Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 14. The Master of Magicians Part 2 ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Part 2- Arcana vs. Yugioh

Then he came out to his door again,

And merrily did sing,

"Come hither, hither, pretty fly,

With the pearl and silver wing;

Your robes are green and purple,

There's a crest upon your head;

Your eyes are like the diamond bright,

But mine are dull as lead!"

Alas! alas! how very soon

This silly little fly,

Hearing his wily, flattering words,

Came slowly flitting by!

With buzzing wings she hung aloft,

Then near and nearer drew,

Thinking only of her brilliant eyes,

And green and purple hue-

Thinking only of her crested head-

Poor foolish thing! At last

Up jumped the cunning spider,

And fiercely held her fast.

He dragged her up his winding stair,

Into his dismal den:

Within his little parlour,-

But she ne'er came out again!


"Sir!" one of the computer watcher stated turning to Seto Kaiba, who was standing by his brother on the top level of the main room. "Yugi Motou has disappeared from our computers and her ear piece is dead."

"What?" Kaiba demanded as the young woman trembled. "You keep trying to find her, you find all computers in the area that can support our system without problems and have them check with outs." he ordered as the two got on it. "Mokuba go out and see if you can scout around, I'll contact you with an address if we find it."

"Yes, Big Brother." Mokuba stated going off.

"What happened now Yugi." he muttered leaning on the railing.


Yugioh let out a growl and charged from the box in to a darkened office with only a computer on. She glanced about with narrowed eyes and true promises of pain to whoever did this. <<<The clowns gonna die a slow death for this.>>> she mused with a growl before glancing at the computer screen.

Name: Yugi Motou

Rank: 5 star

Rarest Card: Dark Magician

"Freaky." she muttered as a image appeared in front of her.

It was the Dark Magician, but then again it wasn't. Her card had a purple grabbed one this one was red.

"Yugi Motou, you are not worthy of having me in your deck." he stated as she twitched.

"If you had golden hair you'd remind me of Malik." she stated as Arcana fell over when he appeared. "And you look like the clown I want to kill."

"So your the infamous Yugi Motou." Arcana stated looking her over as she scowled.

"Give me that look again and you won't have to worry about that mask." she growled as he laughed.

"You will need that spirit for your precious Dark Magician will soon be mine!" he crowed with laughter as she cocked her head to the side. "Only a true master can hold a powerful Dark Magician, I will prove you are not that master."

<Please don't tell me this is Duke Devlin all over again.> Yugi told Yami as she pulled her card and produced her Dark magician Card right off the bat. The purple Dark Magician appeared behind her as the red one frowned and glared at him.

<<Your not sick.>>

<I didn't mean that, Hormonal One.>

"I challenge you, Yugi, for the title of Magician Master!" Arcana declared as she crossed her arms.

"I will see your challenge." Yugi stated as he nodded.

"Then the stage is set and all are not watching, follow me in to my special arena." he stated leading her to a set of steps.

""Will you walk into my parlour?"

Said the spider to the fly;

"'Tis the prettiest little parlour

That ever you did spy.

The way into my parlour

Is up a winding stair;

And I have many curious things

To show you when you're there."" Yugioh quoted on her way down the stairs.


Everything was explained in detail, cards shuffled, and thoughts made.

"Let the duel begin!" Arcana declared as the floor moved, throwing poor Yugioh slightly off balance. When they stopped shackles held their ankles in place as disk were humming to their sides. The key box was between their feet, only to open when someone won the match.

<Avoid throwing shit at the fan.>

<<To late for that.>>


"It's come to this, Dark Magician vs. Dark Magician." Arcana stated as Yugioh was silent.

"Now it's a battle of strategies." she stated laying down two magic cards, Arcana followed, she put down two more, as he did the same.

"Mystical Guillotine!"

"Like hell!" Yugioh shouted with a smirk. "Magical Hats!"

"Thousand Knives, reveal him!"

"Curse Breaker! There goes all the magic cards on the field!"

"Dark Magician, Dark Magic Attack!" was the unison call to fight as both Magicians took each other out. "Monster Reborn!" The two monsters were brought back.

"A true stalemate." Yugioh told him with a smirk. "So why did you lead me down here, Clown Man?"

"I am not a clown! I once was the best magician in the world, since Harry Haudini..." he started as Yugioh twitched when he removed his mask.

<Not another sob story.> Yugi cried out as Yami groaned. <Do I look like the Domino City Therapist?>

<<I this why you like to scream obscenities?>>

<Keeps all people away, in less they are friends.>

"Your trusting a person that can't guarantee your happiness, and if you need mind control to fall in love again you have problems." Yugi stated as he blinked and put his mask back on. "This leader of the Rare Hunters can't guarantee that and you'll bring harm to her because you refused to let her help you."

"Shut up!"

"To win this you'd have to believe in your cards and yourself." she stated as he glared at her. "Not to destroy one person for something that won't last."

"Your lying!"

"I never lie, Clown Man, because this sentence would have started, 'That's the pot calling the kettle black.'" she snapped with anger dancing in her dark eyes.


"Where the hell is she?" Marik growled as they searched all of Domino City, Solomon still trying to keep up with the two teenagers.

"Do I look like a friggin’ mind reader?" Bakura growled as Marik nodded. "Well I am not! The Eye is to painful to put in for that."


The Dark Magician on Yugi's side was strung up by chains on a cross as her life points were down to 700, thanks to the damned Ectoplasmer card. The Dark Energy Disk then moved closer to Yugi as the Dark Magician gave her a look of hopelessness. <Don't worry, we will try to free you.> Yugi thought as he seemed to give a weak smile as her eyes widened in surprise.

