Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Morning Surprises ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everyone!
Kaiba: …
I know I have been taking awhile to update and would like to say sorry and hope this chapter is worth the wait.
Kiaba: Just get it on with it.
What's got you in a knot!?
*cowers in fear* E-Enjoy t-the ch-chapter.
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
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Ch. 4: Morning Surprises
Dawn's early light creeps up over the horizon as a sign of a new day arriving.
Sleep hazed violet eyes opened and closed as wakefulness slowly came. `Ah… My head.' Yugi thought as he placed his hand on his forehead. He looked around his surroundings and, for a moment, didn't process the obvious sight. `THE SCROLL!!' He thought and fell out of bed. “Ow.” He said as he rubbed the side of his head. “At least I know that I'm not dreaming.” He looked around the spacious room once again.
The room had limestone walls with some hieroglyphics about life on the Nile River. The floor is made of tile that was a sand color. He got up and straightened himself. He noticed the desk, which still had some scrolls on it.
`Where am I?' Yugi thought and felt a slight breeze. He looked to where the source of the breeze and saw two large black curtains, fluttering lightly with the breeze. His curiosity took hold of his innocent mind as he walked towards the curtains, only to find a huge balcony. On each side there was a huge potted plant in a corner. He went towards the railing and gasped at what he saw.
~*Meanwhile: Somewhere else*~
Joey snorted and mumbled about something about the last dumpling as the sun's rays hit directly to his closed eyes. He woke up and glared at the direction where the light was hitting. “Yuge, would ya close ya curtains! The sun's damn light is in da way.” He said, unaware of his surroundings for a moment. Then he sprung up to his sitting position. “The Scroll! Yuge!” He said as he looked around the strange room. “Wha!? Huh!?” He mumbled as he looked back and forth of the surroundings, hoping to find a familiar sight. “WHERE THE FUCK AM I!?!” He shouted and stood up, seeing that the other wasn't to be found. “YUGE!! WHERE ARE YA PAL!?” He shouted as panic rose. `Okay… Now t'ink here.' He thought as he realized that he can't get anywhere by shouting. `First, figure out where the hell you are.' He looked around the surroundings.
The room he was in has limestone walls that have hieroglyphs of dragons and figures of power. The floor is tiled with the color of navy blue. In one corner of the room is a desk, with thousands of scrolls spread out and there were a few pots that also had rolled up scrolls. `A busy body, figures.' He thought as he looked over to the bed, which was also in a navy blue color. `Okay, I'm in somebody's room, no duh.' He thought as he looked at the balcony. He walked towards the platform and looked over the railing and nearly had a heart failure. “No fucking way…”
~*Back to Yugi*~
He stood there, staring at awe at the massive statues and obelisks. “Awesome…” He whispered. `I should tell Jo…' His brightened face turned to worry. “Joey! I almost completely forgot about him!” He sighed, knowing that if he were to leave this room, where would he go? He has no idea which way's which, and he doesn't have any idea where his friend might be. `I hope he's okay.' He thought as he looked at the scenery around Egypt. He heard faint sounds of the busy village people and can see the glitter of the river flowing. “If that's a village over there, then I must be in the palace.” He looked back to where the room is. “Where in the palace exactly?” He sighed as he walked back inside. “Guess I have to wait to whoever sleeps here.”
He started to make the bed that he slept in and started to explore the room. `A little look around never hurt anybody.'
~*Meanwhile: Back to Joey*~
“DIS HAS DA BE A DREAM!!” He shouted as he paced back and forth of the room. `Dere's no way I'm in ancient Egypt for real!' He scratched his head out of frustration and dis-belief. “Damn dat scroll. Damn dat story. Damn da person who created the scroll in da first place!” He sat down as he thought through of what he was going to do next. `Okay, know dat ya know where ya at.' He thought. `Now, wait to who ever dis busy body guy and get answers. Damn.'
~*Back to Yugi*~
He looked through what looked like a closet and looked shocked at the variety of clothing. “Wow. This person has everything to where on different occasions.” He said as he caught sight of a fine polished box.
