Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 9. Winged Dragon of Ra ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



You’re too far to bring you close

And too high to see below

Just hangin’ on your daily dose

I know you never needed anyone

But the rolling papers for you grass

How can you give what you don’t have

So what’s the point of wasting all of my words

If it’s just the same or even worse

Than reading poems to a horse

You keep on aiming for the top

And quit before you sweat a drop

Feed your empty brain

With your hydroponic pot

I bet you’ll find someone like you

‘Cause there’s a foot for every show

I wish you luck but I’ve other things to do

I’ll leave again ’cause I’ve been waiting in vain

But you’re so in love with yourself

If I say my heart is sore

Sounds like a cheap metaphor

So I won’t repeat it no more.


Yugi was sitting in her pajamas that night with her knees pulled up to her chest with her back resting against her bed. Yami was laying sprawled above her with his hand tangled in her hair, running his fingertips along her scalp as she sighed. "If you weren’t so hormonal I might actually crawl up their and enjoy this." she muttered as he laughed.

"What’s wrong, my little Game?" he asked as she shut her eyes and relaxed a bit.

"I met Isis Ishtar today." she stated as he paused in his massaging, urging her to go farther with the silence and stop. "She had that look that you get in the mornings, but it looked darker." she shivered as Yami didn’t seem pleased with that answer.

Well, pleased with the look that this woman was giving his abiou. Only he could do that without permission!

"All will be well, my abiou, I will try and keep you from danger." he whispered as she gave him a rare smile. "I’m sure the Tomb Robber and other one will do the same." Yami told her enigmatically as she turned her head to the side and looked up.

"Are you telling me something that happened before?"



It was afternoon, many hangover’s were over with as Seto Kaiba was smiling like crazy. No one would ask why as he stood in the Research and Development department of KaibaCorp. He, Mokuba, and Yugi were preparing to run the final test, after so many weeks of development, on the new Dueling Disk system that Genius Kaiba created.

Another words Mokuba was worried about his brother and Yugi was there in case the Robot/Computer Duelist failed and a human test subject could be used. ("I am not the human guinea pig in this!" "You are not a human test subject, your special case that’s going to be used if the robot is not up to time." "Another words your still the human test subject." "Mokuba!")

"All systems ready, Mr. Kaiba." a scientist stated as the proud Kaiba stood in the dueling room, waiting for the computer to start. The dueling disk didn’t require a huge thing to project holographic images, but projectors that were released when a duel began. Only thing is when someone dueled the data will be processed in to KaibaCorp’s satellite systems and computer, making it possible to duel anywhere!

"Set the computer system level to the max." Kaiba declared as it was done. Apparently the genius Seto Kaiba wanted a run for his money, but he only wanted a chance to test the Egyptian God Card Winged Dragon of Ra.

He also needed to speak with a certain Millennium Item holder about what he was told.


"Hey Kaiba, I hope that all these years of knowing each other hasn’t warped your mind to the point where this will look suicidal when something bad happens." Yugi stated as he laughed, causing the rest to look surprised.

"Your next, Yugi." he declared as she raised an eyebrow.

"Keep it under five minutes, Dragon Boy, and we might." she stated as Mokuba was snickering and the scientists looked uneasy. "Any of you say a thing and you won’t be dealing with Mr. Kaiba without a PMSing teenage girl following."

"Yes ma’am!" they stated in unison.

<<All hail the Queen of Games!>>

<And her Hormonal Pharaoh of Ancients! What a pair we make?>

The duel had started and it wasn’t looking good for Kaiba.


In under three moves the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon was present with little for Kaiba to use as tribute for the God Card. "What in the name of kami-sama are you trying to do to yourself?" rang a pissed off voice as Mokuba’s protests were also heard in the background.

The disks were set to inflict damage in combat.

Thank goodness that by the new rules the Ultimately fused monster had to wait another turn before attacking.

"I sacrifice my three monsters as tributes to summon-" Kaiba declared with triumph in his voice, "-the Winged Dragon of Ra." with that the dragon appeared as shouts of shock echoed when a computer blew up.

"Hey Kaiba, if any of us die we be comin’ back to haunt you." Yugi stated as he laughed.

