Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What is Sex? ❯ What is Sex 3? Sick Day. ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: “What is Sex 3? Sick Day.”
Summary: It's been a week since Mokuba asked and almost every night is playtime. But today all Kaiba wants to do is play and so does Mokuba the problem is he's not feeling very good.
Warnings: Yaoi, Incest, lemon and OOCness for both. If you don't like this paring or are underage DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER!
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Kaiba had left for work early that morning it was Friday.
`Well it's been one week since Mokuba had asked me about sex. I was so worried that Mokuba would hate me for even asking. Then when he agreed I was terrified he'd regret doing it. But it seems the kids enjoying it more than I gave him credit for. I doubted him I didn't think he would ever want to do it again much less ask me to do it with him the next day. I was just about Mokuba's age when Gozaburo first raped me. I hated it! I never thought that I would or could actually enjoy doing it with anyone. I never bothered to try. All I'd ever known was pain and heartache. I was terrified I kicked myself for even asking Mokuba. I was scared when we started cause I was always in Mokuba's place not the other way around. I was scared I'd hurt him. But now I've learned the joy and pleasure from it. I'd always had the fantasy of what happened Saturday night well not the exact circumstances but the fun and pleasure we had. Not to mention all the fun Sunday. We haven't been able to do much but play no intercourse since then cause I was afraid that if we did somehow the teachers might find out. I can't let that happen! I can't allow anyone to find out! Mokuba wasn't happy when I told him. I hate it that no matter how many times we do it I still end up hurting the kid when I stretch him and first go inside him. He assures me he's ok but that doesn't stop me from worrying. A couple of more hours and I can go home. I hope Mokuba got home from school ok.' Kaiba thought turning back to his computer to work.
`Man today is just not my day. I woke up this morning with a headache and didn't go away at all. I ended up in the nurse's office after lunch and they wanted to call Seto out of school to come get me but I didn't want him to worry. I told them I was fine. They said a 101-degree fever wasn't fine. But I assured them that I'd tell Seto the minute school was out. Well I would have but I had forgotten that he had an important meeting right after school. I hate it that Seto said we could now only have sex on the weekends. This is Friday night the one-day of the week I get to stay up late and now a time for Seto and I to play and have fun and I end up sick. This is the major pits! The minute Seto finds out I'm sick there's no way he'll let us play. I think I will go lay down though my heads killing me.' Mokuba thought to himself. He went upstairs to his room and changed into the same thing he's worn every night since he and Seto started to play together at night, one of Seto's old tee shirts that was way too big for him and his boxers. He curled up on the bed and pulled the comforter around himself but still found he was freezing! He soon fell asleep hoping Seto would be home soon.
Meanwhile back at Kaiba Corp.
`It's almost 7 about time for dinner. Man this work will take all night to finish and we'll never get to play. Fine I'll just take this home and finish it there. I'm not going to let anything stop me from getting home to Mokuba so that we may play, as Mokuba likes to put it. If that's what it takes to get the kid comfortable then I don't have a problem. I don't really care what he calls it, play is fine by me, besides by using the word play if anyone ever heard us say it they might not think twice about anything we do.' Kaiba then quickly packed everything up and headed out.
Mokuba woke up and noticed it was about 7:15 dinner was at 7:30 through truth me told he wasn't really all that hungry. He decided to wait on the steps next to the door till Seto got home.
Kaiba made his way home and of course had given new instructions that all the servants in the house that after dinner at 7:30 they were excused for the evening to either leave or stay in their wing. He didn't have a fear of them hearing anything since the servant's quarters were on the other side of the mansion and they had their own kitchen, but also left strict instructions that under NO circumstance were they to enter either his nor Mokuba's rooms at night or early morning. Unless there was a fire about to engulf the house in flames, they were not to enter. He did have the door locked but also knew that the maids sometimes opened the door when they weren't supposed to. He threatened under penalty of death, firing and never being able to find work again to ever enter either room. He wasn't about to have some maid walk in a catch him and Mokuba either playing or sleeping together. Sleeping together wouldn't be suspicious since Mokuba used to do it all the time whenever he had a nightmare or was frightened. However, since they were completely nude after a round of cuddling and light playing, it would be suspicious and he couldn't afford to have anyone report it. A few of the older ones won't they like their jobs and were around, when Gozaburo raped him, so they knew better than to tell or ask too many questions.
Soon he arrived home and walked in expecting any minute Mokuba to tackle him to the ground. But what happened was something he didn't expect. He walked in and shut the door. Mokuba saw him and happily walked over to him and hugged him. Kaiba was a bit taken back by this. He didn't know the kid was even there till he felt him hug him, he expected the kid to tackle him or at least yell and announce he was home.
“I'm so happy you're home Seto.”
