Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Might Have Happened ❯ M. Legendary Heroes Part 2 ( Chapter 30 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Part 2- Let's Tease Mokuba

"Raigenki!" Mokuba shouted producing his card as the graveyard inhabitants were gone. He was then scooped up by Yugioh the Dark Magician.

"Sorry, deary, but best to keep moving." she stated as she came up behind Bakura the Change of Heart and Malik the God Dragon.

"How's the armor?" Bakura asked as Marik and Yugioh hissed at him.


After a time of running through the forest the quartet came to a village... on the edge of a hot desert. Bakura gave up control to Ryou, who was dressed totally in white, as Marik gave up to Malik, armor the same, and Yami did the same to Yugi...

Who was grumbling every curse she could think of and bashing the other two in the head.

She was now clad in a short skirt, low cut top, hair down, and all colors were black and red. Yugioh (aka Yami influence) was the Dark Magician, Yugi herself was his apprentice. "Nice legs." Malik stated as she bashed him in the head again.

<<I might have to buy you an outfit like this.>> Yami purred as she twitched.

<Damn you Hormonal Pharaoh from the Bane of Sanity!>

"Well, let's split up and find out some information and meet back here..." Mokuba trailed off as the three had already wondered off to do so. "Never mind, do what you wish."

/Why me?/ Mokuba thought in despair and sulked off to talk to a bunch of the younger children.


Kaiba was going to get hit many a times when she found him. Yugi had found the Dark Magician Girl's staff to short to whap the men over the head with when they asked her things. Yami was getting a kick out of it, which put him on the black list with the numerous death threats.

"Yugi! Over here!" Mokuba shouted as she sprinted towards the fountain, resisting the urge to attack the men that were leering.

<Yami, I will not go through with this!> she screamed at the snickering Yami, before he realized why she was mad.

<<Neither will I.>> he growled as she met up with the group, still in the girl's attire.

"We found away to cross the desert and a old woman that said that he was being held across the desert." Ryou stated as she crossed her arms, not liking that amused look in the two sets of eyes and the confusion on Mokuba's face.

"Why do I have the feeling to run again?" she muttered as Malik draped an arm around her shoulders.

"Cause you gotta duel against Madame Butterfly the Harpy, the Champion of this town, to get the card we need because we are poor as dirt." Malik stated as she twitched, which caused him to seize hold of her staff wielding hand. "Relax."

"WHAT?! In THIS?" she demanded as they laughed and nodded. "This bites! Someone above must really hate my life."

"Not really, she expects a man..." Ryou added as Yugi snickered. "Not a cross dresser."

"I'll get you, Ryou, for that comment." she growled as they trugged off to go register.


Noa was watching the screen that showed clips from those playing.

He seen Madame Butterfly waiting for a challenge, Change of Heart and the Winged Dragon of Ra arguing with the Dark Magician Girl...

/She looks familiar./ he mused as she hit the Winged Dragon of Ra, causing the other two to laugh.


The Blue Eyes White Dragon, well the second one.

/So Mokuba escaped and got help./ he mused putting his feet up on the desk and leaned back, falling out of the chair in the process. "Damn chair." he hissed, it was only the tenth time he did that and the floor was becoming a quick friend.

/At least Seto is still stuck in the game and by tomorrow everything of his will be mine./ he stated brushing himself off.


"Can't believe I'm doing this." Yugi muttered smoothing out the wrinkle in her long robe as the long green staff felt good in her hands. A blunt object to hurt the other ones with, she was tickled at that moment with slightly demented laughter.

So Yugi was slightly mad and ready to hurt her companions, but the duel would take that out of her and save them from pain. "Now presenting for everyone’s viewing pleasure, the Magician of Dark Arts vs. our champion Madame Butterfly the Harpy!" the announcer stated as the crowd either booed or went wild.

<Okay, Yami love the Hormonal Pharaoh, we have wings to clip.> she stated as he was now confused with her mood swings. <No skirt, I'm happy.>

<<Oh.>> he stated, still weary of that.

<Any ways, if I didn't have these mood swings you'd live a dull life.>


Men carrying a beautifully dressed Harpy Lady with blonde hair on a golden platform with her face hidden by a butterfly mask. The pointed purple hat with a transparent black cloth covered her face, but she would still see. "How sweet, a man came to try and defeat me." she stated with a laugh before hopping from her throne and standing before Yugi. "I hope you know no gentlemen strikes a lady."

<Who said anything about a gentlemen?> Yugi asked as Yami was laughing up a storm, causing her to let out a snicker.

"Whatever you say." Yugi stated in a deep voice as Butterfly attacked, missing her, and then attacked again, this time getting nailed in the knees with a staff as the Magician of Dark Arts was already on the move.

"You slip of a man!" Butterfly shouted pulling out her Rose Whip and cracking it. Yugi was quick in dodging, seeing the cards and duel disk wouldn't help her in this. "I'll get you for that!"

"Like hell!" she shouted with a laugh and twirled the staff and brought everything over her head to show the Dark Magician Girl with no helmet wielding the Dark Magician's staff.

"Yugi?" Madame Butterfly asked in surprise as she removed her mask.

"Mai?" she asked with a smirk. "You just made everything slightly easier."

With the pause in fighting no one was happy.

"We need the Negatori Card and I'll explain everything you need to know." Yugi stated as Mai smirked and cracked her whip towards the place where the card was being held by the announcer.

Then they all ran like a bat out of hell out of the arena and towards the desert.


