Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To Slavery ❯ Welcome To Slavery-Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I think I did much better on this chapter than the previous three and its longer so I hope you like chapter 4 "Welcome To Slavery" ENJOY!

Yami had dressed Ryou in more appropriate clothing they covered his body instead of showing it off, and they were thick unlike the thin clothing he was wearing. Yami was very gentle about the whole thing like Ryou would break if he were too harsh as he stroked Ryou's cheek and smoothed back his hair. Ryou fought off a blush whenever Yami did that, but always knew that a faint pink stained his cheeks. Yami would always tease Ryou about blushing, it was strange Ryou thought him to be a tyrant before he met Yami but he was actually very…nice. He was portrayed as such a horrible man but he wasn't, at least not in Ryou's eyes. Ryou couldn't help but stare at Yami as he dressed in similar attire.

"What?" Yami asked noticing Ryou was starring

"I…gomen." Ryou quickly said blushing heatedly

Yami smiled and brought him into his arms "You are adorable when you blush." He said softly kissing Ryou on the forehead. "I have to go now, I'll be back later on tonight." He said leaving Ryou alone in the overstuffed room.

Ryou touched his forehead slightly and smiled to himself as the blush grew. Ryou shook his head; no don't think like that Ryou remember you are still just a slave to him and nothing more. Ryou sighed to himself he shouldn't feel anything for the Pharaoh but he was happy whenever he saw him…but he did miss Bakura and wished he was well.

Bakura fumbled with the jewels he had just stolen from a nearby shop, but threw them across the room angrily. He stole because that's what he did, he was good at it and never have gotten caught…but now there was no one to show off too, no one to share his life with. He missed Ryou terribly and really had no clue where he was. He basically kicked the ass of any slave trader he came across trying to find Ryou because although palace guards were the ones chasing them…if Ryou was caught he would be sold. Bakura sighed deeply to himself, he should have been caught not Ryou, Ryou didn't do anything wrong and he was the one who had gotten sick…he felt tears sting the back of his eyes but pushed them back. He had to find Ryou…he couldn't live with himself if he did nothing.

"Ryou?" Yami said walking into his chamber

"Yami-sama? You are early, is something wrong?" Ryou asked curiously

"Hmm? Oh no I was just going to tell you that you don't have to stay in my room all day, you can wander about the palace if you want, just be back in the afternoon. I don't want to worry about you." Yami said and pulled a gold thick bracelet out of his pocket. "This is for you." He said clasping it around his arm.

"Thank-you sama…but what is it?" He asked

"It signifies that you belong to me, it's to protect you Ryou. Other people will not harm you as long as you wear it so don't leave without it all right?" Yami asked

"Y-yes…thank you again sama." Ryou said

"Ryou?" Yami asked, "Please don't call me sama, call me Yami I would much rather not be your master but a friend." Yami said

"All right…Yami." Ryou said a bit hesitantly

Yami smiled at him and once again left the room. Ryou starred at the doors of the room, he wasn't sure if it was wise to leave this sanctuary…but he decided it was best. He quietly tiptoed out of the room glancing at everything his passed with immense interest. Ryou had never seen so many beautiful things in his life, nor had he ever been in such a large place before. He had forgotten just how large the palace was and was worried about getting lost. He turned around to go back to the Pharaohs chamber but ran into a young boy with tanned skin and blonde hair…he looked slightly like Marik but was obviously younger. The young egyptian glared at him coldly

"Watch were your going kid!" He yelled he noticed the armband that Ryou wore and grabbed it to inspect it closer.

"So you're the pharaohs whore?" He spat rather cruelly at Ryou

"I…" Ryou began but the other cut him off

"I'm Malik…what's your name?" He asked his tone changing from cruel to nice in an instant.

"R-Ryou." He answered timidly

"Well, Ryou I…" The boy suddenly tensioned when his name was called

"Malik." A man in blue robes said walking up behind him

Ryou recognized him instantly to be the High Priest Seto. Ryou shifted his gaze to the floor quickly. He may be able to look at Yami but it probably wasn't wise to do so the same to others. He could feel Setos gaze avert to him as Ryou was scanned with Setos eyes. Seto smiled slightly.

"New friend Malik?" He asked placing his hands on Malik's shoulders

"N-No not exactly Seto-sama." Malik stammered

"The mark of the Pharaoh…" Seto paused looking Ryou up and down "I can see why he likes you so much now." Seto said lifting Ryou chin to better inspect his face

Seto turned his attention back to Malik.

