Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Morning ❯ soap suds ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bakura flicked the edge of his knife with the tip of his thumb, observing his reflection in the shinny metal. He twisted it just so and the reflection turned to Ryou who looked back fearfully from the flat of the blade. His reflection wavered a bit before Bakura lifted the knife up and slid it smoothly across his tongue. Bakura's eyes where as slits as he glared down on to Ryou. Bakura's face suddenly changed as his nose wrinkled and lulled his tongue around in his mouth.


"What the hell"?


He bent over the couch and started to spit and hack up something… Ryou watched silently and waited for Bakura to come back up rubbing foam from his mouth.




By this time Ryou was in hysterics laughing uncontrollably at the picture before him. One minute he is mad at his yami the next fearful of angering the yami and now he was laughing at him…. That would probably anger him even more. Ryou quickly shut his mouth. Angering Bakura was not a wise thing to do. He wrapped his arms around him self, protecting his tender chest. It was still sore from this morning. Tears came to his eyes. Why couldn't his yami be nice like Yuugi's?


Bakura wiped the knife off on his pant leg and stashed it away somewhere to surprise Ryou with latter. It wouldn't work now, the boy was laughing at him. He smirked and looked up at Ryou again. He was hugging himself and crying.


"Ryou…." Bakura reached out a hand to him but Ryou jerked back.

"Leave me alone. Don't touch me. I am sorry…"


"Ryou. Stop this." The yami said starting to get angry. But only more tears came to Ryou. He was pulling the blanket tight around him and shaking uncontrollably. He didn't know what was going to happen. He slowly tried to control him self and looked up to his yami again.


"I am sorry, I didn't mean to laugh… but you should have rinsed the soap suds off of it."


Ryou shivered slightly as Bakura looked down at him.




Ryou's lip quivered as more silent tears steamed down. Bakura and Ryou sat there until the silence seemed unbreakable when Bakura finally rose and grabbed his long trench coat off the rack, pulling it on.


"I am going out for a bit. Don't leave the house."


The door slammed shut behind him and the vibration echoed through the house and in to Ryou's very bones. Slowly he looked back to the door astonished. Why hadn't he done any thing? Bakura never let him get away with something like that. Every thing finally registered and Ryou scrambled up from the couch and ran in to the kitchen. He was starving. He rummaged through the cupboards pulling out a few things. He smiled when he found an unopened box of tea. He set it down next to the other items he had pulled out. Among them where and can of mandarin oranges a roman package of soup and a loaf of moldy bread. Ryou wrinkled his noise as he flipped open the garbage can lid and dropped the bread in. He sighed happily and turned back to the roman, tea, and canned oranges. Yes… this would be better then the oatmeal Bakura let him eat, the only thing he let him eat. The only thing he let him eat every once in a while…


Ryou tilted his head. When was the last time he had eaten? Yesterday? No, no sooner had he gotten home from school, him and Bakura had gotten in to a fight. He went right to bed that night and left the ring dangling on his chair. He had even forgotten to finish his homework.


Ryou worked around in the small kitchen with a quick pace and soon the air was filled with the aroma of the cooking soup.