Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To Slavery ❯ Welcome To Slavery-Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I'm glad people like my fic! And sorry about spelling Bizarre it was supposed to be Bazaar just thought I'd tell ya and enjoy chapter 2 of "Welcome To Slavery"

Ryou cried silently to himself in the small cell that was his new room. His hands were bound together and he couldn't escape from his new owner. He had evaded slave traders plenty of times before, but now he came to realize…that he wouldn't get away this time. He missed Bakura and hoped he was okay, praying that he wasn't caught as well. The door to his cell was flung open and Ryou shielded his eyes from the light.

"Get up brat!" The man barked as Ryou did as he was told "You've just been sold." The man said

He grabbed Ryou by the arm and shoved him toward the main room. Ryou had lost his balance when he was thrown and fell at the feet of the man. Ryou knew who this man was, Bakura had told him about those who lived in the palace, this ones name was Marik a member of the council. Ryou kept his eyes glued to the floor not looking at either of them.

"You did well and finding me someone worthy of our Pharaoh, you will be rewarded." Marik said

Marik grabbed Ryou by his hair and brought him to his feet. Ryou struggled with him trying to loosen the grip he had but Marik merely laughed at the futile attempts. He looked at Ryou's face pulling backward on his hair forcing his head up.

"Where did you find this one?" Marik asked

"A palace guard caught him thinking he was a thief, and sold him to me." He said

Marik traced Ryou's face with his finger and smiled at him. "I'm half tempted to keep him myself…but lord Pharaoh deserves the best. I will see to it that you get paid." Marik said releasing Ryou's hair and clasping an arm about his waist.

Marik held Ryou firmly about the waist not letting his grip loosen.

"If you behave I wont hurt you however, I will see to it personally that you are beaten within an inch of your life should you give me any trouble. Do I make myself clear?" Marik said sternly

Ryou nodded his head quickly as Marik raised him to the horse then sat behind him as they rode off toward the palace. Marik would look down upon him every now and then and smile to himself. Ryou felt tears sting the back of his eyes again but pushed them back, they would only leave him more vulnerable so he swallowed his emotions. They soon arrived and Ryou was taken by the guards and thrown into an overstuffed room. He was slightly relived when Marik had walked in and not the Pharaoh himself but he was still just as frightened before.

"My personal consort will see to it that you are bathed and cleaned." Marik said as he circled him again "I think our lord will like you." Marik said as he laughed to himself quietly. Shortly after a young boy with spiked blond, magenta, and black hair walked in.

"You called for me sir?" He asked respectfully not making eye contact

"Take this one to the bathing chambers, he is to be presented to the Pharaoh with the others." Marik said walking away form them both

"Yes sir" The young boy said taking Ryou by the hand and leading him out of the room and down a long corridor.

"Wait…where are you taking me?" Ryou asked

"To the bathing chambers, you are to be presented to the Pharaoh soon." The boy said

"Presented? Who are you?" Ryou asked

"I'm Yugi, I belong to council member Marik the Pharaohs advisor," He began "And you will be presented to the Pharaoh and if he likes you he will keep you." Yugi said as they entered a large room

"But…w-what happens if he doesn't like me?" Ryou asked

"Then you are given to someone else, if he is really displeased you are given to his army." Yugi said leading him to a large pool "Take off your clothes, you need to bathe." Yugi said

"I…" Ryou stopped and held up his hands showing he was still bound

"Oh," Yugi said as he untied the ropes but noticed his wrists were slightly red. "You shouldn't have struggled with them, that will only make you less appealing" Yugi said

"I don't care." Ryou said turning his face from the boy

Yugi shook his head and helped him remove his clothing and settle down into the water. The young boy Yugi moved quickly as he practically bathed Ryou himself, washing his hair and basically every inch of him. He helped Ryou to his feet and wrapped him in a large robe to dry off in.

"Stay here and I'll get you some clothes." Yugi said as he left

Yugi dressed him in white pants and a sleeveless shirt. They were thin clothes but at least he was dressed again. Ryou wished he had resisted more when Marik first took him there had to be someway to escape all this, his thoughts were interrupted by Marik walking in the chamber and grabbing his chin forcing him to look at him as he inspected Ryou slightly.

"I believe his majesty will greatly enjoy you." Marik said as he pulled Ryou to his feet

"If you will excuse me sir." Yugi said quietly walking away

"You will presented last, I want to know what he plans to do with you." Seto said grabbing him by the arm and taking hi down another long corridor.

Ryou swallowed nervously he had been dragged almost everywhere. He was thrown back into Marik's room where Yugi was waiting.

"If the Pharaoh doesn't like him will you keep him sir?" Yugi asked

"Now, don't get jealous you will always be my favorite." Marik said kissing Yugi passionately

Ryou backed up into the nearby wall closing his eyes. Why was this happening to him he never did anything wrong really. He felt tears well up in his eyes and looked at Yugi who was obviously struggling not to cry as well. He wasn't enjoying what was happing in the least, Ryou felt a pang of sorrow for him he probably was brought into this against his will as well. Marik shoved the small boy to the bed and kissed down his neck making fast work of Yugi's clothes. Marik smiled at Ryou noticing his expression.

"You would be better off worrying about yourself…you'll be in his position soon enough anyway." Marik said pulling Yugi close to him

Marik growled when someone knocked on his door.

"What?" He asked irritated

"His majesty requests your presence." A voice said

Marik growled pushing Yugi back to the bed "Don't move from that spot, understand?" Marik said to Yugi strictly.

Yugi nodded quickly and Marik left. Yugi let out an exasperated sigh as soon as he was outside the door.

"A-are you all right?" Ryou asked

"Yeah, its nothing new." Yugi said unhappily curling into a ball "You worried?" Yugi asked

"Yes, more afraid than I've ever been really." Ryou admitted

"Its amazing you've only been picked up now…they tend to like the unique." Yugi said

"Unique?" Ryou asked

"Yes, how many people do you know that have tri-colored hair? Or white? You're unique so they want you. I was presented to the Pharaoh once too, but he was at a younger age then and really had no use for me…but Marik did." Yugi said trailing off.

"I'm sorry." Ryou said not knowing what else he could say

"Don't be…try to dwell on other things." Yugi said

"I'm kind of preoccupied with being a pleasure slave at the moment…I wanted my first to be with someone I loved." Ryou said

"But from what I hear the Pharaoh is not really such a bad person. He may not even want you." Yugi said

"So then I'll be given to someone else…what's the difference?" Ryou asked

"Some are worse than others…Marik is not really as bad as he seems, even though I don't like what he dose I could be with someone much worse." Yugi said

Ryou looked at Yugi curiously. He hated what Marik did yet accepted it without resistance because it could be worse. Ryou knew there was logic in what he was saying but how much worse can it get when you are basically being raped? Ryou sighed to himself, pulling his legs to his chest burring his face in them.

Marik walked in the throne room where the Pharaoh sat.

"You asked for me." Marik said

"I want you to do me a favor Marik." He said simply

"Yes." Marik answered

"I want you to go through the slaves for me, I don't care what you do with them really…but be sure to save one for me and bring him to me tonight. And pick wisely I don't want to be disappointed." He said walking away

Marik rolled his eyes, he wanted to back to his chamber and use what was his, but instead he had over a hundred slaves to go through. He grumbled to himself as he went to where the slaves were being held. At least he didn't have to worry about which one to give to the Pharaoh.

Sorry if the chapter kind of dragged on but I'm trying my hardest to make it unlike "The Pharaohs Gift" and do you want Yami to be mean or nice to Ryou? Tell me! And thank you to everyone who has reviewed!