Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ The Last Meeting ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*hums* Ahh!!
B&M: Now what?
I can't get this song out of my head!
Bakura: Can't help you there.
*looks at Marik*
Marik: I have an idea, but you're going to need a will.
*sighs* I deal with it on my own. Oh! I almost forgot!
B&M: This doesn't sound good.
I have an idea of a few stories, but I favor the one I was recently inspired with.
Bakura: Could you fill us in on it?
… After the chapter.
Marik: Evil.
I'm not the one that planned on destroying the world in total darkness.
B&M: …
Enjoy the chapter everyone.
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch. 18: Last Meeting.
#Last time#
A moment or two later, Yugi opened his eyes and waited for the other to make the first move. `Tonight is the last meeting you have with that Rat.' He thought as he heard the other stir.
Yugi quickly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.
The cautious steps the Pharaoh made led to the closet, and a moment later, came out and headed to the door where he paused for a moment to look at the small teen before disappearing into the dark.
Yugi opened his eyes once again and put on one of the other's robes before quietly following the other.
When they got to where there was many tunnels to choose from, and the Pharaoh heading into the same tunnel he went on his last meeting, Yugi was about to follow when someone grabbed him by the wrist and covered his mouth. He panicked and struggled to get free.
“Calm down curious one!” Ahmose's voice whispered, which calmed the teen down.
“Ahmose? What are you doing here?” Yugi asked surprised by the other's presence here.
Ahmose looked all around before mentioning the youth to follow him. “I'll explain on the way.” He said as he walked down the tunnel that they were in; two tunnels away from what the other used.
“Where are we going?” Yugi asked.
“The Rat's room.” Ahmose said. “Or at least a bird's eye view of it.”
“What do you mean?”
“You'll see soon enough, but for your previous question as to why I'm here is because of what you said to Mateo.” He started to explain as he remembered from not long ago.
“What!” He exclaimed, bewilderment was clearly written on his face.
“Pipe down Ahmose!” Mateo whispered, looking very serious about this.
“Are you sure?” Ahmose asked. “How did you even get this information?”
Mateo looked around his surroundings before looking at his friend. “Yes, I'm sure and I got this information from someone who has followed him and heard the whole thing.”
“Do you know who?”
“A young lad named Yugi, I do believe.”
Ahmose felt like he was about to collapse, but didn't. He placed a hand over his eyes. “Why did he keep it a secret from us?”
Mateo knew that the other was talking about the Pharaoh and shook his head. “I do not know. But no matter the past reason, we have to get Ra-iten for his crimes.”
Ahmose agreed. “You're right. What do you plan to do?”
~End of Flashback~
“So we told the other lords, a—“
“You told them!” Yugi said as he stopped walking.
“We had to, other wise who would judge his crimes?”
Yugi admit that the other had a point and continued to follow.
“I know you don't want a certain number of people to know about this.” Ahmose said as he smiled a small smile. “But I assure you, the lords now were once judges in the pharaoh's court. They each plan out a way to seek out different methods to see a crime, such as this, in action.”
Yugi nodded in understanding as they reached to this one door that looked it was placed there not too long.
Ahmose lightly tapped on the door and it opened to reveal Mateo, who looked solemn at the youth as he moved aside to let them in.
Yugi, as he entered, recognized the sound of the Rat's voice and looked up to see the other lords standing around in a circle and looking down at a small glowing pool where the voice is coming from. He looked up at Ahmose with a questioning look.
Ahmose bent down and quietly whispered. “Just like you witnessed be listening, they're witnessing by sight.” He pointed out to the glowing pool.
“What are they going to do?” Yugi asked in a hushed voice.
“They are going to get as much information as they can and present it in the morning to corner him.”
“I have heard crimes that are low…” One of the lords whispered. “But this is be far the lowest that I've ever seen.”
The other lords nodded in agreement as they continued to watch seriously.
Yugi looked up at Ahmose. “Have they done this before?”
“Yes.” Ahmose said.
“Have they interrupted a crime before… you know… when things started to get worse?”
“Always a first time, curious one.” Ahmose said.
Then the sound of the Rat's voice was heard. “What's this!? A ring?”
Yugi froze on the spot. `He still has it on?' He went up to see for himself what's going on.
“This looks cheap.” The Rat said, grabbing the Pharaoh's wrist to see the ring closely. “I can't believe that you could wear this.” He looked at the young ruler with a sneer. “But, than again, you're not worth much yourself either.”
“That's not true.” Yugi whispered as he clenched his fists.
Some of the lords looked at him in silent agreement before returning back to watching.
