Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ After the Banquet ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*sigh* Boring. *stares at the clock* … That's it! *sits down on computer and starts working*
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch.15: After the Banquet
The next day, the visitors that came for the banquet went straight back to their homelands, while the leaders and their men stayed to train and plan out the soon-to-be-battle.
When the Pharaoh and the High Priest came into the court room, everyone quieted and stood up from their seats. When the two sat down, so did everyone else and the meeting began.
~*In the Kitchen's*~
The banquet's over you two.” Sha-lie said. “You don't have to cook anymore.”
“We know.” Yugi and Joey said in unison.
“But what else are we gonna do?” Joey said.
“And you said that I'm free to make anything, as long as I don't use up the ingredients.” Yugi said.
Sha-lie shrugged. “Alright.” She said as she started to head towards the other tables. “Just don't make a mess and clean yourselves up if you do.”
“We will!” Said the two in unison.
“Whatcha make'n Yuge?” Joey asked.
“Honey rolls.” Yugi said.
“Da Pharaoh's favorite?” Joey said a bit teasingly.
Yugi slightly blushed but continued to work. “Well, what are you making?”
“Roast Goose.”
“Didn't you usually make that for Seto?”
“… Ya point?”
“Just saying.” Yugi said as he placed each rolled up dough on a pan and headed up to the stone ovens. When those were placed in, Joey came up.
“Would ya mind watch'n da goose for me while I fetch some water.” Joey asked.
“Sure.” Yugi said.
“Thanks pal!” Joey said as he went and grabbed two pails.
After the blonde left, Yugi went over to where the goose was slowly being cooked. While he watched, he thought about the Pharaoh and what Mateo plans on helping him are. He sighed as he thought back on all the times he saw the other smile, truly smiled; not forced to cover up the shamed sadness that he usually felt. `I should try to talk to Mateo again and find out what he's up to.' He sighed again as a familiar voice called in his ear.
“Ey thanks Yuge!” Joey said. “I can take it from `ere!”
“Oh, okay.” Yugi said as he went over to check on the rolls. “Perfect!” He got them out; nicely golden color and the shape was somewhat odd, but he didn't expect them to be perfect. He waited for them to cool before dabbing some honey onto them and carefully placing them in a small dish.
“Ey Yuge!” Joey called and mentioned him over.
“What's up?” Yugi asked.
Joey pointed to the bucket that was supported by the wall and the door.
“Why is there a bucket up there?”
“Just watch.” Joey said as he anxiously watched the bucket.
Then the door opened causing the bucket to fall with the contents of a brownish red liquid and some goose parts in it.
“Ahh!!” The Rat cried when the bucket fell on his head. “I'M BLIND!!” He whined and ran in random directions until he ran into the wall, hard, and collapsed with a thump and was knocked out.
Everyone was silent and Seto entered and looked at the site.
“Well that'll shut him up for sometime.” He said as he looked to find the blonde. “Why do I get the feeling that this was your idea, mutt?”
Joey stood up and a proud grin. “Because it is and it was damn worth it too!”
“As humorous as it is.” Sha-lie said as she handed him the cleaning gear. “You have to clean up this mess you created.”
“On it!” Joey said as he started to mop.
Yugi went up to Seto and asked him where the Pharaoh was.
“He's on his way to his room.” Seto replied.
“Okay, thank you.” Yugi said as he grabbed the small dish and headed out.
Seto turned to the blonde. “When you're finished here, I would like to speak to you about something.” He said as he headed out the other door and water fell on him. He looked up and saw the bucket. If he had opened the door a bit more, the bucket would surely hit him like it did for the Rat. “Very funny mutt.” With that he walked out.
Joey cracked up at that point, but had to be quiet since Sha-lie became very pissed.
~*to Yugi*~
Along down the hall, he heard a familiar, happy, loud voice and followed to see Mateo talking to the Pharaoh about when he and his father did back in the days.
“One time he and I did a prank on Ahmose and we didn't let it down for weeks!” He laughed at the memory.
“Speaking of which!” Ahmose said appearing from one of the columns. “I have to tell the Pharaoh something in private.”
Mateo shrugged and let them go. As he headed to where the youth was hiding, he would have to ask now while he had the chance.
“Hello, Mateo.” Yugi said quietly.
Mateo recognized the voice and turned, and almost gapped.
Yugi mentally rolled his eyes and introduced himself. “My name is Yugi. And yes, I do look like the Pharaoh, but don't be confused by the way we look.” He said with a friendly smile.
Mateo took a moment to process this and nodded in understanding. “Hello to you as well, Yugi.” He said. “What brings you here?”
“I was on my way to the Pharaoh's room to give him these.” Yugi held out the dish with the rolls.
“Mind if I…”
“Go ahead.”
Mateo took one and placed the whole thing in his mouth. “These are delicious!”
Yugi smiled. “Thanks.” Then he remembered what he wanted to ask. “Mateo, there's also one thing I would like to ask.”
“Let it be heard!”
“Remember when I told you about the Pharaoh's secret?”
Mateo nodded.
“I was wondering how you're going to help?”
Mateo patted the youth's shoulder. “Do not worry, I have a plan in mind; It's not a great one, but it's effective.” He said as he started to walk the opposite direction. “Just make sure he's hanging in there.
Yugi nodded as he quickly rushed over to the Pharaoh's room. `Tomorrow, Pharaoh, tomorrow that… thing, is going to get exactly what he deserves… And what you deserve as well.' A single small tear came down but quickly wiped it away when he reached over to the destined room. “Hello Pharaoh.”
The Pharaoh looked over from the scroll he was reading and smiled.
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One down and many more to go. When was the last time I made this many chapters?
Bakura: Your last story that had a lousy ending.
…I made an alternate ending.
Bakura: Yes, but nobody knew about it. That's what screwed you up.
Bakura: I love making you suffer.
You do that with everyone with the exception of Ryou
Bakura: How true.
*sigh* R&R please… before I start begging.
Bakura: O_O! You begging!
Was I talking to you?
Bakura: The world has ended.
*throws a pillow* Not when I'm at least a million years dead!
Bakura: That could be arranged.
Touch me and die.
Bakura: Fine.
Again, R&R please.