Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Pharaoh's Dark Secret ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Seto: *??* What got you all perked up?
I got two reviews from my favorite reviewer! xXDarkLightXx! And one from Yabun! And one from BabygirlKagome1015!
Seto: … So…
I haven't heard from D&L for… months to a half a year! And I like to see reviews.
Seto: *rolls eyes* Anything else new?
Joey's coming to visit.
Seto: *anime falls* NANI!?!
Ya heard me.
Seto: *looking frantically at the clock* When will he be here?
Let's see… I think… about…
*cringe* Okay, okay, keep your pants on.
Seto: *blushes* THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!
Seto: …
… Everyone, enjoy the new chapter.
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch.8: Pharaoh's Dark Secret
~-The next morning-~
Seto and Joey walked down the hall silently, or at least at the moment.
/How long are you going to glare at me?/ Seto asked, not looking at the blonde.
Joey, partly understanding what the other said; thanks to Yugi's tutorials the other day, but continued to stare at the other.
When they reached to the Pharaoh's bedroom entrance, they saw Yugi with his arms wrapped around his knees and a worried expression on his face.
Joey went up to the other quickly, with Seto following suite.
Yugi, noticing their presence and forced a smile. //Hey Joey. Hey Seto. How are you this morning?//
//Yuge, what's goin' on?// Joey asked, thinking that this is unusual that the Pharaoh would put his small friend out here. //Why ya out `ere?//
Just then, the door opened and Ahmose walked out with a look of concern and relief.
/Ahmose, what is going on?/ Seto demanded.
Ahmose shushed the High Priest and looked at Yugi. He stepped off to the side a little and mentioned Yugi in. /I believe he wanted to see you, immediately./ He said as the youth went in after a quick bow. Once in, he quietly closed the door and looked at Joey. He made movements with his arms like he was making something in the kitchens and waited till the blonde gets it, which he did in a flash. /Tell Sha-lie to make that soup and send it to the Pharaoh's room./ He repeated a couple more times, let the other have a go at it, and Joey was off, reciting the words in his head.
Seto looked at Ahmose and waited for the explanation. “Well?” He said.
Ahmose looked up solemnly. “The Pharaoh was experiencing food poisoning.”
-Yugi's POV-
I sat there by his side and holding his hand while his grip was a sign of not letting go. He looked somewhat pale, but he looked completely fine, compared to what happened last night.
~Flashback: Last night~
I couldn't sleep at all. I kept thinking about what Joey said about me and the Pharaoh.
Me and Joey were eating and talking about our hosts; the Pharaoh and Seto.
“The Pharaoh is really great, even though he can't talk, but we manage to communicate just fine.” I said almost happily.
“You're lucky.” Joey said taking a bite of his bread.
“What do you mean?” I asked, a bit confused.
“Dat High Priest, son of a bitch has noth'n dat could compare to da Pharaoh.”
“He just pisses me off, a lot, for some reason.”
“What did he do to make you this way?”
Joey shrugged and continued eating.
I was confused by this. “There's gotta be something between you two if you act that way.”
“Dere's not'n between us! He just pisses me off, end of story!” Joey said defensively.
“I'm just asking what's up?”
“What about you n' da Pharaoh den?” Joey asked. “What's up between you two?”
I was shocked at how he was behaving. “What's with you? Why are you acting like this?”
“Forget it Yuge! Just fuckin' drop the subject!”
With that, we continued our meal in silence.
Though, I did started by asking him about him and Seto.
`I know what Joey said was true, but… the way he sounded… There's something between them, but what?' I groaned and bury my face on the pillow, seeing if I could sleep that way. `How come this is so confusing?' I thought as I looked up at the ceiling. `There could be nothing between them…, then again…' I got up and started to walk around the room quietly, so I wouldn't bother the Pharaoh. But then I noticed that there was something wrong.
He looked pale and sweating all over. He was in a curled up position and was slightly shaking.
//Per aah.// I said as I gently shook him by the shoulder, which had no effect. //Per aah.//I said a bit louder and continue this until he started to violently shake. I was really scared at this point. //Per aah! Per aah please wake up!// I cried, but he was still the same, and starting to get worse. I knew I had to wake him up somehow and saw a clay pitcher. `There has to be at least some water in it.' I thought as I quickly got the pitcher, which had a lot of water in it, and poured some on his face.