The group was on the birds and running a cross the desert as Mai was in the lead with Yugi. "Nice outfit, no one will belief me." she stated as Yugi glared.

"Good." Yugi muttered as Mai laughed.

"Why are you here?"

"Save you and Kaiba, Mokuba asked us and we refused to give up for him." Ryou added as she nodded. The earth started to quake as the birds stopped as Giant Stone Warrior stood in front of them.

"Mirror Force!" Mai shouted after drawing her card as the creature's attack was mirrored back at it, destroying it. "Ha!" she declared as they all sweat dropped.

"Nice one Mai." Mokuba stated as they continued their journey.

About a good fifteen minutes later, and three Duel Monsters...

"There it is! There is the place!" Mokuba called out streaking ahead as the rest coughed from the dust.

"Excited little bugger isn't he?" Marik asked as the rest were recovering.


The birds disappeared as the rest caught up with Mokuba in the beginning of the labyrinth. "You have 13 hours to finish my labyrinth, or else your baby brother becomes mine forever." Yugi muttered as Mai laughed and the others twitched.

"David Bowie in tights." she stated as both were laughing. "Didn't know you seen it."

"Maybe after this a Girl's Night In with the movies and such." Yugi stated as Mai agreed.

"Shopping by day, movies by night." she stated as the boys sweat dropped, that didn't sound good.

"Sounds fun." Yugi stated as they started to move through the labyrinth, until the 'Cleaners' (can't remember the name of the card) appeared.

"We're gonna die!" Ryou shouted as they ran and ended up in a dead end with three near them. Yugi drew a card and smirked.

"Magical Hats!" she declared as a hat covered them and then spread out throughout the whole labyrinth.

"Nice save." Mokuba stated as they started to move, the hat disappearing when their attackers chose one. After the hat was gone a fairy fly to them and was looking pleased to see them.

"Who are you?" a cultured voice stated as a female looking Mokuba stood.

This ought to be great.


Mokuba was glaring at the trio that was trying to hide their laughter. He knew they knew of his relationship with his brother and they found this hilarious. Mai Valentine was watching them lean on each other trying to hide their mirth. "Just do it." he growled as Ryou was the first to roar out his laughter and fall to the ground as Malik recovered and Yugi was down to snickering.

"Sorry." Yugi gasped as he looked ready to hit her. "Just brought up a interesting thing to ask Kaiba when we find him."

"Don't even..." Mokuba stated as she started to giggle again, Mai giving her a confused look as Yugi returned it with one that said 'Ask Me Later'. The blonde looked pleased to get some dirt on Kaiba, even with the quick sand they were in.

"What's so funny, if I may ask?" Adina asked, looking rather innocent as Mokuba glared at the Millennium Item Holders and dared them to say something. Dared them. She looked them over and seen the golden items, paused and then her eyes widened. "Your the Chosen Three!"

Now the three sobered up and turned to look at her with a serious glint in their eyes. Adina eeped and shivered, Bakura being the first to speak up. "How do you know of these items?" he demanded, apparently Bakura has been a bad influence for the shy boy.

"It's a legend that was told when my generation was young, but there is no time to tell that." she stated urgently as the green fairy (not Moulin Rouge, people, the innocent one that doesn't advertise booze) settled on Yugi's head, with a laugh. "Looks like Puck likes you." Adina giggled as they all followed her towards the end of the Dark Labyrinth.

"So, Adina," Malik stated casting Mokuba an amused look, "what's going on? Why couldn't you just walk out?" A roar and crash was then heard as they all fell back from the crashes shock wave.

"The sky is falling!" Yugi declared in a daze as Mai recovered first, looking at Bakura who was rubbing a lump on his head from something striking him as Marik was snickering. Mokuba glared at the group as they came in view of the end...

"Shut up, Ducky Lucky!" Malik growled whapping her in the head.

Only one teeny weenie problem that stood a good few stories high with three powerful parts.

"Holy shit!" echoed four voices as Mokuba and Adina glared at them.

"Gate Guardian?!" Mai added in horror. "We can't destroy THAT thing."

"I think I can." Bakura stated drawing a card as all glanced at him.

"Did you draw we all hope you drew?" Yugioh asked getting up as Marik laughed and Bakura nodded, Mai was slightly confused as question marks were above Adina's head.

"Draw what?" Adina asked as Mokuba's eyes lit up with knowledge.

"Obelisk the Tormentor!" he stated as the Egyptian God Card glowed as The Tormentor appeared for battle. Adina was gawking, because when Gate Guardian attacked the card it just blasted it once and the powerful Guardian was gone.


"That was AMAZING!" she stated and hugged Bakura, who was now bright red in embarrassment. "Thank you."

"Careful Mokuba, looks like she's cheating on someone." Yugioh whispered to Mokuba as he glared and turned and socked her in the side, causing her to laugh. "Come on, kid, we gotta go find Kaiba."

"You can let me go now." Bakura stated as the Princess wouldn't let him go.

"Got a girlfriend, Bakura?" Mai asked as he glared at her, Marik was laughing and received a darker glare.

"Princess!" voices echoed as a mob approached them. Bakura let out a defeated groan as she released him, which he promptly used to hop on Marik's back- causing the Egyptian blonde to ack and sag under the added weight.

"Payback's a bitch." he muttered as Marik stumbled under the other boy's weight.

"Your alright!" an elderly woman stated hugging the Mokuba look alike as the rest watched. People stared at the weird group that helped her, then they all gathered around them chattering and thanking them.
