Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Morning ❯ Arguments ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mornings where Ryou's favorite part of every day. He would just lie there all warm and comfortable. In the morning is when no dreams hunted him, no one pushed him around and when he didn't have to make up stories to tell the teachers about one thing or another. That brief time in between when he woke up and when he was needed up or some one noticed him awake was sweet bliss to him and he looked forward to all the mornings to come. It was about the only thing that kept him going. Knowing the sun would always rise the next day.

The knock came a bit more loudly this time and he knew Bakura wouldn't wait much longer be for he barged in. Ryou's peaceful morning hadn't lasted long but there was always tomorrow. Right now he needed to get his day going and stop daydreaming.

He rubbed his forehead as he remembered what happened last night. No the sprit probably wasn't too happy with him.

"Ryou" came his taunting voice, "I know you awake in there."

Ryou sat up in bed letting the soft warm covers fall from around him exposing his chest to the chilly air.

"Yes Bakura-sama?" Ryou looked over at his door knowing Bakura stood just on the other side of it. He was probably going to barge through at any moment and teach him a lesson or two about obedience and respect.

Bakura's head fused through the door alarming Ryou even more.

"Have you forgotten about my breakfast little brat?"

Ryou shivered to himself as he pulled the blankets over his shoulders. Bakura's eyes stared at him with such ferocity the small boy had to cast his gaze downward and found a very interesting knot in the pattern of the wood floor.

"No Bakura-sama I haven't forgotten."

"Then what are you still doing sitting around like that? Get your butt out of bed!"

"Y-yes Bakura-sama."

Ryou hurriedly jumped from his bed and winced as the cold floor made contact with his unprotected feet. Bakura's head pulled out of the door as Ryou scrambled around pulling on his pants and slipping on an old sweater. As he opened his door he came face to face with Bakura still standing right there.

"Forgetting something little one?"

Ryou looked up at his yami with big questioning chocolate orbs. Bakura smirked devilishly at his other as he gently swung the ring side to side hanging it form his finger, the rough rope cord rubbing a small red mark in to his skin. Ryou looked sternly at his yami before retreating his gaze back to the floor.

"No I haven't forgotten any thing Bakura-sama."

Bakura shoved the ring at Ryou. "Put it on brat."

He turned to leave but only got a few feet before his lights voice cut though the air angering the yami.


"What?!" Bakura practically spun on his heal and glared daggers at the smaller boy who backed himself against the wall.

"I told you last night, I refuse to wear it." The young teen answered sounding as calm as he could muster.

Bakura stepped closer to Ryou pressing his small frame closer into the wall. Bakura's eyes narrowed and the ring Ryou was still holding started to glow. Ryou started to panic. He knew what was coming.

"No, no please don't"

Ryou started to tremble and fell shakily to his knees as tears filled his eyes.

"P-please…. p-please nooooo…."

But it was to late the ring already had merged in to his skin. The sharp pointers drew blood as they cut deeper into his chest.