Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Mateo's Arrival ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay, chapter ten, now where are those- *hears crashing sounds* That's them.
Bakura: What are you trying to do you crazy ass hole! Kill us!
Marik: Well if you hadn't screamed in my ear, I would have parked my motorcycle normally. Now how am I going to explain the damage to Malik?
Bakura: He's the least of your worries when I'm through with you!
You can beat each other to a pulp in an ally somewhere later, now you have to complete the list.
B&M: *groan*
Disclaimer: Does… Ah, you know the rest by now, right?
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
Now, enjoy.
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Ch.10: Mateo's Arrival
~-Next day: Kitchen-~
“No, no, no!” Sha-lie said to Enu, who decided to help when he heard of the news of the shortage of cooks and kitchen servants. “That's not how you make cakes!”
“Give me a break!” Enu said. “I'm used to take care of horses, not baking cakes!”
Sha-lie sighed exhaustedly. “Where are those two when you need them?” She murmured as the sound of a door opening and closing was heard.
“Ey Sha-lie!” Joey said as he and Yugi quickly went inside and started to go to their assigned place.
“Sorry we're late.” Yugi said as he waited for his first order of the day from the woman.
“You better have a good excuse for being late, both of you.” Sha-lie said placing her hands on her hips.
“We woulda gotten `ere soona, but we had da take a detour.” Joey said as he washed some of the vegetables.
“A detour?” Sha-lie asked and looked at Yugi.
“We were this close to meeting the Rat.” He said as he indicated how close with two fingers that were apart by two inches from each other.
Sha-lie nodded understandingly and waved her hand. “Alright, you guys are off the hook.” She said. “Sky-child, would you please help Enu how to make a cake.”
“Sure thing!” Yugi said as he went over to Enu.
“And you, sun-child,” She said looking at Joey. “It's almost the mid-afternoon meal and we need to discuss, not only tonights meal but also the meal that, hopefully would be served for tomorrows banquet.”
“Not a problem!” Joey said already finishing washing the vegetables. “Yuge an' I were throwing out ideas, but thought we should tell ya first.”
“I'm all ears, since my hands are busy.” Sha-lie said as she started cutting up vegetables.
“Alright!” Joey said as he continued. “Here's what I t'ink about the appetizers…”
~-Meanwhile: Throne room-~
“How come the throne room, of all rooms, is being the most decorated?” Seto said as he, the Pharaoh, and Ahmose stood in the entrance.
“We better find out who organized this.” Ahmose said with a sigh. “I really want to help Sha-lie in the kitchens. She needs all the help she can get.”
“I know, but I got a feeling that someone is trying even the lowest of scales to make the Pharaoh and all of Kemet look bad.” Seto said, having an idea who.
The Pharaoh mentally twinge, knowing about his best kept secret.
“Speaking of which,” Ahmose said nodding his head towards the direction where the Rat started shouting at a small girl, who bumped into him and dropped a basket of lotus pedals.
“Can't you get anything right you clumsy girl!” the Rat called, making the girl tremble and eyes started to water. “You might as we be fed to the crocodiles because you're no better than that!”
“That's quite enough, Rah-iten!” Seto called as he and the other two came up.
“Ah! Seto, so good to see you and the Pharaoh.” The Rat said in his annoying sweet tone.
“What the hell are you doing?” Seto demanded.
“Why, I'm just tidying up this dull room.” The Rat answered and continued. “After all we're going to have guests tomorrow.”
“I'm highly aware of that, but I don't understand is why you're making all these people going through this when they should be working on things like preparing meals.” Seto said as he also pointed out. “Besides, this room would be shown to our guests, briefly.”
“Then I guess you're unaware of my idea for this room then.” The Rat said with a crooked pleased smile.
“What idea?” Ahmose asked, being curious.
The Rat smiled even more. “My idea is to make this room and make it into a dance hall.”
“A WHAT!?!” Seto and Ahmose said in unison while the Pharaoh looked shocked.
“We're in question of a war and you're planning on a party!?” Ahmose said.
“I thought it would make our alliances easier.” The Rat said, uncaringly.
“You're giving a message that we are lazy fools that want the easy way.” Seto said resisting the urge to beat the object of his anger and annoyance to a bloody pulp.
“Oh please! Like one dance or two is going to do any harm.”
Seto was about to raise his arm to strike when a young woman ran up and bowed.
“Pharaoh, I'm afraid we got an unexpected arrival from one of our guests.”
“Don't tell me…” Ahmose said as he looked at the door which was banged open and was followed by a loud and hearty laugh. “I knew it.”
“HAHAHAHA! I believe you weren't expecting me to arrive, were you!?” The man, who was very physically muscular, dark skinned, and had a cheetah skin draped over one shoulder and one tucked into one corner of his sheti.
“Lord Mateo of southern Kemet!?” Seto said in shock while the Rat was gapping like an infested fish out of water.
“Who else would arrive a day early?” Ahmose said.
“Ahmose!” Lord Mateo said, his voice was loud with pride and seemed happy to be here. “Long time no see, old friend.” He grabbed the mentioned person and gave him a bear hug.
“Friendly… as… e-ever…” Ahmose managed to let out before the other put him down on the ground.
Lord Mateo than looked at Seto. “Is that Seto? The now High Priest of all Kemet?” He was a bit taller than Seto by a couple centimeters. “The last time I saw you, you were just graduating your priesthood. How have you been!?” He gave the other a bear hug as well.
“J-J-Just… fine…” Seto mustered while trying to breathe. `Sides… crushing… need… air…”
Lord Mateo laughed as he set the young man down. “That's good to hear!” He patted the other's back, which almost knocked the other's balance. He than looked at the Pharaoh, which made his over cheerful personality settle down. “Look at you, if only your father was able to see you now.”
