Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Day Out ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bakura: *?* What the hell is wrong with you?
No one reviewed my three chapters that I worked like crazy on!
Marik: …
I mean, what is the point in continuing this fic if no one gives a shit about it!
B/M: *!?* Nani!?
Bakura: You'd kill yourself first before you start cussing!
Marik: Yeah, why start now?
Because everyone hates me! *having a dramatic/ poor effort of temper tantrum moment*
Bakura: *sigh* I hate it when she gets this way.
Marik: She'll quickly cool down before you say Radammit.
Bakura: … Let's just start her new fic and get it over with.
Marik: Whatever.
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch.17: Day Out
When the sun rose over the horizon and its rays lit up the room, where Yugi is still asleep on his over cushioned makeshift bed. He opened his eyes lazily and stretched his arms over his head before sitting up. He looked over to the bed, where the Pharaoh usually sleeps and sees that it was unoccupied and made. He got up and looked over at the blowing curtains that lead out into the balcony before walking over to see the Pharaoh there. “Pharaoh?” He said gaining the other's attention. “Good morning.” He smiled then asked. “How long were you up?”
The Pharaoh pointed to the sun and then at the horizon.*
“You were up that early!?”
The Pharaoh nodded than looked back to looking over the balcony.
Yugi looked over at what the Pharaoh was looking and saw the city that's beyond the palace walls. He looked at the other and noticed that he looked very distant and very sad. `He must be thinking about tonight.' He thought as he tried to figure out some way to get the other's mind off of that thinking. Then an idea came up. “You know what?” He started, looking over to see if the other heard him, which he did. “I've seen the palace inside and out, but I never seen the city behind the palace walls.”
The Pharaoh looked curious at what the youth was proposing.
“Do you think we could go down to the city? Just for a few hours?” He asked than quickly added. “If you're not busy.”
The Pharaoh looked somewhat surprised by this offer but looked really thoughtful of his daily plans for today. As it turns out, he was free, which was a rare thing for him since he became the king of Kemet. And going down into the city wouldn't be a bad thing and it was only a couple of hours, like the youth said. He gave a smile to Yugi and nodded.
“Really!?” Yugi said excitedly as the other nodded once more and cheered. “When can we go?” He was practically jumping everywhere, which caused the Pharaoh to hold him down. “Sorry, but I'm too excited to stay put!”
The Pharaoh couldn't help but to shake his head out of amusement of the other's excitement.
A small growl was heard, which caused Yugi to blush. “Maybe I should eat something before jumping into things, huh?” He said with a nervous laugh.
The Pharaoh nodded as he smirked at the sudden reaction change the smaller of the two showed.
“Don't give me that look! I know what you're thinking!” Yugi said with a pout, which made the Pharaoh did a motion of keeping his laughter in, which there was no sound. `I wonder what he did sound like before he lost his ability to speak.' He thought as he was gently shoved back into the room and into the closet, where the other mentioned that he will be waiting in the kitchens when he's done.
Yugi nodded and waited until the other left as he quickly changed into a new outfit; a plain tan tunic with an equal plain brown sash, put on leather sandals and walked out of the closet and quickly ran to the kitchens. He made it there and almost ran into the Pharaoh, who was wearing some sort of cape with a hood. “How come…” He was about to say until the other handed him one and put it on.
The Pharaoh then demonstrated what they were for by putting the hood up and covered his tri-colored spikes and made sure that his face was half-hidden, so that his eyes were the only thing that could be seen.
“I see!” Yugi said as he did the same. When he finished with that, the Pharaoh handed him an apple and mentioned to eat, which he did.
Once they walked out of the kitchen's, Ahmose, Seto, and Joey came up and looked confused by their attire.
“And just where do you think your going?” Seto asked.
“We're going into the city for awhile.” Yugi responded. “Would you like to come?”
Ahmose shook his head. “No, I have a busy schedule on my hands and can't waste time.”
Seto shook his head. “Sorry, but I'm not what you call a people person.”
Yugi than looked at Joey, who also shook his head. “Sorry pal, I also `ave plans taday.”
“Okay, well, see you around then.” Yugi said as he and the Pharaoh started to walk down the hall.
“Be careful you two!” Ahmose said.
“We will!” Yugi said.
When they reached the gardens, they made sure no one was looking as the Pharaoh opened a small, very well hidden door and entered through. They walked down the pitch black tunnel and it seemed like an eternity before they reached a ladder leading upwards, where they came out of a trap door and into a house that looked like it was never used in years.
“You're just full of surprises, aren't you?” Yugi said as he was helped out.
They exited the house and entered a wide country area than, a little down a ways, to the ally that leads to the city.