"Where were you headed off to in such a hurry?" Seto questioned

"I…water, we didn't have any left Sama." Malik quickly answered "I was coming right back once I got some." He said quickly

"Very well but you should return soon to my chamber clear?" He said

"Perfectly." Malik answered and sighed relived once Seto turned the corner

"Why did you lie?" Ryou asked Malik curious

"I…I'm not lying anymore I have to go get water now." Malik said walking slowly down the hall.

"But…where were you originally headed?" Ryou asked, "I wont tell, I promise." Ryou said

"To, to council member Hondas chamber." Malik answered "Why is my business and not yours okay." Malik said looking kind of upset

"Are you all right?" Ryou asked

"I'm fine!" He yelled stunning Ryou slightly "Go back to that bastard of yours I don't want anything more to do with you." Malik said storming off

Ryou stood stunned at his sudden outburst and heard a soft voice and turned to meet Yugi once again.

"Don't be angry with Malik…he's been through a lot recently." Yugi said

"Like what? I mean if you don't mind me asking that is." Ryou said

"Well, he was headed to Hondas chamber because they were lovers…they kind of still are but they have to see each other in secret." Yugi said

"How come?" Ryou asked

"Well Malik was bought by Honda but Honda fell in love with him. Unfortunately Malik really made High Priest Seto angry, and as punishment Malik now belongs to Seto and is not permitted to see Honda." Yugi said a bit sadly "I feel really sorry for Malik he has had a hard life and he finally finds love only for it to be taken away later." Yugi said

"I know how that feels…" Ryou said trailing off

"You were taken from your lover?" Yugi asked

"No, well I loved him but he was my brother, I loved him because we were family…he took care of me." Ryou said "The world was ours for the taking as long as we were together…but to save him I diverted the attention away from him and to myself." Ryou said

"What do you mean?" Yugi asked

"We were being chased by palace guards…my brother had fainted because he was ill, so I had the guards chase me but I was obviously caught." Ryou said

"Oh…sorry, I really don't know what its like to lose someone." Yugi said, "Wow…the Pharaoh must think really high of you." Yugi commented motioning toward the armband

"What makes you say that?" Ryou asked

"No one else has ever been able to wear his crest, not any of his other slaves that is." Yugi said

"He said it was to protect me…I took it so I would be safe." Ryou said

"Well, he wouldn't have given it to you unless he cared…its always nice that your master cares about you. Marik would never admit it but he dose care about me sometimes…I may not wear a crest but everyone here knows who I belong to, and knows better than to touch what belongs to him." Yugi said winking slightly

Ryou smiled slightly "I guess." Ryou said, "I should go back now." He said softly as he began to walk back to Yami's chamber.

"Oyasumi." Yugi said

"Good night to you too." Ryou said

Ryou quietly walked into the chamber looking around quietly before he stepped inside, he was surprised to find Yami already there. Yami seemed in deep thought so Ryou thought it best not to bother him as he softly sat on the bed. He was slightly surprised when Yami lifted him up into his arms and hugged him softly. Ryou closed his eyes and rested his head on Yami's shoulder. He was warm…Ryou's skin was normally cold but Yami was very warm, and Ryou indulged in the feeling of Yami's skin pressed gently against his own. Yami gently brushed Ryou's bangs out of his eyes and looked into them like he had when they first met. Yami kissed him softly on the lips and Ryou froze instantly, Yami pulled away noticing this as Ryou tried to pull away from him.

Yami softened his gaze and place a hand on Ryou's cheek not letting him go "Ryou?" Yami said pulling Ryou's face to his so they would meet eyes.

"Onegai Yami-Sama…" Ryou said closing his eyes

"Hey…Ryou." Yami paused "Gomen." He whispered gently

Ryou opened his eyes turning a curious stare to Yami who was smiling sweetly. Ryou wondered why he was apologizing.

"Nani?" Ryou asked

"I said sorry, I wont kiss you unless you want me to." He said laying Ryou down and wrapping him in the bed sheets.

"I…I didn't meant to…" Ryou began but Yami sealed his lips with his hand

"Don't worry, just sleep…okay?" Yami asked

Ryou nodded as Yami settled down next to him

"Y-Yami?" Ryou said timidly


"W-would you hold me?" He asked a blush spreading across his features

Yami smiled as he pulled Ryou close to him "You're adorable when you blush." Yami said kissing Ryou on the cheek, which Ryou didn't seem to mind.

YEAH! Fluff! I like the fluff it's cute! Anyway I hope it wasn't to boring and I hope its better than my last chapters cause I was really disappointed at this story at first but it's starting to look up! Huza!