Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Morning ❯ kitten ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ok this chapter is a bit longer to make up for my last short chapter. I want every one to know that I am a horrid speller and rely on spell cheek way to often. I would also appreciate it if you would email me and correct some of my errors for the errors I miss are plainly seen by others. I actually appreciate being criticized. It helps me learn how to do things better. I have MSN so you can email me or chat at me at fawntears at hotmail.com. Thank you. (PS. use the @ symbol and don't use spaces in-between)





Bakura had made up his mind as he walked back down the driveway towards the house. He just wondered how long it would take for Ryou to forgive him. "Hell would he even believe me if I told him I was sorry?" He stopped at the step again. Had he given him enough time to himself yet? He turned and flopped down on the cold step. He pulled his coat tighter about him and huffed a few more clouds in to the frosty air. It was to cold out here for him. He turned his head towards the house.


"I wander what he's up to…"


Bakura closed his eyes and opened the mind link he had closed so many years ago. Warmth flooded over him, the air around him was steamy and hot, his body relaxed and his hair felt heavy on his shoulders. Ryou was in the shower apparently enjoying himself.


Bakura retreated his mind from the unknowing host and was enveloped once again in the chilly air around him. It wouldn't hurt to go in side and warm up. Ryou wouldn't even know he was back. He bit his lip. He didn't want to frighten him, if Ryou just turned around and saw him there… no that wouldn't be to good. He silently cursed to himself. This being nice thing was starting to annoy him. He was use to doing what he wanted to do when he wanted to do it and he'll be damned if he had to sit out here on the rock hard, stone cold, cement steps till dawn waiting for the right time to enter the house as not to frighten his host. Hell… let him be frightened. He will calm down after a bit. Bakura shrugged. Maybe Ryou wouldn't frighten.


He stood up and looked at the door handle.


He reached up to turn the handle and something caught his eye. Something off to the side of him was moving. He turned his head and looked at the leaf pile. It was rustling with the sound of dried leafs rubbing against one another. But there wasn't a hint of breeze at the moment. Definitely odd. He walked over to the pile and stared down. Two green eyes looked back at him.




A small kitten looked up from its small nest of leafs and shivered pathetically. It was all curled up with its tail wrapped tightly around it.


"Oh for Ra's sake."


He turned to leave and retreat to the house when a memory hit him square in the face. Every thing around him wavered and changed. He was looking through little Ryou's eyes. His nose was pushed up against glass, his smiling face looked back at him.


"Yami!, Yami!, Yami! Can I get one please?!"


He stood there looking in to a glass pen at the pet store with little kittens lined up meowing back at him, one even pawing at the glass trying to get out.


"No brat."


"But Yami Bakura-Sama… please?"


"I said no."


Bakura remembered giving him a mental slap after wards and Ryou didn't talk to him for several days and tried to please him. He really wanted to get a kitten but he always said no to the little one. Bakura now that he had his own body didn't resort to mental abuse any more. Now he… he promised himself he wouldn't bring harm to him any more. Out here or in the soul hall.


He turned around and looked back to the kitten tying to hide and stay warm amongst the leaves. He bent down and stuck out his hand to the kitten just to see if was even friendly and if he had a chance at actually catching the thing.


The cat crawled out and sniffed the tip of his finger. It instantly started purring and rubbed up against his knee. Bakura blinked a couple of times thinking how odd it was that the cat just came right out and started purring. Most small animals didn't dare go near him. He picked the kitten up and examined it. It was skinny and so cold it could have been frozen in side of and ice cube and his fur wouldn't have changed a degree. Yes it was defiantly a boy. He looked down at it. The little kitten had bright green eyes and a whitish-brown coat. He suspected that the brownish color was just dirt from rummaging around in the leafs all this time. Good. Ryou had a soft spot for white furred fluffy things.


Bakura smirked evilly when he remembered Ryou trying to get the house with a white carpet. Ryou sat in the empty house just lying on the carpet pondering whether he wanted it or not. When the relater lady came Bakura reminded him that red shows up better on white. Ryou refused the lady and ended up buying an apartment. Staying there didn't last to long though and now they moved here.


Bakura tucked the kitten under his arm and made his way to the house. This would be perfact.