“Wow.” Yugi said in awe as he saw the many tents, people, animals, and heard different kinds of music.
They walked around the tents that were selling food and the Pharaoh bought a bag full of apples before handing one to the youth, who said his thanks while being careful about calling the other around in public, and one for himself and saving the others for later.
Yugi looked around in amazement of the buildings and the people's life style. He saw some of the children jumping over roof tops while throwing a ball around. `Almost looks like football, without the tackling.' He thought.
When they reached to the accessory tents, they had to take their time to look at all the tents while fighting the crowds there. Some of the tents have jewelry, small statues, clothes, even toys. They looked through some of the jewelry tents and a pair of rings caught Yugi's attention.
The rings were silver and there were empty sockets where the gem is suppose to be. Seeing this, gave the small teen another idea and looked over to see that the other was looking at some of the other jewelry trinkets in other tents, which were not far from where he was. He quickly asked for the cost of customizing a ring and how fast can he make one.
After about five minutes, the jewelry maker handed a small bag with the ring in it. “Thank you sir.” Yugi said. The jeweler waved him off and continued back to his work. Yugi hid the bag and joined up with the other, who finally noticed that they've been here awhile, and continued around the city.
“Wow!” Yugi said, which brought the other's attention. “Come on!” He grabbed the other's hand and quickly headed to a crowd of people, where sounds of musical entertainment were heard.
They struggled their way to the front where they saw people playing flutes, drums, and harps and two women, who danced along with the music in their dancers' outfits. After the entertainment was done, they continued down to the harbor where they saw the fishermen brought in fresh fish and asked them if they want to buy a few, but refused and moved along.
They settled down under a palm tree and placed their feet in the cool water.
“It's nice out here.” Yugi said looking around the scenery.
The Pharaoh nodded and laid back on the ground.
Yugi had a sudden urge to splash his feet in the water and did so, thus causing to splash the other with a little of water. “Sorry.” He said when he noticed that the other was wiping away some water off his face.
The Pharaoh smiled at the other than looked over at what was behind the youth, who looked, and scooped some water and threw some in the other's face.
Yugi didn't see anything and turned his head, only to be greeted by water in his face. He was confused for a moment, but figured out the little game and threw water on the other. “So it's going to be like that, huh!” And thus created the water fight.
After their water fight, they walked along side the river to dry off.
“That was fun!” Yugi said laughing while squeezing some water out of his cloak. “But I have to admit though, you caught me off guard when you tricked me to looking the other way.”
The Pharaoh shrugged, a real smile spread across his face.
“You know, I like this side of you.” Yugi said. “You should try to show it more often.”
The Pharaoh looked shocked and yet happy at the comment as they walked back to the city.
Once dried and the sun about to set, they headed back to the palace through the secret tunnel. When they reached to the garden area, the sun has already set and only the stars were seen. They quickly headed back to the room, where they took off their cloaks and relaxed.
Yugi went up to the Pharaoh with a smile and handed the small bag to the other, who looked at it confusingly. “Anak*.” He said as the other took it and opened it.
The Pharaoh did and saw a gold band ring with a violet gem in the center and small, clear gems going along the band.
“Where I'm from, those kinds of rings were hard to get.” Yugi went quiet for a moment before continuing. “My mom, when she was still alive, she had the same ring.” He laughed dryly. “She said it was a gift from Grandpa when she told him that she was pregnant with me, and ever since she prayed that I would have eyes that matched that gem,” He pointed to the violet gem. “my spirit, clear and bright, and have a heart of gold.” He looked sad as memories of his mother's last moments of life came to mind.
The Pharaoh noticed this and could only wrap an arm over the youth's shoulder, which made the other come back to reality and moved closer to him.
Yugi fought back the tears as much as he could, but a few escaped and let them slowly fall. After a minute or two, he stopped crying but remembered where he was. “I'm sorry.” He said somewhat alarmed. “I didn't mean to be such a-“ He was cut off when the other's finger was on his lips.
The Pharaoh shook his head and wiped away a few stray tears before embracing the other.
Yugi blushed at this action, but leaned into the comfortive embrace, which made him feel safe and secured.
The peaceful moment lasted only for a few moments when the loud banging on the door was heard.
“Pharaoh!” Ahmose's voice was heard behind the door. “Are you back yet?”
The Pharaoh rolled his eyes and let go of Yugi before heading towards the door and opened it.
“Ah! There you are!” Ahmose said with a huge sigh of relief.
“What's wrong?” Yugi asked coming up beside the Pharaoh.
“He has to attend to the dinning room immediately!”
“Because on of the lords has a special announcement and would like the other lords and the Pharaoh to hear it first hand.”
The Pharaoh silently sighed and mentioned Yugi to either wait for him or check on Joey.