The Pharaoh looked modest about that comment, but felt like he failed deep down.
Lord Mateo rubbed his hands together. “So what are we having to eat? I'm starved; all my men had to eat everything so that we don't waste any of your supplies for the banquet. Speaking of which…” He looked around the room and noticed that some should be preparing other things than decorating. He whistled and a stampede of his men came in and line up in an organized order. “MEN!”
“YES SIR!” The men replied showing that they were paying attention
“I want you to help the servants finish this room and any other tasks they need to be done. UNDERSTAND!!”
“YES SIR!” The men replied and a wave of their commander's hand, they were off.
Lord Mateo looked to see three shocked but grateful faces and a very overly shocked face. “Looks like you needed a helping hand.”
“Shall we proceed to the dinning room than?” Ahmose said as all but one nodded and followed to the dinning room where Sha-lie, Yugi, Joey, and Enu were just finishing setting up the table.
“Alright boys, return to the kitchens and work on preparing those appetizers.” Sha-lie said.
“Okay.” The boys chimed as they went into the kitchen's once again.
Sha-lie sighed, feeling a little bummed about the shortage of help, but was glad that the boys were there to help. “Better than working alone.”
The sound of the door opening was heard and Sha-lie straightened herself to greet anyone.
“Sha-lie!?” A loud voice was heard.
“Oh, no…” Sha-lie quietly said sarcastically as she found herself not touching the ground.
“Ah! Still lovely as ever I see.” Lord Mateo said as he placed her gently down to the ground.
“And you're still a child in a lion's body.”
“So, what do we have here?”
“My small staff has come up with some great ideas for this and tomorrow's meal and I hope you enjoy them.”
While everyone was seated and started a bit of their meal, Lord Mateo leaned slightly to Ahmose, who was sitting next to him and asked. “So, have you stayed out of trouble since I left?”
“You know as well as I that I never put myself in conflicts that do not require my meddling.” Ahmose said.
“That's not the trouble I was talking about.” Lord Mateo said with a sly look while Ahmose blushed.
“What are you two talking about?” Sha-lie asked as she came around carrying a pitcher of water, since they're saving the wine for tomorrow.
“Nothing, nothing.” Ahmose said quickly.
Sha-lie sighed. `That man of mine. I swear.' She thought as she turned her attention to Lord Mateo. “My lord-“
“Call me Mateo, you should know about that by now.”
“Mateo, how long are you planning on staying?”
“Until this mess is cleared up.”
“Oh goody.” She said as she continued with her rounds.
“What's up with her?” Mateo whispered to Ahmose.
“She didn't quite forgive you the last time you visited.” Ahmose replied.
“What happened?”
Ahmose sighed. “You and your memory problem.” He said as he recalled his friend's last visit. “Remember you wanted to pull a prank on me by setting a man trap in the court room. But, instead of me, it was Sha-lie who walked in, set off the trap, and was found hanging upside-down by her ankles and screaming while tried to cover herself, since she was wearing a dress.” Ahmose blushed at the memory and Mateo looked shamed as he to remembered.
“Oh… She's still mad about that?”
“Women don't like to be exposed in a way that's humiliating for them; Women tend to be more sensitive then men.”
“So, she's never going to forgive me?”
“I'm not sure about forgiveness, but she definitely won't let it down.” Ahmose said as a piece of food item was thrown at him and Mateo.
“IF YOU'RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT ME, MAKE SURE I CAN'T HEAR IT!!!” Sha-lie shouted from the top of her lungs.
“Sha-lie, dear, calm down.”
“Oi.” Seto said as he rubbed his temple.
While the argument continued, it gave the Pharaoh a chance to slip away and headed towards the kitchens. When he was about to enter, he bumped into the person he was looking for.
“Oh, sorry Pharaoh.” Yugi said.
The Pharaoh shook his head, meaning that everything's fine and well.
“How come you're not-“
“…That answers my question.” Yugi said as he looked up at the other. “We're having our own feast back here, if you like, you could join us for a bit until Sha-lie cools down.”
The sound of broken pottery was heard, making the Pharaoh quickly enter without a second thought.
“You know, it won't be long until everyone figures out your gone.” Yugi pointed out, only getting a shrug response from the other.
“Ey Pharaoh!” Joey said. “Things got to boring for ya?”
“You can say that.” Yugi said.
Then the sound of the door opening and closing was heard and Seto came in, covered in some pieces of food.
“Those three are starting a food fight.” Seto said unemotionally.
Joey cracked at the sight. “Dat's a good look for ya!”
“Be quiet mutt, you have no right to speak as of right now.” Seto said.
“Says who?”
“Says me.”
“Fuck what you say!”
“I don't think anyone would mind if we leave.” Yugi said as he looked up at the other. “What do you think?”
The Pharaoh smiled and nodded at the suggestion and, with that, they left the kitchen's with an arguing High Priest and blonde and the food fighting trio in the dinning room.
“So… where are you taking us?” Yugi asked as the Pharaoh lead the way.
“Get your ass over here mutt.”
“No way in hell!”
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That' it for this chapter and more on the way.
Bakura: This one's a bit shorter than some of your previous ones not too long ago.
I know, but, could you blame me?
Marik: Yes.
… Thanks.
Marik: No problem.
Any way… *looks at the two* List.
B&M: *hands it over*
*looks over it* Good.
Bakura: Can we go now?
Once you say good-bye to our readers than you can go.
B&M: R&R everyone. *leaves*