Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Outfit ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*listens to new CD* `Cause every time we touch, I feel ecstatic! And every time we kiss, I swear I could fly!
Bakura: Can't you just shut up now! I can't take it no more, I'm going insane. So please shut that damn music now!
*turns off music* Kill joy.
Bakura: Thank you.
I got a 3.0!
Bakura: Your point?
I just want to let it out.
Bakura: Yay you. *rolls eyes*
… How long have you and Ryou have been together?
Bakura: None of your business.
Jeez, I was only asking.
Bakura: …
Anyway, lets enjoy the next chapter, shall we?
Bakura: By enjoy, you mean being bored to death, then sure.
… I need to get better co-hosts. *sigh*
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch.13: Outfits.
Yugi arrived at the kitchens and, as soon as he walked in, everything was a blur to him as bodies, colors, and smells all seemed to cluster in and out like bees in a hive.
“Sky-child!” Sha-lie called as she reached up to him. “Thank Ra for coming in perfect timing.” She grabbed him by the wrist and directed him through the busy bodies.
“What's going on?” Yugi asked.
“Our first quest is coming and we need to present a very good impression for them.” She explained as they got out of the kitchens.
“Where are we going?” Yugi asked as they hurried down some of the corners.
“The fitting room.”
“Why there!?”
“You ask a lot of questions.” She said as they stopped in front of a door and opened it.
“Hello, Sha-lie.” Said an elderly woman as she held up a hip scarf and examined it.
“Hello, Grandmother Mia-te.” Sha-lie said as she and Yugi entered.
“Is this the famous Sky-child I heard so fondly of ?” Mia-te asked with a kind smile.
“The one and only.” Sha-lie said patting Yugi's shoulder.
Mia-te stood up, and was only an inch taller than Yugi, and looked over the youth for a moment. “I imagine you to be a bit… shorter.”
`What kind of response was that?!' Yugi thought.
“Well, go on now, missy.” Mia-te started. “You should know that, as head kitchen-“
“As head kitchen servant, you must make sure that everyone and thing should be in place.” Sha-lie finished and headed towards the door. “Just make sure you don't over do it.”
“You know me better than that.” Mia-te said as the other female left the room. “Now!” She clapped her hands together. “What kind of outfit do you prefer?”
“Huh?” Yugi said. “What for?”
Mia-te sighed. “She hasn't told you has she?”
Yugi had a clueless face.
“Yep, my work is going to be, once again, cut out for me.” She moved to one end of the room and brought out a basket.
“Do you need help?”
“You could start by spreading your arms out and stand still.” She said as she lifted a white cloth.
“What am I being fitted for?” He asked when he spread his arms out. “If I may ask.” He added quickly.
Mia-te just smiled. “You'll find out soon enough, but now, be quiet or I loose my focus and poke you.”
Yugi stood still and wondered what the guests would be like. `I wonder how the Pharaoh's doing?'
~*Somewhere in the Palace*~
“Come on mutt, you have to come out sooner or later.” Seto said leaning against the wall.
“When Hell freezes ova!” Joey said from behind the door.
Seto rolled his eyes. “It can't be that bad.”
“I look like a fucking hore!”
Seto raised an eyebrow. “Come on mutt, just get your ass out here and let me look at you.”
“And what!? Laugh till ya can't breathe!”
Seto sighed. “Okay, I'll make a deal with you.”
“A deal?”
“When you come out and if I laugh, you can beat me as much as you want.” Seto explained and waited for the other to respond. “Mutt?”
“Ya got yaself a deal.” There was a moment's pause than the door opened and Joey stepped out, with a new outfit. The outfit was like his other outfit, but it was royal blue, a gold-colored belt hung a bit low to the hips, the waist-part of his pants were also a bit low to the hips; making his navel show, the top was short as well; covering his upper chest. He waved his arms out to the side. “Well?”
Seto just stared, looking up and down slowly. “Turn around.” His voice was somewhat off, but was unnoticed.
Joey rolled his eyes and turned around quickly.
“Turn around slowly.”
Joey did, unaware of the fact that Seto's experession changed.
Seto couldn't keep his eyes off the blonde even after he stopped.