Yugi understood while Ahmose is still piecing together from the beginning. Once they left, he went over to the kitchens to see if Joey is there.
“Hello Sky-child.” Sha-lie greeted when he entered.
“Hello Sha-lie.” Yugi said as he looked around. “Have you seen Joey?”
“I haven't dear.” She said. “Though, I overheard that there was a strange character in the training grounds with Mateo.” She looked thoughtful as if trying to remember something else.
“I'm heading to Seto's room to see if he's there.” He said.
“Okay Sky-child.”
He went up to the mentioned room to see a very worn out blonde. “Joey?” He said as he went up to the other, who looked up at the mention of his name.
“Ey Yuge.” Joey said. “How was ya day wit da Pharaoh?”
“Great!” Yugi responded than asked. “What happened to you?”
“Where da start?” Joey said as he straightened himself up.
“You could start by explaining what you were doing in the training grounds with Mateo.” Yugi said with a questioning look.
“Well, let's see…” Joey said as he thought back to what happened.
~Flashback: Joey's POV~
Afta see'n Yuge n' da Pharaoh `ead out, I went ova to da trainin' grounds wit da bastard, who just `ad da be `ere. But, I `ad da admit dough, `e's been kinda nice da me since last night when `e told me about dis trainin' t'ing.
“Ah! There you are!” Mateo said as `e appeared out a no where. “Are we ready?”
“He wouldn't be out here if he wasn't.” Seto said, not givin' me a chance.
I was about da open my mouth, when Mateo started laughin'.
“Ah! Come on Seto!” He said as he looked as if `e got an idea. “I know! How about you and I do a practice duel, to give him an idea of what he's going to be learning about.”
Seto shrugged. “Sure, I haven't dueled you since you started to teach me how to hold a sword.”
I was shocked da `ear dis. `Wha!? He know's a t'ing or two about da fight?' I thought as I stepped out a da side.
Seto n' Mateo, each wit a sword in hand, went to a different edge n' went into a battle stance. Da next t'ing caught me off guard. Dey both moved at da same time n' deir swords clashed. Everyt'ing else was `ard da follow, since dey were going so fuckn' fast. In da end dough, Seto won dat duel by knockn' da sword out a Mateo's `and.
“You haven't rusted a bit!” Mateo said full heartedly as `e patted Seto's back, which almost knocked `im down. “Maybe you should be the one to be teaching.”
“If I did that, I may end up hurting someone.” Seto said dan quickly added. “And besides, I got work to do.” He started da walk away.
Mateo sighed. “Always so stubborn.” He dan looked at me back to `is cheerful self. “So, now that you got yourself an idea of how thing's are done, let's begin.
`I'm gonna die before I get a chance da learn anyt'ing.' I dought as he went drough da drills.
~End of Flashback: Normal POV~
“Sounds like you had a long day.” Yugi said.
“Yeah, n' tomorra, I'm gonna start kick'n some ass!” Joey said with a flame of determined excitement were shown in his eyes. “Den I'm gonna teach dat bastard not da mess wit me!”
Yugi sweatdropped at his friend's goal, but kept it to himself.
“So, what did ya n' da Pharaoh do in da city?” Joey asked and Yugi immediately described every detail of the day.
“Sounds like ya `ad fun.” Joey said as the other finished.
“Yeah!” Yugi said cheerfully. “I hope there will be another day like that.”
Seto came in at that moment and looked over at the two. “Sounds like that you and my cousin had a great time.” He said, surprising the two.
Yugi quickly recovered and nodded. “I better head back now. See ya!” He said as he quickly ran out of the room.
“Did I intrude on anything?” Seto asked.
“Nah… just talkin' about how our day went.”
Seto nodded and headed over to the desk and worked on some of the scrolls.
Joey shrugged and laid down on the couch. “Ya know,” He said suddenly. “Ya hardly call me mutt anymore.”
“Your point?” Seto responded not looking at the other.
“Forget it.” Joey said somewhat ticked, but was too exhausted to argue with the other for now.
~Pharaoh's Room~
Yugi quickly headed over to the Pharaoh's room, but have to hide behind a column for a moment when he saw Mateo there.
“In just a month's time, we will go to battle and crush those intruders back to where they came from!” Mateo said, all fired up and ready for any challenge.
The Pharaoh shook his head, amused by the other's confidence.
“Well, I best get some rest.” Mateo said as he waved off. “See you in the morning then.”
The Pharaoh smiled sadly as he closed the door.
Yugi went up to Mateo, who smiled as if he was expecting him.
“Hello there, let me guess, you want to know how I'm going to work this out.” Mateo said quietly.
“That and do you know where you're going?” Yugi asked.
“Ra-iten's room, I know.” Mateo said.
