Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Favor ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everyone! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a long time!
Bakura: Yeah… What the hell took ya?
I was grounded.
Marik: A nice girl like you, grounded?
Bakura: Yeah, what did you do?
I got a D in English.
B&M: … Huh?
Can we please change the subject?
Bakura: What ever.
Marik: Why is this English so important?
How should I know?
Marik: Just asking. Yeesh!
*rolls eyes* Men.
B&M: Women.
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Ch.12: Favor
The big day arrived the following morning, and everyone is working double time.
“COME ON YOU SLACKERS!!” Sha-lie shouted as she and all of the kitchen servants worked quickly on preparing the meals. Oh yes, even Sha-lie is worked up.
“Yikes.” Joey whispered as he carried a barrel of apples. `Is she still pissed off about yestadays scenario?'
“Oh good, you got the apples!” Sha-lie said cutting up the vegetables. “Take those to the appetizers group.”
“Got cha.” Joey grunt as he moved across the busy crowds. `I got out of bed for dis!' He thought as he reached to the destined location. “'Ere's de apples!” He said as he put the barrel down.
“Thanks Sun-Head!” Said a kid at the group.
“Ya welcome kid.” Joey said as he rubbed his sore muscles. `Man, if I continue doin' dis, I'm gonna pull more den a muscle.'
`What now!' He thought as he maneuvered his way back.
“There you are!” Sha-lie said as she handed him a note. “Get Sky-child and take that note to Lord Mateo.”
“Got it!” He said as he went into the crowds of people to find the other. “Yuge!” He called as he looked for spiky hair. `Geez! He can't be dat difficult to find!' He called out again.
“Over here Joey!” Yugi called jumping up and down, waving his arms.
When Joey finally reached to where the small teen was waiting, he explained Sha-lie's instructions and wrapped a long piece of cloth around their heads before heading out. A new rule that Sha-lie told them; when heading out, they had to cover there heads so no one would recognize them.
“Who's Lord Mateo?” Yugi asked curiously.
“Dat guy dat was here yestaday.” Joey responded as he tried to look as the note, but couldn't.
“I know he came the other day, but what I'm asking is what he looks like.”
Joey shrugged. “How should I know? All I saw was a huge guy covered with food.”
“Big guy, that narrows it down a little.” Yugi said.
“Ya know somet'in' weird?” Joey said, still examining the mysterious note. “Dat Sha-lie would send us to deliva a note da someone who completely pissed `er off. Doesn't sound weird to ya?”
Yugi thought about that and admitted that it was somewhat strange, but this wasn't any of his business. “Kinda.” He said as he looked around at all the decorations which have colors of royal blue and violet, red, and gold. “They sure put a lot of stuff up.”
“Yeah.” Joey agreed and added. “But I wonda if its easier put dem up or down?”
Yugi shrugged and continued to look around.
“Lord Mateo!” They heard someone called out.
“What is it?” They heard a voice that they recognize from last night.
They quickly went towards where the lord might be. When they got there, they couldn't believe their eyes. The throne room, that was once spacious room, turned into what could be mistaken as a ballroom. The curtains were the colors of a sun either rising or setting, the floor seemed to be polished, and there was papyrus reeds and lotus flowers at almost every corner.
“Damn…” Joey said in awe.
Yugi nodded in agreement.
“Move you two!” A soldier called out as he ran passed them.
“What's `is `urry?” Joey murmured and Yugi shrugged.
Joey and Yugi stared at the massive human in utter shock.
“Uh… how about you deliva da note to `im.” Joey said.
Yugi grabbed the note and looked up at the blonde. “Alright, I'm sure Sha-lie needs a strong arm to help out.” He said and the other glared at him.
“Not funny Yuge.”
Yugi giggled and the tall teen left. `If memory serves me right, Mateo and the pervious pharaoh were the best of friends.' Yugi thought as he summoned up the little courage that he has. `So he's got to help the Pharaoh… I hope I'm doing the right thing. For his sake.' He took a deep breath. `This may be my only opportunity to do so.'
“COME ON! WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!!” Mateo shouted making some of the men, who were talking, jump and get back to what they were previously doing. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Uh… Lord Mateo?” Yugi quietly said as he inched closer towards the massive other.
Mateo looked to where the voice came from and looked at the small youth. “Hello there, little missy, do you want to ask me something?” He said in a kind voice.
