Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ D. Events Leading to Champion vs. Creator ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



No matter what!

Let the game begin

No matter what!

Let the best man win

No matter what!

We're in this together

No matter what!

We'll be friends forever

No matter what...

It's been you and me

Hanging out playing games

Didn't ever think it would get this hard

Time's running out

And there's so much at stake

Everything riding on a turn of a card

We'll show them what we're made of

And we fight for the one we love

And we'll be friends till the very end


"Well, well, well... you finally make to my delightful tournament Kaiba-boy." Pegasus stated as he sat in his office facing the open balcony doors that overlooking the beautiful landscape. "I see that Yugi Motou didn’t break your mind with your defeat."

"No, she actually opened my eyes to something." he growled, knowing what people thought. "Where is my brother you annoying son of a---"

"Now, now Kaiba-boy, I can see where Miss Motou acquired her temper." he stated with a tut.

"No, that was born. I learned these habits from her." he stated as Pegasus raised an eyebrow. "I want my brother and am prepared to do anything to get him back."

"You are, are you?" he asked producing a card. "My guards knocked out the pale haired boy with him and brought him back, unfortunately he refused to cooperate so I had to restrain him." On the card was his brother’s face.

"You bastard." Kaiba growled as he clutched his hands in to fists.

"Language, Kaiba-boy." Pegasus scolded as Kaiba’s eyes narrowed and hardened in to a impossible shade of blackish-blue.

"Get it over with, what do I have to do to get my brother back?" he demanded, restraining the urge to slap the silver haired man. /Yugi’s hostile tendencies are really rubbing off, must ask her about why she is so hostile./ he mused to himself as Pegasus smirked.

"You must search out Yugi Motou duel her for five star chips." he stated throwing Kaiba five star chips. "Then we will duel, Kaiba-boy. Only the stakes are more then your brother’s soul, it’s yours also. Now off with you, I have business to attend to."

"Bastard." he growled, scooping up the star chips and stalking from the room and slamming the door on his way out.

"Kaiba-boy is here, in a few short hours the company will be yours." he stated to thin air as nothing made a move to make a noise.


Ryou Bakura stuck with Mai Valentine and the other three, in hopes of safety in numbers when he came to face Yugi. His yami was still snickering at his fear of facing the temperamental girl, but was firmly ignored as they made their way up the steps. That’s where they spotted Seto Kaiba speaking with the tri-colored Mistress of Threats.

[Shut up, yami!!] he shouted as Yami Bakura was roaring with laughter.


Poor Seto Kaiba, he was arguing with someone that was just as stubborn as himself.

"Yugi, he said..." Kaiba trailed off as she gave him a look that said ‘Repeat it again and I’ll poke you.’

"Then I forfeit the match and give up five of my star chips." she stated as he looked surprised. "Seto, I am not going to duel with you if I know you will do anything to win." she stated popping five golden stars off of her Dueling Glove and striding up to him. He didn’t have a chance to protest when she placed them in his hand and held them there.

"Why?" he asked as she smiled sadly.

"Seto, I love you as the brother I never had or somethign more- I don’t know." she stated and then hugged him, causing him to be shocked. "If you defeat Pegasus first then you’ll release my grandfather souls as well as Mokuba’s. I can always get five more."


"Either except these or else I will never speak to you again and leave Domino for good." she stated as he was surprised. "I told you that Grandpa cares for you like the son he never had, he would have done the something if he were here right now."

"Seeing your still as stubborn as a mule..." he grumbled placing them in his pocket with the other five and the stared down in to her eyes. "Thanks, Yugi." he hugged her this time as she rose on tip toes to kiss his cheek.

"Remember to always believe in this," she pulled away and point to his heart, "and your cards. If you do anything is possible."

"I will try." he replied with a nod and small smile that was barely seen in public.

"Now promise me that either way, either me or you, that when we get out of this never to accept anything that deals with dueling on a secluded island away from civilization and a decent delievery place or hotel." she added as he laughed.

"As long as you never change." he replied and spun to go, his trenchcoat slapping her in the face.

"Damn people and their long capes." she grumbled as Yami laughed.


"Hey Motou." Mai stated as Tea glared, Joey crossed his arms, and Tristan draped an arm around his girlfriend’s shoulders. Yugi turned towards them and slipped her sunglasses from the top of her head to sit on the bridge of her nose as she gave them a rare smile.

"No one will believe you if you tell them." she replied as Mai blinked. "It pays to be stubborn sometimes."

"You just gave Kaiba five star chips." Joey protested as she shrugged.

"So?" she asked with a smirk. "I gave Valentine two extra."

"I’d like to repay you also." she stated as Yugi laughed.

"No need, I’m set." she replied pulling out her last five and popping them in to the empty slots. "Panik had twenty star chips, minus ten to Valentine and then minus five to Kaiba which leaves me with five." she replied as they looked surprised. "Thanks for the offer any ways." with that she spun to walk up the steps.


The guard nodded her past as Yami made himself known. <<It’s getting down to the end.>> he stated as she sighed.

<I hope so.> she replied as Bandit Keith watched from the door to the main Dueling Chamber and the Amazing Four plus one snuck in thanks to Mai.

"Your just in time." Keith stated with a arrogant smirk. "It’s nearing the end of the duel between Pegasus and Kaiba." He didn’t have any time to react as Yugi sprinted past him.
