Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Meals ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bakura: *sighs* That getaway was too short.
Marik: *nods* Agreed.
Bakura: Now we have to deal with her, once again.
Marik: Yep.
*enters* Nice to see you too. Anyway, you guys got a lot of catching up to do.
B&M: Nani?
*takes out list* Here.
B&M: *looks over the list*
Bakura: You've got to be kidding.
Nope. And, from now on, if you get your work done here, you are free to leave.
Marik: Your point?
Get done quickly; get back to your lovers. Enough for you?
B&M: *looks at each other before scrambling out of their seats*
Bakura: You better not fuck with us!
Do I look like the type!
Marik: She's has a point there, even if she's wasting our valuable time.
*sighs* Why do I tolerate you two?
Disclaimer: Don't own the show or its characters, except my characters.
Warning: 1) Cursing
2) Mentions of rape (not shown)
3) Violence (I think)
4) Yaoi (Male/Male; no duh!)
5) And other things that I can't think of right now. -_-;
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
Now, enjoy…
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Ch.9: Meals
~-Next Morning-~
The sun's rays poked through the curtains and into the room, making a pair of crimson eyes open.
The Pharaoh didn't like to wake up in the mornings, especially after last night. He sighed and closed his eyes again as he nuzzled on something soft. He opened his eyes again and found out that the softness was coming from the small teen, who was wrapped in his arms. He froze in horror and checked the other over only to remember what happened, after his meeting with the Rat.
The sleeping youth curled up, trying to escape the light that was tempting him to wake up. //Just five more minutes Jii-chan.// He mumbled, which made the young ruler somewhat smiled, but quickly disappeared when he knows what he was; a whore in disguise.
He slowly got up, trying not to wake the other, and was about to go in to his bathing chambers, to clean some of the blood off, when a soft voice was heard.
He turned to see Yugi getting up, but was still half asleep.
“Are you okay?”
The question made him froze for a moment while the other continued.
“Last night, you were tossing and turning a lot and I tried to wake you up, but then you grabbed me and that seemed to calm you down.” Yugi said and added. “Did you have a nightmare?” He yawned cutely as wakefulness was slowly coming.
The Pharaoh nodded; since it was somewhat true. He thought about what the other said last night and all the other nights.
“Pharaoh?” Yugi said, now in front of the other, who looked slightly confused. “I asked if you want some breakfast?”
The Pharaoh shook his head and pointed to the bathing chambers.
“Okay then,” Yugi said stretching his arms over his head. “I better get down there before Joey eats everything.” He went into the closet to quickly change into his simple outfit and headed towards the door, but turned to give the other a hug. “Good morning.” With that, he left with a wave.
The Pharaoh didn't expect the embrace and absently waved even when the other has already left. He stood there for a moment before heading over to the bathing chambers.
~*Halls: Near the Kitchen's*~
Yugi decided to go to the entrance of the kitchen's and had no problems when he heard and recognized the voice from last night and quickly hid from view.
“I can't believe that bastard is coming into this rug beated kingdom.” Rah-iten, the Rat, said in an annoyingly high pitched tone.
“B-But, Ma-Master Rah-iten, the lord of the southern kingdom and the previous pharaoh were like brothers-“ A young servant boy said timidly.
“DON'T QUESTION YOUR SUPERIORS, YOU SORRY EXCUSE FOR A SERVANT!!!” the Rat shouted then quieted to continue. “That bastard and his crack potted ideas of peace is only going further wreak this kingdom.”
The Rat grabbed the boy by the neck and slammed him to the wall. “Listen here you piece of shit. You have no authorities whatsoever about questioning my views of this situation.” He smiled crookedly. “And if you peep a word of this, I will personally and physically harm you in ways that you can't image in your darkest and deepest of nightmares.”
The boy looked completely scared as he was released from the Rat's grasp.
“You didn't hear anything.”
“I-I didn't hear n-nothing.”
“Good boy, now go back to that filthy stable where you belong.” The Rat said as he stormed off.
The boy glared at the direction. “Go to hell.” He whispered as he slowly got up.
“Are you alright?” Yugi asked as he knows the coast was clear and got out of his hiding place.
