Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The 8th Millenium Item ❯ Reasons ( Chapter 2 )

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The bell rang a few minutes later. As Yami started to walk away from his desk he felt someone grab his wrist. He turned around and saw Makarri. She let go of his wrist immediately.

"I'm sorry," she said shyly.
"About what?" he asked avoiding her gaze.
"About the detention thing," she replied quickly.
"It's ok. Sensei is just too strict," he said turning around and walking to the door.Joey was waiting with Tristan for him.
"Hey lover-boy. Already hitting on the new girl? I'm impressed," Joey said slapping Yami on the back.
"Yeah Yami. That girl was a looker," Tristan added.
"I was not 'hitting' on her. She just asked for a pencil," Yami stated calmly.
"Yeah whatever Yami," Joey replied rolling his eyes.
first few periods went by briefly and soon enough it was lunch. Teá, Joey, Tristan, and Yami all sat in the shade of a Sakura Tree* outside the school. As Joey and Tristan engaged in one of their usual arguments, Yami and Teá engaged in an intelligent conversation. It seemed they were the only sane ones in the group.

"Hey Yami I heard there was a new girl. What's she like?" Teá asked.overheard and stopped Yami before he could answer. "He has a crush on her!" shot Joey a glare. If looks could kill Joey would have been long dead.
"Sorry Bud," he added waving his arms in front of his face in defense.
"She's that pretty, huh? I couldn't imagine you getting a crush on someone you know," Teá replied cheerfully.
"I don't, I repeat, don't have a crush on her!" he exclaimed. He was getting fed up with this nonsense. stood up with his lunch and walked away.
"Great going Teá. You got him mad," Joey said.
"Me?! You were the one who said it first," she replied angrily.
Yami was in a tree about 50 ft away listening with his sensitive ears. He chuckled. His eavesdropping was interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. He hid himself among the foliage of the tree and waited for the person to appear. He was surprised to see Makarri walking up to the tree and slowly sitting down. Her eyes were closed the whole time.

"Are you going to stay up their all day or our you going to join me Yami?" she asked calmly, not even bothering to look up.
"How did you know my real name? And how did you know I was up there?" he asked a little shocked as he jumped down and sat next to her.
"To answer your second question I saw you climb up. And as for the first your eyes, there different, and I overheard your friends arguing," she replied in a mischievous tone.
'Her voice is different yet familiar,' he thought to himself.
"Are you ok Yami?" she asked opening her eyes. of seeing chocolate hued eyes he saw a pair of midnight black ones. They were no longer soft but sharper in appearance. He stared at her with wide eyes. She smiled mischievously. It was Makarra. It had to be.
"Ma-Makarra?" he managed to say.
"Yes Yami, it's me," she said.
"How?" was all he could say.
"This," she lifted her wrist and showed Yami her bracelet, "The Millennium Bracelet."
"But there are only 7 millennium items," he said still extremely confused.
"A millennia ago when the items were created, an eight one was created secretly so that even if the seven items were collected, they wouldn't do any damage. That eighth item was given to my ancestors for protection. It was passed down to me and when I-," she stopped as her eyes became glossyhugged her tightly.
"Makarra, it was painful for me to lose you. I was devastated. I swore I would find your murderer but there weren't any witnesses. God how I missed you," he said before gently kissing her forehead. smiled weakly in his arms. It seemed unreal to her to be there with him; after so long.
"Do you knowwho killed you?" he asked tightening his grip on her when he said killed. It was like he was afraid shed be taken away from him.
"I really don't know. I was asleep at the time and whoever did it left the minute they did because when I opened my eyes to see who caused me so much pain I saw nothing. All I do know is that whoever killed me that night is back and they want the millennium items," she replied solemnly.
"Is that why you came to see me?" he asked releasing his grip on her.nodded. was silence for awhile. Yami was rubbing his temple trying to think of something to fix this situation while Makarra watched him intently. 'He hasn't changed a bit . Same handsome features as always,' she thought to herself.noticed her gaze and stopped his thinking to look back at her. She looked extremely beautiful under the shade of the Sakura tree.
"Well I think that this entire thing will have to wait. So far nothing has happened and there has been no threat toward you or Makarri. I suggest you two have fun until we're sure about this," he said trying to break then awkward silence.was surprised at first but then said, "I guess Yami but we should warn the owners of other millennium items."
"Good point, I'll contact them. I only know 2 owners though," he replied.
"Well let's just pray that they are powerful enough," she stated solemnly.closed her eyes as a blinding white light glowed from her bracelet. The light enveloped her and when it subsided Yami met a pair of chocolate eyes.
"Hey Yami!" Makarri said happily. smiled and stood up.
"Where are you going?" she asked, a puzzled look crossed her innocent face. She reminded him of Yugi.
"Just going back to my friends. You can join us if you like," he said as he held out a hand for her.
"Sure!" she said as she took his hand.