Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ J. Recovery ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Where once was light

Now darkness falls

Where once was love

Love is no more

Don’t say- good-bye

Don’t say- Id isn’t try...

These tears we cry

Are falling rain

For all the lies

You told us

The hurt, the blame!

And we will weep

To be so alone

We are lost!

We can never go home

So in the end

I will be- what I will be

No loyal friend

Was ever there for me


Yami was frantic when the puzzle was forcibly removed. He tried to break from the puzzle, but the magic binding her was also binding him in to the puzzle. He was screaming, punching, and all around pissed. The Dark Magician had appeared in the puzzle, a connection between the Shadow Realm and the Puzzle reestablished as the duel monster watched him.

Anger was burning in his eyes, his hands were covered in bruises, as the Ancient Magic of the Pharaoh burned around him.

The loyal fighter kept his distance as Kuriboh was with him.

Then the connection with his other half was then reestablished as he all but charged out the newly appeared door.


Bakura laid Yugi on her bed as Malik dealt with her grandfather’s memories of this event. He then separated from Ryou as the teen was trying to wake her up. She started to mutter something as he drew back and Malik came running in to the room. "You still haven’t woke her up?" Malik demanded as her voice started to rise as she started to thrash about, that was when Bakura pinned her shoulders to the bed as the other two sat on her legs. She gripped his arms and was now crying as he was confused.

"Ishizu, let me go." she growled trying to move before growling and trying to remove his hands from her shoulders. "I don’t love you... don’t do this, please." she had dissolved in to crying now as her struggling stopped and she was sobbing with head turned to the side as tears fell down her cheeks. "No..." she whispered and fell back in to a sleep as they were surprised.

"What the hell was that about?" Ryou grumbled, nursing his injured side as Malik stood by the closed door as Marik didn’t move.

"A memory." Bakura whispered touching the symbol that was appearing on her forehead as the girl still sobbed. He disappeared back in to the ring as Marik sat by her feet, debating if he should make a move to steal the Puzzle or not.

"Don’t even think about it." Malik stated hitting him with the Millennium Rod.


Yami threw open the door to his Hikari’s soul room and looked in to see things thrown about with three doors on the opposite side of the room, each a different color. The one on his right was white, the middle gray, and the last was black. He heard sobbing from the black door and approached it, avoiding the things strewn about the room.

He pushed the door open and found himself in her memory, facing the feeling of not being able to fight back. Then the anger and near breaking of the bindings. That was followed by the pain of falling and then the ripping at her clothing with the words, then movements. He caught a flash of gold at where the figure’s forehead was and then the magical buzzing of a Millennium Item Magic. Everything faded away as he stood over his sobbing Hikari in the darkness. "Yugi." he stated kneeling by her as she faced opposite of him.

"Are you real?" Yugi whispered as Yami ran his fingertips down her clothed arm to intertwine his fingers with her’s. "Where were you?" she demanded as he brought her hand up to his lips.

"Frozen like you were." he stated as she shifted to sit up and face him, their hands still between them. Her eyes were rimmed in red as her hair still covered her face. He frowned and brushed her hair back as she flinched. "The same magic that bound you and removed the puzzle, kept me from attacking and helping."

"Yami." she whispered glanced away as he brought his other hand up to turn her head towards him. She then pulled him in to a desperate kiss, the one that was so desperate that it felt like erasing something from memory. He dropped his hand to her waist as she relaxed in to his embrace. He released her as she smiled and pressed their foreheads together. "Don’t ever let that happen again or else I will let Marik kill you and become ruler of the world."

"Deal." he whispered against her lips. "I won’t let you go." he purred as she tried to smile.

"You have to do more then that to gain back my trust." she stated as he smirked.

"When Battle City is over I will start training you in the Ancient Shadow Magic?" he asked as she smirked.

"Deal." she muttered resting her head on his shoulder as everything started to fade...


Marik jumped when Yami appeared, hand intertwined with Yugi’s as she shot up with a cry. Ryou jumped about three feet, because he was the closest to her next to Marik. Malik was browsing through a few of the books she had, he dropped it when Yami held the sobbing girl to his chest as the slaps still stung. "Pharaoh." Marik growled with a glare as Yami growled.

<<Can I tell them?>> he asked her as their was a pause.

<Please.> she replied as Yami pulled her in to his lap and nuzzling her hair lovingly.

"Someone with access to a Millennium Item and it’s magic caused her to be like this." Yami stated as the three present nodded and urged him to go on. "What happened was..." he started and told the tale of what he seen through her eyes and in her memories.

A moment later...

"WHAT?!" was the chorus of two Egyptian Spirits, followed by curses and a shocked Ryou, a tousled Yugi sleeping, and a angry Malik looking ready to kill something.

"She maybe my sister, but by the gods I will--" Malik trailed off as Marik nodded.

"I may hate you, Pharaoh, but she doesn’t deserve to be nearly broken." Marik stated as Bakura agreed.

"No matter what happens, Isis is mine to take care of." Yami stated as they nodded in agreement, not wanting to know what would happen if they didn’t. "For what she has done, I’ll..." that thought was left as wach of the dark spirits seemed to understand what he meant.

Isis was going to get her ass kicked.
