Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ G. Dunegon Dice Monsters (Yugi's Terrible Day) ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


G. DUNGEON DICE MONSTERS (Yugi’s Terrible Day)

Wake me up.

Wake me up inside.

I can’t wake up.

Wake me up inside.

Save me.

Call my name and save me from the dark.

Wake me up.

Bid my blood to run.

I can’t wake up.

Before I come undone.

Save me.

Save me from the nothing I’ve become.

I’ve been sleeping a 1000 years it seems.

I’ve got to open my eyes to everything.

Without a thought

Without a voice

Without a soul

Bring me to life.

I’ve been living a lie

There’s nothing inside.

Bring me to life


Solomon Motou had went off to see a few friends in Tokyo as Yugi sat on the couch with Yami sprawled across the rest of the furniture with his head in her lap. "You look comfortable." she observed, looking down from the copy of basic rules that Duke had written in the book she bought.

"Your a good pillow." he replied as she laughed.

"Was it wise to get involved in this?" she asked him as he sat up and pulled her in to a hug.

"Only if you think it is, seeing your doing a good deed for someone you hate." Yami stated running his fingers through her hair.

"Don’t wanna move." she muttered into his shoulder as Yami pulled her on to his lap and then stood up. It was about eleven at night, so he knew that she would be tired.

"Sleep well, my dear." he whispered as he walked through the corridor and up to her room, to settle them both in for a restful nights sleep.


"ACHOO!!!" was the waking call as Yami glanced at her oddly, she was trying to glare daggers at him without avail. "Dis is your fault." Yugi muttered popping some sinus pills as he sighed and watched her move about sluggishly. She had managed to get a cold and yet it was Yami’s fault, amazing how everything is.

"You got that duel today, too." he muttered gripping her shoulders and pressing his lips against her warm forehead. "Slightly warm."

"I have to either way, Yami... but you are going to have to help me in more ways then taking over." she stated as he nodded. She turned from the stove with her cup of warm tea and seen the headline. That didn’t go over well with the bunch of tea she went to swallow. "No, this is not a good day." she sat her cup down as he snickered. "Can’t even hide in bed today, this bites."

"Damn." Yami stated as all thoughts of his plan went out the window with her newly revealed cold.

"I wonder if I can just call ole’ Dukey up and see if we can duel in two hours instead of ten." she muttered picking the phone up as he arched an eyebrow. "It’s worth a try, sound like this and he might understand."

"Why don’t you just let me take over?" he asked as she sighed.

"I am sick, Yami the Hormonal King of Games, if my body is sick then so will you." she replied as he realized that. "Any ways, it would be easier if you didn’t take over totally in less this cold get’s worse."

"If you get worse, I am going to forcibly take over." he stated as she nodded. "Submissive today?"

"Head hurts to much to argue." Yugi muttered dialing the number and leaning against the refrigerator. "Hey Duke, this is Yugi." she stated devoid of emotion as Yami returned to the puzzle in order to hear the conversation and cause some trouble. "I was wondering if we can move that duel up to noon." pause. "Why? You’ll see cause if we don’t duel then I won’t be able to make that time." another pause. "Media is a pain in the ass also, trust me you will understand why when we meet before the duel." With that she hung up.


Duke Devlin was looking confident as he stood in the waiting area of the arena, until he seen why the duel was moved up. "My god." he muttered when the worn looking Yugi entered in baggy pajama pants and a baggy sweatshirt with her hair up and tennis shoes. "Are you sure?" he asked with odd concern as she sighed.

"The challenge was made for today and it will be today." she stated as he nodded, gaining a small sliver of respect for that. "The cold will not stop me for defending the damned title, sorry about the sudden change." Her attitude was oddly mellow at the moment as Mai, a dog dressed Joey Wheeler, and Ryou Bakura as Duke Devlin’s cheerleaders were already cheering up a storm.

"I will still show that you were cheating when you dueled Maximillion Pegasus." he stated as she groaned and bowed her head, looking ready to hurt someone.