"Ectoplasmer!" Arcana declared again as his Dark Magician was used as the energy attack this time. As the thing approached the second Dark Magician's ectoplasma was also removed and stopped the attack. Both stared as Yugioh's jaw formed an o.

<My kami-sama he sacrificed himself when he didn't have to.> she thought as Yami seemed to be in the same state of shock.

"I play Dark Magic Curtain." Half their Life Points in exchange to summon a high-level monster, no sacrifice required. "I summon my second Dark Magician! Attack Yugi Motou's life points." he stated with a evil cackle as Yugi twitched.

It was hopeless, but there was one thing Arcana forgot.

<<Dark Magic Curtain works for everyone.>> Yami stated as she smirked.

"I use the Dark Magic Curtain to summon up another Dark Spell-caster." she stated as he looked shocked. "I bring forth my Dark Magician Girl." she stated triumphantly as the female Dark Magician came charging from the curtain with staff raised and ready to fight.

"Dark Magician attack the Dark Magician Girl." he demanded as the Dark Magician Girl also attacked. When the power of the two faded away they both stood, then the Dark Magician started to fade away.

"Man don't you pay attention to your Spell-casters?" Yugioh asked crossing her arms after his outburst about lower attack points. "My Dark Magician Girl gets 300 EXTRA points from EACH Dark Magician in THE card graveyard." she stated, stressing those three words mostly because it was her second time explaining it to the slightly slow Clown Man. Poor Arcana now seemed rather afraid of the duel's outcome. "Dark Magician Girl, finish him off!"



Yugi had unlocked her shackles as soon as the box opened and then lunged across the field and sprawled out and unshackled the screaming Arcana and pushing him backwards and then throwing herself back as the disk was a scant two feet in front of her. She laid back and took a few deep breaths to calm herself as Yami was near throttling her for that.

<Relax, he wasn't worth the Shadow Realms time.> she stated standing up and walking over to the box on her side and retrieving both things before straightening up when footsteps echoed in the silent room.

"Bravo, Nepha Yugi, seems your talents are still well in tact." a familiar voice stated as Yugi spun to face a darkly cloaked figure a few feet from her. She was frozen as Yami was trying to make himself know, but the figure reached out and removed the puzzle and dropped it by her feet. "I've been waiting for you." the voice dropped a bit as the figure approached as she couldn't move for some weird reason.

"Funny thing is, I haven't been waiting for you." she stated as the figure laughed, running a hand over her cheek to brush back a piece of hair.

"So beautiful." the figure whispered.

<Oh shit.>


Mokuba ran in to Bakura and Marik with the winded Solomon. "Hey Mokuba." Bakura stated with a innocent smile, the one that took practice to perfect. "Do you know where Gi’z’Mo is?"

"Actually I do." he stated as they smirked.


"Follow me!" the kid shouted, after getting a head start.

"Damn it!" they chorused as Solomon groaned.

"You kids go ahead, I’ll meet you at the game Shop!" he called after them. "That’s enough running for the month."


"In the beginning I wanted the Pharaoh's power, which required the three Egyptian God Cards and this Millenium Puzzle to rule the world." the figure stated, running fingertips over Yugi's lips and down her throat to unbuckle the one at her throat. "First I would have to defeat you in a duel, but the time isn't right."




"Why isn't it the right time?" she growled as the figure laughed and moved slightly closer so that a hooded face was close to her's. "Bad enough your edging closer and closer to sexual harassment." the figures hand had moved down the buckles on the leather, but Yugi was thanking everything in mind that the tank top zipped up the back.

"When I have the God Cards and the Puzzle, by the prophecy, you won't be like this." the figure stated cupping her chin in it's hand and holding her face in place. "Then again, you won't remember much when that happens but what I want you to know." with that the figure forced her in to a kiss, in which she tried to break from but being frozen in place wasn't helping.

As the magical bindings started to wear away with her anger, the figure was enjoying itself a little to much. With a cry of out rage Yugi brought her boot clad foot down on the other's, breaking the kiss as she then kicked the figure back and fell back by the puzzle. "Damn it!" she hissed reaching to get the puzzle against the bonds.

"No!" the figure screamed and pinned her to the ground

"Let me go you Harassing Sonavabitch!" Yugi shrieked trying to move as the bindings were back in place and tripled.

"Now, now..." the figure chided caressing her face as the fingers got closer she started to snap at everything. "Such spirit, to conquer that is to be a good challenge."

"Fu--" she was cut off by another kiss, this time biting the other as the figure drew back and slapped her twice.

"That was uncalled for." the figure hissed as she glared, tears at the corners of her eyes as anger burned in the violet depths.

"YUGI!" was the shout from outside as the door was being pounded on.

"We will meet again, Nepha." the figure growled as the bindings were redoubled as Yugi glared. "Beware of the Quiet One." the figure growled in her ear before knocking her out.


The three busted in to the room to see the one they were looking for laying in the middle of the arena with the puzzle laying just out of reach. Marik and Bakura were the first to move as Mokuba radioed it in. "Shadow Magic." Marik growled touching the tears that were at the corners of her eyes. "Someone knew how to freeze her and what to do."

"How is she?" Mokuba asked as Bakura picked the Millennium Puzzle up and closed her hands around it and then picked her up.

"Knocked out." Marik stated standing up as Bakura looked ready to kill someone. "You go back to your brother and tell him to find us tomorrow, maybe she will tell us what happened."

"Alright." Mokuba agreed and went off.

"Take her back to the game shop?" Bakura asked as the Egyptian nodded.

"The Pharaoh has to deal with the turmoil in her mind now, we are out of the loop." Malik stated as his yami relinquished his control.