“Though,” The Rat said. “it's looks rather pretty.” He sneered. “Pretty enough to pay off your services.”
The Pharaoh, chest bruised and lips bloodied, looked shocked to hear this and cursed himself for bringing the ring with him.
“I'm sure this ring has no importance to you what so ever.” He said as he slowly slid the ring off the young ruler's finger. “So you won't mind me taking this unimportant piece of trash.” He was about to take the ring when the Pharaoh fought back.
“He fought back.” Said one of the lords. “That ring does hold some importance to him.”
“I wonder why?” Mateo asked.
“It was a gift from me.” Yugi said, making everyone look at him. “Earlier today, I asked if we could go to the city, so he could get his mind off of tonight, and I found this one tent that makes rings, and…” He remembered the fun they had after that and cried silently.
The lords understood and returned to what they were doing, now understanding the ring's importance.
“You dare to fight me!?” The Rat said, half crazed.
The Pharaoh didn't look shaken by him anymore, which pissed the other even more.
“Did you forget about our little deal?”
`A deal?' Everyone thought.
The Pharaoh's expression didn't change.
“The deal was that if you don't do exactly as I say, you will lose the ones that are closest and dear to you.” He said as he advanced on the young ruler. “Remember your mother?”
The Pharaoh looked down at the floor.
“Remember how you first refused my offer and the cost was her life and I threatened that I will do the same to your ass of a cousin!” He looked as though he won and grabbed the other by the throat before smashing him to the wall. “Are you going to refuse me again?”
The Pharaoh didn't move, nor did he try to.
“I might frame that loud mouth soldier in training for the murder of Seto. I may poison Mateo's drink, like I did with her…” He smiled wickedly. “Or I could find that small look alike of yours and take him, like I took you.”
The Pharaoh's eyes went wide at the mention of the youth.
“I know your little secret, Pharaoh, I saw him walking down the halls one evening heading towards your room. I thought you might be cheating on me for a moment, until I heard nothing but boring chit-chat from that obnoxious child!”
The Pharaoh death glared at the other and struggled from the grip.
“I see I hit a nerve.” He said as he used his free hand to touch around the areas of the ruler's body. “You don't want that to happen to him, do you?” He smirked when the other reluctantly shook his head. “More than you don't want this.” He ripped the remaining clothing off the other and threw him to the floor before thrusting himself in him.
Mateo had enough and looked away. He saw the youth next to Ahmose, who covered his ears and was sitting on the floor with his face covered by his knees. He whispered to a neighboring lord that he was going to take the youth back and that they should continue without him, and agreed.
Ahmose helped the youth up, who was numbed by the emotions, and left the other lords continue judging.
While they were about to head towards the exit of the tunnel way, Yugi started to head towards the tunnel that the Pharaoh used earlier.
“Where are you going?” Ahmose asked.
“I'm going to wait for him.” Yugi said fighting the lump in his throat.
“You have proved that the Rat is a criminal.” Said Mateo. “Isn't that what you want for the Pharaoh?”
“Yes.” Yugi said as he turned to them. “But even if he physically heals, what about mental and emotional. Someone has to be there for him when times are at there darkest!” Yugi said as unshed tears started to fall but kept his face serious and determined. “And I'm not going back to bed thinking that everything is going to turn out alright in the morning!” With that, he ran down the tunnel
The two men stood there for a silencing moment.
“He has a point.” Ahmose said. “The mess isn't truly over, even if we sentence the Rat to death.”
Mateo nodded. “True.” He sighed. “But I believe the lad would be just what the Pharaoh needs in order to go through with this.”
“What if he turns him away?”
“We'll talk to him about all the trouble he went through to help.”
“You mean making him feel sorry for the way he acted.”
“You said it not me.”
Ahmose sighed and shook his head. “You're a piece of work.”
“Never stopped you.”
~*To Yugi*~
He ran out to where the door to the Rat's room was and heard violent sounds coming from it. `Pharaoh!' He thought as he tried to decide whether to enter or not. `If I enter, I may get hurt by that mad man, but I would protect the Pharaoh by letting his attention on me. If I stayed out here, there's a good chance that he could be killed and the lords wouldn't get there in time.' The sound of the Rat's crazy laughter was enough to make his mind up and ran in. “Pharaoh!” He cried and stopped in horror at the site.
The Rat had a dagger in his hand and was in the air ready to strike at the Pharaoh, who laid there with half opened eyes. “Well, well… Looky here Pharaoh, it's your little look alike.”
The Pharaoh, at first thought that the outburst was just his imagination. When the Rat mentioned about him, he looked and was shocked to see the other there and felt ashamed.
“Tell me child,” The Rat said. “What do you think of the Pharaoh now?”
