Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ F. Dungeon Dice Monsters (The Challenge) ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



It’s Time 2 Duel

It’s Time 2 Duel

It’s Time 2 (Now Is the Time) Duel.

Now is the Time

While you where bothering the o-zone

I’m tryin’ to get into the in-zone

You won’t be anything without the chips

Your lips are quiverin’, the time has come...

Time 2 Duel

Now it gets Serious

Time 2 Duel

You’re not Invincible (yet)

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Hey, Hey

Stalemate! And you don’t even know that

I am notorious for finding

Weakness in any one too confident

I see the start of your descent (descent)


"Why is it so cold in this place?" Yami demanded, appearing in Yugi’s room at about midnight at the end of December, a good three months since Duelist Kingdom. Apparently poor Pharaoh ‘Yami’ of a Long Dead Dynasty didn’t hear of below freezing weather. A groggy Yugi Motou then choose to roll on her side and prop her head up by slipping her arm under her pillow.

"What’cha complain’ about now?" Yugi slurred as he glanced at the blanket covered girl. Her tricolored hair was falling around her shoulders in a sleep tousled mess and in her eyes as he shivered. "It’s a cold night, we live farther north then Egypt. Now take your shirt and shoes off and get your ass under these covers before you get us the cold." she grumbled scooting over a bit as he did what she said, making no sly comment towards what she said in fear of getting hit with something she usually tossed at him when he decided she should be up at the crack of dawn.

He slipped under the warm covers and seen that Yugi had already fallen asleep again. He smirked and draped a arm around her waist and pulled her closer, smirking at the skin on skin contact as she sighed and buried her face in the crook of his neck. <<Well, I should do that more often.>> he thought with a smile.


The shrill alarm clock made itself known hours later as Yugi rolled and slapped the thing, hearing the delightful ‘thunk’ of the electronic object hitting the wall and then the carpet. She also noted something else about her position... she was sleeping on top of Yami. She blinked as she vaguely recalled their midnight conversation.

While she was distracted Yami, who was now awake, took the chance and rolled them so Yugi was under him. She let out a small yipe as he laughed and silenced her with a kiss. <<I’ll never tire of your taste, my Game.>> he purred as she blushed and raked her nails down his sensitive sides as he released her lips with a surprised laugh.

<That’s for waking me up last night.> she stated as he ran a cold hand over her stomach, causing her to squirm because his hand was cold. <Hey! Your hand is ice cold, you-->

<<With this warm bed I can think of a few things to do, none of them require being dressed nor walking about.>> he purred as she was now bright red with a pair of lips nipping at her throat.

<Hormonal Game King.> she growled, finding out he already had her wrists pinned.

<<Yes, but this King has trapped his challenging Game Queen for their own private game.>> he stated capturing her lips in another hungry kiss, getting her to respond this time...

But that was the time when a upset cry interrupted the seducer and seducee.

<<I’ll kill...>>

"Grandpa?!" she called out, trying to regain her breath as he released her wrists. <Don’t pout, Yami, it’s not going to stop my concern from fighting your sexy looks.> He smirked as she moved to get out of bed, but was pulled back in to his embraced again.

"I will have you sooner or later..." he all but growled in her ear as she shivered.


Solomon Motou was rather distressed when his granddaughter came walking in to the kitchen, wrapped in a robe and looking rather concerned. He smiled at her as she gave him an odd look that was customary for that time of the morning. "What’s wrong? I think the neighbors could have heard your cry of despair." she stated as he laughed, she plopped down in a chair as he slid the flyer in front of her.

"A new store is opening up, one that could provide a good bit of competition." he stated as she picked up the flyer.

"A grand opening sale? Doesn’t sound half bad." she muttered as Solomon looked ready to fall off of his chair. "I’ll check it out today, seeing as nothing else is going on but Christmas shopping."

"Why give them business?" he asked as she smirked.

"Call it scouting out the competition, Grandpa, no harm and no foul." she replied standing up as he raised an eyebrow. "Any ways I heard rumor of a new version of Duel Monsters and wanted to check it out."



In a few hours lunch was present, meaning half of the school day was over with. It was a decent day as most students ate lunch outside in the sun. Such was the case of the ever busy Yugi Motou, who enjoyed her perch under a try with her trusty History Book open in her folded legs, notebook balanced on one knee, pen between her teeth, headphones on and cranking music loud enough to keep Yami silent. (Hmm, Shakira?)

