Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 16. The Finals Begin ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


16. The Finals Begin

aka Joey vs. Namu/Isis & Kaiba vs. Yugi

aka The Semi-Finals

Trying to find a way to fight the pain

But it seems, there's no way around it

Reaching for the sun and finding rain

I melt, I'll always be grounded

so much I have brought upon my self

Can't, believe that I'm still here

Looking for a place you know so well

You see, it never resisted

I will break you

All this time, I recall though you knew

The game was not meant for winning

explanation for the things I do

No, but I'm constantly grinning

I will break you

Could you ever recognize this pain

You see, it's so far from over

I don't guess you'll never be the same

You know I'm choking on knowledge


"Now that everyone here, the four remaining duelist will have already been chosen from our four way duel." Kaiba stated, seeing many were still shocked about what had happened after the boat was set off from the dock. All the rules had already been stated as the four were ready to duel for all of the marbles.

Kaiba faced against Namu as Joey faced the Game Queen.

So that meant that Joey was to duel Namu and Kaiba would face Motou.

Malik and Ryou were present, well Ryou was in bad shape seeing his Millennium Ring was stolen in the elimination rounds that were not noted in this part or any other part. Let's just say it went from eight main duelers to the four that everyone wanted to see.

Namu was staring at Yugioh, who then helped Marik take Ryou back to his room.

Isis and Joey were then prepared to duel.


"Ryou..." Yugi stated sitting by his side as Malik stood by her, Yami and Marik guarding the door as they tried to wake the boy up.

"So this is how it feels to be empty." he muttered as her eyes widened, Malik was about to lose his cool with what happened to the first friend he had.

"Hell no, don't you dare speak like your dying." he growled pushing Yugi back, she fell to the floor with a yipe as he braced his hands against Ryou's shoulders. "You are not dying and we WILL get the Millennium Ring back and we WILL mentally destroy my sister, and finally we WILL not let you die or else your going to be facing two pissed off adopted siblings after you!" he roared as the other three were surprised.

"Damn, Ishtar, never knew you had it in ya." Yugi stated standing up as Ryou gave them a small smile. "You hang on, 'Kura, we are going to get Ba'tty'kura back and everything will be fine. Trust in us and nothing can go wrong."

"I trust you- Egypt Gold, Gi'z'mo, Hormonal Pharaoh, and Homicidal Guard." he stated as all glanced at Marik.

"Nice one, bud, been meaning to tell him that." Malik stated with a laugh as Yugi was giggling.

"Get some sleep." Yami stated as he seemed to listen. "Malik stay here with him, Marik go do what you do best."

"Why should we listen to you?" they asked in unison as Yugi stood up in defiance.

"Yami and I will be dueling against Kaiba and then Isis, your our hope Marik." she stated as he blinked. "You do this I will do one favor, that is if you succeed." He paused and then nodded and went off. "Malik, Ryou needs at least one of us here for support. Please." she pleaded as he hugged her, kissing the symbol on her forehead.

That was different... but wouldn't you do that to your sister to wish her luck? Don't answer that.

"If you don't win I'll kill you slowly." he stated as she sweat dropped.

"Okay." she stated and pulled away as Yami glared. "Come on, Hormonal Pharaoh, we have revenge to get to!" she stated as they merged in to Yugioh and left the room. Malik sat down on the bed and sighed.

"One favor?" he asked the silent room with a smirk.


Yugioh made it to the deck in time to see Isis finish off Joey as his friends rushed to catch his weakened form. Kaiba was glaring as Isis smirked and winked at her, causing a twitch to form at Yugioh’s right eye. It was her turn to duel Kaiba and dueling Kaiba to finish off the destiny Isis was expecting to see.

Yugioh nodded to Kaiba as he returned it and they drew their cards, in the first five both had their God Cards as Isis watched intently. "Lightforce sword!" Yugioh declared as the sword, and luckily, hit the Winged Dragon of Ra as Kaiba glared and played a card to get his God Card back.

Both players were playing skillfully, knowing the winner would be able to take out the Root of All Problems. As the God Cards were summoned, a few eyes were wide with shock as the two stubborn mules didn't flinch at the shot of a challenge.

"Well, Kaiba, looks like this will be the Battle of the Bulge." she stated as he nodded. "But you will not break me."

"ATTACK!" both shouted as the Gods clashed, explosions echoing with the clash as everyone held their footing on the deck. Then a scream echoed as the Eye of Ra was glowing on Yugi's forehead- then everything changed.

Everyone was gawking at the change for it was unexpected.


Yugi fell to her knees as did Kaiba as two spirits stood in their places. Yami stood in his ancient finery of silk and gold, the Millennium Puzzle was around his neck as girl's jaws dropped- drooling or shock. He smirked as the area around them flickered and it was sand with a small audience. Across from him was a older looking Seto Kaiba in blue and silver robes and a circlet of a dragon- the High Priest.

"Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" the Kaiba Spirit declares as his hand glowed as the Winged Dragon of Ra turned in to the three headed snapping dragon, the Pharaoh looked slightly surprised.

"Swords of Revealing Light!" Yami declared as the audience realized they held the cards and Duel Disks. Yami was stalling in hopes of drawing something, other then the slightly powerful dragon card- Red Eyes Black Dragon- he held. "I sacrifice the Red Eyes Black Dragon for the Dark Magician."

The Magician appeared as the field still didn't fade.

Spirit Kaiba drew a card and ended his turn as nothing was said between the two, nothing had to be said with the way they glanced at each other.

"I play Magical Hats." he stated as the hats appeared, hiding his favorite card.

"Who da' hell is that?" Joey Wheeler demanded as he seen the two kneeling duelists as the spirits ignored him.

The next turn was a draw of cards for both sides, Yami laying down two magic cards in the process.

Spirit Kaiba laughed and gave the Pharaoh a smirk. "This will be the end of you, Pharaoh Yugioh! You may have beaten me once, but this round will be mine!" He attacks and destroyed all but one hat, which disappeared as the Dark Magician appeared for battle.

Yami growled and drew, before smirking. He put down a fusion card as the Dark Magician was fused with Buster Blade promptly turning him in to the Black Paladin Magician, which Spirit Kaiba was still laughing. "Now I play the magic card Defusion." he stated as the other spirit stopped and watched as the three dragons were then formed.

The attack points of the fused magician then rose to 4400.

"I now use the Black Paladin Magician to knock out the rest of your life points!" Yami declared as the Magician attacked one of the Dragons and destroyed it. The Spirit Kaiba was shocked, everything turned back in to the dreay setting on the sea as the spirit was gone and Kaiba was waking up to find his God Card already in Yami's hands as he placed a hand on his Hikari's head and was gone, the card now in her hand.

"What the hell just happened?" Mai demanded as Yugioh slowly opened her eyes as the symbol was still present on her forehead. She then leaned forward with hands braced against the deck, trying to regain her lost breath from the Duel of Destiny.

"The High Priest just lost against the Pharaoh." Marik stated from beside Tea, as he swiped the Millennium Ring that was sticking out of her purse and hid it behind him as she watched everything.

"In a few minutes, Yugi Motou will be dueling Isis Ishtar in the finals." Kaiba announced as everyone still looked shocked.
