Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ 17. Yugi vs. Isis ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


17. Yugi Vs. Isis

Now I've told you this once before

You can't control me

If you try to take me down you're gonna break

Now I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me

I'm picking you outa me

you run away

I stand alone


So what you don't think that we can see your face

Resurrected back before the final fallen

I'm not afraid of fading

I'm not dying for it

Everything that I believe is fading

I stand alone


And now its my time (now its my time)

It's my time to dream (my time to dream)

Dream of the sky (dream of the sky)

Make me believe that this place is invaded

By the poison in me

Help me decide if my fire will burn out

Before you can breathe

Breathe into me

I stand alone



Marik ran in to the room and threw the ring to his Hikari. "Get your fucking ass in gear, it's about to start!" he growled as Malik scrambled and placed the ring on Ryou's chest, a split second later Bakura was in change and cursing everything in sight.

"Tomb Robber, get moving!" Malik growled seizing his wrist and grabbing the disoriented spirit in charge out the door and to the main deck.

History was about to be made!


"It is an honor to be facing you, Yugioh." Isis stated as Yugioh growled.

"This is a Shadow Duel, Ishizu, you lose you'll die." she stated as all listening was shocked. "You win I will give up my claim over Yugi Motou's life and take your place in the Shadow Realms."

"Such a high price." Isis stated with a sadistic smirk as Yugioh shuffled her deck. "I accept."

"Good, you had no other choice."


Isis had the God Card she stole from her brother on the field as Yugioh seemed to be losing her temper. That took a lot considering who you were talking about. She put down a card, face down, in defense mode before revealing her magic card.

This magic card would either make or break the duel, mostly because Isis was above in life points and Yugioh was down in the hundreds. No creatures were on the field as most of both sides cards were in the graveyard. Isis held monster cards as she held mostly magic cards. With the latest draw, everything was starting to come together for the weakening Pharaoh.

Both had went at each other with their favorite cards, strongest creatures, traps, and magic cards. The Shadow Realm was taxing both sides, Yugioh had already fallen to her knees with the destruction of her Dark Magician.

A special magic card- Ultimate Tribute.

Yugioh gave a devious smirk to her opponent as Isis paled as much as a Egyptian could when that look crept across her face. "With this peachy little card I get to use two cards form your graveyard as a tribute." She then picked the two tributes and then brought out the Egyptian God Card- Winged Dragon of Ra. "Now for my last trick, Negate Turn!" she declared as Isis was ready to damn the rather smug looking Yami. "Winged Dragon, attack her life points out!"

She screamed in rage as everything was gone.

"You idiotic Pharaoh! You took her away!" Isis screamed as she went to attack the slightly weak Yugioh.

"I don't think so, sister." Marik stated holding the Millennium Rod with extended blade as she paused. Now all eyes was on the battle that was forming in front of them. Bakura had joined also, kneeling by Yugioh and waving a hand in front of her face.

"Hiro, we got a problem." he stated as her eyes didn't focus. "Wake... UP!" he screamed in her ear as Yugioh jumped and glared at him. He laughed as she glared and gave him the one finger salute. "Come on, Pharaoh, you got your chance to attack."

"I'm going to hurt you..." she growled as Bakura laughed and helped her up.

"Right, love." he stated as Marik snickered.

"Is it me or are they acting weirder then usual?" Tristan asked as Tea was still gawking.

A portal then opened between Isis and Marik, Bakura, and Yugioh as everything was frozen for a second as the four Millennium Item holders disappeared.


The tomb was dark as Isis faced the Yami's of the Items...

"What the HELL is going on!" Yami demanded as Isis flinched. Marik and Bakura were the same way as they glanced around the dark place, shadows keeping everything obscured. The three darker spirits couldn't feel their other halves and the Millennium Items...

Then how the hell were they about without troubles?!

"You and your charges are not in danger." a soft voice as the torches in the chamber flickered to life and casted a glow across the stone tablets, the sarcophagus, and then the three teens that were knocked out and resting on the stone at his feet. "Actually, you are in more danger then they are."

"Why are we here?" Isis demanded as Shadi produced the Millennium Items and placed them in their respective places.

"One person has also abused their power." he stated as the Yami's didn't say a word in fear it was one of them. He pointed to Isis as she screamed and turned to a pile of ashes, Shadi only had motioned to her as the spirits were now frightened. They may have had ancient abilities, but this robed man probably remember more then they did. "As for you three, Guardians of the Millennium Items, your other halves have a choice only they could make."

"What do you mean?" Bakura demanded with narrowed eyes.

"The Chosen One has the God Cards and they yield to her, everything is done for now." he stated as they glared at him. "Now it is the time for them to choose to keep the Millennium Items or not."

Two faces fell at that as one looked confident.