"The Queen of Games?" a black haired boy asked standing before her as she didn’t respond. His cheerleading squad followed as Ryou Bakura approached, realizing he wanted to talk to her and she was ignoring the world. He started to tap his foot as he approached.

"You really want to speak with Yugi?" he asked as the green eyed boy nodded. She then slammed the book and shot up, pulling one ear phone down and glancing at Ryou as Duke Devlin- dark haired new kid- jumped back in surprise, and tripped on a rock. She glanced at him and put her head phones on straight and smirked.

"Gotta go do a few last minute things, ‘kura, see ya’ after school." she stated with a mock salute and took off towards the other side of the school.

"Those things would be annoying a few people and searching out trouble." he muttered as Duke Devlin blinked in surprise. "You have to excuse Yugi, she’s a bit eccentric."

[[That’s an understatement, she’s giddy without the Pharaoh about.]] Bakura grumbled as he remembered what happened when he tried to steal the puzzle last week and she chased him through Domino City and then tackled him. Ryou would have given it back to her any ways, seeing she knew him and would attempt to kill him. [[How the hell did she get that fast?]]

[Your just that slow.] Ryou growled as Duke nodded. "I’d help you, but I’m on the hit list." [Because of you she probably is at the fine line between hate and friendship when it concerns me.]


It was last period as Yugi sat in her corner, listening to the girls swoon over the dice tricks of the new boys and the criticism of Joey Wheeler and Tristan Taylor. "He’s so handsome!" one girl stated as Duke Devlin flashed them a smirk ad many melted.

"What’s he have that I don’t got?" Joey demanded as she snickered.

"Obviously talent for something that requires more then two brain cells." she stated as he glared.

It was still obvious that the Amazing Quartet, with the exception of Mai Valentine, hated her. <Even better.> she laughed as Yami seemed to take a interest. <Still up for visiting that new store?>

<<Yes, I am.>> he stated with a mental smirk as she rolled her eyes. Seto Kaiba had moved to lean against the window sill by her seat as none noticed the change of seats.

"Looks like your heading lining news is pushed back." he stated with amusement as she laughed.

"Thank kami-sama and every deity listening." she stated standing up. "Media is evil, just like frilly pink dresses and corrupted toons." she declared as he raised an eyebrow.

"Your crazy." Ryou stated from his seat as she smirked.

"I’m not crazy. Poor people are crazy. I’m eccentric." she stated as a few that weren’t crowded around Duke Devlin laughed. They glanced towards her as she put her hands on her hips. "Don’t tempt me or else I’ll start singing."

That was a new threat.

"Don’t you say anything either." she stated pointing to the smug looking Kaiba.

"So your the Queen of Games?" Duke stated as she spun to face him just as the final bell rang.

"And that’s the bell, saved again." she stated with a smirk. "Sorry I can’t stay and chat but my plans are unchangeable." she stated and sprinted out the door.


"Ryou..." Yugi stated in sing-song as she paused by the pale haired Millennium Ring Holder. "Are you and Ba’tty’kura in the mood to visit that new Game Shop today?" Ryou was weary of the hyper active teen, last time she was like this Bakura had gotten the nickname of Ba’tty’kura- which when said fast enough sounded suspiciously like ‘Betty Kura’ instead of ‘Batty Kura’.

[[Obviously she won’t try and maim you.]] Bakura stated, mentally frowning at the nickname.

"You trust me?" he asked as she smirked.

"Actually it was a fun run last week, don’t want to repeat it, but yeah I still trust ya’." she replied as he smiled.

"Let’s go before your fan club makes their appearance." he stated as she pulled her hair tie from her hair and started to mess up her long hair. The tri-colorness was visible to the world now as he raised an eyebrow.

"Everyone thinks I have short black and blonde bangs." Yugi replied as he went to say something. "Come on, you lazy Tomb Robber." she declared seizing his wrist and taking off down the sidewalk with him barely keeping up.

[I think she’s bi-polar.] Ryou mused as Bakura laughed.

[[Better then that bunch you hang with half the time.]] he snapped as Ryou frowned.

[How does she dodge people so quickly?]


It was about a half hour later as everyone watched Joey Wheeler dueling Duke, who looked to be losing. Mai was stepping of character to cheer on her boyfriend, in which Ryou produced a camera from Yugi’s back pack and snapped a picture and put the camera back in her bag. "Hey Gi’z’Mo, how about this?" he stated tossing her a book, which she caught and glanced at the title.