Kaiba gently stroked his little brother's hair and found that the kid felt a little warm. He pulled Mokuba away a little and bent down so that they were eye level. “You feeling ok Mokuba?”
Mokuba tried his best to put on a brave smile but knew his brother was able to read him, “I'm fine Seto.”
Kaiba didn't much believe him and placed his hand on his forehead. “You sure kiddo you seem awfully hot.”
Mokuba gave him a shy smile. “I don't suppose you'd believe me if I told you I was just happy to see you would you?”
“No.” Kaiba said.
Mokuba sighed, “I didn't think so.”
“How long have you been like this?”
“Since I woke up with a headache this morning. But I got sent to the nurses office about lunch.”
“Why didn't you call me and tell me to come get you?”
“I didn't want you to know. I didn't want you to worry. I also didn't want to say we couldn't play tonight.”
Kaiba kissed him on the forehead. “You should have told me kiddo. You know how I hate it when you're sick.”
“Yeah I know Seto. But I've been looking forward to today all week long. I want to Seto, please!”
“First things first let's take your temperature.” Kaiba picked him, carried him upstairs and into the bathroom, set him down on the counter, and pulled out a digital thermometer. Kaiba placed the thermometer into Mokuba's mouth and after a minute it beeped and Kaiba read it at 101.9.
“What's wrong Seto?”
“Your fevers awfully high.”
Mokuba looked so depressed.
`Hmm…I hate to disappoint the kid after all wasn't he one of the reasons I rushed home tonight? Didn't I stop in the middle of an important paper to get home to him? I've been waiting all week to do this too. I know we wouldn't be able to keep the no sex during the week rule in effect for long. I don't think either of us will be able to handle it. But this is what we both want and why I came home early!'
He then lifted Mokuba's chin and kissed him. Mokuba was shocked at first but then smiled and kissed back with equal flavor. Kaiba had to break the kiss less he take the kid right then and there. He picked him up and carried him into his room making certain to lock the door. Kaiba laid the kid on the bed but was concerned by the pained look on the kids face.
“You ok kid?”
“Yeah I'm ok Seto.”
“Why don't you look it? What's wrong?”
Mokuba opened his mouth but then closed with a sigh.
`What's the point? If I lied he'd know it.'
“My head hurts a little, that's all.”
“You want some children's Tylenol?”
“No Seto you know that stuff makes me sleepy.”
“I know something else that makes you sleepy to.” Kaiba said with a smile that made Mokuba giggle.
Just then, there was a knock on the door. Kaiba was a little irritated and through the door open. “What?”
“I'm sorry Mr. Kaiba sir. I just wanted to inform you that the stove in acting up again and that dinner would be served late.”
“I'm not hungry.”
`At least not for food.' Kaiba thought with a smirk. Then he opened the door a little more to turn and ask Mokuba.
“Are you hungry kiddo? The stoves out of order I have to call and get it fixed tomorrow.”
“No I want anything.”
Kaiba looked over at him concerned. “You sure? Did you even eat lunch?”
“No I'm fine Seto. Really.”
Kaiba turned back to the maid. “Tell the cook and anyone else left they're dismissed. I'll fix us something later.”
“Yes Mr. Kaiba sir.”
Mokuba sighed as she left and his brother locked the door.
“What's wrong Mokuba?” Kaiba asked sitting down beside him.
“We're not going to get to play to night at all are we?”
Kaiba smiled and kissed him. “What makes you say that?”
Mokuba smiled slightly seeing the look in his brother's eye. “That maid's the snoop remember, she's the one who likes to see what she's not allowed.”
Kaiba thought about this for a moment and then walked over to the door and opened it. Sure enough, Mokuba was right there she was listening at the door.
“Is there something I can help you with?”
“Oh um well I-I just wondered if there was something I could do? I mean Master Mokuba didn't look well and I thought that maybe you'd like me to stay and help.”
Kaiba didn't buy that excuse but let it slide. Then he grabbed her arm and started to take her downstairs. “I told you, you were dismissed if I felt I needed any help I would have said something earlier. Guards.”
“Yes sir Mr. Kaiba sir?”
Two guards suddenly appeared in front of them. “Guard this stairway. Under NO circumstances is anyone allowed upstairs until further notice. Is that clear?”
“Yes Sir!”
The maid wasn't happy but Kaiba didn't much care. He made his way back to his room, shut, and locked the door. However, when he looked up he noticed that Mokuba was asleep. He sighed he couldn't blame the kid it was his fever. Kaiba then pulled the covers next to Mokuba down and slide the boy over there and covered him up. Then he took off his clothes and climbed in beside Mokuba. He wasn't real tired so he just watched the kid sleep lightly stroking his hair. Mokuba stirred and cuddled up next to his brother.