“Well?” Joey asked again, getting ready for any smartass comment the other had come up with. When the other just continued to stare at him, he felt a bit uneasy. “Yo, what's wit da starin'?” He asked as he cautiously moved up. When he was at least a few foot away from the other, he noticed a distant look in the other's eyes with an emotion he couldn't describe. “Yo! Bastard!” He called out, making the other come back to reality. “Ya were dazin' off.”
“Oh… s-sorry about that.” Seto said looking away from the blonde.
Joey looked a bit lost by how the other was acting. “Ey, ya alright?” He asked taking one step foreward.
“I'm fine!” Seto said in a rough tone.
Joey knew the tone well though, he used them himself when he doesn't want to admit what he was feeling. “Dere's sometin' bothern ya.”
“There is, under no circumstances, anything bothering me!” Seto said, getting annoyed.
“Dere is too!” Joey said, also getting annoyed.
They stared each other down for a moment or two. Seto, absently, lifted his hand and lightly stroke the blonde's cheeks than brought it up to brush away some hair away from his face. Joey stood there, a bit confused about the other's actions, but didn't do anything to stop the motions.
“Seto!” Someone called, but the said person didn't move. When the mentioned name was called out again, Seto came back to reality.
“I better get you to the kitchens.” He said turning towards the door.
Joey stood there for a moment, dumbstruck. `What da hell happened?' He then noticed that he was slightly shaking.
“Oh… by the way,” Seto slightly turning his head. “You look great,” He looked at the blonde with a smirk. “For a mutt.”
There was a vein popping out from the back of Joey's head. `He's got more personality changes dan a chick on PMS!' He thought as he glared at the other, who looked coolly. `What da hell `es deal!?'
A woman came in. “There you are High Priest!”
“I know, I know.” Seto replied and left with her.
“Of all people, you are going to be more than late to meet our guests!”
“Than stop wasting your breath and let me handle this.”
Joey, who still stood there, glared at the door. `Dat guy pisses me off, soo, much. But…' He looks down at the ground before jerking his head back up and walking out towards the kitchen's.
~*Fitting Room*~
“All done!” Mia-te said proudly.
“Can I open my eyes now?” Yugi asked.
“Just a little longer…” She said as she directed Yugi to three full length mirrors. “Now.”
With that command, Yugi opened his eyes and, for a moment, couldn't believe what he was seeing. He looked like he was wearing a dancer's outfit of white and transparent rainbow material. The top is a white color with a v-neck, same color sheati with silver coins bordering the bottom, a pale blue belt with the rainbow bordering, and a shoulder-scarf-like cape that seemed to float on his shoulders and going down his right arm.
“Now for the finishing touches.” Mia-te said as she took out a wooden box and opened up to see different kinds of jewelry. She held up a few bracelets and mentioned the youth to come, which he did. She placed the bracelets on, then put a couple of rings, an anklet on his left ankle, a pair of clip-on earrings, than the last item she brought out made her look fondly at it. “This belongs to the Pharaoh's mother, when she was still alive.” She looked at the black cloth that she was holding.
Yugi was curious at what it was, but also thought that wearing something that was once belonged to someone important to a dear friend.
Mia-te took the cloth off and there it was, shining in all its glorious beauty, a head ornament that looked like pedals of a lotus flower and in the center, where it rests in the middle of the forehead, was a beautiful and rare gem that has colors of violet and ruby, depending on which angle you're examining it.
“I can't wear that.” Yugi said, though admitting it was beautiful, he couldn't wear it.
“Sky-child.” She said as she mentioned him over, which he did, and placed the ornament over his head. “I understand that you do not wish to wear this. But I wouldn't put this on anyone and I believe the Pharaoh would agree with me on that.” She mentioned him to look in the mirrors. “And I believe you're special enough for it.
Yugi looked at himself and smiled at his reflexion. “I really look like a girl now.” He said with a laugh.
Mai-te smiled and patted the youths shoulder. “Some advice to you… make sure you don't leave the Pharaoh's side, that way everyone would keep their distance.”
Yugi smiled and blushed a bit. `The guests might have brought along the girls in their lands. I hope the Pharaoh's doing okay.'
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R&R everyone.