Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 1. The Gauntlet is Thrown ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Egyptian secrets are revived

Ancient Powers have survived

With all the rates all black and white

Friends will help to win the fight

Solve the puzzle's mystery

Unlock the hero's destiny

Now alter egos now one knows

Side by side they fight their foes

These duel identities

They struggle for control!

To personalties

Inhabiting one's soul!

It's not a match you're in

It's much more like a brawl!

The only way to win

You've gotta stay your own!

Your move!


It was the middle of the week, around Wednesday, as people were a buzz about the Duel Monsters tournament where Weevil Underwood was awarded a trip to Duelist Kingdom by Maximillion Pegasus himself! Yet others were also a buzz about the Duel between Seto Kaiba and Yugi Motou, in which either didn’t talk about.

Yami had already asked every question imaginable about the world he was in, yet only wondered it when many weren’t about to gawk at a spirit. He sometimes appeared in crowded places, but kept himself invisible to those people, but he only did it when he felt he should be out of the puzzle and wondering about.

Ryou Bakura had gotten to know the two-faced duo, actually he was comfortable in their company instead of the other group he was friends with. He watched her close, seeing the large pendent she wore was the target of his darker half.

"Hey freak!" Tea shouted from her little group of cronies, all female.

"What’cha want, Oh Ye of Little Sense?" Yugi asked placing her hand on her hip and glaring, her sunglasses slipping down her nose as she glared over the tops. "Wait, that’s someone else... your the Ranting Queen, my mistake."

"So you beat the Champion Seto Kaiba." she stated, ignoring her comment.

"Maybe." Yugi stated with a shrug. "Nothing to make a big deal about."

"Are you on crack, girl!" someone stated as she glared, obviously the teasing statement was not taken that way. "He’s the Champion of Duel Monsters!" Yugi shrugged again, obviously not caring.

"It was a little side duel, nothing to be calling the press about." she snapped as the student jumped in surprise. "So leave me alone about it." With that final ice phrase she spun on her heel and pushed her sunglasses back up to the bridge of her nose and started to walk away.

"Man." Joey stated running a hand through his straw blonde hair. "No wonder her and Kaiba get along, they are both made of ice."


"How did you manage to draw the last card you needed, Yugi?" Seto asked, leaning against the wall as she sat on a desk in front of him and Ryou Bakura was sitting at the desk across from her.

"There is a little concept that my grandfather always said to trust." Yugi replied, cocking her head to the side as her book sat open on her lap and notebook inside of it. "The Heart of the Cards, Kaiba. Put this little ice covered thing you call a heart in to your deck and anything’s possible." He gave her this look that said it all- are you insane? "It’s true! The more you don’t respect your deck or put your heart in to it the harder it is to win simple duels."

"I see." he replied as she growled, if he said one word...

Yami was laughing as she pinned her glare on the CEO of KaibaCorp. <<Careful, abiou, the book will hurt him and people will ask you more questions.>> he stated as lightened up a bit.

<Abi-ou? At least it isn’t a corny pet name...>

<<Is my Game feeling a little playful?>> he asked as she visibly twitched, Ryou watched her face as she did it again.

<I hate you, Bane of Sanity.> she replied as he laughed.

"I’ll think about that." he replied as she relaxed a bit, from ‘must hurl book at someone’ to ‘say something cruel and you’ll loose your teeth’.

"I feel so honored, the infamous Seto Kaiba is going to think about what I said." was her finishing dry comment before losing her thoughts in the homework in her lap that was presently unfinished.


School was over yet again as the walk to the Turtle Game Shop was slightly more enjoyable, Ryou decided he wanted to walk her home and avoid the other group he was friends with. "My you are brave, standing them." Yugi stated with a small laugh. "Got a few classes with all four, they are slightly annoying and only to the point where a headache isn’t faked to leave."

"They’re nice, but not as funny as being with the two-sided duo." he replied as she opened the door to the Game Shop and waved him in.

"Guest before hostess, sir." she stated mockingly as he snickered and did so.

"Hello Ryou, Yugi." Solomon stated from behind the counter as a package sat beside him.

"Nice poster, Grandpa." Yugi stated pointing to the poster of the Black Luster Solider and Harpy’s Pet Dragon. "Looks like a real match."

"Enough with the sarcasm, young lady. This came in the mail today, addressed to Yugi Motou." he stated as she crossed her arms and stared at the thing. "It will not open on command..."

