Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Banquet ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Finally! The weekend is here! *plops in chair* … Where are those two? *looks around to see note* …… Those two really get on my nerves. *sigh* Oh well, less headache time. *types in a few keys* There we go, another chapter up, hope everyone likes it. *walks into kitchen* EEEEKKKKK!!!!!
B&M: *laughing their asses off*
Marik: That's… the best… prank yet!
Bakura: Oh yeah.
BAKURA!!! MARIK!!! I'm going to kill you for this! *comes out with egg yokes, feathers, and flour all over.*
Bakura: Shall we run for our lives?
Marik: Not like she's gonna catch up.
*appears in door way* There you are. *holds knife in hand*
B&M: O_O… Oh shit.
*runs and crash sounds are heard*
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch.14: Banquet
The banquet area was all ready and filled with guests from three different colonies, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Among them was Mateo, who was talking to a neighboring ally, and loyal friend.
“You crazy son of a bitch!” The man said with a whole hearty laugh. “You got here a day early and you're twice as far from Kemet from my land.”
Mateo shrugged and responded. “What can I say, I'm unpredictable.” He took a sip of wine from his goblet.
The man laughed. “Agreed.”
“How are your men doing?”
“They're early to rise and turn in when Ra has descended to the underworld*. I don't have to tell them twice about anything! What about you? I heard you got a good bunch.”
“Yes, I do in fact.” Mateo started to explain about his men.
Meanwhile, Seto was talking to another ally, or more like listening while the other kept talking about his previous battles and ones that followed in his family bloodline.
The Pharaoh on the other hand, was flocked with the ally's daughters, all twenty of them, most were around his age or older. He couldn't get away and everyone was busy to even help out.
“Yo! Yo! Ladies! Give da Pharaoh some air!” Joey came in, moving the women out of the way.
“And, who exactly are you?” Said one of the young women.
“Beg ya pardon, miss, but where I'm from, we intraduce ourselves before knowing da otha.” Joey responded making the other women glare at him. “Yo Pharaoh, Sha-lie told me dat da food is almost done n' all, so get ready.”
The Pharaoh nodded, then pointed out the outfit that the blonde was wearing.
“Ya ass of a cousin forced me da wear dis.”
“Your not bad as being an ass yourself, mutt.” Seto said making everyone, except Joey and the Pharaoh, to move away.
“Whateva.” Joey said, walking off.
“Where do you think you're going?” Seto said, his eyes not leaving the blonde.
“Somewhere where I won't be in anybody's way.” Joey called out not looking back as he disappeared into the kitchens.
“How rude.” Said one of the girls. “He should be beaten till he bleeds.” With that, all the other women agreed.
Seto, for some reason, wanted to choke her, but controlled the feeling. “Would you ladies excuse the Pharaoh and I for a moment.” He said sincerely.
The women blushed and said it would be fine, but they would have to dance with them when the time comes.
When they went to one corner of the room, Seto started to talk about the possibilities of the allies. “I hate to admit this, but the Rat's idea worked.” He said as he gagged/cough at his comment.
The Pharaoh nodded reluctenly, then looked at the group of women, who whispered among themselves while looking at them.
“No you cannot bail on this one, unfortunitly.” Seto said noticing the look of escape.
The Pharaoh sighed as someone announced that dinner will begin shortly.
“At least you sit next to our allies and not their daughters.”
The Pharaoh gave his older cousin a look.
“Sorry to interrupt.” Ahmose said as he walked up to them. “But our guests are already gathering in the dinning room and your presence is needed immediately.”
“We were just finishing up our conversation.” Seto said as they walked towards the dinning room, where was already seated.
As the appetizer was finished and the meal was being served, the Pharaoh would quickly glance around the room trying to find the youth, but there was no sign of the other anywhere.
Seto, on the other hand, simply enjoyed the way the blonde kept glaring at him and at the same time keeping his mouth shut.
When desserts were served, the Pharaoh began to worry. Sha-lie came up to place desserts on that end of the table and quickly whispered to the Pharaoh that Yugi is okay. He believed her; she's not the kind of person that could lie to him, but it didn't explain why the youth wasn't here.
When everyone had their fill, it was time for the dance to begin. The women secretly fought over who will be the one to dance with the Pharaoh first. The Rat came up and announced that the Pharaoh will dance with each girl during the dance when the music changes.
“And when we reach to the last song of the evening, the Pharaoh may choose only one girl to dance with.” He finished and ordered for the musicians to begin playing.