"Winged Dragon, attack!" he declared as the dragon and life points of the computer were taken out as all sat in a state of frozen shock.

"Oh kami-sama." stated a few voices in unison as he smirked.

"Fast enough?"


After seeing that, Yugi had to rush off to meet up with Ryou for lunch.

|"I’ll send you a package tonight with everything I wanted to tell you." he stated as she nodded.

"Sorry I couldn’t stay, Seto, but I told Ryou I’d meet him for lunch today." Yugi stated hugging him. "Enjoy some down time before you carry through with all of this."

"Don’t worry." he stated with a secret smile as she went off.|

Malik knew that Yugi was weary of his sister and Ryou could sense her uneasiness as they sat in the park with a picnic lunch. "No offense, Malik, but your sister freaks me out." she stated as he paused and glanced at her.

"None taken because she freaks a lot of people out." he replied as she gave him a weak smirk. "So you also noticed that look?"

"Noticed?" she hissed as he watched her shake her head.

"Did you hear what was going on in the plaza today?" Ryou asked, changing the subject.

[[If she dares...]]

[Protective urges?]

[[Returning memories.]]


"Bits and pieces." Malik replied apparently visualizing away to steal the Millennium Necklace and the one God Card. He slipped the other one in to Yugi’s purse when none were paying any mind, hoping that it would help her against his sister’s Rare Hunters, and help him in his mission.

::Why not plot away for her to leave the Pharaoh’s Hikari alone?::

:Do I sense a crush?:

::Hell no, she’s trying to hide something. That would also mean that it is easier to get at the puzzle or he is an alien sent from space to take over our population with mind control.::

:Have you been watching Stargate again?:

::No, because they keep on toning down O’Neill’s urge to blow things up.::



The Amazing Quartet, Rex Raptor, Weevil Underwood, and Mako Tsunami were present among the hundreds in the Plaza when the three came to a screeching halt a few yards from Mai. "Do you always have to run?" Malik wheezed as Ryou snickered.

"I got used to it, have fun." he got a glare just as a blimp came past and Seto Kaiba’s image appeared on it.

<What in the name of all things sacred!>

<<Looks like dear old Kaiba has been getting in to the alcohol again.>>

<Your probably right.>

A few minutes later...

"In a week’s time a new tournament will take over the city, the Battle City Tournament. Each duelist taking part needs a new Duel Disk system and a deck of 40 cards that includes a number of rare cards in order to fully complete."

"Aren’t they blowing this game out of proportion?" a old man asked as Yugi turned towards him.

"Evil teenagers aren’t roaming the streets, talking back to their elders, and trying to steal things are they?" she asked as he blinked.

"Yeah, everything is free now because most kids won’t be around to annoy everyone older then us." Ryou added as the man smiled and walked away, obviously forgetting that aspect. "Messing with minds?"

"No, that’s his job." she stated patting Malik on the shoulder as he crossed his arms and smirked- like he was superior at it.

"I thought his job was to control them."

"Shut up." Joey snapped at them, getting three dangerous glares from three dangerous teens.


Then a helicopter arrived above the plaza, Kaiba hangs out the side and scanned the crowd. "The duels will use a new set of rules and that the winner of each duel will have the right to claim ONE rare card from the loser."

"That could ruin a dueler." Mai stated in shock.

"Got that right, think Duelist Kingdom and all the cards everyone had." Tristan stated as the blonde girl in violet was still trying to recover.

"That would mean it’s a little harder to save both of your ass’s." a voice stated as the group turned to see a smirking Yugi. "Hopefully there will be no problems like the last one and no kiddy like temper tantrums Lil’ Boy."

"Yugi..." he growled as Mai looked amused, apparently she didn’t care.

"It will be, Motou."


"Now the Rare Hunters can begin the task of finding the last two God Cards." Isis mused with a smirk. She was watching from a far as she spotted her brother, his pale haired friend, and the object of her desire standing together laughing. Her smirk fell in to a sneer as they seemed to be having fun. /What did my darling brother do with the last card.../ she growled with narrowed eyes as all the duelists started to break off to their homes or places for the night.