That broke the spell, because when the cool water splashed on his face, he jolted till he was sitting straight, his eyes looked wide and wild from whatever that scared him.
I placed the pitcher on a night stand that was near the bed. //Per aah.// I said quietly before slowly sitting down next to him.
He looked at me, at first fear and shock, then calmed when he saw that it was me. He still didn't look well and I started to worry.
//Per aah, are you okay?// Not the brightest of questions to ask, but I didn't know what to say in this situation at this point.
He took a few deep breaths then held onto his side.
I quickly grabbed a small goblet and poured some water in it before giving it to him, who took it gently and took small sips of it, which almost seemed to help a little.
He looked as though he thanked me and gave me the goblet, which I filled it with water and placed both pitcher and goblet to the side; for later use, and sat back down with the Pharaoh, who still looked a bit pale, but he seemed better than a moment ago.
//Per aah.// I said quietly getting the other's attention. //Is there anything I could do to help?// He didn't seem well, but I didn't want to leave him alone, like… something was going to happen if I do.
He didn't respond for a moment, just stared at nothing for a long time. Then he suddenly jolted and ran to the balcony.
I quickly followed and, for a second, frozed in shock and worry when I saw him bent over and vomiting from the edge of the balcony. I carefully went up to him and had to ignore the feeling of running away when I saw him going for his third round and pausing before two more came. I tore a piece of my sheati and attempted to wipe away the vomit that was dripping from his mouth, which he tried to push me away, but; in his state, I wiped the stuff off quickly. `He needs medical attention, now!' I thought, but I couldn't leave him alone, in case if this was serious. I lead him back to his bed and grabbed the goblet that was used earlier and gave it to him, which he refused but I urged him. //Please, Per aah, please drink just a little.// I pleaded, concern was clearly in my tone, but can you blame me?
He looked at me, unemotionally for awhile, then slowly took the goblet and drank it slowly. When he was done, I set the goblet aside, once again, and looked at the other, who was holding his sides.
I placed my hands on his shoulders, to steady him.
He slightly started to lean to my shoulder and rested his head there.
At first, I felt a little awkward, until I felt his deep breathing on my neck, trying to ease the pain. I didn't know what to do; I felt helpless. I slowly rubbed his back, which seemed to work and eased his breathing to normal. Then I realized, after staying in that position for five minutes, that he fell asleep. I gently and slowly worked on getting him to lie face down and made sure his head was somewhat to the edge, incase if he vomits again. I stayed by his side for a moment longer before deciding to get up and find either Seto or Ahmose, but something stopped me. I looked to see the Pharaoh's hand holding mine tightly. //I'll be back.// I whispered calmly. //I'm going to get someone to help you.//
His half opened crimson eyes bore into my violet ones. He seemed to understand, but kept his grip on my hand, as if telling me that he didn't want to be alone, which I understood well.
I sat down on the floor beside him. //I'll stay a little longer then.// I said with a smile.
He seemed relieved and closed his eyes, but still held onto my hand to make sure that I was still there.
I started to sing a soft lullaby that my mother would sing, before she died, when I was sad or was really ill. It seemed to work because he looked peaceful and the grip had loosened, but I continued until I saw the light from the balcony. I slowly got up and headed towards the door quietly and quickly got Ahmose before the Pharaoh woke up.
~End of Flashback~
-Normal POV-
Seto nodded after hearing what the condition was on his cousin. “So, its just a minor then.” He said, somewhat relieved.
Ahmose nodded. “Yes, but it was great enough to make him this ill.”
“What could have caused all this?”
“Not what, but who.”
At that time, Joey ran up to them, carrying something black.
//Damn dis t'ing is heavy!// He said resting and catching his breath.
/Thank you very much./ Ahmose said as he took the pot from the other, who nodded. He knocked lightly on the door and waited until the other slightly opened the door.
//Aiwa?*// Yugi said as he opened the door a bit wider.
Ahmose handed him the pot, who nearly fell forward because of the weight. /Give some of this to the Pharaoh, understood?/ He said and did a few motions to let the other know what he just said.
Yugi looked curiously at the pot and looked at Ahmose for conformation.
