Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ C. A Brand New Day (Yugi's Shock) ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


C. BRAND NEW DAY (Yugi’s Shock)

How many of you people out there

Been hurt in some king of love affair?

And how many times did you swear

That you’d never love again?

How many lonely, sleepless nights?

How many lies, how many fights?

And why would you want to

Put yourself through all of that again?...

It could happen to you,

Just like it happened to me,

There is simply no immunity

There’s no guarantee

Love is such a force if you should find yourself in it

You need some time for reflection

You say, baby wait a minute, wait a minute...

I’m the present to your future

You’re the wound and I’m the suture

You’re the magnet to my pole

I’m the devil in your soul...


Yugi was running down the street as Yami seemed to be silent for the moment, asking questions ever so often as she found the meeting place that Kaiba set. The place wasn’t that fancy but a good place to catch a quick meal and sit for a time. She spotted Mokuba’s wild head of black hair and smiled as she dodged tables, waitresses, and people to the corner table on the terrace.

<<Your lover?>> Yami asked, a hint of jealousy could have been heard in his voice as she snickered.

<No, a close friend.> she replied as he seemed pleased with that answer. "Hey Kaiba." she stated sitting down in the third chair as Kaiba nodded to her as Mokuba laughed.

"Hey Yugi." he stated bouncing off of his chair and hugging her.

"Mokuba, you seem to be getting along well with the Computer Genius." she stated as he laughed and Kaiba gave her an odd glare.

"Nice necklace." he stated as she laughed.

"Grandpa’s gift." she stated patting it. "Eight years of work to build a puzzle that was created in ancient Egypt."

"Sounds like some gift." Mokuba stated as Kaiba sat his book to the side as the waitress brought lunch. "Happy birthday!" he stated presenting her with a wrapped package as Kaiba smirked at the shocked expression.

"Forget?" he teased as Yugi laughed.

"To busy arguing with the invisible man." was her dry comment as he laughed and Mokuba pressed her to open the package.


It was around noon when Mai Valentine, Joey Wheeler, Tristan Taylor, and his girlfriend Tea Gardener were walking past that terrace at the same time. The group had gone out on a shopping spree, mostly at Mai’s insisting. "Isn’t that Seto Kaiba?" Tea asked as they paused to stare at the table where a hyper-active Mokuba was eating, Seto Kaiba was smirking, and Yugi Motou was looking rather amused.

"Motou and Kaiba?" Mai asked as the other two started laughing about something.

"Kaiba laughing?" Joey muttered in surprise as the group stared.

"They’re leaving!" Tristan hissed as they walked forward and in to a alley.


"I’m going to see Mr. Motou at the Game Shop." Mokuba stated as both nodded. "I’ll wait for you there, big brother." Kaiba nodded as they walked in the opposite direction, towards Mrs. Freemont’s apartment.

"A year older..." Kaiba stated with a mock whistle as she glared.

"This comes from Mr. I’m-a-seventeen-year-old-CEO." Yugi retorted as she crossed her arms with a pout. "Careful, your mask of ice is melting."

"Do I hear humor?" he asked as she laughed.

"Yes, also laughter." she replied as a group tailed them. "How about a challenge, Kaiba? I have a cool forty-five minutes to kill before testing the instructions of a Do It Yourself kit."

"Hired to assemble something?" he mused as she looked ready to hit him. "Never thought anybody would trust you with blunt objects."

"The same is like trusting you with a computer." she replied as they kept on walking. "No holograms, just a simple duel without any problems."

"Sounds like a deal." he replied with a smirk as she glared.


Giving the small time and the crowd that watched the two, many were shocked to see Seto Kaiba dueling without one of his machines. A crowd had gathered as both duelers seemed to be a good match for one another, then again this was Seto Kaiba they were talking about. "Polymerize in to Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, attack your face down monster." he stated as she frowned and turned the card over and then put it on the pile that was her graveyard. She then drew the final card that she needed.

"Hmmm..." was Yugi’s only reply as she sat her hand down. "Five Exodia Pieces, combine them to form Exodia the Forbidden One." she replied as all gasped and Kaiba looked surprised. "I then attack you Ultimate Dragon and take out the rest of your life points, Kaiba." He stood up as she followed, both shook hands over the table as many clapped.

Yugi gathered her deck up and placed it in a pouch that was on the inside of her jacket as Kaiba hide his and the crowd thinned. "Maybe a rematch later?" he asked as she smiled.

"Maybe." she replied with a nod. "Hey, I have to go off. I’ll see ya’ later Kaiba."


Two hours with three false starts, two attempts to get the thing in place, and one big mental conversation with Yami the near exhausted Yugi Motou was heading home to a hot bath. <<So your a champion at chess?>> Yami asked as she shoved her hands in her pockets.

<Yes, last time I competed in a chess tournament.> she replied as he seemed to be pleased with that.

<<Then I’d like to challenge you soon to test your abilities.>> he stated as she smirked.

<Your on, Dark Boy.> she replied pushing the door open to a empty Game Shop and drifting through to the steps that lead up in to the living room.


"Happy Birthday!" Mokuba and Solomon called out as she hit the last step, and then disappeared back down the steps as Kaiba and Ryou snickered. She came back in to view with a blush of embarrassment as a cake, ice cream, and drinks sat out.

"Have a nice trip?" Kaiba asked as she blew him a raspberry.

"No, bad travel agent." she replied walking around the table to plop down between Ryou and Mokuba.

"Open up the presents first!" Mokuba stated handing her the one from both him and Seto.

"Your not giving me a say, eh?" she asked as he nodded. "Well then! Let’s see what’s here then."