“I'm a boy sir.” Yugi corrected politely. “And yes there is something I like to ask you something, but first…” He handed the note. “This is from Sha-lie.”
Mateo looked at the note and sighed before placing the note in a secret pocket in his cheetah skin. He looked at the small teen. “What is it that you like to ask of me?”
Yugi thought about the consequences he was about to do and then took a deep breath. “It's about the Pharaoh.” He said in an unmistakably serious tone.
“Oh Lord Mateo!” the annoying sound of the Rat called out.
Mateo looked to where the voice came from and back to the youth. “Would you wait for just a moment?” He asked and the other nodded and took a few steps back.
`Once they're done, I'm going to tell him everything; the secret, the meeting…” Yugi thought as he looked up at one of the lotus flowers. `No one, not even him, deserves this.' He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Mateo.
“What about the Pharaoh that I need to know? He asked and Yugi quietly explained everything he had heard and seen. When he was done, Mateo looked solemn and stayed silent for a moment. “You're completely sure of this?”
Yugi nodded. “Every word.”
Mateo got up and looked around the almost completed room. “Keep him company until I figure out a way to settle this.”
Yugi nodded. “Shukran*” He said. “I don't think I could do this on my own.”
Mateo smiled. “Shukran for telling me this.” He said. “Otherwise it would have been passed.”
Yugi felt like he had done something right, and was about to leave when Mateo stopped him.
“Could you do me a favor though?”
“Sure.” Yugi said thinking it was fair.
“Could you take this to the Pharaoh?” Mateo handed a medium-small size box.
“What is it?” Yugi asked, noting how light it was.
Mateo just patted the youth's shoulder. “Just say it belonged to his father.” He said as he spinned the youth around and lightly pushed the youth towards the direction, as Yugi remembers, that leads to the Pharaoh's room.
“Alright everyone!” Sha-lie called. “Break time!”
A chorus of sighs of reliefs and sayings of finally was heard.
“I thought we'll never stop.” Enu said as he looked at his hands. “I smell like fish now.”
`Betta dan smelling like horse shit.” Joey said massaging his arms. Not long after he walked in, he was shoved back to carrying heavy loads and fighting through crowds.
“Where's Yugi anyway?” Enu asked.
“Probably still tryin' da give dat note to Lord Mateo.”
“The Lord Mateo?”
“Who else has a loud voice dat could make death `imself run for da hills?”
“MUTT!” shouted the all-to-familiar voice of Seto.
Enu smiled at the blonde, while the mentioned person glared.
“Shud up.” Joey grumbled as the other shouted again. “I'M OVA `ERE!” He shouted back.
“GET OVER HERE!!” Seto shouted back.
IF YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE A SHOUT FEST!!!” Sha-lie screamed as she grabbed Joey by the front part of his shirt and dragged him; doing the same to Seto half way, to the door. “DO IT OUTSIDE!!!” She threw them out and slammed the door. “DOES ANYONE ELSE WANT TO GET ON MY NERVES!!” Her voice was heard from behind the door.
“Nice going mutt.” Seto said as he dusted himself off.
“Don't ya start blaming all dis on me.” Joey said. “Ya da one dat started it.”
They glared at each other for a moment before sighing and looking at the opposite direction.
“What was soo important dat ya `ave da get me for?” Joey asked, still pissed off but also a bit curious.
“I was shouting so you can hear me.” Seto said. “But as usual, you don't as I call and make a big deal about it.”
“Dat's because I'm not a dog!”
“Yes you are.”
“We're getting off the subject.”
Joey growled but listened.
“Anyway, I called you up so you can be fitted for your outfit for the banquet.”
“To look presentable.”
Seto tilted his head to the side. “Really?”
“Whatta ya mean `really'?” Joey asked.
“It's just that, as a kitchen servant, temporary wise in your case, has to, not only fix the meals, but also serve them.”
“Yeah, and why do I `ave da be presentable?”
“To show everyone that you not only belong here but you also belong to me.”
“Wha!? Why do I want da wear sometin' dats says I'm da High Priest's male bitch!”
“Unless if you wanted for someone to give you a look that says that you're theirs for the taking; I would at least try the outfit before you start complaining.”
Joey humphed and looked away. “I'll try da damn t'ing on and I'm not gonna talk to ya again.”
