Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 2. Journey to Duelist Kingdom ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



No matter what!

Let the game begin

No matter what!

Let the best man win

No matter what!

We're in this together

No matter what!

We'll be friends forever

No matter what...

It's been you and me

Hanging out playing games

Didn't ever think it would get this hard

Time's running out

And there's so much at stake

Everything riding on a turn of a card

We'll show them what we're made of

And we fight for the one we love

And we'll be friends till the very end

No matter what!


<<You are putting yourself in danger, abiou.>> Yami protested as he watched from his perch on her dresser she got dressed the morning of the trip. He watched her pull on a pair of semi-tight black pants with many pockets over a pair of black shorts with knee high socks and her usual combat boots, ignoring the fact he was enjoying the show. Her top was a black tight tank top with a knee length blue and white lined jacket over that. She put a buckle choker on at her throat and wrists as her slightly curly hair was down- showing the layered of dark red that fell to mid-back, the second layer of black, and her blonde bangs. She had leave from the school, the invitation cards, and a bag of necessities incase.

"I know Yami, but it’s the only way I can get my grandfather back." she stated with a pout, knowing that they have been arguing about this all night. "Yami, just promise me if anything bad is about to happen or does that you’ll take over control of my body and finish what needs to be done."

<<I promise.>> he stated, giving up to the fact she wouldn’t listen to his reasoning. She then approached the dresser and hugged him, causing both to relax with the embrace. <<Your my only weakness, abiou... you and that cute pout...>>

"Hormonal spirit." she stated pulling away as he glared and she laughed. "Your just like that because it’s near impossible to keep you from sharing a bed, or such..." her eyes were glittering with amusement as he looked ready to pounce on her.

<<The Gods damned me with a fiery woman, they are probably laughing it up about my demise.>> he growled as she lifted her bag up and threw it over her shoulder with a laugh.

"Poor Yami! I bet they really pity you." he growled and tackled her and started to attack her sensitive sides.


The commotion, after an hour and a half of torturous waiting in line, was welcome. Yugi was watching from the railing as Joey Wheeler was arguing with the suits. Mai Valentine then came to his rescue, giving him a star chip. "I have enough talent to come back form this handicap." she stated as they boarded.

<My someone is a little over confident in herself.> she told Yami, who seemed to agree. <Stowaways.> She was watching Tristan, Tea, and Ryou hide in a box that was about to be lifted on board.

<<I don’t trust Ryou...>>

<Your either paranoid or jealous because I’m friends with yet another boy.> she retorted as he growled as she moved on to find a place to settle for the rest of the day. <Yami, believe me I can handle my own decisions. If they do anything to hurt me then I will tell you that you were right and you can do whatever you wish to them.>

<<Of course.>> he grudgingly grumbled as she smirked and moved on to find a place to sit at for the next few hours.


The nerdy kid that resembles a bug, Weevil Underwood, was talking loudly about Kaiba’s withdraw from the tournament to anyone that would listen- which was half the people on the deck. "I guess this Yugi Motou person really snapped his mind." he stated with a laugh as Mai Valentine, who was walking past with her entourage, noted that Yugi was present for that comment.

"Either that or idiots like you wouldn’t have been worth his time." she stated as all turned to face her. "It’s always the cretins that get Regional Champion and not the person that deserves it, amazing what this world has come to hasn’t it?"

"Who are you?" Weevil demanded as she smirked.

"Someone you don’t know." she replied crossing her arms. "Actually I’m sure Kaiba had a reason for dropping out and it isn’t because of one little duel, so get your facts straight Bug Boy."

"How would you know?" he sneered as she smirked.

"Common sense and the fact I know Kaiba." she stated with a small smirk "Maybe you should focus on strengthening your deck, because your title won’t get you to the top." With that she walked off, gaining many stares from other Duelers.


In a few hours, half of a book, and some trading later Yugi was sitting across from a peeved looking Rex Raptor who plopped down an hour ago grumbling about something. "What’s got your water boiling?" Yugi asked as he growled.

"She could predict the cards she was about to choose!" he snapped sitting back with arms crossed. "That is how I got kicked out of my room."

"Are you sure she just didn’t order her cards herself and memorized the order?" Yugi asked him, looking up from the rather thick book she was reading. Yami was sleeping in the puzzle as the other occupant of the table seemed to be determined not to leave.

"Maybe." he stated, staring off over the railing in to the dark waters of the sea. "I told you my name, what’s yours?" he was staring at her now as she kept her eyes down in the book. "How do you know Kaiba?" he asked, like everyone else.