“Is there anything that I could do?”
Mateo chuckled as he lightly shove the teen to the door that leads to the Pharaoh's room. “Keep him company.” Was all he said before leaving the youth alone, once again.
He knew what to do and straightened himself to smile before entering. “Pharaoh?” He said and looked around to see the other standing out on the balcony.
The Pharaoh looked to see the youth and mentioned him over.
Yugi joined the other on the balcony and was quiet for a moment before he spoke. “I talked to Joey and said he was training with Lord Mateo, did you know that?”
The Pharaoh nodded, not looking at the small teen.
Yugi, not liking to see the other this way, thought of some way to get the other's mind of things. “It's like when we were kids.” He looked over to see if the other was paying attention before continuing. “When I was little, the kids would always pick on me because of the way I looked.”
The Pharaoh slightly turned his head in curious interest.
“The kids would usually pour sand over my head, pour water down my shirt, push me around, and destroy things that I worked really hard to do.” Yugi could hear the echo's of the kids laughing at him. “But then one day, Joey came to my school. At first I thought he was going to be like the others, until some kids were about to sneak up behind me with a pale of wet sand while I was playing.”
~Flashback: 11 years ago~
Yugi, at six, was pulled of to the side and didn't know what was going on until he saw a bunch of kids holding a bright red pale and a pile of wet sand on the ground, where he was a moment ago.
“What's da matta wit ya?!” Joey, at six, said glaring at the kids.
“You stay out of this, new kid!” One of the boys said, who was known to everyone, except the teachers, to be the meanest guy around.
“N' if I don't!” Joey responded.
The kid cracked his knuckles and stepped up.
“One of does huh?” Joey said with a smirk as he prepared to fight.
Yugi didn't know what to do, except be a witness to all this.
The kid made the first move by throwing his beef-like hand towards the blonde.
But Joey was quick and got the kid to the stomach, who toppled down and started to cry. “Da name's Wheeler!” He said as the other kids help the other up and move away. “Remember it, ya jerk!” He beamed with pride at what he'd done and turned to look at a very shocked kid. “Ya alright?” He asked.
Yugi looked surprised at this question, but nodded. “Yeah, I'm okay.” He said.
“What's ya name?”
“Y-Yugi Mouto.”
“Da name's Joey! Nice da meet ya Yuge!”
“Domo arigatou gozai mashita* for helping me, Joey.”
“No problem!” He said as he looked around at the playground. “Ya wanna play tag or sometin'?”
Yugi looked shy and responded. “I'm not good at running.”
“Dat's alright!” Joey said as he poked the other on the shoulder. “Tag! Ya it!” And he ran off, but not to far so the other could figure out that they're playing a game.
“Huh? A… wait!” Yugi said as he got over his shocked state and started to try to tag the other.
For a few weeks, they always hung out on the same spot on the carpet. Joey and a girl got a time out for throwing paint at each other. At snack time, Joey became the first to tell the teacher on a kid who kept taking other kids snacks when they weren't looking. At play time, mostly everyone stayed away from Joey and Yugi.
“Joey?” Yugi whispered one rainy day during nap time.
“Hmm…” Joey stirred to look at the other. “What up Yuge?”
“Are we friends?”
Joey looked at him as if the other was from another planet. “Duh! I can't believe dat you didn't figure dat out.” He smiled.
Yugi smiled as well. “Thanks Joey.”
“Anytime pal.”
~End of Flashback~
“Ever since then he always beats up guys that picked me around or just plain tick him off.” Yugi chuckled. “Most of the time the guys are almost as big as Mateo.” He looked over to the other, who was looking at him. “Any questions?” He asked.
The Pharaoh looked thoughtful for a moment but shook his head no and mentioned the bedroom.
“Okay.” Yugi said as he yawned. “Tomorrow's another day.”
The Pharaoh nodded in agreement as they entered the bedroom, changed, and headed for their beds.
“Good night Pharaoh.” Yugi said as he hugged the other before plopping onto his cushioned bed.
The hug caught the Pharaoh off guard but returned it as the other quickly headed to his bed before lying down on his.
A moment or two later, Yugi opened his eyes and waited for the other to make the first move. `Tonight is the last meeting you have with that Rat.' He thought as he heard the other stir.
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Bakura: One of your attempts to get reviewers?
No. It's because I wanted a cliffy.
B&M: *sigh*
Marik: Why are we her co-hosts?
Bakura: Good point.
… R&R please everyone.
The Pharaoh pointed to the sun and then at the horizon: In case you guys don't get it, he's been up before the sun rose up from the horizon.
Domo arigatou gozai mashita: Japanese for `Thank you very much'
Anak: Egyptian meaning `For you'