“Dumb mutt.”
“What ya call me!?”
“I thought you weren't going to talk to me?” Seto said with a smirk.
Joey had a vein popping out of his forehead. “Damn you!” He said as he contained himself from punching the other.
~-Pharaoh's room-~
Yugi knocked on the door and waited for a moment or two before the door opened to reveal a tired looking ruler. “Oh! I'm sorry, did I disturb you?” He asked.
The Pharaoh shook his head and smiled before stepping aside to let the other in.
Yugi went inside and stood there until the door was closed. “Lord Mateo told me to give you this.” He said holding the box out.
The Pharaoh looked questionably at the box than at Yugi.
“He said something about it belongs to your dad or something.” He said shrugging his shoulders.
The Pharaoh took the box and placed it down on the bed and opened the lid to see a black cloth. He took the black cloth out and found out that it was a cape and some colors of red, violet, and royal blue was seen when the light hits it and the angle it was in. He looked at the cape before placing it to the side and continued to look through the box. There was a top that was mid-night blue with some red shown, pants that were black with purple shown, a pair of plain black, loose slippers with a small gold bordering, and some other accessories to the outfit, like jeweray.
“Wow.” Yugi said looking at the laid out outfit. “Are you going to wear this at the banquet?” He looked at the Pharaoh for an answer.
The Pharaoh wasn't sure and shrugged.
“Could you at least try it on?” Yugi urged, really wanting to see how it would look.
The Pharaoh stared at the outfit and admit it did look nice, but still didn't want to wear something that his father wore. For one thing, his father didn't have to go to some sick-o and get raped; he would never be as honorable like him, he's, like the Rat said, lower than dirt, unworthy, unclean.
Yugi, seeing that the other was being hesitant, decided to do the one thing that he was sure was fool-proof. `Sorry to do this, but…' He thought as he said. “Pwease.” This made the Pharaoh look at him and caught him unguarded. `Desperate measures have to be made.' He used his secret weapon: the puppy eyes, with the combination of the puppy pout, making him undoubtly cute to the max.
The Pharaoh stared at the other, shocked to see how wide the eyes could be and how that child-like face could be even create this face of… cuteness? But like everyone else, he caved into the look and grabbed the outfit and mentioned to the other that he was only trying it on just this once, before entering his closet.
Yugi smiled in triumph. `No one can beat me when I get to my last resort.' He thought as he waited for the other by sitting on the bed.
It was about a minute or two before the Pharaoh walked out of the closet.
Yugi looked over and his mouth hung open in an amazed shock.
The Pharaoh, when in the shadows, looks like he's wearing black saved for the crown and other gold trinkets. But when the Pharaoh stepped into the light that was produce by the sun's rays, he glowed with different colors.
“Wow.” Yugi said in complete awe. “You look amazing!”
The Pharaoh blushed at the comment and looked at the full length mirror. He did look good, he'd admit.
The door opened with Ahmose running in. “I'm sorry to run in without addressing,” He said quickly while trying to catch his breath. “But our first guests are about to arrive, and…” He looked up and was completely speechless for a moment. “Well, I see you're ready.” He took a deep breath.
The Pharaoh shook his head and tried to address on what he's trying to tell the other.
Ahmose looked over at Yugi for translation.
“He's only trying it on, he's not exactly wearing it for the banquet.” Yugi said, then added. “But, why not? You look great in it.”
The Pharaoh blushed a little once again and was about to respond, when Ahmose interrupted.
“Either way, you have to be down there to greet your guests!” He practically shoved both Yugi and the Pharaoh out of the room. “Young one, would you go down to the kitchens and see if Sha-lie needs help.”
“Alright.” Yugi said and hurried down calling. “See you later than!”
The Pharaoh smiled, but quickly disappeared as Ahmose shoved him around.
“I know I'm not suppose to do this to you, Pharaoh, but you need to be down there or all of this planning will go to waste and set up a chaotic scene.”
The Pharaoh sighed as he walked down the halls with Ahmose, chatting away about the do's and don'ts of being a host. But he had heard it so many times and decided to think back at the cute face that the youth made to force him to wear the outfit in the first place, and couldn't help but smile.
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Okay! That's it for now everyone.
B&M: See ya!
See ya guys!
R&R please! *tries to do the puppy eyes*
Shurkran: Thank you.