"The curiosity is killing me." they stated in unison as Solomon laughed.

"Well, let’s tromp up the steps and see what’s in the thing." she stated as Ryou checked the time.

"Sorry, can’t." he stated with a frown. "I have to get back home and finish that major project."

"I’ll tell ya’ tomorrow Ryou, have fun." she laughed after picking up the package and heading up the steps as he groaned on his way out the door.


It was past closing time as Solomon looked at the things that were in the package. A glove with two star chips, a tape, and a really small packet of cards. "Looks like one of the gloves that the news has been advertising when they talk about Duelist Kingdom." he stated as she frowned.

<Yami, I don’t have a good feeling about this.> she stated as worry crept in to her voice and her body was tense.

<<It doesn’t feel right, abiou... careful with everything.>> he replied as she agreed. <<The tape has traces of ancient magic, of Shadow Magic.>> She made a note to ask him about that later as she picked up the tape and slipped it in to the machine.

"Good evening, Yugi Motou." a slightly deep voice stated as the image of Maximillion Pegasus appeared on the screen as she sat back on her heels. "I am inviting you to Duelist Kingdom, as per your defeat of Seto Kaiba."

<How the hell does he know that?> she mentally asked as her eyes narrowed.

"Before you give an answer, we have to make the stakes higher." he stated with a smirk that said that he wasn’t going to threaten her conventionally.

A streak of pain went through her body as everything froze, just as the Millennium Puzzle glowed and she felt Yami taking over. She noted that when he took over the pain was gone and her mind was free. Everything was dark as she kneeled facing Pegasus on what looked like a dueling arena. "Welcome to the Shadow Realm, Yugi." he stated with amusement as Yugioh (even if it means Game King or King of Games, it’s staying for Yami in Yugi’s body instead of Yami Yugi) glared and growled her annoyance.

"Why am I here, Mr. Pegasus?" Yugioh hissed between her teeth as dark eyes flashed with malice.

"Because I can, my girl! This eye-" he stated brushing his silver hair away to show the golden Millennium Eye, "-allows me to do a number of things. Including seals souls in to cards." he added as she heard a defiant scream of ‘No’ and the glowing of the blank card before him. "Like your dear Grandfather’s." he brought the card up to show him, stuck in mid-scream.

"You bas-" she trailed off as he tutted.

"Language, my dear, you are a lady." he scolded her as she glared daggers at him.

"But a true gentlemen doesn’t take out a lady’s family in front of them, he does it in secret." she snapped as his smile fell.

"All you have to do is go to Duelist Kingdom, my dear, and duel your way through the tournament." he stated as she looked ready to kill him in a few slow manners. "When you duel me and defeat me, then will I give back the soul of your grandfather and also give you the Millennium Eye."

"I will, just to kick your a--"

"Language! Don’t you have no manners?"

"I only reserve those for people worth it, and you sure as hell are not worth it." Yugioh snapped as the dark place disappeared.


Yami separated himself from his other half as soon as they were back in the Mortal Realm, and he had enough energy to do so. He was lightly slapping Yugi’s face, oddly worried as she laid back asleep. "Yugi!" he growled as she slowly started to come around.

"Damn it, Yami, what’s going on?" she groaned as her eyes fluttered open as he looked down at her. "Was it--" He nodded as she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled herself up enough to sob in to his shoulder, totally shocking the olden Pharaoh of Forgetfulness. Yami wrapped one arm around her as the other was petting her hair as his features held a look of enjoyment about the position but sadness about the reason.


Seto Kaiba glanced at Yugi as she sat beside her grandfather’s bed in the hospital as the box sat on her lap. The Millennium Puzzle hung around her neck as her hair fell in to her face, hiding her tears. "I don’t think it’s a good idea to go to this event." she stated glancing up as he moved from his corner and stood behind her with a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Your grandfather would want you to be strong and do what you think is right." he stated as she smiled weakly at him. "I have to go to save my brother, so it gives us both a reason why we should go to kick his ass!" She looked shocked that he said that.

"Your right, he would want me to be strong, Mr. Enthusiasm." she muttered placing her hand over his as Yami was trying to sooth her mind. "The ship docks tomorrow afternoon, it gives me a little time to prepare something to take."

"I am behind you all the way." he stated as she smiled.

"Thanks, Seto." she stated getting up and kissing his cheek, Yami made sure she knew he didn’t approve.
