Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To Slavery ❯ Welcome To Slavery-Chapter 12.htm ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry this is so late I have had issues and such but oh well I hope you like chapter 12 to "Welcome To Slavery" ENJOY!!! Thanks again to Hato-Chiisai!

Ryou stepped out of the large bath and walked into the Pharaohs chamber, Yami said he could stay in his chamber while he was gone. He dried himself quickly slipping on a simple robe and drying himself. Ryou climbed up on the bed and bit his lip while he rocked himself gently. He did not like being in the palace all alone. He felt his eyes well up in tears, he missed Bakura…if he was here Ryou wouldn't feel so lonely at the moment. He sighed deeply before resting his head on the pillow trying his best not to cry, when suddenly the chamber doors swung open and Marik came striding in. Ryou sat up slightly startled but was curious on what Marik wanted, Marik knew Yami was gone.

"Your brother is quite the elusive one, I was going to try again until I found out he ran away." Marik said obviously irritated.

Ryou tilted his head...try again? What was Marik talking about "T-try what?" Ryou dared to ask although he felt something was wrong with the whole situation.

Marik smiled at him maliciously "To take him of course, he looked so much like you and obviously I cant have you with Yami always around…which reminds me, Yami isn't here now is he little one?" Marik said grinning at Ryou

Ryou retreated slightly and looked at the bed-side-table where the armband was that had Yami's name engraved on it. He darted for it but Marik caught him easily before he reached it.

"You've made things actually a lot easier for me by not putting on the band little one, you are officially free game to me without it." Marik said licking the side of Ryou's face

"Iie! Tomeru!" Ryou screamed trying to break Marik's grasp but he was much too strong for him "Yami wont stand for this!" Ryou screamed kicking in the air trying to stop Marik.

Marik only laughed as he easily pinned Ryou down on the bed, pressing his knee in the small of Ryou's back so he couldn't get back up "You think Yami will be alive to save you? No, Ryou as soon as he comes back he will be dead within the hour and then you, and soon your brother, will both be mine…but looks like I'll have to settle for having you first." Marik said stripping Ryou of his robe.

"Iie!" Ryou screamed trying to get away but in vain

He felt Marik's hot mouth on his neck gently kissing and sucking. He felt a sharp pain when Marik bit him.

"I like to physically mark my property." Marik said before biting down hard and drawing blood from Ryou's neck.

Ryou screamed from the pain but gritted his teeth "I don't belong to you! I never will!" Ryou said while struggling with the weight on top of him.

Ryou could basically feel Marik's eyes burning into the back of his head. Ryou felt tears sting the back of his eyes when he heard clothing being deposited on the floor, he shook his head thinking 'No! Do not let him do this to me please!' he thought repeatedly but he could not stop the waves of agony that rolled throughout his entire body when Marik slammed into him with dreadful force. Ryou screamed out in anguish and wept not being able to hold back the tears that were now flooding down his cheeks.

"It's your brothers fault this is happening to you…" Marik growled "All his fault, if he had stayed it would be him underneath me, not you." Marik said maliciously as he pounded into Ryou harder. Marik's manhood driving as deep as he could into Ryou. Ryou couldn't help but to scream in pain. Marik took advantage of this claiming his mouth and letting his tongue dive deep into Ryou's mouth. Marik placed Ryou's hand on his length making Ryou masturbate himself. Marik groaned into the kiss as Ryou whimpered. Marik began to pound into Ryou harder making him writer in pain from the force, as he cried. He wanted to call out to Bakura and Yami but he had no way of doing anything. Marik pulled himself out of Ryou and shoved his length into Ryou's mouth; he pulled upon Ryou's hair brining his head up and down upon himself. Marik was near release and soon exploded into Ryou's mouth making sure that he swallowed Ryou broke down into tears as Marik just smiled to himself. Ryou felt so dirty he wished that he had never even meet Marik and almost wished he had never come to the palace. Ryou cried into the sheets below him as he felt blood coaxing his legs and the horrible taste in his mouth, he was suddenly pulled from the bed by his hair. Marik pulled upon Ryou's hair violently as Ryou cried in pain.

"You should clean yourself up, Yami will be back soon." Marik said letting his hair go and letting him fall to the floor carelessly.

Ryou shivered and tried to stand but it was useless, his whole body ached and each movement sent a burning fire through his veins penetrating his very soul. He knew it was useless to try and make it to the bathing chambers they were too far…but the balcony wasn't but a few yard as he crawled his way over to it, crying as he did so and lighting a candle hoping Bakura would see it, he needed help and Bakura was the only one he could call to.

Ryou couldn't make it back inside so instead he simply laid on the floor in a cold sweat awaiting for his brother who never came, he cried himself to sleep on the freezing balcony unable to bring himself inside.

Bakura looked out the window and noticed the fading light of a candle on the Pharaohs balcony. He clenched his fists in anger, he immediately assumed it was Yami because even if he didn't hurt Ryou to begin with Bakura knew he was leaving and that left Ryou wide open for an attack…whatever happened to Ryou, Bakura would make sure that Yami paid for it in blood.

Yami rode swiftly back to the palace, he felt something had gone wrong and he rode so promptly that all his guards and henchmen were left behind him. He didn't care though, he never had felt this way before and he feared something had happened to Ryou, he felt stupid for not taking Ryou with him, he should have there was not telling what could happen to him without Yami's protection.

Malik ran inside the Pharaohs chamber closing the door and hiding behind one of the drapes and listened intently for the sound of running footsteps to run past the door. Once he heard it, he slumped to the floor panting heavily. He knew it wasn't wise to hide in the Pharaohs chamber of all places but he was left with little option. He was about to leave and find a new hiding place from Seto when something red caught his eye. He leant down to touch it noticing it was wet…

"Blood?" he asked himself looking around a bit when he noticed a trail of it leading to the balcony.

He followed the trail until he came upon Ryou, his eyes growing wide at the sight of him; he looked like a bleeding angel. Malik picked him up bringing him inside from the unforgiving night and noticed a candle that went out suddenly burned down to the very stone it sat upon. Malik shook his head not concerning himself with a candle at the moment as he brought the unconscious Ryou to the bathing chamber and stripped him and set him in the warm water. He knew what it was like to be left alone without help from another to pick up the scattered pieces of your existence and Ryou defiantly needed help.

Yami could see the palace from his vantage point and he spurred his horse to go faster. Bakura saw the Pharaoh long before he saw the palace and Yami would pay for Ryou's suffering dearly.

Well I hope I did not leave you hanging or nothing ^_~ and if I did it just helps draw out the suspense! Anyway, I hope you liked it!