Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 13. The Master of Magicians Part 1 ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Part 1- Bring In The Clowns!

I dream of fire

These dream are ties to a horse that will never tire

And in the flames

Her shadows play in the shape of a man's desire

This desert rose

Each of her veils, a secret promise

This desert flower

No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this

And as she turns

This way she moves in the logic of all my dreams

This fire burns

I realize that nothing's as it seems

Sweet desert rose

This memory of Eden haunts us all

This desert flower, this rare perfume

Is the sweet intoxication of the fall


The second fun day of Summer, the second fun day of Battle City.

Its still the second day of the tournament and a duelist was being pushed around in a desolate alley by a boy twice his size. "Your two rarest, runt." he snapped as the other boy was trembling.

"Rules only state one." he stuttered as the man laughed.

"I say two, to hell with the rules." he stated as whistle echoed.

"Your violating Battle City rules!" Mokuba declared standing at the entrance of the alley with his hands on his hips.

"Get lost, shrimp, this isn't between you and me it's between a dueler and his opponent." he stated with a smirk as Mokuba frowned.

"You asked for it." he muttered as Seto Kaiba all but appeared behind him with Yugi Motou a few feet away.

"You dare insult the Master of Rules?" she asked as he jumped to face her.

"It's people like you that give this tournament a bad name." Kaiba stated as he gulped. "I challenge you to a duel."

Let's just say overkill.


Isis let out a curse as the Rare Hunters reported the use of one of the three Egyptian God Cards, then another reported the disappearance of her brother. Malik was already involved in the tournament, but staying off all radars till he was ready to show his card. "Send out Arcana to break the Game Queen's spirit and then bring her to me afterwards." she stated as he bowed and rushed off to do so. "So Kaiba used his already, but the other two are still hidden."

/Damn you Malik, Pegasus gave me those cards for a reason and you just ruined that reason./ she growled and sat back on her throne, seeing the Millennium Necklace was not cooperating with telling her anything about the future. /So Malik stole the two before I could get to them, he should have both but where would he hide them?/

She was damning the necklace because the Spirit of the Millennium Rod had used his own magic to conceal the hiding of the cards from her. Shadi wasn't a help when she summoned him, yet he was never around to let her use the other two... or his own ancient abilities.

/But soon I will have two things that I always wanted./ she mused with a smirk.


Ryou had dueled a few times, winning those few times as Solomon seemed to be enjoying it. He also over heard Joey Wheeler bragging about his duel with Espa. Then a familiar blonde approached them, looking rather cold. "Malik!" Ryou called out as he smirked and nodded to them both.

"Nice of you to join us." Solomon stated patting him on the back as he gave a ghost of the smile. "How are you doing in this tournament?"

"Rather well." he stated with a nod as Tea smiled and waved at him, causing him to frown and flash her the one finger salute above Solomon's head when he wasn't watching him. "A few minor duels here and there. So where's Gi'z'Mo?"

"No one's seen her." Ryou added as Solomon was confused.

"Gismo?" he asked as Ryou smirked.

"No. Gi'z'Mo. Your granddaughter." Malik stated as he laughed. "Considering she calls me Egyptian Gold and Ryou here Ba'tty'kura."


With the merge nothing was hid from either side as the conversations were quicker then anyone ever knew. The sidewalk was clear as she was close to passing a circus tent. "Young miss!" a voice shouted as she jumped three feet in the air and spun to the trees with an icy glare to the freaky looking clown/court jester standing in the bushes.

"What the hell are you trying to do? Kill everyone with a heart attack?" she snapped as he blinked, apparently the innocent sounding Yugi Motou was not so the profile listed.

"No, miss, I came to speak with you." he stated springing from behind the bushes to stand a few feet from her. "I came to challenge you on behalf of my master."

"Such a master to send his messenger to do his dirty work." she stated crossing her arms. "This is not something to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown, with great force. So in light of that, take me to your master oh Holy Clown of Painful Words." she stated as he frowned.

"54 steps ahead and in the tent I will be waiting for you." he stated going off as she blinked.

"Cannot blink, rabid clowns will eat me." she started to chant under her breath while approaching the tent.



Ryou, Malik, and Solomon were now running down the sidewalk looking for the teenage girl of trouble. Then again it was really funny seeing the old man run and the darker spirits of the two Millennium Items had to snicker as their hikari's rolled their eyes and followed the girl in to the tent. "Don't horror movies start with things like this?" Ryou asked as Malik growled.

"Shut up, Ryou." he stated as Ryou smirked.

"RABID CLOWNS ARE GOING TO EAT ME!" Ryou shouted as Solomon jumped three feet in the air, Malik whirled around and hit poor Ryou on the head with the Millennium Rod as the pale haired boy rubbed his sore head. "You didn't have to bonk me on the head." Then a spot light went up on the Mystic Box.

They seen Yugi peering about wearily before the clown shoved her in and slammed the doors all at once.

"Where is she?" Solomon shouted as the clown eeped and tried to go, but the darker sides presented themselves fast and already had him seized in vise like grips.

"I don't know, I was just paid to get the girl in to the box." the clown dressed man cried out as the spirits blinked and watched him break down in tears.

"Did I ever mention how much I dispise clowns?" Malik stated with a smirk as the man gulped.