Ahmose just smiled and just spin the youth around and gently pushed him back inside. /Just give him a couple of spoonfuls./ He said as he closed the door.
/It isn't that special soup that Sha-lie makes, is it?/ Seto asked.
Ahmose nodded and walked to one direction quickly.
The other two stood there, not sure what to do now.
Seto sighed and opened a scroll. /Cat./ He said and looked over at the blonde.
Joey took only a quick moment to understand what the other meant and responded. //Cat.// `He's given's me lessons now?' He thought as he looked at the door. `I guess it's something to do while we wait.'
~*Pharaoh's room*~
-Yugi's POV-
I examined the pot before setting it down on the nightstand. I opened the lid and immediately closed it when I smelled something horrible coming out of it. `Is this some kind of medicine?' I thought as I was recovering from the stink. I looked over to the Pharaoh, who was peacefully sleeping there and was looking like his usual self; at least not being pale. I then held my nose and opened the lid again, set it to the side and looked what was inside.
Inside the pot was this reddish-brown color liquid, which could be mistaken for tomato soup.
I dipped my finger in, which was fairly warm, and tasted it. Then I was spitting it out. `What kind of soup is this!?' I thought while trying to get rid of the taste that was all over my mouth. `How is this suppose to help the Pharaoh to get better?' I found a bowl of some fruit in it and grabbed one of them and started eating it, but didn't do much good. `Ack! That just makes it worse!' I grabbed another one and took a bite of that one… same result. Then I tried putting them together… a bit better. `Hmm… If two of these combine can reduce this taste… then, what if…?' I got an idea, but I was going to need Joey for this. I quickly went over to the door and hoped that Joey is still there. When I opened the door, not only did I saw Joey there, but also Seto.
-Normal POV-
When Yugi opened the door, the two looked at him curiously.
//Yo Yuge. How's da Pharaoh?// Joey asked.
//He's fine, he's just resting now.// Yugi responded then continued. //Joey, could you do me a favor?//
Joey looked curious, but nodded. //Sure pal, what is it?//
//Could you get a bowl of fruit, some dates, and a small jar of honey.// Yugi explained.
Joey raised an eyebrow, but nodded. //Sure t'ing, but, one question.//
//What is it?//
//What are dates?//
//They look like overgrown grapes, but have a light brown color.//
//Ah… okay, on it.// Joey said and with that headed towards the kitchens.
Seto looked at the blonde, then at Yugi and back. Then he decided to go after the blonde. `Who knows what that mutt would do.' He thought as he saw the tall teen enter the kitchens.
-Joey's POV-
//Okay, fruit, dates, n' a jar of honey. Dat should be easy da find.// I said as I looked around the kitchens. I saw fruit, so that's pretty much covered. `I'll get da fruit for last, but now… dates, dates, where on dis side of the earth do ya find light-brown colored, overgrown grapes?'
/Mutt!/ The High Priest called out, but, as usual, I ignored him. /Mutt!/
`I wonder what he keeps calling me? What does he mean?' I thought, but still continued to look for those damn dates. When I was about to give up and look for the honey, someone brought in a bowlful of those things. `N' Bingo was `es name-o.' I thought as I looked around and found a small wooden bowl with a lid and grabbed a handful of them and placed it in. `Hope dere's enough for everyone to cook with.' I thought as I continued my search for the honey now. Just as I started to continue, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to see that damn High Priest. //What da hell do you want?// I said as I glared at him.
/What do you got in there mutt?/ He said, which I could only make out a couple of things.
I showed him the small bowl of dates and waited for whatever crap he has.
He didn't say anything nor summoned someone to see what I have done. Instead, he let go of my shoulder and walked over to one of the cabinets. From there, he moved over some jars and grabbed one of the jars and handed to me. /Here./ He said as he walked away.
I stood there, completely confused about the whole thing. I looked at what was inside and, to my surprise, it was honey. `Okay… two down n' one to go.' I thought and looked over to where he left before continuing by grabbing a basket and a bunch of fruit and left the kitchens.
-Normal POV-
When Joey got to the Pharaoh's enterance to his room, he knocked on the door and waited.
Yugi peeked through the small gap of the door and opened it widely when he saw that it was Joey. “Hey Joey.” He greeted with a smile.