The first song was fast and the first girl in line was more than egar to begin. The Pharaoh didn't get a chance to recover his dizziness when the second song came around, which was also fast and choppy. Seto danced with the girls who were done with the Pharaoh and passed it to the next guy and the pattern continues. Then came the final song; before the musicians could start, everyone waited for the Pharaoh to choose which girl to dance with.
He hated being on the spot like this and knew the Rat knew this and using it to torment him. He silently prayed that there was someone else he could enjoy dancing with beside these, horny women.
“Pardon me, Pharaoh.” A soft voice was heard and he turned to his surprise. He recognize the youth under the white veil that covered his head and half his face, saved for the bangs and his mother's head ornament.
Yugi, pretending to be a girl, bowed respectfully to the other; which surprised the other women, realizing that they completely forgot to show respect to the ruler of Kemet. “But I was wondering, if I may, have the honor to share this last dance with thee.” Yugi said in a soft spoken way, trying to sound like a girl.
The Pharaoh, for the first time that evening, smiled and extended his hand and waited for the other to place his small ones over his and led them to the center of room.
The last song was slow and soothing as they were at arms length of each other as they took the first step of the dance. The Pharaoh remembered this song; his parents would always dance to this song when there was a special event. He remembered how they look into each other's eyes and over heard comments about them being so perfect together or how a lovely couple they make. To him, though, they were soul mates, dancing gracefully as the world around them vanished and it's just them and the music. He also remembered how the dance went and led the way.
Yugi didn't mind about the dance the Pharaoh was leading, but, he had to admit, liked how they moved gracefully across the room and back, he liked the way the music is played; but, what he really liked the most is that he was dancing with the Pharaoh. He couldn't quite explain it, but he felt a slight warmth on his cheeks and the slight increase beating of his heart as he looked into crimson, and crimson to amethyst.
Everyone else stood there, bordering the room, watching the two. The women were both in envy and in awe as they saw how gracefully the two were. Seto, at first was shocked to see that Yugi was impersonating a girl, but was glad that he did though he didn't show it on his face. Joey came out to see who the Pharaoh was force to dance with and nearly called out when he saw the small teen dressed up as a girl. `Dat's risky pal!' He thought with a wide grin. `But a good kinda risky.' The Rat, however, was gapping like a fish out of water, wondering how his brilliant tormenting plan had failed. Everyone else was in a trance, watching unblinkally at the two.
When the music stopped, the spell broke and the two stared at each other. They were silent for a few moments, than Yugi moved back enough to bow and looked up. “I thank thee, Pharaoh, for letting thou have the honor to dance with thee.” He said quietly as he turned to join the crowd and disappeared.
The Pharaoh stood there and only nodded as he watched the other disappear in the crowd.
At that moment, everyone wanted to turn in for the night and be ready to depart in the morning. “Who was that girl that he was dancing with?” Was the question that was widely asked, but, as if quickly started, it quickly died.
Meanwhile, in the kitchens, Joey was talking to Yugi, who snuck in. “What's up wit da look pal?” He asked as he circled around the small teen.
“I meant to be here sooner, but Mia-te wanted to make sure I was very presentable.” Yugi said removing the veil from his head.
Sha-lie came in smiling at Yugi. “You look darling Sky-child.” She commented before handing a jug of oil to him. “Would you take this to the Pharaoh? Its oil that would, hopefully, get him some rest tonight.”
Yugi looked up completely confused.
“The Pharaoh tends to stay up after an event like this, and becomes very… what's a good word for it?”
“Grumpy?” Joey said which was responded with a single laugh.
“He's far from that Sun-child.” She said as she hurried the youth off than looked at Joey. “And you…” She pointed to him, “have t deliver this to Seto.” She handed a scroll that was as thick as his arm.
“What da hell is dis about?” Joey asked as he attempted to open it, only to have his hand slapped.
“First of all, it's from Ahmose, and second it's only for Seto to read.” She said with a look which told him not to screw around or else.
Joey saluted and left, wondering what's so special about a huge scroll. `At least dat bastard is da one dat gets da read dis.' He thought positively. When he made it to the room, Seto was already asleep on his desk. Now, he could do something, like yell at his ear, to wake him up. But saw some faded dark circles under the other's closed eyes and thought to give a break, and placed the scroll down and headed towards the couch. `He betta not wake me up for no reason.' He thought before sleeping soundly.
