Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 7. Match of the Millennium- Yugioh vs. Pegasus ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


7. MATCH OF THE MILLENNIUM- Yugioh vs. Pegasus

Egyptian secrets are revived

Ancient Powers have survived

With all the rates all black and white

Friends will help to win the fight

Solve the puzzle's mystery

Unlock the hero's destiny

Now alter egos now one knows

Side by side they fight their foes

These duel identities

They struggle for control!

To personalties

Inhabiting one's soul!

We played this game before

But never quite this way

It's like an all out war

With monsters at our play


He's the king of games!


King of games!


[[Give me control, you weakling!]] Yami Bakura demanded as they watched the shuffling of cards for the final duel. Yugioh was determined and wouldn't notice anything outside of the duel, hell the world could have exploded and she still would have dueled.

[Alright, only because you can keep Yugi from maiming me.] he stated as the Millennium Ring glowed from under his shirt, appearing on the outside, as the dark side of Ryou Bakura stood in his glory.

[[Time to go find our bargaining chips, or a new body to inhabit.]] he mused and stalked off, following the ring to the first of the two soulless bodies he could use for more things then one (not the perverted thoughts that come to mind, now). He needed either a new body to inhabit or something to use to get to the Pharaoh’s power.


The curses that Yugioh was spouted in her mind made Pegasus cringe visibly. Amazing what a threat could blossom into when you take someone loved ones away and blackmail them. Those colorful curses didn't stop Pegasus from using his all-powerful and all-seeing Millennium Eye to crush Yugioh's monsters.

Yami was frustrated and bringing up such colorful pictures of torture that one would think she was crazy.

Then the clincher was put in.

<<Of COURSE he had to play THAT Ra damned card.>> Yami growled glaring daggers at Toonworld which took out the rest of her monsters. That brought on fresh curses, this time in a long forgotten language.

Put a monster in attack mode, got destroyed. Put a monster in defense, got frozen by Gorgon's Eye. Then Pegasus plays the next damnable card... Doppelganger.

<<And I thought stories of Kaiba's obsession were weird, this takes the cake!>>

The card then choose to duplicate the Summon Skull, then turn into the Toon Skull.

<<Can this possibly get ANY better?>> Yami growled mentally, not caring if he spoke during the duel or not. If this cheating Creator of this Game wanted to read her mind to counter all attacks then by Ra he would get everything she thought from minor to important.

Things were definitely looking grim on the field... but Yami Bakura was about to have one hell of a time.


[[Mortals can live without them, but can stand their kin.]] Yami Bakura mused as he tortured the guards with the use of his deck. So far the graveyard was about to have a few more residents and the Reaper of the Cards was going to have some excitement.

He glanced at the soulless Mokuba, who appeared to be asleep but he knew better. [Don't even think, you wanna-be pedophile!] Ryou protested mentally hitting him as he growled.

[[I wouldn't dream of it.]] he retorted with an equally hard mental slap. [[He's to young and to valuable, at the moment.]] With that he picked the kid up and flung him over his shoulder. [[I've been around longer then you, weakling, and know more then you do when it comes to these things.]]

[If that's so then why did this 'Pharaoh' trap you in the ring and how--" he was muffled as Bakura mentally shoved him back in to his soul room with a smirk.

[[Shut up, kid, your giving me a headache.]] he stated, locking the door to his soul room and walking down the dark corridor to the exit. Just then the island had been put on alert. [[Goody, more mortals to torture. Must be my lucky day.]] he mused with a evil cackle that echoed.

So the demented Yami Bakura was having to much fun, is that a crime?

In the words of the poor guards, hell yes it is!


Now half way through the battle with Pegasus, Yugioh was still having some big troubles with her duel. Maximillion Pegasus kept reading her mind as she kept getting frustrated, which in turn produced images that made her opponent cringe. The Eye of Ra glowed on her forehead as a giggling echoed.

Everyone looked around for the source of the sound, but didn't find it. "You may have trapped my soul within a card, Mr. Pegasus." the voice stated as a spirit appeared sitting on the dueling console in front of Yugioh, looking rather mischievous. "But to cheat with the ability to read ones mind is not honorable in your own game."

"Not possible." he muttered as the spirit of Yugi Motou sat in defiance of the Creator.

"You trapped my soul in the Shadow Realm, I came back to help defeat you and get what I came for." she replied coldly as Yugioh was shocked. "Try to read our minds, Pegasus, I dare you."