He went up to it and opened to it, and saw various of gold jewelry. He closed the lid and continued to look around the closet and tried to figure out who might own the room. When he got out of the closet, he headed towards the bed and sat down on the white Lenin sheets. “Well, at least I know who the person is.” He said. “I hope he's not a heartless type.” He looked down at the floor. `If he was heartless, then why would he even bother letting me sleep on his bed?' He thought and sighed. `Guess I'll just have to find out.'
~*Somewhere in the palace*~
“… You can't be serious Seto.” A mid-aged man said looking dis-belief.
Seto sighed and looked at the man straight in the eye. “As strange as it sounds, there is a person who came out of nowhere last night and is still here as we speak.” He said.
The man looked at the other man, who was sitting and watching the entire time. “And the same thing happened to you, Pharaoh?”
The Pharaoh nodded, no emotion written on his face.
The man sighed and looked absentmindedly at a scroll. “What do you want me to do about it?”
“By the look of their clothing, or at least what my `guest' looked, they might not know anything about how we live, let alone speak.” Seto said.
“Where are you getting at here?” The man said.
Seto looked at the Pharaoh, who gave him a nod, and looked back at the man. “Ahmose. The Pharaoh and I have agreed that you would teach them.”
The man, Ahmose, looked up into still sapphire. “Why?”
“You're the only person we told about our `guests' and you have plenty of time on your hands.” Seto said.
Ahmose sighed. “When do you want me to begin?” He said.
“We'll bring them to you at the scroll room on our way to the court room.” Seto responded.
“Alright then.” Ahmose said as he got up. “See you and your `guests' soon.” He pulled something and a hidden door appeared, with that he walked out from it.
The Pharaoh got up from his position and headed to the other corner of the room.
“Where are you going?” Seto said.
The Pharaoh turned to the other and made hand movements of food and cooking.
“Why the kitchens?” Seto asked.
The Pharaoh made a signal to give the food to their `guests', though this took awhile for the other to understand.
When Seto did understand what the other meant, he nodded and came along with the young ruler, who was a little half his height.
~*Back to Yugi*~
“Huh? What's this?” He said as he found a chest behind the desk. `Why would someone want to put this here?' When he opened it, he found, what looked like, toys. `Huh. Is he young? If so, how young?' The thought as he grabbed what looked like a ball with designs on it and made rattling sounds. “Neat!” He said with a smile and put it off to the side while looking at other things in the chest. “Wow! Senet, dogs and jackals,…” He became excited as he pulled out toys and games. `Looks like we have something in common.' He thought. `I wonder how good of a player he is?' He lifted a small game piece as he thought of this.
He heard something coming from behind the door that was hidden in the shadows. His curious mind wanted to know what was there. He got up and slowly moved towards the sound. When he was close enough to see the door, it quickly opened, which made him fall back, in a startled way, and hit his head. //OW! That hurt.// He said trying to nurture the back of his head, which seemed to form a bump. He felt something on his shoulder and slowly looked to see who it was, and gasped.
~*Back to Joey*~
He was looking out of the balcony, since he was getting bored out of his mind. `Damn dis place is huge!' He thought as he looked to as far as he can see around the balcony. He smelled something and made his stomach growl. “Ah man, I'm starvin'!” He said as he entered the dark blue room and laid down on the, what looks like, a couch. “I wonda if dere's anyt'ing `ere da eat?” He looked around for any sign of a bowl of fruit, a plate of bread, anything that relates to food. “Ah man!” He groaned as he couldn't find what he was looking for. “I'm gonna die if I can't get any grub around `ere!”
/I see you're awake, mutt./ a voice said.
~*Back to Yugi*~
Amethyst met crimson as Yugi looked up to see who it was. `How hard did I hit my head?' He thought as he looked to see the other, who looks like him only a few slight differences. He blinked a few times to see if he was imagining things.
The Pharaoh reached out his hand and waited for the other.
Yugi looked at the other's hand for a moment and gently grabbed it, which helped him up from the floor. //Arigatou.*// He said. `He's taller than me, by a few inches.' He thought, noting the height.
The Pharaoh, on the other hand, looked confused by what the other said.