“I think you should get off of him and leave Kemet for good!” Yugi said angrily.
The Pharaoh looked surprised at the youth for a moment.
The Rat on the other hand thought it was humorous. “Not the answer I want child!” He grinned. “Now answer my question.”
The Pharaoh closed his eyes and wished that the Rat would end his life and the other to get as far away as possible.
“A very important person to me.” Yugi answered, causing the young ruler to open his eyes in amazed shock.
The Rat just laughed. “Even after you see him in this disgrace.” He forced the other's head up. “Look at him and tell me what you see.”
The Pharaoh was far too weak to even lift a finger from being so beaten up.
“Someone whose in pain and would like it to stop.” Yugi responded as he slowly slid his foot to get closer, but not too close.
The Rat became impatient and threw the Pharaoh to the wall and went after Yugi.
The Pharaoh watched in horror, fearing that the other was going to get taken, maybe even killed.
Yugi `eeped' and dodged the first attack and started to run around the room, which was completely covered in broken pottery shards, blood stains, and dust. `Okay, I got his attention, now what!?' He thought as he ran over the bed, threw the broken shards at him, and tried to find other things that the maniac could trip on to give him more time. He looked back only once to see if the other was still chasing him and slipped on a pottery shard. “Ow!” He said.
“I got you now you little bitch!” The Rat said as he raised the dagger up and forcefully directed down.
At that moment the lords, along with the guards and Seto, came in and gasped at the site.
The Pharaoh used his body as a shield to protect the small teen from getting stabbed, but now has a dagger to his back.
“Guards!” Seto shouted. “Arrest that man and summon the healers immediately!”
The Rat started to struggle when the guards grabbed a hold of him. “Let go of me! I'm part of the Pharaoh's council!”
Seto took this opportunity to punch the other square in the face. “Take him to the back of the dungeon, no food, water, or company! Understood!”
“Yes sir!”
Yugi, on the other hand, held the Pharaoh so that he wouldn't fall. “I'm so sorry.” He whispered. “I shouldn't have come in here, and… and…” He didn't know what else to say as he felt that lump in his throat thicken.
Seto came and kneeled beside the two, and carefully got the dagger out, then used a torn piece of his robe sleeve to keep the bleeding in. “Where are those damn healer's!” He shouted.
The Pharaoh felt really limp and the commotion was like a distant sound to him. He figured he was dying and that he didn't have anything that would make him stay. “Don't die.” He heard Yugi say. “Please don't die.” He couldn't believe it, after what he just seen, the other still cared. “Please don't die on me Pharaoh.” He heard the sniffed sounds of the other crying. The only thought in his mind was: why?
The healer's finally arrived and immediately worked on the Pharaoh while everyone was shooed outside.
Yugi refused to let go and the healer's allowed him to stay, only if he's not in the way. So, he placed the Pharaoh's head on his lap and prayed to anyone that could hear him that the other is going to be alright.
~-An hour later-~
Everyone, except Yugi, walked out of the Pharaoh's room, and went over to their shrines to pray to their gods for hope of their king's recovery.
Yugi on the other hand was talking to him, saying that he was sorry and that it was his fault for not being careful. From there he cried, thinking of himself as weak and worthless.
The Pharaoh, though not fully awake, squeezed the youth's hand as a reassurance that it wasn't his fault and that he was only trying to do what he thought was right.
Since then, Yugi never left his side.
~-The Next Morning-~
Screams were heard in the torcher chamber as Seto watched unemotionally at the rapist being eaten alive by four crocodiles. After the screams died and the crocodiles had their fill, he went up and met up with Ahmose who looked as though someone, important, died.
“How is he?” He asked.
Ahmose sighed. “I'm afraid, in his weakened state that he won't wake for sometime.”
Seto clenched his fist and stomped out of the room. “Find a way to wake him! That's an order!!” He called out.
Ahmose sighed. “You don't need to tell me.” He said as he went into the scroll room and pulled out an old wooden box. `I'll give it two days, if he not wakes till then…' He thought as he took the box with him.
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There you have it folks!
Bakura: How many chapters do you have?
I don't know, I'm still working on the story here.
Marik: Speaking of stories, you said you have one in mind.
Oh yeah, I did, didn't I? Well, it's sort of like the zero season of YGO (at least the small part of when the puzzle gets completed) and a mixture of the Millennium World thing. With the exception of Yugi as a girl.
B&M: … *looks at each other and laughs*
*stares* What? Ryou and Malik are going as girls as well.
B&M: *stops laughing and thinks about how it would be like*
… Anyway, R&R please, and tell me what you think of my idea!