~*to Yugi*~
He entered through one of the doors of the tunnels until the thought of him being lost came up. “Great. Now how am I suppose to find his room with all the twists and turns here?” He said as he heard someone's voice from not far off. When he followed the sound, he came across some familiar tunnels and forgot about the voices. `At least I know where I'm going now.' He thought as he was about to reach the handle to the door that leads to the Pharaoh's room, but he heard a voice that made him freeze on the spot.
“I saw the way you looked at her when you were dancing!” The Rat's voice was heard. “Remember this, whore, one slip can, not only cost you dearly, but also that wrench's as well. When I find her that is.”
A moment or two later, footsteps were getting closer to the door. `I need to hide!' Yugi thought as he frantically looked around. The door opened.
“We still have that meeting, just to remind you.” The Rat said as he walked down the dimly lit tunnels.
Yugi was behind the opened door, holding his breath until the Rat was completely gone.
The Pharaoh slammed the door shut and went towards his bed and started to punch his pillows before collapsing on it and cried frustratedly.
Yugi waited, not wanting to come in after what happened just moments ago. When he felt that he had enough time of waiting, he straightened himself, forced a happy cheerful look, and knocked the door. “Pharaoh? May I come in?” He said in his best normal tone.
The Pharaoh, forcing a smile, opened the door and let the other in.
“Sorry it took me awhile, but I kinda got lost in the tunnels.” Yugi said with a laugh. `I hate to keep secrets from him, then again, he's also keeping secrets. But I still hate to lie to him like this.'
The Pharaoh waved it off, signaling that it was okay. He felt a bit relieved though, thinking that it was best that the other didn't know his secret, but, at the same time, wanted to tell the other so much of what he's been through and how he wished to stop it. If there was only one witness, but he didn't dare be hopeful about the possibility. Yugi was enough to brighten his day, and no sick-o is going to change that.
“Sha-lie told me to give you this.” Yugi said holding up the small jug. “She said this will hopefully get you some sleep.”
The Pharaoh gently took the jug and sniffed it. He pointed out the scrolls on his desk.
Yugi looked and understood. “I know you have a lot of work to do.” He said then smiled. “But even a god needs to get some sleep.” The Pharaoh gave him a `that's-not-funny' look and couldn't help but giggle.
The Pharaoh couldn't help but smile and ruffle the other's hair.
“Oh! I almost forgot.” Yugi said as he carefully took the head ornament off and handed it out to the other. “This belonged to your mother, correct?” He noted the confused look on the other's feature. “So, it rightfully belongs to you now.”
The Pharaoh looked at the small teen, then at the piece of jewelry, and back before taking it and placing it back on the youth's head.
“You want me to have it?” Yugi asked and the Pharaoh nodded. “Why?”
The Pharaoh thought about a way to explain this and led them out into the balcony. He pointed to Yugi, then at the sky and did motions that resembled falling, and pointed to the balcony.
“The night I fell here…” Yugi said, getting on what the other is trying to explain.
The Pharaoh scratched his head and shrugged, than mentioned his arms like he's carrying something and pointed to his room.
“You weren't sure what to do with me, so you carried me to your room…”
The Pharaoh did motions of the sun rising and pointed to Yugi and closed his eyes only to quickly open.
“The morning after I woke up…”
The Pharaoh shrugged and shook his head before pointing at the youth.
“You didn't know what to expect from me…”
The Pharaoh did some motions with his hands than tapped his head before pointing at the other again.
“But throughout the time I stayed here, you learned a bit about me…”
The Pharaoh then pointed to the head ornament.
“And you believe that I deserve to wear this?” Yugi asked and the Pharaoh nodded.
The Pharaoh did another motion that took the small teen some time to understand.
“And when Ahmose figures out a way to get me and Joey back home, I could use this to remind me of you.”
The Pharaoh nodded and nearly fell backwards when the small teen hugged him.
“Thank-you.” Yugi said.
The Pharaoh returns the gesture and, for a moment, wanted to stay like this for awhile.
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Alright! That chapter is done and off to work on the next one.
Bakura: May we please have our clothes back! This is embarrassing!
Marik: Not to mention that our asses are freezing out here!
*looks out of the window and see two half naked co-hosts* Are you going to pull something like that again in the near future? *don't ask how it happened.”
B&M: No.
*throws clothes out of the window* You may go home now.
B&M: Thanks *mumbles* bitch.
*Marik and Bakura fan girls come around the corner* OH MY GOD!!!
B&M: Fuck! *runs away*
R&R please.