"Whatever floats your boat, Captain, just tell your cheering squad to keep it down and I won’t be forced to let some dark friends take care of them." she growled as Yami was laughing. <Your no help with that, but if they start again...> she mentally growled as he was then snickering.

[[I think I’m starting to like Yugi Motou, Pharaoh’s Hikari or not.]] Bakura stated with a laugh as Ryou rolled his eyes.

[Only because you coped a feel and she slapped you, remember? Or is it the fact she’ll let you take out those three?]

[[I don’t know.]]


"The game isn’t like Duel Monsters." Duke stated as the platform shifted as she stumbled and closed her eyes tightly with a mental chant of ‘I will not attempt to hurt him, I will not attempt to hurt him...’ combine with the soothing words of Yami.

"I know." she stated with a growl. "I read the book last night and this morning at breakfast, seeing you would have made sure I knew as little as possible. Just right my moves as you go and frustrate me."

"Deal, you little cheater." he stated as she bowed her head.

<We will not snap at him.>

<<We will instead throw the dice at him.>>

<YAMI!> she got snickering in the background as he was still talking. <What was he saying?>

<<Would it matter?>>


<<Then don’t ask him to repeat it.>>

<Yes, Master of my Delusions.>

<<Just start this so I can get you back home and in bed.>>

<But I’m sick and not in the mood for your-->

<<Not that you Hormonal Teenager.>>


Silence was not a forte of Yugi when someone is ragging on her, but she seemed to have been taking everything rather well. She was down to two heart points as was Duke. He had poured his whole life story to her and Yami, called her a cheater, told him about his connection to Pegasus, called her a cheater again, the fact he couldn’t contact Pegasus, his comments that demanded her to give up, and then the nail in his coffin...

"I will have you know, Duke Devlin, that I did not cheat." she declared coldly as many jumped and his cheerleaders were silent. "Hey Bakura, they cheer they are all yours." The demented look crept in to his eyes as he nodded in agreement. "As for you, ranting boy, I have had enough of you calling me a cheater and when my temper rises my control goes down. I did not cheat, it is near impossible to cheat at that card game. Any ways it is honorable to duel by the rules then against them and I will show you that now, half asleep or not."

The cold was taking a back seat to the double anger of both light and dark.

"You may have put the odds against me, but by all things sacred I will prevail and show you that I am not a cheater and make you eat your words." she stated rolling as he blinked. <<He has some problems to be willing to tell a complete stranger, let alone everyone present, this much information.>> "And my imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems." <<Really funny, abiou.>>

"Your insane!"

"No, I’m just selective about the reality I choose to accept." she replied with a growl.


Near the end Duke was down one to Yugi’s two.

<YES!> Yugi cried out in triumph as Yami was laughing. "I will dimension this blue dice here-" she placed it as he looked smug, but it did dimension to his shock, "-summon up the Dark Magician and take out Orgoth with one attack." He was gone as Duke gawked. "The tables are turning and I’m close to leaving..." she sang under her breath with a smirk.

"Monster Catapult!"

"Magic Hats!"


"Same as Duel Monsters, numbskull!"



"Deranzo, return!"

"Mystic Box!"


"Dark Magician, take his heart!"



The next day...

"Yugi, someone’s here to see you." her grandfather stated, poking his head into her room.

"If it’s Mia, Wheeler, Taylor, or Gardener tell them to go away." she grumbled as Yami laughed.

"It’s a green eyed boy, Devlin or Ootogi I believe." he stated as she propped herself up and moved into a sitting position. "I’ll be down in a second."

"No, you are sick." he stated opening the door to show Devlin. "We will stay here."

"How nice." she replied dryly as he nodded to her.

"Feeling better?" he asked, uneasy about being near her or her private space.

"No." she stated bluntly as he laughed nervously. "What do you need?"

"I came by to apologize."

"Okay." she stated as he blinked in surprise.

"Also that what did your friend do to my cheering squad?"

"I’ll ask him when I see him."

The conversation went on like that for a few more minutes as she laughed. "All is well between us, Duke, I hope your shop and game go well." she stated shifting to lay down. "Hopefully Pegasus does agree to market your game, cause I’ll be there to support you."