‘Basic Rules of Dungeon Dice Monsters’

"Gi’z’Mo?" she asked as he smirked.

"You have a nickname for everything, so why not return the favor?" he asked as she smirked.

<<He’s flirting...>> growled Yami as she nearly mentally slapped him.

<No, he’s teasing me.>

"Fair, Ba’tty’kura." she replied flipping through the book and adding it to the other two items in hand.


<Hormonal Pharaoh... you are paranoid. We are friends for the sake of the little sanity we both have.> she replied as he seemed not to be accepting that answer. <Okay, Yami dear, think of the connection Ryou has to Bakura and then think of our present relationship and picture it if it went all the way.>


<Plus Ba’tty’kura is as possessive and grabby as you are.>

"NO!!!" Joey’s cry of defeat echoed as both paused before checking out and heading towards the duel.


[You forget what she calls your friend the Pharaoh.]

[[Oh yeah.]] Bakura stated with laughter. [[Find a private place.]]

[I will, as long as you don’t go in to grabby mode.]


"And because you lost, Joey Wheeler, you have to wear a dog suit for one week." Duke stated as Mai groaned and Joey was arguing that. Bakura looked smug as his cheerleaders were cheering up a storm.

Then, as if a homing device was planted on her, Mai seizing Yugi from the passing group and started to shake her shoulders. "You gotta get Joey out of this, please Yugi Motou... please." she growled, as the Queen of Games held her stony face mask in place.

<That’s right, she and dear Puppy Wheeler are an item.> she thought as Yami laughed at her forgetfulness. "Mai, let- me- go." she stated coldly as the blonde did so. "Why not yourself?" The other got this sheepish look on her face and laughed nervously.

"Your a good game player, hell you were crowned Queen of Games, that you could do this favor for me." she stated as Yugi let her head drop in defeat as Ryou patted her back in comfort.

"What’s your opinion, ‘Kura?" she asked as he blinked in surprise, he knew why she was asking.

"It isn’t my decision." he stated as she groaned and took in a deep breath and pushed her way towards the arguing duo. She pulled the hardcover book she was reading from her backpack and stood, listening to the shouting match that was starting a headache as Yami seemed to be getting angry.

"That’s stupid!" Joey stated as she cleared her throat once and both were still shouting.

"You lost, that’s the bet!" he replied as she twitched and slammed the book down on the table as all fell silent and stared at her.

"Now, kiddies, let’s play nice or mother won’t have to punish you both." she stated dryly as both were still staring. "You, see your girlfriend about some Midol for that temper of yours." she stated pointing to Joey as he growled. "As for the week, I challenge you in defense of Puppy Wheeler here. The stakes being whatever the winner says the other has to do."

"Then I accept your duel Queen of Games." Devlin spat as she narrowed her eyes.

"The name is Yugi, the title is that which you make it." she replied crossing her arms with book in hand. "I will duel you in any game, Duke Devlin, any condition."

"Deal." Devlin stated smugly. "You play my game.... Dungeon Dice Monsters. I will even let you set the time."

"How polite of you." she stated dryly as Yami seemed to be getting madder. "Seeing there is no school tomorrow, I will see you tomorrow night when the feeling of regret isn’t sitting on my shoulder. It also gives you enough time to cool off, playing a game of concentration with a high blood pressure can cloud judgement."

"Your so caring under that ice mask." he stated with a glare as she laughed and turned to leave.

"No, not to those I don’t trust. A good challenge is worth the time, I hope you are worth the time to learn a new game." she stated as he blinked in surprise. "The terms will be set tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the duel will start at 6:00 p.m.."

"Make sure the Game Queen can’t buy one of the books." he stated as the cashier nodded.

"Will you provide me with a set of dice or will I have to buy my own?" she asked, Ryou looking confused to why she was asking this when she already had... a knowing smirk on her face.

"If you need one I will provide it." he stated grudgingly as she nodded.

"Then I shall see you tomorrow night, Devlin." she stated and grasped Joey’s arm and pulled her with him through the crowd. "I am doing this because your girlfriend loves you to much to see this happen, if I regret it I’ll pay you back worse then what he wants to do." she growled and released him at Mai’s side and stalked from the shop.

<<My, you handled that well.>> Yami stated as she ignored him and her headache.