"My name is Yugi Motou and he’s a friend of mine." she replied, book marking her page and placing it back in her bag. "Any ways if he was sore about losing he would have given me the cold shoulder, but only asked about the luck I had."

"Your Yugi Motou?" he asked in shock as she laughed.

"Yes I am."


The island was in view the next morning as all the duelist crowded around to get a view of the magnificent place. Trees, beaches, a huge castle, arenas marked all about, and the dock. People were gasping, wooing, awing, and a buzz about the place. "What if we get caught!" Tea hissed to her boyfriend, Tristan, as they stood with Mai Valentine and Joey Wheeler.

"They already checked for chips, Tea, don’t worry." Joey stated as she glared at him.

"It isn’t like they seen you any ways, hiding in that crate." a familiar voice stated as the group spun to face Yugi, leaning against a pole looking rather smug about something. "Did the cheerleader forget that some people do have eyes when the guards aren’t distracted?"

"How did you get here?" she demanded, lifting her chin in the air.

<I never realized how weird her eyes looked, the to big for your face weird.> Yugi mused as Yami took a little interest and snickered. "I was invited." she stated lifting her gloved hand to their view. "Any ways if you got caught I forgot my camera to commemorate the event for the school paper."

"Wanna-be Punk." Tea stated, trying to glare at the girl.

"Wanna-be nothing, I set my own category Tea." she stated pushing from the pole with a smirk. "At least what I wear matches and sets me from everyone else, Groupie Girl."

<<Do you enjoy giving people nicknames?>> Yami asked, realizing this habit.

<Only when it pisses people off, Kaiba’s known as Dragon Obsessive CEO in private.> she replied as he replied with the standard ‘...’.

<<Has mine changed since the first time?>>


"It isn’t like your going to win any ways, Motou." Joey stated as she raised an eyebrow.

"I don’t plan on winning, Wheeler, I want to." she stated, smile falling in to a sneer as he looked surprised. "I have more at stake then you do."

"Right." Joey stated as she glared. "If you do, why do you always hide behind your wits instead of opening up to people?"

"Sarcasm keeps me from telling people what I really think of them, that’s why." she stated as the ship docked. "There is nothing more dangerous then good intentions combined with stupidity." she muttered under her breath and smirked. "Maybe we will meet again, but hopefully the terms won’t be different." With that she wondered off towards the steps and disappeared in to the crowd.

"I hate her! With that attitude and... oh!" Tea stated shaking in anger as the other three were shocked about their Friendship Supporting Speech friend who just tried to tell off the Queen of Anti-Friendship Support Speeches.

"Calm down, Tea, don’t let Miss Attitude get to ya’." Joey stated as Mai had already joined the crowd.


All the duelist stood before a balcony that was on the main level of the castle, the greeting ceremony. Maximillion Pegasus, the Creator of the Duel Monster games, was on the balcony and over looking the crowd.

"Welcome all my guests- Regional Champions to Champions of other sorts- to the ultimate dueling tournament with only the best of the best. This tournament will be the test of your skills but that eventually one duelist will be crowned the King- or Queen- of Games. The only catch is you would have to defeat myself to gain that title." Pegasus explained, his eyes roaming over the crowd of teenagers. He spotted Yugi Motou among them, looking unimpressed and rather imposing with a look of boredom. He smirked, internally happy that she took the bait because when he defeated her he could have the Millennium Puzzle.

"Each duelist has been given a special dueling glove and two star chips. Your goal is to wager star chips on duels in order reach ten star chips, because once a duelist has ten chips they shall be eligible to enter my castle and enter the last leg of the tournament. The overall winner will then duel me for the title of King of Games, as I previously stated." he paused to take a breath and let the crowd swoon over the chance to become the 'King/Queen of Games.' "However the arenas that are on this island have several new rules that must to be mastered in order to win against your opponents. All dueling will begin in one hour's time, this time will be used for duelers to prepare their decks and spread out all over the island."


<<What a inspiring speech.>> Yami stated dryly as Yugi hid a yawn.

<Really inspiring, time to find a place to nap at.> she replied as he laughed. <Want to take over and stretch your legs while I retire for a hour or three?>

<<Do I get to be mean, sarcastic, and just like you?>> he asked with some humor as she twitched.

<Act like yourself, no one will know.> she replied shutting the door to her soul room as he took over, darkening her eyes and causing blonde streaks to appear in the black part of her hair.

<<I could get used to this.>> he mused with a smirk before heading out towards the steps to the fields.

An hour would pass quickly and her first opponent was already snickering in the background.