“Yo.” Joey responded as he handed the basket of all the things the other asked. “Joey's Delivery Service, at ya service.” He poked fun of that, which made the small teen laugh.
“Thanks Joey, I owe you one.” Yugi said as he grabbed the basket from the other.
Joey gave his pal his signature smirk and said. “Just make sure you n' da Pharaoh are okay, alright?”
Yugi nodded. “Right.” With that, he went back into the room and started making an after treat for the Pharaoh, after he had the devil soup, or so Yugi called it.
~-Two Weeks Later-~
Yugi and Joey were in the scroll room with Ahmose again and they were working on their writing skills.
“That's incorrect, trouble maker.” Ahmose said.
Joey looked up and groaned. “What did I do now!” He complained.
Yes, they finally mastered the language, or at least get what everyone was saying and responding. So, they continue to have lessons with Ahmose to further help with their process.
Yugi looked over and almost giggled. “Joey, you got the letters all mixed up.” He said, earning a `huh?' from the other.
While Yugi corrected the taller teen, Seto and the Pharaoh walked in.
“Back from the meeting so soon?” Ahmose asked, seeing that it was only mid-morning.
“It was the same routine, so there was nothing to really discuss about.” Seto said as he looked at the other two. “How's the mutt and his friend doing?”
“I'M RIGHT OVA `ERE, YA YAH HIMAR*” Joey shouted while glaring at the High Priest.
“I would watch that tongue of yours, mutt, you might find yourself loosing it.” Seto said coolly, which enraged the blonde further.
“I ain't a mutt!”
“You act like one.”
“Why I outta!”
Yugi sighed as he got in front of the tall teen to hold him back from attacking. He's been doing so since the other knew what the High Priest was calling him, and that was the day they were to surprise the other two of how far they knew how to speak and understand their language. “Come on Joey! Let it go, will ya?”
“I will, when I pumble his face to da ground!”
“That's enough!” Ahmose said, quieting the drama. “You could argue with each other when you get to the rooms, but for now, you boys need to work on your writing skills. Especially you trouble maker.” He said looking at the blonde, who looked down at the ground. “And Seto, I want you to help him do that, and not pushing him around with your childish name-calling.” Seto was shocked to hear this from Ahmose, but held his tongue. Ahmose looked at the four before finishing. “That will be all.” With that, everyone except Ahmose left the room and headed to their rooms where they spent the rest of the day.
~Later that evening-~
Yugi could barely sleep at all; his eyes were closed but his mind was still active. He opens his eyes and looked at the sky from the balcony. `Looks like a new moon tonight.' He thought, noting that the night sky didn't have that calming navy blue, but an inky midnight blue. He turned so that he was facing the wall, where pictures of fish were dimly shown. `I really need to get some rest tonight.' He closed his eyes once more, only to hear a pair of feet, walking quietly passed him and towards the closet. He took this time to see if the Pharaoh was aware of this, only to see an empty bed. `Nani?' He thought than heard the feet coming back and pretended to sleep again.
The feet were going pass him and the sound of a door was heard; slowly opening, a pause, then closed.
He sprang up from his cushioned makeshift bed and quietly went towards the door the other took. It was one of the secret doors and quickly, but quietly opened and closed the door and strained his ears to hear the footsteps. When he did hear, he quietly followed. `What's he up to at this hour?' He thought as he got closer to the sound until he found the source; which was the Pharaoh, walking slowly and the look on his face was a mixture of sadness, anger, and of great shame. Yugi kept himself hidden in the shadows, curiosity and worry filled his mind as he followed the young ruler to a point where there are ten tunnel entrances. `I never been here before.' He thought as he watched the young ruler walk down one of the tunnels where there was a door at the end.
The Pharaoh opened and closed it, not noticing that the other was following him.
Yugi waited in the shadows for a couple seconds before advancing once again.
It led to another part of the hallway, and looked as though it wasn't used much, with collected dust and cobwebs.
`Why would he come here?' Yugi thought as he looked to see the Pharaoh, about ten feet away from him, stop in front of a door.
The Pharaoh lifted his fist slowly to knock, but paused and looked like he was struggling with something.
The door opened quickly and the young ruler was pulled in by the collar of his robe.
