." the tomb robber said, furious with his light for even thinking about going out again in this kind of weather.

"Let go of me." Ryou said, bangs shadowing his eyes. "I'm not trapped here. I can leave anytime I want- now please, just let me go."

"Leaving now would be suicide. You'd be dead long before you found them." Bakura's eyes suddenly widened in realization of what his light had been about to do.

"It doesn't matter." Ryou said. "For a month, I've thought that you hated me, but... knowing you do is much different."

"You are NOT going outside now." Bakura reiterated, tightening his grip.

"Why do you care?" the teen demanded, spinning to face his yami.

"Why don't you?!" Bakura shot back.

"What am I supposed to care about? I had hoped..." Ryou's voice lost its anger, all his steam gone. "...I had hoped you cared about me. I thought you did. That night, I thought you'd stay."

Bakura's grip slackened as the information hit him.

Ryou wasn't saying what Bakura thought he was, was he?

"But you didn't." Ryou's voice cracked. "You left me. I was all alone again. Then I finally find you, hoping it was a misunderstanding, and you tell me you never wanted to see me again. I wake up to find you saving my life, with your arms wrapped around me. You then push me away and tell me what happened doesn't matter, and when I try to leave..." Ryou took a deep, shuddering breath. "... When I try to leave, you stop me and ask me to stay. Which is it? What do you want me to do?"

The dark's grip tightened again, though it now seemed unnecessary- Ryou wasn't making any move to leave.

"Stay." Bakura told him roughly, pulling Ryou into his chest. Ryou returned the embrace.

"Okay." he said softly.

*Time Skip*

Bakura wrapped himself back up in his cloak and sat down against the cave wall. Ryou sat next to him, the blanket wrapped around his thin frame.

Each was too preoccupied with their own thoughts to attempt to begin a much-needed talk. Silence fell over the cave.

'At least I know he cares for me.' Ryou thought, glancing over at the darker-skinned of the two. 'But how much? As much as I care for him?'

'Should I tell him?' the tomb robber thought, glancing over at his hikari. Their eyes met.

Bakura was the one who broke the silence.

"Why did you come looking for me?" He had a hunch, but just in case he was wrong... if he had misheard what Ryou had said...

"I want the truth." his light said softly, looking at the dying embers of what had once been a fire. Bakura felt slightly disappointed by this answer, but he knew there was more behind it.

"The truth isn't that shocking." Bakura admitted. "I wanted you and didn't want anyone else having you. I couldn't stand it." Bakura took a deep breath, carefully avoiding the chocolate eyes staring at him in surprise. "You being you, anyone you wanted would have come begging. I was not going to stand by and watch it happen. I'm not a good, noble person, Ryou. I don't want you to be happy unless that happiness includes me. I couldn't see it happen- so I left, but I couldn't leave without having you at least once."

"Bakura..." Ryou said dumbly, but he was ignored by his yami.

"I covered your eyes so I wouldn't see your hate when you realized what I was doing. I covered your mouth and blocked our link so you couldn't tell me to stop. I tied your arms and legs so you couldn't push me away. I waited until you were asleep so you couldn't stop me from immobilizing you. Finally, I played with your body until you barely knew your own name and then asked for 'permission'." Bakura laughed, the sound low and hollow. "You were /mine/."

Ryou looked at his dark in shock as the tanner of the two hung his head.

"Are you happy now- now that you know the Ra-damned truth?" he asked coldly. He scooted away from his light, still not looking at him.

"Bakura..." Ryou said, still sounding shocked. After a moment, the shocked look faded and he scooted closer to his dark.

"Now what? Didn't you get what you came for?" Bakura asked nastily.

"Look at me- please?" The tomb robber couldn't resist the pleading tone in his hikari's voice. He looked, meeting Ryou's soft chocolate eyes. Very, very slowly- giving the other more than enough time to pull away- Ryou leaned forward, closing his eyes as he pressed a soft kiss to his yami's lips.

A/N: And aren't I evil for ending it here?
Okay- hopefully Bakura explaining his actions to Ryou wasn't too OOC or repetative... Only a few more to go! (Well... there's chapter 5 and 6- 6 being an epilouge of sorts)
Question for everyone on MM.org- should I post some of my other YGO fanfics here? Should I write a few more? (I have a few in the works, and a few on another site already completed, so if everyone would like to read those, let me know and I'll start posting here too, k?)
See everyone next week!