"Then let it be." Yami stated as he nodded to the Ancient Pharaoh.


Ryou was the first awakened as his chocolate eyes flew around the room in fear, before landing on the group as Shadi turned to him. "Holder of the Millennium Ring, come forward." he stated as Ryou did so, weary of the man. He seen Malik and Yugi near him, both still knocked out.

"What is going on?" he asked as the turban manned seemed to almost smile.

"It is your decision, child, to keep the Millennium Ring or to plunge the Spirit back in to darkness." he stated as Ryou plopped down on the stone floor before he could faint in surprise.

[Get rid of him? You gotta be nuts!] he mused as his jaw dropped and Bakura seemed fearful about his choice. [It took a few years to get him to open up, then again it took his enemies lover to get him to laugh and quit abusing me mentally...]

"Are you blooming mad?!" Ryou demanded getting to his feet as all jumped at his outburst. He then ran and tackled his yami the way he learned to do. "It took me this long to get him to trust me, I'll be damned if I'd ruin it!"

"Ryou, did you just say what I think you said?" Bakura asked wrapping his arms around the other boy. "I think we all are rubbing off on you."

"Shut up and kiss me." he growled and attacking the other's lips, successfully taking them both down as the other two looked at them in surprise.

"I think the Tomb Robber isn't giving Ryou any." Malik whispered to Yami as he hit his palm to his forehead and shook his head at that comment.

"And they call me Hormonal." he muttered as Shadi was still taken back by that.

"Cause you are." Malik stated before turning to the duo. "Hey you two, come up for air!" he shouted as Ryou broke away, leaving a dazing Bakura.

"I think he's in shock." he stated as the two sweat dropped.


"Holder of the Millennium Rod." Shadi stated, after recovering from that shock as Malik was the next to wake up. "As I told your... friend... you have a choice. To damn the Spirit of the Millennium Rod back to darkness or..." he trailed off as Malik was already by his yami with a smirk.

"Finish it and I'll kill you slowly." he stated as Shadi twitched.

Surely they weren't all attacked to their darker halves.


"Holder of the Millennium Puzzle." he stated as the girl sat up and glared at him... obviously someone was not a happy camper. "To keep or to damn?" he asked as she stood up and approached Yami, who was worried about what she would choose.

In that moment he started to recall everything that happened.

<<Damn it, I have more against me then for me.>> he cursed mentally as she stood chest to chest with him.

"Yami?" she asked as he glanced down at her.

"Yes, abiou?" he asked as she rose on her tiptoes and pressed a timid kiss to his lips.

"Welcome to the 21st century." she whispered after pulling away as he decided to take his fill.

"Looks like the Hormonal Pharaoh is living up to his nickname!" Bakura stated as they all laughed, causing the two to break away and her to hide a red face in Yami's shoulder.

"I'm going to banish you both to the Shadow Realms for that!" he growled as they laughed harder.

Shadi just watched in amazement at the spectacle going on before him, but then realized something. They were closer then ever and none would give up each other for anything. He brought out the three Millennium Items that belong to the spirits and presented each to the Hikari's of the pair. "It would be unwise of me to break up such a close bond between the six of you that I must give you back these sacred items to guard." he stated as the three groups watched him.

Yugi then hugged him, causing his eyes to widen. "Thank you, Shadi, for understanding." she stated before returning to Yami's side. "Maybe us guarding these will make your life easier."

"It does, and thank you three for mellowing these rough spirits." he stated and produced the Millennium Necklace and approached her, placing the necklace around her neck as Yami tightened his grip around her waist. "You are now the Holders of the Rest of the Items, I am at your service Chosen One." he stated as she blinked in surprise.

"Careful." Yami whispered as she gave him a peck on the cheek and pulled away.

"If I remove the burden of two more Items?" she asked as he looked surprised. "The Scale and the Eye." she asked as he produced them and handed both items to her. She nodded, gratefully, and then approached Malik first. "As a close friend, Malik Ishtar, I ask you to guard the Millennium Eye in place of the sister you have lost."

"That I will." he stated hugging her as she laughed and patted his shoulder and moved on to Ryou.

"And for stealing the Millennium Eye from you guard the Millennium Scales and try not to take over the world this early?" she asked as Ryou accepted it with a smile just as Bakura gave her a reassuring smile.

"No World Domination." he and Marik stated together as she smiled and nodded.

"Instead we will play Risk." Yami stated as they all laughed. "They are probably worried about us now."

"Bet your ass!" Yugi shouted jumping in to his arms, legs around his waist and head on his shoulder. "But you owe me."

"As payment for our favor is a decent home cooked dinner!" Marik stated as she laughed.

"We'll see." she stated as Yami went red. "We got an excuse to make and tracks to cover."