(At this point, this is going to be Yugi's view, but you can choose to be in the Pharaoh's view, if you're used to seeing this kind of abuse, but I would save some of those who feel quezy about this.)
`Nani!?' Yugi thought as he quickly emerged from his hiding post, but the door closed completely when he got there and not long after that he started to hear a voice from inside.
“You're late!” Said a man with an annoying tone that seemed familiar to Yugi. “You know the consequences for that,” The tone sounded like he was smirking while speaking this and became very husky. “Isn't that right, whore.”
The sound of pottery crashing made Yugi scared and couldn't move. He covered his mouth, so no sound can be heard from him.
“Isn't it sad,” The man said. “You, the suppose almighty Pharaoh, would be this low.”
Yugi, for the first time in his existing life, felt anger boiling within his chest, but didn't move. `What kind of person could do this?' Tears started to come down. `No, not a person… not even a monster.' He fell to his knees and cried on the behalf of the other.
“How long have we been doing this?” The man said and Yugi listened, starting to plan out on ratting this… being. “Three months? Once every two weeks?” Yugi couldn't believe that the other has been in pain for this long. “Though I really hate waiting and so I declare that, instead of once every two weeks. Sound good, good.”
`He didn't even get him to make a choice!' Yugi thought outraged. `But, I guess, with that… thing, he doesn't have a choice.' He crawled to a very shadowed corner while he cried silently. `I promise, I'll find a way to help you, Pharaoh.'
(At this point, it should end.)
After what seemed like an eternity, the door opened and the Pharaoh was forcefully pushed out and fell to the hard and dusty ground.
Yugi was safely hidden in the shadows when the rapist walked out. `That's the man that was in the scroll room two weeks ago…' He thought when realization hit him like a pound of bricks.
“Next week, same time.” The Rat said as he was about to enter what seemed like his room. “And don't be late!” With that, he slammed the door.
Yugi slowly and cautiously crawled out from his hiding place and went up to the Pharaoh. He almost cried at the site.
The other had bruises on his chest and could see some blood on the robe.
`Attacking mostly on the chest; the most covered part of his body.' Yugi thought as he was about to lift the other up when the mentioned person started to move.
The Pharaoh had enough strength to lift himself up and walk over to the secret door with the wall supporting him while he limped.
`Pharaoh…' Yugi thought as he saw the other willingly getting himself back to the room without any help then remembered that the other might expect that he was still asleep in the room and followed.
When they reached the room, the Pharaoh looked over, to Yugi's horror, to the bed. Fortunately, the cushions there made it look like there is a body there and the Pharaoh went to his bed, where he cried on his pillow.
Yugi slowly walked out and was about to go to his bed, but went up to the other. “Pharaoh.” He said, which got the others attention. “Is everything alright?” He tried to sound like he didn't know anything about the other's secret while being there for the other.
The Pharaoh nodded, while deep down he prayed that the other would never know.
“Oh… okay.” Yugi said, not wanting to push it. “I'm going back to bed.” He started to head towards the direction when he thought of an idea. He took a couple of steps back and looked at his bed, which made the other look. “I thought I saw a… mouse or snake.” He was about to say rat, but remembered about him.
The Pharaoh looked at the other curiously.
“It must be nothing, but…” Yugi looked over to the other. “If it's not a problem, may I, stay with you for tonight?” He asked, looking shyly. `Maybe this is a bad idea.'
The Pharaoh mentioned the other over, much to Yugi's surprise and complied, and they laid down; and were about a feet away from each other. And both slowly fell asleep; Yugi thought about how on earth is he going to help the other while the mentioned other tried to bury the evening event's from his mind.
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I really didn't want to put that in there, but that's why the Pharaoh can't speak and one of the reasons of why he keeps on disappearing, yes there is more than one reason.
Seto: Is that mutt arrived yet?
Joey: Who ya call'n a mutt? Dragon?
You're free to go.
Joey: Thanks for watch'n `im while I was visit'n my sista.
Seto: Come on mutt! *drags the blonde out the door*
Joey: Ya musta missed me a lot if ya were in such a hurry.
*shakes head* Oh boy. Speaking of which… Where are those two? They should have come back from that cruise now. Oh well, R&R people
Aiwa: Yes
Ya Himar: Jackass