<<Yugi?>> Yami asked in surprise as she gave herself a small smirk.

<Kick his ass from here to hell and back.> she stated as Yugioh nodded.

All were still staring at the spirit as two turns passed.

"I will play the Dark Magician with Magic Hats and on face down card." Yugioh announced as Pegasus was getting frustrated. The Millennium Eye was weakening against the Ancient power of the Millennium Puzzle and it's loyal holder and spirit.

Living Arrow to protect the Dark Magician, because he was part of the plan to destroy all of Toonworld with the aid of the Mirror Force trap. Now Pegasus was not pleased with that.

"So you wish to play a true game of stakes?" Pegasus asked as his Millennium Eye glowed and everything had now taken on a new level as the place was sunk in to darkness.

The Shadow Realm.


A brief look in on a evilly laughing Yami Bakura terrorizing guards...

... or what's left of them.


"Welcome to a true Shadow Game, Yugi." Pegasus stated as the spirit that was helping block his eye seemed to be trembling, but didn't disappear. He tested Yugi as pain overcame her mind and caused him to stumble. "Cursed spirit, I will beat you like a true dueler! Dark Eyes Illusionist in attack mode."

A card with no attack or defense points.

"Curse of Dragon in attack, attack the Illusionist."

He was paralyzed by the monsters effect!

<<Someone is not telling his secrets.>> Yami grumbled and drew his next card and ended her turn.

<What a insult, at least he could do is tell us how he’s killing us.>

"Black Illusion Ritual, I will sacrifices the Dark Eyes Illusionist to summon another special creature- Relinquished!" he declared as the ugly creature appeared, causing the spirit to shiver and Yugioh to twitch. Relinquished then consumed the Curse of Dragon!

<Holy Hell, that thing just took my Dragon!> Yugi shouted glaring at Pegasus as Yugioh did the same. <Poor Dragon!>

"Dark Magician, Dark Magic Attack!"

Curse of Dragon Shield then appears to protect Relinquished. Dragon is dusted as is some of Yugioh's life points. <<<Oh shit.>>> was the unison of both Yugi and Yugioh as Relinquished then absorbed the Dark Magician, Yugioh drew one card and then played it face down. Spiritual Yugi was shivering as the Shadow Realm started to draw her back in.

"I now play the self-destructing Bagadan, and in two turn you will be defeated my dear Yugi." Pegasus stated with a laugh as Yugioh twitched and the spirit faded from site. Causing Yugioh's eyes to widen.

<I am here, just weakening. Hurry...>


Yami Bakura sat Mokuba down against the railing after he entered the main dueling chamber again. This time he noted that a dome was in the room, covering the two duelers, and symbolizing the return of the Shadow Games. [[So Yugi is fighting for more then just what we all think.]] he mused as Tea, Mai, Tristan, and Joey ran towards him. [[Great, these nimrods again.]]

"Ryou, man, you missed it!" Joey exclaimed as they proceeded to tell him everything that happened- from beginning up to the time the spirit appeared.


<<That is what I needed!>> Yami stated as his eyes lit up with the card. "I play Mystic Box." By playing this card Yugioh retrieved her Dark Magician, and refrained from doing the small victory dance of the moment, and replaced it with the ticking time bomb. He now had three remaining face down cards on the field from her previous turns. "Now for my next trick I use Brain Control and take your time bomb." The hologram moved to her side. "Now to complete this I will play... Dark Magic Ritual! Sacrificing this delightful little Egg Timer and my Dark Magician."

As the ritual finished the Magician of Black Chaos stood on the field, ready to battle.

Pegasus then decided it was his turn to mix and match, this time Relinquished with Thousand-Eyes Idol to get the Thousand-Eyes Restrict. <<Good thing Yugi isn't here, these eyes would bring on the wave of sarcasm.>> he mused as the Restrict was told to capture the Chaos Mage.

"Back up the cart here, Pegasus." she stated flipping both over to show Kuriboh and then the magic card Multiply. "Thanks to this card Kuriboh multiplies faster then rabbits." Well the lunch of Kuribohs by the thousands wasn't good for the Thousand-Eyes Restrict.


Self-destruction of Kuriboh and the blinding of the monster.

<<Gotta love little Kuriboh.>> Yugioh mused with a defiant smirk, the smirk of a champion as Pegasus watched her.

"Magician of Black Chaos attack!"
