Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ L. Legendary Heroes Part 1 ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Part 1- Predicaments

I am a vision, I am justice

Never thought that I could love

Living in shadows, faded existence

It was never good enough

Within the darkness, you were the light

That shines away

You’re trapped in violence, I can be the man

That saves the day

Someone has changed me, something saved me

Now this is who I am

Although I was blinded, my heart let me find that

Truth makes a better man

I didn’t notice that you were right in front of me

A mask of silence, we’ll put away so we can see

I’m there for you

No matter what

I’m there for you

Never giving up

I’m there for you

For you

You know it’s true

You were there for me

And I’m there for you

For you


Battle City was finally over!

Well, Battle City had been over for a good two months, but Seto Kaiba wanted answers and he wanted them NOW!

He was interrogating the only person that would tell him everything without lies, so that meant he had Yugi sitting before him in his office looking guilty about the whole thing. The Millennium Puzzle glowed as Yami appeared, to Kaiba's surprise.

The spirit, the image of the man that was on the stone tablet.

"Who are you?" he demanded as Yugioh sighed.

"This is Yami, the Spirit of the Millennium Puzzle and the Ancient Pharaoh of Egypt that played the Shadow Games- now called Duel Monsters as you recall." she stated as yami nodded to him. "I had a reason for keeping this secret, Seto, just like you kept your relationship with Mokuba hidden from the three of us. The fear of rejection." He sat in surprise as she reached out and intertwined her fingers with the other boys, who in turn gave her a smile.

"Shall I tell him everything?" Yami asked as she nodded. "Well, Seto Kaiba, this is going to sound a little ridiculous..."

"We are beyond that, Yani." Kaiba stated as Yami flinched.






Yu gi slapped her forehead with her free hand and sat back to stare at the ceiling. This was going to be a loonnng morning...


About two hours later, Kaiba had gotten over a dropped jaw and a shocked look before he started believing the spirit. Yami finished his tale as he was silent for a few moments. "So your saying in my past life I was a High Priest of Egypt that could summon dragons?" he asked as the spirit nodded. "What the hell happened to my abilities then?"

Yami sweat dropped as he glanced at Yugi, who was still staring at the ceiling.

<Seven million, eight hundred sixty-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine...> her mental litany trailed off as he paused in his answering to tap her forehead. <Seven million...>

"Time compensated and gave you the ideas for the holographic machines, where as I've been trapped in the Puzzle and darkness for five millennia." Yami replied as Kaiba seen the way he looked at his friend, the one that was as close as a sister.

"You hurt her in any way, ANY WAY, I will tear that puzzle apart and make sure your trapped for the rest of eternity." he stated as Yami nodded in understanding.

<<Oh Yugi...>>


"GI'Z'MO!" Kaiba all but screamed as she jumped about three feet in the air and glared at him.

"Are you two done flirting yet? I'd like to continue my counting of the patterns in the ceiling." she stated as both twitched.

"Been nice if you were paying attention." Yami stated as she glared, resisting the urge to embarrass the Pharaoh without the two other yami's about to enjoy it.

Then that wouldn't be fun!

"Just you wait, payback is better then anything else." she stated as he rolled his eyes. "Remember, I got some good pictures that two people would love to see." He glared as Kaiba raised an eyebrow and she pulled her hand from his and proceeded to dig through her ever trusty purse. "From your birthday." she stated hanging the bunch to him.

After ten minutes of blushing and laughter, he accepted the explanations and trusted why she never told him any of this.

"Hey Kaiba, if you ever need anything we will always stand by you." Yami stated as he disappeared back into the Puzzle leaving a smiling Yugi.

"Always, don't hesitate to ask and we won't hesitate to help." she stated as Seto smiled.

"If Yami gives you any troubles, tell me." he stated with a devious glint in his dark blue eyes.

"Believe me, you'll be one of the three that will know it." she stated, saluted him with laughter, and left.

"Mr. Kaiba, you have another visitor."


Noa Kaiba, a near look alike of Seto Kaiba only in slightly different clothing that could have passed for a Chinese style, was walking up to Kaiba's office when he ran in to a girl with tri-colored hair. She smiled at him as color crept in to his cheeks, she giggled on her way past and was already heading towards the elevator.

"Hey!" she called out as he faced her. "Your cute when you blush!" she stated as he turned red as a dazzling smile was on her face. The bell dinged as she got on and waved good-bye to him.

Not only would Seto be shocked, Noa would blush everytime he seen or thought about that tri-colored haired girl.

More important matters were at hand after she was gone. He had a company to take over, a CEO to imprison, and a few other things to do...

Now the fun would start.


