Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Another Day ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yay! *happy mood*
Seto: … What's up with you?
I have no idea!
Seto: … Okay… *moves off to the side*
Oh wait, I remember now… I get to be on the computer again!
Seto: *rolls eyes* Oi.
I hope you like my story so far… It's not easy thinking up a good story while maintaining school work at the same time.
Seto: You're obsessed, aren't you?
Seto: …
Anyway… Let's set up that new chapter, shall we?
Seto: Must be the sugar.
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch.7: Another Day
~-Next Morning-~
“Yo! Yuge!” Joey called, catching up to his small friend.
Yugi turned and smiled, but it was forced. “Oh, hey Joey. How are you?”
Joey raised an eyebrow at his friend's change of mood, but didn't push it. “Not'n much, you?”
Yugi seemed spaced when the other asked.
“Huh? What did you say?”
Now Joey was concerned about the other. “Ey, why ya look so down in da dumps?”
“What do you mean?” Yugi said, trying to cover up what was bothering him.
Joey wasn't going to take that and stood in front of the small teen. “Somtin's bother'n ya, spill.” He said, obviously not moving until the other tells him what was going on.
Yugi sighed, knowing how the other gets when he doesn't tell him what was on his mind. “Well… Its about the Pharaoh,” He started when the other jumped in.
“He didn't hurt ya did he?”
“NO! How could you even think that!” Yugi shouted, feeling insulted that his friend would even think about the Pharaoh that way.
“Whoa. Chill Yuge,” Joey said, a bit taken back that the other shouted like that, but thought it was a good sign of something.
“Anyway…” Yugi continued. “I noticed that he hasn't been eating for a couple of days, and this morning, he wasn't in his room.”
Joey got the not eating part, but he didn't quite get the other part. “Why is he not being in `is room, trouble'n ya?”
Yugi looked up to the other then looked down again. “We usually talk in the morning.” He said.
Joey is still not getting it.
“It's just seemed unusual to me, that's all, and I'm really worried about him.”
Joey nodded, even if he had no idea what the other was talking about, he knew that the other is pretty sensitive about others.
When they reached towards the enterence of the scroll room, they heard what appeared to be an argument. And it didn't sound to pleasant. The dialogue of the argument was hard to hear through closed doors and they used one, of many, secret door and carefully entered the scroll room, where they witnessed the argument.
/What the hell do you want now, Rah-iten!/ Seto said.
/I just wanted to know why you spend most time in this… place?/ the Rat asked.
/For one thing, it's not infested with rats./ Seto said with a dab of coldness in his tone.
/Now, now./ the Rat said. /Where on the same side, remember./
Seto didn't have anything to say in the moment.
Ahmose steped in, looking like he had enough. /If you're quite done here, Rah-iten, I would like to ask of you to leave this room immediately./
The Rat gave a look of questioning. /Why? You got something here that I'm not allowed to see? Or is it some meeting you usually put up?/
/We're setting up a plan on how we would defeat our enemy./ Seto said.
/Oh?/ the Rat said. /But Seto, our allies haven't even stepped onto the palace, and yet you started planning out a strategy?/
/Better plan ahead than drag it around till the last minute./ Seto said, staring down at the Rat, clearly telling him to beat it.
The Rat shrugged. /Very well then./ He turned to leave then looked back. /Oh, we're having a meeting with the council at the evening meal, so, you and the Pharaoh have to attend./ With that, he left.
Seto banged his fist on the wall, letting out some of the kept in anger and annoyance. /That yah himar*./ He said through clenched teeth. /I would love to see him scream in the Nile with the crocodiles after him./
/Don't we all./ Ahmose said as he looked at the wall. /Alright you two, come out!/
With that, the two boys came out, looking confused but didn't want to be in part of something that they, obviously, don't have any part of to begin with.
/Misaa' el kher*./ He said and waited for the other two to respond.
/Misaa' el kher Ahmose./ Yugi said almost perfectly.
Ahmose looked proud at the youth and looked at the other, who, unfortunately, looked completely lost. He sighed but thought that at least he has one that could understand and would have least effort on for a little while.
//Joey,// Yugi whispered. //You were suppose to say good morning.//
Joey shrugged then noticed something. //Where's da Pharaoh?//
Yugi looked around the room as well, only to see that the young ruler was nowhere to be seen? He looked up at the other two, who looked questionably at their behavior. /Per aah?/ He asked and made motions of looking around.
The two men looked at each other than back at the youth.
/Wasn't he with you?/ Ahmose asked pointing to Yugi, who shook his head.
//I thought he might be with you.// Yugi said pointing at them.
Ahmose and Seto looked at each other, thinking that it's unusual for the Pharaoh to go off on his own.
Seto looked at the other two and mentioned for them to stay in the room until they come back. /The Pharaoh shouldn't have gone off too far./
Ahmose nodded and came along with him, leaving two boys; one of confusion and the other in concern.
Yugi looked much worried than before and Joey doesn't like to see the other in such a mood and thought up an idea.
“Ey Yuge.” He said gaining the other's attention. “While dey're looking for da Pharaoh, mind helping me out wit dis language t'ing?”