“Yeah,” Said the boy. “For the most part.” He looked up and gapped.
Yugi was quick to realize the boy's behavior. “My name's Yugi and yes, I do look like the Pharaoh.” He said.
The boy took a moment to process this. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Yugi. My name's Enu.” He said.
“Hello Enu.” Yugi said than looked around. “Is that guy always like that?”
“Don't get me started on that guy.” Enu said than asked. “How long have you worked for the Pharaoh?”
“I don't work here… exactly.” Yugi said.
Enu looked suspitious.
“Can you keep a secret?”
“Explain yourself, then maybe.”
Yugi nodded and led the way to the kitchen's and into a secret room, where Joey was finishing a huge bowl of fruit.
“What da!?”
A while later, Yugi finished explaining why he and the blonde were here in the first place.
“That's it?” Enu asked
“That's it.” Yugi said, though, deep down, he kept the Pharaoh's secret and hoped that he would figure out a way he could help him.
“So… Ya gotta keep us a secret, includin' dis place?” Joey asked.
“Your secret is safe with me.” Enu said as he gave Joey a noogie.
“Eh! Cut it out!”
Sha-lie entered the room and was shocked to see Enu there.
“Enu!? What are you doing here?” She asked.
“It's okay.” Yugi reassured. “He's okay, right?”
“Right!” Enu said as Joey got out of his grip.
“You better head back to the stables before everyone wonders were you have been.” Sha-lie pointed out.
“Okay.” Enu said as he got up. “It's a pleasure to have met you and I hope we see each other again.”
“Same `ere!” Joey said with enthusiasm, as he and Yugi waved their new friend good-bye.
“I better make sure everyone is doing like they're suppose to.” Sha-lie said as she closed the door.
“So…what now?” Joey asked, instantly bored.
Before Yugi could say something, the frantic shouting of Sha-lie was heard.
The two were curious at what was going on and cautiously peeked thought the crack in the door.
“One hundred, Sha-lie.” Said a man they didn't recognized.
“One hund- … You got to be kidding!”
“I'm sorry, but we have to get all the servants to the dinning hall and prepare for the banquet for our allied neighbors.”
“I'm sorry Sha-lie, I really am.” The man said as he was about to leave. “I'll try to find some helping hands and send some of your servants ba-“
“Don't bother. Just… don't bother.”
The man left, along with all of the servants, leaving Sha-lie in an empty kitchen.
Both boys got out from their secret room and went over to Sha-lie, who was fighting back tears.
“We'll help.” Joey said.
Sha-lie looked over slowly then faced the opposite direction. “Don't bother boys, there's not going to be enough time to prepare a hundred hungry stomachs plus the servants and all the other occupants in the palace.”
“True.” Yugi said making the two look at him. “But that doesn't mean we can't try.”
“But sky-child-“
“Please!” Yugi begged making his famous puppy eyes. (A/N: Kawaii! :D)
Sha-lie, like Joey, suckered for the look. “What do I have to lose.” She said which made the boys cheer.
“I call desserts!” Yugi said.
“Aw man! I wanted da do dat!” Joey complained.
“You'll just eat it all.”
“Do not!”
Sha-lie sighed. `Ra, what have I gotten myself into?'
“Remember back at my birthday?”
~-Few hours later-~
The Pharaoh entered his room after a long day listening to arguments about the upcoming battle and the sudden banquet. When he stepped into his room, the scent of something sweet was the first thing he noticed before looking up at the youth, who turned around and greeted him with a warm smile.
“Hey Pharaoh.” Yugi said holding a scroll. “How was your day?”
The Pharaoh deeply sighed and waved his hand slowly.
“That bad huh?”
The Pharaoh shrugged and closed the door before going up to the other. He noticed a small tray with small, honey covered rolls; the source of the sweet scent.
Yugi noticed what the Pharaoh was looking at and handed one to him. “Want one? They're really good.”
The Pharaoh took the offered roll and took a small bite, testing the taste, and looked surprised by the right amount of sweetness that was in the small food item. He looked questionably at the youth.