`Oh, that's right!' Yugi thought and nearly hit himself. `We don't speak the same language.' He was about to apologize when the other shook his head with a `don't-worry-about-it' look. He nodded his head understandingly and looked at his hand, where his and the other's are still clasped together.
The Pharaoh followed the youth's gaze and released the grip before heading over to his desk to straighten up the mess he made.
Yugi stood there, unsure what to do.
The Pharaoh noticed and led the small teen to the closet and motioned the other to change into whatever he has in the closet.
Yugi got the message and walked in.
The Pharaoh returned straightening his desk when a knock on the door was heard. He opened the door, he saw a mid-aged woman carrying a silver tray filled with fruit. He took the tray from her and nodded his thanks. The woman bowed then left. He set the tray down on the foot of the bed and finished putting away the scrolls.
~*Back to Joey*~
/I see you're awake, mutt./ A voice said, which brought the blonde out of his previous thoughts of food.
//What ya say!?// Joey said.
Seto pointed to the other room, which is a closet. /If you're going to stay here for awhile, then you might as well look the part./
Joey didn't understand what the other said, but he did get what the other was pointing and headed there. When he got to the closet, he gapped. `Dis guy has more outfits den a crazed girl on a shopping spree!' He looked around and figured that the other wants him to choose an outfit to wear. `Well, I certainly be in the spotlight in my p.j.'s.' He looked and looked until he found a plain white pants that tie up at the bottom and a wrap sand yellow shirt, which took him time to figure out, and found a pair of brown leather sandals. When he was done and walked out of the closet, he saw the greatest thing he'd seen all morning. //Alright! Breakfast!// He called out as he reached for a loaf of bread, only to be snatched. //What's da big idea, ya asshole!// He shouted with a small growl.
/Your food is over there./ Seto said pointing to a bronze tray on the floor.
Joey glared at the other before going over to where his food is at. `Damn! Why does dat guy get on my nerve all of a sudden? I don't even know da bastard, let alone understand whatever the fuck he was saying!' He thought as he attacked his food. `I hope Yuge is alright. He's probably scared to death by now, though he's pretty good at figuring out right from wrong at most times.'
~*Back to Yugi*~
The Pharaoh was nibbling on an apple slice when Yugi came out of the closet.
Yugi was wearing a pale violet sheati* with a white belt that has light blue borders around it, and has a pair of leather sandals. (A/N: Think of what the Pharaoh is wearing only in different colors and on Yugi.) `I look like a girl in this.' He thought. He noticed that the Pharaoh was staring at him. He walked up to him and waved his hand in front of the other's face, which seemed to work.
The Pharaoh nearly dropped his apple slice when he saw the other coming out. He couldn't explain why his heart was beating a little quicker, nor did he realize that he was staring until the other brought him back to reality.
//Are you okay?// Yugi asked as he slightly tilted his head to the side.
The Pharaoh nodded and mentioned him to eat something from the tray.
Yugi, who stomach started to growl and blushed with embarrassment, grabbed an apple and started to eat.
The Pharaoh was somewhat amused by this small action, but didn't pay any mind to it.
They sat there eating in silence for a few minutes until the Pharaoh got up, grabbed one scroll, and headed towards the door. He mentioned Yugi to come along and the other complied.
`Maybe he might know where Joey is.' Yugi thought as they walked down the massive halls.
~*Back to Joey*~
/Come on, mutt./ Seto said as he grabbed a few scrolls and headed towards the door.
Joey guessed the other wanted him to follow and he reluctantly complied. `If dis guy knows where my pal is, I will give him a point or two.' He thought as they walked down the hall. //Damn! Dis place is so fucking huge!//
/Keep moving, mutt, or I'll leave you to fend for yourself!/ Seto said, not feeling patient today.
`What's got in da `im?'
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Per aah: Pharaoh (sorry I didn't give this meaning out in the last chapter.)
Arigatou: Thank you.
Sheati (Don't know if I spelled that right.): It looks like a skirt, but it's not.
Well, I hope all of you like this chapter. I would also like to thank evilvixen and Felicity Angel146 for reviewing. Thank You!!!
Kaiba: Please R&R
And no flames, if you do, then I would follow some advice and use it to cook something with.
Kaiba: …