It was now one full day since Noa showed up in Seto Kaiba's office and one full day since Seto updated his virtual reality game and decided to test it. Then again it also had been one full day after Noa took over the company and trapped his brother in the game.

One main person could be turned to for help.

Mokuba was running through the rain slicked sidewalks of Domino City in search of a game shop, the one he always visited with his brother and his close friend. He found it among the pouring rain and fumbled with the doorknob before throwing open the door and stumbling in and slamming the door.

"Mokuba?" the gentle voice of the elder Motou stated in surprise before be found himself rushed up a set of steps.

"Help." he whispered.


"I hate you!" shouted Marik as he was skipped by Yami, again. He had half the deck in his hand as the rest looked ready to go out. Then Yugi and Malik hit a bunch of reverses for him as he smirked and hit Yami with all the draw two's and skips he could find.

They were laughing it up and munching on chips when Grandpa came up the steps with a soaked looking Mokuba.

"I got the towels!" Ryou declared as he shot from the game.

"I'll put the tea on!"

"Tea on?"

"The beverage you, jackass!" she shouted as Grandpa shouted a replay and she yipped. Apparently he couldn't see the yami's that sat with Malik. Ryou came out with the towels and a blanket as they wrapped Mokuba up and Yugi came in with the teapot and some glasses.

"So, Mokuba, what happened? Why did you run here from KaibaCorp?" Grandpa asked as the other two sat down across from him with Marik in the middle, and mocking the conversation.

"Something happened to my big brother." Mokuba stated as the three went from laughing to serious.

When they were serious, something was seriously wrong.

And it was.

Mokuba's tale was finished a few minutes later with the disappearance of Grandpa downstairs and the declaration of, "Let's go save Kaiba and kick some ass!" from Marik and a slap upside the head from Yugioh.

"Watch your mouth!" she stated as he glared, sticking his tongue out as she returned it.

"Let's go save Kaiba!" Bakura stated as the rest agreed and went to gather up their raincoats and umbrellas.

They had a friend to save!


Seto Kaiba glared at the Whitty Phantom and wished he'd just drop off the face of the game. His clothing had changed, giving him the armor of a white dragon with blue accents, symbolizing his favorite card- the Blue Eyes White Dragon.

"Poor Kaiba, all dressed up with no where to go." the Phantom laughed as he twitched.

"Just because your name is Whitty Phantom doesn't mean your as witty as you think." he stated as the tuxedo dressed creature twitched. "Also you may have rewritten my program, but there is no way in hell that I am going to be stuck in here."

"Oh? The guards probably already have your brother."

"Someone that worries about me even more." he replied as the Phantom was now confused. /Thank whoever up there that likes me that I didn't program to much real life in with the update./ he mused as the Phantom disappeared with an annoying laugh left to echo. "When I get out of here I am trading you for a card in Yugioh's deck!"

/Maybe Marik, he seems better./


Kaiba Land was nearly abandoned as the quartet met up with Joey Wheeler, Tea Gardener, and Tristan Taylor. Mokuba glared at them and lead the group towards the back of the building and past some yellow tape, restricted noted doors, and in to the back.

The room had purple pods circled about as the main console sat to the side.

"We're going in after him, then." Bakura stated as the Eye of Ra appeared on his forehead, hidden by his bangs, as the same thing happened to Marik and Yugioh.

"Where's Mai?" Joey demanded as Mokuba was now confused.

"Add another one to the list, you three stay here and we will go in to the game and find them." Mokuba stated placing his deck in one of the holders and getting in the pod as the other three followed.

"Beam us up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." Yugioh stated as they all laughed.

"We are KaibaCorp. Resistance is futile." Bakura added as many were confused.

"No more American TV for you two!" Marik shouted as they laughed.

"You idiots!" Joey shouted as they glared.

"Your spreading the virus." they snapped in unison as everything was activated.


"Anybody else feel over-dressed?" Mokuba asked adjusting his blue and white robes with dragons on them- the second Blue Eyes White Dragon.

"I feel fine." Bakura stated, his attire as the Change of Heart was decent as Marik wore the armor of the Winged Dragon of Ra. The group got a good laugh as Yugioh stood in the Dark Magician's purple and red attire with the hat sliding down into her eyes as she clutched the staff in one hand as the duel disk was attached to the other.

"Could have been worse, Dark Magician Girl." Marik snickered as she glared and bonked him over the head with the staff.

"Yes! I got a weapon!" she declared as the other three sweat dropped.

It was going to be a LLLOONNNGGG game trial.

The forest was dark and they were going through to defeat creatures to find Kaiba and Mai.