“They're called sweet rolls, and let me tell you, these things were not easy to make.” Yugi said as he popped one in his mouth.
The Pharaoh had an are-you-serious look and the other noticed this and laughed a bit.
“Yeah, Joey and I are cooking now, with Sha-lie's help.” He explained.
The Pharaoh tilted his head in a questioning manner.
“Well…” Yugi said as he told about his day, while not mentioning about the Rat. “And so, that's what Joey and I are going to do until things settle down.”
The Pharaoh nodded, taking another roll.
“Do you like it?” Yugi said, noting that the other, absentmindedly grabbed three rolls while he was speaking, but he didn't mind.
The Pharaoh, for what seemed like forever, smiled.
Yugi, see this, felt glad to be here and be of help in anyway. “At least I know what I'm going to make for the banquet when the guests come.”
The Pharaoh ruffled the boys hair, earning a `hey' from the smaller of the two.
~-To Joey-~
Joey was waiting for Seto in the other's room and was quickly bored. `When is dat bastard gonna get `is ass `ere already!' He thought. He looked over at the silver tray with a lid. `If he dosen't like it, den screw `im da hell!' There was a thought in the back of his mind, but completely ignored it.
Then the door opened and an exhausted high priest entered before collapsing on the bed.
`Musta been a rough day.' Joey thought as he looked at he other to the tray, and back. `I'll give `im a few minutes.' He laid back on the couch and stared at the ceiling.
“One of these days I'm going to kill that bastard.” Seto said out loud.
“Was it really dat bad?” Joey asked just because he was bored.
“The court I can handle.” Seto said, not much in a mood to argue. “But its just that one pathetic, annoying, good-for-nothing dick that makes everything so fucking difficult!”
Joey kept quiet and waited a few seconds. “If `e's such an ass den why keep `im around?”
Seto sighed. “I wish nothing more than to see that bastard be eaten by the crocodile, but he has to be caught when he's screwing something; which hasn't happened, yet.”
Joey nodded understandingly until he realized something. “Ey. Ya know what?”
“What?” Seto said almost getting annoyed.
“I t'ink dis is da first time we had a conversation without arguein'.”
“… So.”
Joey silently growled. “Neva mind!”
“What's that?” Seto asked, noticing the tray.
“Ya dinner made by yours truly.” Joey said plainly.
Seto looked at Joey then at the tray and back before getting up and head towards the tray. When he opened the lid, he was slightly shocked and impressed. The meal was a small goose with some grapes along the sides. He cut a small piece and tested its taste.
Joey watched from the corner of his eye and was ready to counter anything the other might, most likely to him, say.
“Impressive.” Seto said.
“If ya t'ink da… Huh?” Joey was about to shout at the other, thinking that it was an insult. “What ya say?”
“I said it was impressive.” Seto said as he took another bite to prove his point.
Joey blushed at the unexpected comment and embarrassment. “Uh… Ya welcome.” He didn't know what else to say.
“But you did forget one thing.” Seto said with a smirk playing on his lips. “You didn't bring any wine to further enjoy my meal.”
“HOW DA HELL WAS I SUPPOSE DA KNOW!!!” Joey shouted, his fist just wanting to attack the sapphire-eyed other.
“I'll let this slide for now.” Seto said coolly, which further ticked the blonde off but kept it to himself. “But, for every meal you make for me, you have to find and bring the finest wine the palace has.”
“Whateva.” Joey said as he laid down on the couch, facing away from the other.
“Hey mutt.”
“What da hel-“ Joey was about to say when Seto handed a small plate with two legs and some grapes.
“I hate eating alone.” Seto said as he returned to the table where he mentioned a seat for the other to sit.
Joey was confused by this, but complied and sat down across the other and they ate silently; neither wanted to speak, despite of the eerie and thick silence in the room.
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That's chapter nine everyone.
Bakura: Can we go now?
Let me see the list.
Marik: What list?
Don't play dumb with me. You know the consequences of that.
Bakura: *handed the list*
Was that so hard? *looks over* You may go, but I expect for all of these things done the next time I put up a new chapter.
B&M: Yes ma'am.
R&R everyone.
B&M: Or flame her.