"So Yugi Motou is a girl with a bad attitude, time to show her that losing is a bitter way to break one." the bug eyed kid laughed and quickly started to follow.


Yugioh was muttering all the ancient curses she could remember as she followed Weevil, intent on either dueling him or beating the annoying boy to a bloody pulp. He stopped in a clearing that was surrounded by trees as fireworks lit up the sky. "My trap for you, Yugi, is in this special arena." he stated as the ground shook and plates in the center moved as a arena rose from the ground.

<<I should have nailed Bug Boy with the book.>> Yami thought and then twitched. <<Bad habit, bad habit, bad habit...>>

"Let’s duel, Weevil." she shouted as he looked smug. Then to Yugioh’s dismay people decided to watch the first duel and see the ‘Champion’s Defeater’ duel.


Weevil first move was Killer Needle, countered by Mammoth Graveyard. But Mammoth Graveyard was destroyed. "How the hell did that happen?" Yugioh growled checking the points again.

"I choose this arena for a reason, Yugi. The field power bonus it gives to my monsters." Weevil stated proudly as she raised an eyebrow. "A wasteland and forest helps my insects become stronger then your Mammoth Graveyard."

<<Annoying sonava-->>

"All arenas give certain monsters a Field Power Bonus, causing both attack and defense to increase." he stated and then the gloating phase set in as Yugioh looked ready to physically attack something.

"Wait a minute here, Bug Boy." she stated and checked the card that was in her graveyard and then smirked. "My Mammoth also received a bonus! That meant that it was still a stalemate and your Killer Needle was also destroyed." she stated as he looked at it and his gloating was cut short as she smirked. "Thanks for the tip."

Weevil then chose to play the Hercules Beetle, countered by the Feral Imp, powered up with the Horn of the Unicorn. When the Imp attacked the Beetle deflected it back, destroying the Imp and some of Yugioh’s life points. "Any monster with the bonus also gains a resistance against magically enhanced attacks." he added as she frowned which boosted his confidence. Then that brought on the delightful trap contest.

After a few turns Yugioh then played her favorite card, the Dark Magician, in defense mode in hopes of tempting Weevil into attacking. Basic Insect attacks again, only to encounter the Mirror Force trap card, reflecting the attack back. By doing this the reflect attack destroyed all of Weevil’s precious monsters, and whipping out a chunck of his life points- successfully knocking him down to about 555.

<<No time to get overconfident, he probably has more up his sleeve.>> Yami chided himself as he glanced at his opponent’s field to see one card left.

"There will be no way that you will able to win against this monster Yugi." Weevil declared as Yugioh sweat dropped and found herself stuck between a rock and a hard place- meaning the Regional Champion was bragging again.

<<Why can’t a mute win a Championship so this never happens to another person again?>> he mused as Yugi still slept. She watched as Weevil placed a monster face down in defense. <<Let’s not forget about this trap card.>> That was what Weevil was trying to do, lure Yugioh into activating it.

<Not happening buddy!> Yugi stated as Yami laughed, realizing she was up.

"I play Monster Recovery." she declared as he glared. "And Kuriboh in attack mode." So Kuriboh attacked Weevil's monsters, the trap was activated. That destroyed poor Kuriboh and some of her life points- 1050. Poor Kuriboh was a martyr, but saved her other monsters from being destroyed.

*Many Boring Turns Later*

<I feel like I should have a great idea right now. But I don't.> Yugi stated as she looked through Yugioh’s eyes at the cards before a realization dawned on her and Yami.

Many watched as Yugioh’s eyes lit up as a smile played on her lips, the smile that meant something bad was going to happen and it wasn’t going to happen to her. "Careful Weevil, cheaters never win." she stated with a mock scolding tone as the Regional Champion laughed. The field had been watered down by the mist and the Great moth was on the ground, even if dear old Weevil didn’t realize it. "I play Summoned Skull in attack mode."

"He’s weaker then my prized Great Moth!" Weevil declared with a laugh, still oblivious to the fact that the field was still soaking wet from the magical mist.

"Aren’t you suppose to be a really smart kid?" Yugioh asked crossing her arms and laughing. "The Summoned Skull has a electrical attack and what happens when water meets electricity?"

"Water conducts electricity, but..." his eyes widened in realization. "My Moth!" which is covered in water.

"Summoned Skull, give that Moth a taste of a Bug Zapper." she stated as the fiend powered up, struck, and brought Weevil’s life points to 0. "That’s what you get for being so damn annoying."

<What fun, nap time!>

<<Who’s the dark one here?>>

<I could careless, Yami, enjoy your time out.>