`Man I am so aroused I can't stand hardly stand it! But there's nothing I can do about it.' Kaiba looked down at Mokuba and started to lightly stroke his hair again. `He's sleeping so peaceful I don't have the heart to wake him. Yeah he wanted to play as much as I did but I just don't have the courage to wake him up. Poor things not feeling well it'd be heartless to wake him up just so that we could play.'
Later that night Kaiba awoke with a start sitting straight up not realizing Mokuba had been asleep on his chest.
“What's wrong big brother?” Mokuba asked rubbing his eyes.
“It's nothing Mokuba just a bad dream.”
“What was it about? You look upset?”
`I hope my dream was just a nightmare.'
“If I'm wrong kiddo I'm sorry.”
Mokuba was confused. “Sorry for what big brother?”
Kaiba leaned down and gave Mokuba a quick kiss.
Mokuba was upset. “Why did you do that Seto?”
`I was right everything I thought we've done the past week was just a pleasant dream.'
“I'm sorry Mokuba.”
“You should be!” Mokuba said upset. “How dare you just give me a quick kiss and leave me hanging. I may not feel good but I'm not that out of it. Are you afraid to kiss me?”
Kaiba was shocked but then smirked! `Well if I'm still dreaming I never want to wake up.'
“Huh oh I'm sorry I just had a dream that what we've been doing the past week was all just a dream.”
Mokuba giggled. “Then maybe we should prove its not.” Then he took off his shirt and laid it at the edge of the bed. Then laid down, he knew he still had his boxers on but figured his brother would take care of that. “We never did get to play before big brother. Let's do it now.”
“Are you sure you feel up to it kiddo?”
“I want to Seto please.”
“If your sure.” Kaiba said leaning down and kissing him.
Mokuba kissed back as Kaiba moved down to removed the boy's boxers.
He broke the kiss, reached over, grabbed the lube from the nightstand drawer, and coated his fingers in the stuff. Then he leaned down and started to a kissing and nibbling here and there along the boy's neck while he quickly placed two fingers inside the boy. Mokuba gasped as Kaiba leaned over and started kissing the boy deep to distract him as he placed another finger. Kaiba kissed his cheek and noticed the kid was still hot. He started stretching him.
“Hnn…that hurts Seto.”
Kaiba pulled out. “Sorry I didn't mean to be so rough.”
“It's ok big brother.”
“You want continue or do you want to rest?”
“Continue, please.”
Kaiba kissed him. He was a little nervous he didn't want to hurt him. He grabbed the lube again, slicked up his own manhood, and then gently spread the boy's legs. He positioned himself right at his brother's entrance.
“You sure you want to continue Mokuba?”
“I'm sure.” Mokuba said leaning up and kissing him.
Kaiba kissed back and then moved in quickly till he was buried to the hilt inside his brother. He waited for the boy to adjust by lightly kissing his neck.
“You ready?”
Mokuba nodded trying to ignore the pain inside him and in his head.
Kaiba smiled he knew the kids headache was obviously back so he leaned up and kissed his nose knowing it would get a giggle and a wiggle out of the boy. Mokuba giggle but didn't wiggle. Kaiba wasn't detoured by that he figured it was his fever so he knew a sure fire way to get a wiggle. Yeah he didn't have to hit the kids sweat spot he'd get pleasure without it but by hitting it it'd take his mind off his fever.
So, he growled playfully into the kid's neck. Mokuba giggled and wiggled just as Kaiba hoped he would. Then Mokuba moaned as his brother's angle was shifted enough to hit his sweet spot. Kaiba then set a medium pace; his thrusts aimed to intentionally hit his brother's sweet spot again and again.
Mokuba started urging him to go faster Kaiba still a little afraid he'd hurt him being sick and all started going faster having to ignore both his and Mokuba's own pleas to go even faster. He wasn't going to risk Mokuba's getting hurt. Ok so this probably wouldn't have hurt the kid any more so than normal but he wasn't going to take the chance.
Then he couldn't resist his brother's weakening length crying out for attention. So he started to pump his brother in time with his thrusts. He continued to thrust into the kid dieing to go faster while Mokuba tossed and turned begging for the same thing but also having trouble focusing as he was being pumped at the same time. Finally Kaiba thrust one more time filling his little brother with his essence Mokuba screamed and came at the same time covering both their chests.
Kaiba rolled to the side and after catching his breath walked into the bathroom and came back with a wet washrag. He cleaned himself off then sat down and started to clean Mokuba off.
“Ok kiddo sit up and lets put your shirt back on.”
Mokuba did as he was told a little confused though. “Why do I have to put it back on Seto?”
Kaiba put the shirt back on the kid then started to pull the covers up. “Sorry kid but you already have a fever no since in making it worse by allowing you to sleep without your shirt.”
“Ok big brother.” Mokuba smiled and snuggled into his brother's chest.
Kaiba smiled held the small boy close pulled the covers around them and they soon fell asleep.