Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 10. Stalked by the Rare Hunters Part 1 ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Part 1- The Beginning of Battle City

Earth Shakes,

Stone breaks,

The forest is at your door

The dark sleep is broken

The woods have awoken

The trees have gone to war

Roots rend, woods bend,

The Ents have answered the call

Through branches now the wind sings

Feel the power of living things

The trees have gone to war


Seto Kaiba was sitting in front of his friend Yugi Motou as they sat at the table in the Motou Household kitchen. Random objects were spread about the table as were cards, two glasses of tea, a book, a notebook, a computer, and the contents of her purse. Yami sat on a counter watching over the whole thing as Kaiba didn’t realize he was there. He held the second Egyptian God Card.

Slifer the Sky Dragon, one of good and evil.

"Yugi..." he stated as she flipped through the papers he had spread out for her as she glanced up. "When did you get this?"

"If it’s separate from my deck I don’t know." she replied as Yami took an interest and moved to look over his shoulder. "None of mine are put into a plastic casing."

"So someone slipped it in your bag?" he asked as she sat straight up.

"Probably, didn’t you say Isis told you about the cards?" she asked as he nodded. "Then that means that Malik had access to where they were hidden and if he had access..."

"And seeing she can’t find the other two cards..." he added as Yugi smirked.

"That would leave all three known now." she added as he agreed. "You have one, he slipped one in to my things, and the last lies with Malik."

"Well that’s done, but won’t be noted." he replied sitting the card on top of her deck. "Your helping, so your deck has been updated and no one will care."

"That’s nice, but why are you telling me all this?" she asked stacking the papers in a neat pile and placing the lap top on top as her deck sat in front of her.

"Mokuba is the Rule Enforcer, you are my partner in setting this all up." he stated leaning forward. "Your a duelist, one of the highest listed, I need you to scout out the other ones that can make it to the finals."

"Another words I’m the second Rule Enforcer and participant?" she replied skeptically as he nodded. "Do I have a choice?"

"Not really."


"I don’t get how to do this damned Chemistry!" Malik growled slamming his book shut as Ryou looked up from his hand of cards to give him an inquiring look. So they were playing Uno and presently it was a really funny game, considering the Queen of Games was tied with Ryou in the number of cards drawn.

"Poor Egyptian Gold having troubles?" Yugi asked with a smirk as she playing about five skips and then a few draw twos, leaving poor glaring Ryou to draw cards. "I can drop by tonight and help you with it."

"Why not now?" he asked as Ryou packed up the cards and shoved them in to his pocket as he stood up.

"Lunch is over!" she called out with a sprint towards the other side of the garden. "See ya’ after school!"


Isis was returning to the apartment she shared with her brother about six o’clock, only to hear laughter. "You baka, what were you doing during class? Devising away to shut the teacher up without being caught?" a familiar voice rang as Malik snickered. "Stupid question, really stupid question."

"You said it." he replied as papers were shifted around.

"Try this and a calculator, it’s a change from what your used to." she pushed the door open to show Malik trying to do a conversion problem and Yugi kneeling on the other side with a notebook open and half covered in writing. She watched in silence as her brother twitched. "Don’t you dare fling that pencil at me in anger, Malik, or else I’ll fling the book at you."

"5 moles?" he asked as she sat back.

"Perfect." she declared as he nodded.

"That was easy." he scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"Yes it was, if you pay attention more." Yugi chided as he gave her a stubborn look. "Now that you got it, I should be heading off." she stated getting up.

"Why don’t you stay for dinner?" Isis asked as both glanced at her, just as she realized the other girl had the Millennium Puzzle.

"Couldn’t possibly stay, I promised my Grandfather to help him with some important things." she stated nervously as she edged past Isis. "Maybe some other time." with that she disappeared out the door and down the hallway.

"Why didn’t you tell me?" Isis demanded shutting the door, well nearly slamming it.

"Because your face was priceless." he stated as she growled.


The week was going quick as all duelists had their Dueling Disk and were registered.

Yami was toying with the thing as Yugi sat on the floor snickering as he tried to work it. "This damned thing!" he growled sitting it in it’s box and glaring. A thump was heard as Yugi curled up in a ball laughing, or hiding her face so he couldn’t tell the amused look plastered on her face. He pounced on her and started to tickle as she bit back howls of laughter.

"What a picture." Ryou stated as Yami looked up as Yugi was still curled in a ball clutching her sides and snickering. "A new meaning to kick them when their down."

"What do you want?" Yami demanded, still sprawled halfway over his Hikari.

"In two days vacation starts as does Battle City, I stopped by to get a Duel Disk." he stated lifting the box that was under his arm. "Mr. Motou said you were up here and I was dropping by to say hi."

"Then you missed a truly funny thing." Yugi gasped as Yami glared. "The Pharaoh trying to work new technology."

"The patent ‘Glare Till It Works’?"

"Death Glare To Reveal It’s Secrets." she corrected as he laughed he attacked her again a s Ryou decided to leave the two alone, knowing it might not be a good thing to watch. "Mr. Hormonal Pharaoh." she growled as he picked her up. "No trust you." she grumbled as he laughed.

That wasn’t good.


Finally the week was over! Meaning hell was about to freeze over with the Y Duo debating their deck and Serenity being kept company by Tristan in the hospital, Joey losing to the Rare Hunter...

It was past nine in the morning and all things for the Tournament were already stated as everyone was ready. The Rare Hunters were about as Mai and her boyfriend were having a little talk with Tea gardener tagging along, Ryou Bakura was with her grandfather as Malik was no where in sight. Seto Kaiba and his brother were in the main office of KaibaCorp with the computers as the Game Queen was also keeping out of sight and out of mind... for now.

‘Hey Yugi, can you hear us?’ Seto asked as she tapped the communication device in her ear and checked the microphone attached to her jaw.

"Loud and clear." she stated as Mokuba laughed. "Remind me later why I accepted this."

‘Because you love us.’ Mokuba stated as she frowned and adjusted the odd attire she had adopted from Yami, seeing he just loved to wear it when he was out and free to walk around in both forms. So blackish purple leather tank top that fit like a second skin with a silver buckle around her throat with four others spaced out down her chest, black pants, black boots, and the traditional dark blue and white lined coat with high open collar and fell to her knees.

"I’m starting to ponder that reason." she replied dryly as the view from the building above was good enough to see the duelers before heading down herself. The breeze picked up her hair as the disk was attacked to the double belts that were slack about her waist as her cards were hidden in her jacket as was the hard covered God Card. "Looks like Wheeler already had a run in with a Rare Hunter."

‘He did, the guy drew Exodia and took him out in under three turns.’ Mokuba stated as she frowned.

"Ouch, these Hunters..."

‘They hacked our system to get in to the tournament, some need to be eliminated.’ Kaiba stated as she crossed her arms and turned to head back to the stairs that lead to the next level down. ‘They know about the rare cards of all players, so your on the list.’

"I’ll be careful, just keep me updated on everything illegal." she replied.


"You lost, little boy." the Rare Hunter stated as the three stood before him, arguing. "I don’t want to challenge you or your little girlfriend."

"Why you sexist jerk!" Mai all but shouted as all turned to them.

"I finished my card hunting, but I won’t duel you again." the Rare Hunter stated as he spotted Yugi Motou approaching. "I instead would like a Dark Magician to finish out my deck."

"Then you’ll have to beat me first." she stated as all watched her put the duel disk on and put her deck in place. "If you don’t I want the Red Eyes Black Dragon you took from him-" she stated pointing to Joey, "-and your locator card."

"Deal, Yugi." he stated with a smirk. "Now let’s duel."