Yugi smiled somewhat and agreed to help his friend. He needed to get his mind off the Pharaoh for awhile.
~-Two hours later-~
“This is completely unlike the Pharaoh to disappear without a trace like this.” Ahmose said. He was covered in feathers and his clothes were somewhat torn in many places.
“True.” Seto agreed while holding his nose. “But you didn't really think he'd hide in a goose bin, did you?”
“One can never be too sure as to where thou could find.” Ahmose said.
Seto shrugged. “Whatever you say, he-who-is-crazy-enough-to-be-attacked-by-an-army-of-wild-geese.̶ 1; He said almost teasingly, which was rare in his case.
“Be quiet.” Ahmose said as he pointlessly brushed off some feathers off of him. “I'm worried on what we will have to tell the young one that we were unable to locate the Pharaoh.”
They stopped in front of the door that leads into the scroll room.
“If the Pharaoh continues to be missing, than the mutt's friend is the least of our worries.” Seto said. “But I do agree with you.” He opened the door.
The two boys paused on what they were doing, which was reciting some words, and looked at the two men that were walking in.
/Em-hotep*./ Joey said almost proudly.
/Looks like you were practicing while we were away./ Ahmose said.
Yugi looked around then looked confused at the two. /Per aah?/
The two didn't know what to say, or try to explain about the situation.
/Per aah!/ Yugi said as he quickly ran past the two, who were completely lost.
They turned and saw the Pharaoh, unharmed and looking well.
//Where have you been?// Yugi asked while doing motions to match the question.
The Pharaoh winked and put a finger to his lips, signifying that's his secret.
/Pharaoh!/ Seto said. /Where have you been? You nearly gave all of us a heart attack./ He pointed to Ahmose. /Ahmose even went into the geese bin to see if you were in there./
The Pharaoh lifted an eyebrow and looked at Ahmose with an `are you serious look'.
Ahmose shrugged. “Seemed like a good guess at the time.”
Then a loud growl was heard in the room and everyone looked at Joey.
//Heh, so… What's for dinner?// He asked with a sheepish smile.
/Speaking of which./ Ahmose said looking at Seto, who nodded.
/Ahmose, take these two to the kitchens and meet us at the dinning room./ Seto said than added. /And try not to take your sweet time with Sha-lie, again./
Ahmose `humped' on that and mentioned the two over to the secret door and the other two walked out into the hallways to the main dinning room, where the rest of the council was discussing about this and that.
Yugi and Joey were eating and talking about their hosts; the Pharaoh and Seto.
“The Pharaoh is really great, even though he can't talk, but we manage to communicate just fine.” Yugi said almost happily.
“You're lucky.” Joey said taking a bite of his bread.
“What do you mean?” Yugi asked, a bit confused.
“Dat High Preist, son of a bitch has noth'n dat could compare to da Pharaoh.”
“He just pisses me off, a lot, for some reason.”
“What did he do to make you this way?”
Joey shrugged and continued eating.
Yugi was confused by this. “There's gotta be something between you two if you act that way.”
“Dere's not'n between us! He just pisses me off, end of story!” Joey said defensively.
“I'm just asking what's up?”
“What about you n' da Pharaoh den?” Joey asked. “What's up between you two?”
Yugi was shocked at how his friend was behaving. “What's with you? Why are you acting like this?”
“Forget it Yuge! Just fuckin' drop the subject!”
With that, they continued their meal in silence.
~*Main Dinning Room*~
The Pharaoh and Seto were eating their meals while listening to some of the councils concerns about a few things.
“Pharaoh,” Pu'uat spoke. “If we are going into war, then we may need to work out a strategy.”
“At this moment, Pu'uat.” Seto said. “The Pharaoh and I are already working on it as we speak.”
Pu'uat nodded. “Very well, me and my men are prepared to hear your plan when it is announced.”
The Pharaoh and Seto nodded as the last course was served. When they took a bite of the cake that was served, they heard the door burst open and Ahmose running in to his spot between Seto and Pu'uat.
“Sorry for the interruption.” He said taking a breather.
Pu'uat rested his elbow on the table and his head on his fist. “Flirting with Sha-lie again, old friend.”
Ahmose straightened up. “For your information, old friend, I was merly helping her with some of the meals.”
Seto coughed, covering the laugh that was forcing its way out.
The Pharaoh shook his head.
“I'm serious!” Ahmose said.
“Take it easy.” Pu'uat said patting the other on the shoulder.
Ahmose bowed his head and felt embarrassed.
Unknown to the four, the Rat was eyeing the Pharaoh and sneered when the servants took away his plate. `One bite wasn't enough!'
Afterwards, everyone was heading to their rooms to call it a night and put their problems aside until next morning.
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Okay that's it for now.
Seto: You got a post card from Bakura and Marik.
*?* Really? *takes post card and reads it* `So glad you're not here, you crazy girl. B&M.' ………
Seto: Just what you expected.
Yep. *toss the card over shoulder* Well any way. Please R&R and any comments and/or insults you have about this story is accepted.
Seto: *??* Really?
Seto: *shrugs*
yah himar: You donkey or jackass
misaa' el kher: Good morning or Good evening
em-hotep: Hello